Rather you realize this are not american lf vendors are purchasing from chinese vendors...and its very easy for you to have this information so that you can purchase lf's and bypass the middle man and spend less money than buying from an american vendor..the american vendors DO NOT venilate their own wigs but the chinese do, that's why they order from them just like you can.. all you need to do is learn about measuring and densities and how to take care of the units.. but this is a list of chinese vendors that make lf wigs and they are reliable vendors:
Here's the vendor contact information that ladies can purchase lf.
Ribzhangcn@yahoo.com.cn or kevincn0532@yahoo.com.cn Tel: +86 532 85718620Fax: +86 532 85721780 Rib Zhang General Manager QINGDAO FREEDE INDUSTRY&TRADING CO., LTD
Kevin Yan: kevinfreedelee (3 order minimum)
Qingdao Hioh Hair Products Co., Ltd.
Mr Kevin Yan
Unit One, No.20, Jiangxi Road. Shinan District, Qingdao, Shandong, <ST1:COUNTRY-REGIoN>China</ST1:COUNTRY-REGIoN>, (Mainland) 266001
Tel: 0086 532 83675381