What is short hair?
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Topic: What is short hair?
Posted By: Rod Subject: What is short hair? Date Posted: Jun 23, 2003 at 8:11pm
I've always defined long hair as below the shoulders and really long as middle of the back or longer. Short is chin length or shorter.
Not to everyone. I knew a short-haired pixie girl who would talk about how long her hair was getting when it hit her ears. Today at work, a co-worker got her hair cut. It was about three inches from below her shoulder blades to just above them.
I'm one who notices haircuts and I wasn't sure cut it. She, on the other hand, went on about how short her haircut was and how different it felt. She said that she liked her hair short and would keep it that way.
"Your hair's short?" I inquired. She responded that it was to her. Her hair was usually down to her elbows.
It's all relative.
Replies: 54 Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: Jun 23, 2003 at 8:11pm
I've always defined long hair as below the shoulders and really long as middle of the back or longer. Short is chin length or shorter.
Not to everyone. I knew a short-haired pixie girl who would talk about how long her hair was getting when it hit her ears. Today at work, a co-worker got her hair cut. It was about three inches from below her shoulder blades to just above them.
I'm one who notices haircuts and I wasn't sure cut it. She, on the other hand, went on about how short her haircut was and how different it felt. She said that she liked her hair short and would keep it that way.
"Your hair's short?" I inquired. She responded that it was to her. Her hair was usually down to her elbows.
It's all relative.
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 23, 2003 at 10:32pm
You're right it's all relative.
I knew a Black woman in Chicago at the escort service where I worked who had a very close cut afro , nearly bald. When her hair would get to, oh I don't know, maybe an afro about a little more than a half of an inch long, she would say, "Time for a trim, my afro is getting a little too long and shaggy!". She would then have it cut short right to the scalp. She must have had a clientele that liked very short hair on women, or maybe she just liked it that way.
I think your definition of chin length or shorter would probably be considered a common definition of short hair. 4!,!
Posted By: HeadBoy
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 2:43pm
Not to get terribly esoteric, but short hair is... !!! `g add
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 7:42pm
I agree Headboy! Well said!4!,!
Posted By: HeadBoy
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2003 at 12:30pm
Thank you, Tina m, you are a class act and an intelligent person. !!! `g add
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2003 at 11:51pm
Thanks Headboy!4!,!
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 12:00am
Interesting Brent, you may be right!
I think of myself as having very short hair, -(with a one-half inch long pixie)-, but by your definition I just have short hair not VERY short hair.
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 12:01am
Interesting Brent, you may be right!
I think of myself as having very short hair, -(with a one-half inch long pixie)-, but by your definition I just have short hair not VERY short hair.
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 8:40pm
Not to get terribly esoteric, but short hair is...
Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 9:17pm
DaveDecker seems to be refuting Headboy's opinion. It's just that. It's his opinion. Don't be threatened if it's not the same as yours. Don't tell him that he arrived at that opinion due to women's magazine editors. None of us knows what influenced him.
I found his post amusing and thoughtful, and agree that every woman should have short hair once in her life and also have long hair once in her life. Just to experience it. See how it looks. It's like wearing different style clothing.
There's a certain cultish militancy on the Long Hair board. It's as if it's the people who post there in a battle against the rest of the world. The conspirators want to rob them of long hair and make them ugly because they're jealous and hateful.
In fact, I noticed a post on this board from HairAlways, who has long hair usually posts there. Maybe she's going to get a short haircut of just musing about a change. From DaveDecker's post in that thread, I get the impression he feels betrayed that a member of his board might defect.
Perhaps that's not what's intended, but then people don't always give off the impression they intend. While I love long hair on a woman, and my girlfriend has long hair, I prefer short hair and realize there's no place for me on the Long Hair board. My thoughts wouldn't be appreciated. That's a shame, but I understand.
Likewise, this is a board for discussing short hair. If a woman is thinking about a cut, she shouldn't be pushed or encouraged to cut it. I hope she leaves her with something more than she came. Maybe she'll cut it, maybe not, but she shouldn't get negativity either.
