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sandy View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 21, 2002
Location: Notts, UK
Posted: Sep 21, 2002 at 6:50am
My name is Sandra and I have had Alopecia Totalis for 5 years, since I was 18. Up to now I`ve always worn a wig but I feel it`s about time I was able to throw it away and go "au naturel", but somehow can`t bring myself to do it! Has anyone else had such a problem and if so how did you deal with it? My homepage is as follows, to give you more of an idea about me.

Johan View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 01, 2002
Posted: Oct 09, 2002 at 6:50am
Sandra, Without a doubt, some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen are bald women, and you would not believe how many men are attracted to bald women, especially if you doll yourself up with long earrings, the right makeup, sexy dresses, etc..You can really see a woman`s feminine features when she is bald! My beautiful wife Monique wears her hair ultra-short, and on occasion shaves her head smooth and bald, and she looks sensational, very sexy, and a bald head on a woman is so sensual to the touch! A bald woman has really the best of both worlds, she can wear a wig and have hair, or go with the smooth sensual bald style! My wife likes being bald so much, she has even considered electrolysis to permanently remove all of her hair and go bald! I think you are a lucky woman darling, and if you want to go bald, some people will stare at you, but I assure you many of those stares will be looks of admiration and attraction! Kisses and a hug from me and my wife! Love, Johan

Johan View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 01, 2002
Posted: Oct 09, 2002 at 6:50am
Also Sandra darling, there is a website called baldfiles dedicated exclusively to bald women, and the men who love them, and on page one or two, if you look at the listings of baldfiles, you will find an address for the smootdomes site, also dedicated to beautiful bald women, with writings by bald women! Good luck lovely bald lady! Love, Johan

Bald Jennifer View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 09, 2002
Location: U.S.A.
Posted: Oct 09, 2002 at 6:50am
LOVELY SANDRA ! I too have alopecia totalis, with me it has been lifelong! I sometimes do go out bald with my husband to art galleries, concerts, clubs, etc., and I really dress up with my best earrings and jewelry, a little black dress, or a long elegent dress, high heels, carefully applied makeup; you get the idea, and I usually get very favorable looks and comments, which my husband and I enjoy! And yes, everything Johan said is true, I have discovered that bald women do have the best of both worlds, wearing hair, or going bald and beautiful!- You may want to wear a wig at work, no need to attract extra attention there though.------------- I LOVE BEING A BALD WOMAN SANDRA I WOULDN`T HAVE IT ANY OTHER WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMEMBER, YOU ARE PART OF A UNIQUE GROUP OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN!!! YOU ARE SMOOTH AND LOVELY, MUCH LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

linda View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 27, 2002
Posted: Oct 11, 2002 at 6:50am
Dear Sandy, I also have alopecia totalis. I was awfully shy up until I was in my late twenties, and ALLWAYS WORE A WIG EVERYWHERE! Then one night a girlfriend of mine asked me to go out to a nightclub with her. She had just gotten a very short haircut, and she suggested I go to the club bald, wear some attractive gold hoop earrings that I had , and a short skirt, nylons and heels. I don`t know why but for the first time ever I went out bald, and we had a great time! We got more attention than any other women in the club!
The week after, I went shopping , bought a couple of sexy dresses, and some long dangle earrings, a couple of beautiful scarves, and it just went from there. I am in my mid-thirties now, married and pregnant with my first child! I never thought it could be a blessing to be a bald woman, but I met the right people and the right guy, and most importantly, I enjoy being myself, and I never would have believed this, but