On the Long Hair board Headboy's post would be negative and unwelcome, but it shouldn't be here.
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 9:37pm
Please guys! Peace. ...and Rod, I don't think Dave is being disrespectful to us short haired lovers, he has always been nice to me and he knows I wear a very short hairstyle.4!,!
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 10:06pm
>>>I don't understand why most of these attributes couldn't also apply to long hair.
Not only do they apply, they surpass the statements.
Think about it. It's extremely easy to chop off hair. Gone in a matter of seconds.
Of course, people have different opinions on the aesthetics of length of hair. But the fact is that it requires far more patience and dedication to allow hair to grow to its potential than to cut most of it off. When I had short hair, I looked for every excuse I could find to justify the length, as well. We all want to feel good about ourselves, even if we have very little hair. It's great that people want to feel good about having very little hair on their heads, but what they often claim is an attribute of short hair is simply an attribute of feeling good about oneself in general.
If people were so confident about having such little hair on their heads, why would they feel compelled about making excuses about why short hair is preferable?
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 10:12pm
!t`$# @" d``` 0 Hi Rod,
You seem to misunderstand my reason for posting in response to Headboy. I am not threatened by his post. I do understand that he expressed his opinion. Re: the magazine editors comment, I should clarify that while I don't believe that everyone who prefers short hair feels that way because of the magazine editors, there is no doubt that magazine editors in recent past decades did frequently promote short haircuts in terms that seemed merely regurgitated by Headboy ("adventure," "confidence," "modern" being the primary adjectives).
Unlike you (and again, this is just a difference of opinion -- neither of us is "right" or "wrong"), I don't believe every woman should try short and long hair at least once in her life. I believe each woman should decide for herself whether or not she wants to try either. If a woman strongly prefers short hair and chooses to wear short hair her whole life, I will be the last to encourage her to grow long. And if a woman strongly prefers long hair and chooses never to wear it short, I would expect that short hair lovers would honor that decision.
I am certain that none of the regulars here would appreciate me or any other long hair lovers making people here feel bad about having short hair. Likewise, as moderator of the LH board, I (and other participants there) do not appreciate people posting there trying to make people feel guilty about having long hair. Call the LH board a "cultish militancy" if you wish, but I'm sure many feelings would be ruffled here if someone trolled on this board looking to make you all feel badly for liking and having short hair. (Doing so is definitely not my interest.)
While I am curious if Jacqui is considering shorter hair, I would not consider such a move to be a "defection." She is certainly free to do as she pleases.
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 10:31pm
I know Dave is sincere and respectful to us who do prefer wearing short hair. He is always welcome here.
Jennifer, on the other hand, has always gotten into arguements with us on this board, and has often subtly, -(and sometimes blatantly)-, put down those of us who prefer short hair...Case in point, those of us who wear short hair are not "making excuses" on why we wear our hair short Jennifer, we are just giving reasons for our preference, much like the long haired folks do on the long haired board.
And contrary to what Jennifer has said before on this board, short hair on women is certainly not unfeminine, at least not on many women.
But Hairguy, Tony, myself and others who write on the short hair board have made it clear we are not interested in discussing or arguing about" long hair versus short hair" with you Jennifer. That debate IS OVER!
Most of us believe there isn't a superior hair length or style on men or women, it is just a matter of personal preference.
And this is the Short Hair board, a board for short haired lovers!
As Dave said on the Long Haired board, anyone with any length of hair can post there but they need to respect the feelings of the long haired people that post there and not be contrary to their appreciation of long hair. It is the same with the short hair board, respect our choice, respect short haired men and women or don't bother posting. Hairguy has done a good job monitoring here, I am sure he will continue to make certain short haired people are respected here! 4!,!
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 10:38pm
>>>Case in point, those of us who wear short hair are not "making excuses" on why we wear our hair short Jennifer, we are just giving reasons for our preference
Did you read Dave Decker's post? The reasons that are given for desiring women with very little hair can also be attributed to women with very long hair!
The reasons given for being "sexy," "modern (you'd have to agree that very few women today allow their hair to grow long)" and many other things really have nothing to do with length at all. It's all a matter of preference, which is why it's puzzling that people list attributes that really have nothing to do with length.
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 10:39pm
The arguement IS OVER Jennifer, we have been through this before! The arguement is over!!! Don't come here and give us a bad time.4!,!
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 10:51pm
Tina, (the word is "argument"), I'm not arguing. But I hope that you will think for yourself. I know that you love having very little hair upon your head. If that makes you happy, then I think that's great! You've divulged many sad facets of your life, and if you've advanced past those obstacles, I applaud you greatly.
But, do you wish to think for yourself or have life delivered to you upon a silver platter where no one ever questions anything that anyone else says?
If so, then I doubt that you are comfortable with your position in life. It seems to me that a forum where there is never, ever any dissension is a forum where people are not confident of their views and never want them challenged.
I am not challenging the aesthetics of short hair. I fully realize that many people think that short hair is quite desirable. I simply question the reasons why. Again, if you'll read my post, my opinion is that the reasons given are the same reasons that many people prefer long hair (as Dave Decker said).
Kindly put down your gloves and read the words on the page. Expand your mind, as we all should.
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 11:13pm
I don't need a conversation with you to expand my mind Jennifer, my mind is plenty expanded. I have other people to talk with. Because of the attitude you have shown to us here before, I really am not interested in having discussions with you. Hairguy indicated before he would rather you not post on the short hair board. Tony, one of our better contributers said the same. When I said I don't want to go over this debate again with you Jennifer, I meant it.
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 11:15pm
And don't ever assume I am comfortable or uncomfortable with my life Jennifer, you know very little about me. What I know of you Jennifer, I don't like. Is that clear enough?!4!,!
Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 11:19pm
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 11:25pm
Thanks Rod. You are exactly right, the Hair Politics board is the place for the sort of debate that Jennifer keeps persisting on.4!,!
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 11:26pm
Tina, I'm so sorry that you feel so threatened by me!! I know that you've personally thrown vicious attacks to me in the past, but I certainly hope you've worked over your anger.
Peace, my dear, peace!
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 11:32pm
You make me laugh Jennifer. Goodbye Jennifer.4!,!
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 11:32pm
>>>Jennifer, if you want to debate long hair vs. short hair the Hair Politics board would seem the more appropriate place.
If you'll read my post and that of Dave Decker's, I'm really not. But the reasons for enjoying short hair seem to have nothing to do with the length. I think it has far more to do with aesthetics.
What's "cute?" What's "sexy?"
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Again, the reasons for enjoying short hair could also be applied to long hair.
>>>Many girls are raised to think long hair is the ideal of femininity out there.
Perhaps, but that doesn't stop the majority of them from cutting their hair off.
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2003 at 8:50pm
Hi Rod,
First, a compliment to you. Though our opinions on the appeal of hair lengths are not exactly the same , I always like reading what you post because you write with clarity, thoughtfulness, and more.
A brief comment on your latest response to me... yes, I agree, the magazine editors preach change, because change is indirectly good for their bottom line. Besides, things (in general) are always changing, so they can't lose, whether or not they push (oops, I might be slipping off into a politics train of thought there).
Also, you wrote, "Change jobs periodically." As if we have a choice? LOL. The grass is not always greener. And, there is good and bad in just about any job. Thankfully, the job I have now is really good.
And I agree with Tina the latest exchange would be best discussed on the Hair Politics board. I regret to say that I may have helped nudge the conversation off on that tangent. Sorry!
Okay, I'm heading back to the LH board... happy posting SH fans...
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2003 at 9:33pm
Visit us again Dave!
To Dave ,...his idea of a short haircut for himself would be waist length hair-(tee hee)-.-(actually Dave has great hair!)-.
I like both very long and very short styles on men AND women,-(and "in between hairstyles")- that is why I like to read and post on both the long and short haired boards. I love the variety! Same with jewelry and clothes, I like variety! That's fashion!4!,!
Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2003 at 10:04pm
Dave, thanks for the compliment. No reason to leave. If you have insight and advice that is beneficial to short haired women, do so. After all, I'm not a short-haired woman either.
I do prefer short hair, but I can appreciate gorgeous long hair. [Can you appreciate gorgeous short hair?] I have many long haired friends, two of whom I'll mention.
My friend Michelle has the most gorgeous head of long hair. She usually wears it to her shoulder blades, but grew it to her bra strap. It looked even better. She got some layers cut into her hair and it was too short. She didn't like it and I can't say I did. She's since grown it back to her shoulder blades.
Michelle has talked about cutting her hair short since I met her. She's never had short hair, but she doesn't want a chin length cut. She says that if she went shorter than her shoulders she would get it "over the ears boy short." She talks about it a lot, but has never cut it. Now, I'd just love to see her in short hair. She has a gorgeous face. It would be a shame to cut it, and I've told her that.
My friend Allison has hair to the middle of her back. She's had long hair forever and is stuck in a rut. She's talked about going short for over a year, and she admits she needs a change. I'll admit I'm a nudger. I love hair on women. It's the sexiest part. So, I've been nudging her a little bit. She wants to go short, but she's been chicken. She hasn't cut it so far. She should keep it this long or go chin length. When I met her she had in between lengths. They don't work with her.
Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 4:44am
*peers in to make sure it's calmed down a bit before posting not to be seen as taking sides* Personally, I feel like short hair is an expression of freedom, as it's only been in the past century or so since women have felt empowered enough to cut their hair. It's been used in the past like a political statement, as of demanding equality or thumbing one's nose at long-held ideas of what a woman should be. I think that's a major reason why short hair is so sexy to me, because of the history and symbolism behind it. Long hair, to me, seems to symbolise keeping women in old-fashioned roles and expectations, which is part of why I'm so completely adverse to it. Probably sounds stupid to most people, though. *hides in the corner out od embarrassment and fear of attack*! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 5:57am
!p`.,!$@0 @ bd $
Actually, from what I've read in history books, there were periods of time when women did wear short hair.
Taken from the book, "Daring Dos," by Mary Trasko, I quote,
The short, classically-inspired "Titus Cut" remained popular from the turn of the 18th century through the 1830s and reflected a freedom hitherto unknown for women, although its opponents criticized its too-masculine look as being against the laws of nature.
There is an illustration of the style, and it looks relatively similar to a modern day pixie.
Aesthetics can be argued endlessly, but I just wanted to share that it hasn't only been in the last century when women wore short hair.
Oh, and to answer the original question, to me, short hair is anything above the shoulders or that which can't be easily put into a ponytail.
Posted By: HeadBoy
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 8:41am
I go away for a few days and look what happens. :-)
DaveDecker is of course entitled to his opinion, much as we all are. I was just trying to be whimsical, and thankfully, most everyone caught that point.
For the record, I was not influenced by women's magazine editors. Being an editor myself, I know all too well how full of you know what we as a group can be!
I was influenced by Dorothy Hammil, Louise Brookes, Terry Hatcher and Persis Khambata (the bald alien character in Star Trek: The Motion Picture). There are several others too.
Mostly, it probably stems from a 7th grade when I had a wild crush on a neighbor named Patty. She was heaven-sent and friendly, the most attractive girl in my then tiny world. One summer she cut her hair from mid-back to her chin. Now, 27 years later, her hair has ranged to various lengths (usually above the collar) and she is still a delight to talk to and know. The crush turned to friendship, which has weathered plenty. Back to the point though !!! `g add
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 9:26pm
I've read some history.
Short hair on women has actually been around for many centuries.
Certain tribes of African women have always had short hair or shaved heads.
At times in ancient Egypt men and women shaved their heads and wore wigs.
Certain classes of women in ancient Greece and the Mediterranean wore short hair.
Some women in East Asia and India wore short hair or had shaved heads for religious reasons.
The list goes on and on.
When it comes to fashion very little is new, we just think it's new! 4!,!
Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Jul 3, 2003 at 12:38am
*shrugs* I guess hair is a very cultural thing. Should've been more specific in my reply, for sure. I know there have been certain cultures or religions that have allowed short hair on women for a long time now, but I was being too narrow, like a lot of history books, focusing too much on Christian Europe and all. And for sure, they've been frowning on women in short hair for all those centuries. It's been ages since I read it, but there was a book about the history of hairstyles, and though I did see a time or two women tried to make fashions of short hair before this last century, it said the church would publicly denounce it and try to discourage women from doing it. But even as recently as the 1920s, it was being discouraged, though I don't know that they brought religion into it so much by then. *shrugs* It really hasn't been that long women could do it without causing trouble, though, at least in the Christian world.
#t` % ` ! a ``"! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``
Posted By: Jeffrey Hines
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2003 at 4:50pm
Has anyone noticed how most of this thread revolves around men stating their perceptions of women based on their hair length.
These statements are pure objectifications of women based solely on their choice of hair length. Rather demeaning to women I would think.
This whole thread is really off-topic in regards to the purpose of this forum. !$$ Ai Hader ,"@ )2 bp )0%%,!--
Posted By: Jeffrey Hines
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2003 at 4:53pm
ina m wrote: And this is the Short Hair board, a board for short haired lovers!
No this board is for people with short hair and their special needs. Not for the purpose of objectifying people based on their choice of hair length.!$$ Ai Hader ,"@ )2 bp )0%%,!--
Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2003 at 5:09pm
I didn't think this board was specifically for women with short hair. I thought it was for anyone with short hair....
......we have long-haired guys as regular posters (and Mod) on the Long Hair board. I would not want them to be discluded on the basis that they are not female.
I know that the Men's Hair board is a specific hang-out for guys, that's cool. Surely the focus of the Short Hair and Long Hair boards should be the hair, not the gender.
Confused.... ), R '. `p %
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2003 at 5:23pm
I agree with Uzma Jeffrey, I like the men who write here. Anyone with any length of hair, male or female should be able to write here.
No offense Jeffrey but women are sex objects to men and visa versa. That really can't be helped and hairstyles is part of that-(along with other aspects of a lady)-.
I don't mind what the guys are saying here and I have chatted with all the guys who write here, as have the other women who write here , and most of these guys are good guys Jeffrey, they are nice to us and write interesting things on a variety of topics concerning short hair.
I don't mind being a sex object, I do the same with guys, that is just part of being human, you shouldn't try and stop that, it is one of the things that makes life-(and this board)- fun!!!
We have written all kinds of things about short hair on this board. If we try and stifle or limit what the men who write in here can say about short haired women, the board will just die, which would be too bad because many of us like this board.
All of the guys who have written on this thread and who write here; - Rod, Headboy, Brent, Tony9999, Dave Decker and others have been very cool to the women here. I like this board the way it is. I hope you don't limit what the men can say here about short haired women. I personally enjoy the compliments.4!,!
Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2003 at 5:42pm
Nor did I find anything demeaning to women.
Tina is right. Men and women are sexual objects to each other on a primal and instinctive level.
Thank heavens for that !!
And the guys here are very forthcoming with their appreciation of short hair on women....sigh...I wish we had more of that on the Long Hair board..... ), R '. `p %
Posted By: Jeffrey Hines
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2003 at 8:50pm
I stand corrected. My statement should have been people with short hair. However, the main point was that the focus of the board should not be short hair worship.!$$ Ai Hader ,"@ )2 bp )0%%,!--
Posted By: Jeffrey Hines
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2003 at 8:53pm
Maybe I wrong. I just don't want to see this board get drowned out by the short hair fetish people.!$$ Ai Hader ,"@ )2 bp )0%%,!--
Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2003 at 9:09pm
!p`$ B $&` (
Jeffrey, let's fact it. Hair isn't exactly the war in Iraq. Men that post on hair boards, long, short, or any other probably have a fetish to some degree. Unless you're a hairdresser, it is a bit unusual for women to obsess so much about hair that they read or post regularly. We can all live in denial and say we don't have any sort of fetish or not use the 'fetish' word because it has gotten a negative connotation.
Let's face it. Everyone has unusual quirks of some sort that are abnormal. Having those is okay. Acting on them is not.
If we eliminated all the people who have a fetish to some degree there would be a post every few days asking if a face shape can support a certain style and no one answering it.
As long as people are constructive and don't use the board for their fetish fantasies, it will be an interesting read at the least and hopefully help some people at the most.
With all the men out there that love long hair, and only long hair, it's probably reassuring for short-haired women to hear that there are some guys who want to objectify them and call them hot.
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2003 at 9:37pm
Amen Rod, I understand exactly what you are saying and short haired women DO appreciate you men that like us!. Also I don't think that guys who like short haired women are weird guys or strange fetish men, they just like women with short hair. If a guy likes long haired women do they call him a "fetish guy"! Of course not, so how come if guys like our short haired styles they are "fetish guys"?
That is unfair to the guys who like short haired women and unfair to us women who wear short hair.
We are just as feminine and attractive as long haired women! Look at all the guys on the street and at the mall who are with their short haired women. Are they all "fetish guys"? They seem like pretty normal guys to me! 4!,!
Posted By: Rod
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2003 at 10:07pm
Tina, I think the word fetish has been mangled around here into something evil. My dictionary has a definition. No, not the one about the object with magical power.
"Any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation."
Any man or woman that is turned on by hair, short OR long, breasts, legs, feet, biceps, abs, or rear ends has a fetish. Those that have made fetish a bad word are probably sitting there thinking, 'Wait. Me being turned on by a woman's back side isn't a fetish!' It is. Everybody has fetishes! And there's nothing wrong with it.
And no, every guy walking around the mall with a short-haired girlfriend or a girlfriend who is a 36D aren't all fetish guys. Only if, they're turned on by it. Unfortunately, many men don't care at all about hair. But they probably have a different fetish.
So, I'm not going to be marginalized or deemed weird because short hair is a turn on, instead of long legs. They're just as weird as I am.
Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2003 at 11:57pm
Nah, I've read hair talk that was demeaning to women, and this isn't it. Now, if this place were full of guys who talked about having given their gfs embarrassingly bad haircuts because they want to control them or punish them for some perceived wrongdoing, that would be demeaning. But just talking about the definitions and perceptions of short hair, it seems pretty safe and normal to me.
!p ,!$B$ &``` @ ! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``
Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2003 at 12:10am
I'm glad to hear someone say it so rationally-- there are so many people out there who associate the word "fetish" with "freak". I mean, sure there are freaky fetishists out there, but it's not the norm by any means. I swear, I've been on so many forums for things I consider myself having fetishes for and seen people so extreme they freak me out, but there are also loads of normal people just looking for a place where they won't feel like freaks for having the preferences they do. If even a discussion as innocent as this as mostly seemed can be considered "freaky", it'll just drive all those normal people even deeper into the closet about their likes, and make them feel even more uncomfortable. *hopes she's making some degree of sense*
!d`, P( ` ``e ! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``
Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2003 at 4:26am
bject with magical power |
I subscribe to that particular definition of "fetish" when it comes to hair .
Well, what other body part can be transformed in so many different ways?
Hair is magical !!! ), R '. `p %
Posted By: allie
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2003 at 5:27am
Everyone seems to have become way off topic. Firstly,what's with the hostility? It's just hair. It grows on various parts of the body. Yay,hair. Let's argue over HAIR. Of all the things to argue over. That's so ridiculous. Anyhow, back to the original poster's topic, I think 'short hair' is just above shoulder-length.
Posted By: hairguy00
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2003 at 11:46am
thank you for getting back to the real topic allie
Posted By: KathyAnn
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2003 at 8:45pm
*To me short hair is chin length or shorter.
**I have greatly enjoyed reading the short hair board. I know that my Tina loves it and loves the compliments that short haired women recieve here. Thanks everyone!!!!!
Posted By: Stephy
Date Posted: Jul 8, 2003 at 12:01am
I don''t think I''ve ever posted here. First, let me be honest with you all. I''m trying to grow my hair long. That said, I hope no one will resent me for posting this. I often take a look at the different boards, just because I am curious by nature, but also because I find it interesting just to see what other people are thinking. I have had both short and long hair. Like everything else in life, people will criticize the choices you make (yes, that includes cutting your hair or choosing to keep your hair long). Everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, this is a short hair board, and I just don''t think it''s appropriate for someone to come and post some negative comment about short hair. People have different preferences, and it''s total nonsense to try to tell someone that what they like is better or worse. The world would be rather boring if everybody had short or long hair. Although, I am presently trying to grow my hair long, I must admit that I find short hair very sexy, and attractive. In an earlier post on this thread, someone said that it''s easy to just chop/ cut your hair off as opposed to growing it long. I disagree with that. Of all the friends I''ve had, it was always the gutsier women who cut their hair off. The others who kept their hair long often admitted not to be brave enough to do so. Right now, I have a short bob, and look damn good in it, but I want to grow it long and that''s okay too (hey, I''m even taking vitamins to help me get there faster). And by the way, I think short hair is anything above the shoulders ( isn''t this how this whole thread started?)!- A`ed dd a , 4(`r ..,b` #$ ! -%$ , , % `p "
Posted By: hairalways
Date Posted: Jul 9, 2003 at 9:19pm
You make a good point. Short hair is definitely about being brave and sure of yourself. I, like you, have had long and short hair and definitely remember feeling very "vulnerable" when I cut it really short. I never thought of it that way, but now I see that I do have a friend or two who also fit the "afraid to change" category.
Thought provoking....thanks.
TO stay on topic...short hair to me is anything at shoulders or above.
By the way I saw the cutest pixie on a woman today when I was out shopping....perfect for her face..lots of micro bangs and the back was cut perfectly so that there were the tiniest wisps creeping on the nape of her neck. Very good cut.
Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Jul 10, 2003 at 11:51pm
I wonder why "short" is so different between women and men? If a man's hair is to his chin, it's long, but a woman with the same length, it's called short. It's such a double-standard. . .! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jul 11, 2003 at 8:39am
n an earlier post on this thread, someone said that it''s easy to just chop/ cut your hair off as opposed to growing it long. I disagree with that. |
I don't recall that in this particular thread, but perhaps I am mistaken.
However, I agree that the decision whether or not to cut hair may be more difficult for some than others, but the physical action of going from long to short is much easier than going from short to long.
In just a few minutes, one can go from very long to very short! However, the time it takes to go from very short to very long takes literally years.
Thus, it's useful to distinguish between the "ease" of making the decision of hairlength (which is undoubtedly a debatable point) to the ease of cutting off hair as opposed to growing it (which is undoubtedly a biological fact)!
If one makes a decision to go from short to long and later changes her mind, it is easily remedied with a haircut. If one makes a decision to go from long to short and later changes her mind, it is not nearly as easily remedied.
Just clarifying.
Posted By: Ellestin
Date Posted: Jul 31, 2003 at 6:28am
First post here... hullo everyone. I'd stick to the most frequent definition: for me, short is basically anything above chin-length. But it's up to every sensibility, I don't think anyone will ever come up with a universal definition.
Posted By: ~QueenzBalla~
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2004 at 2:00pm
I define short hair as chin length or shorter and long as shoulder length or longer and really long as mid-back or longer. | | | | | | | |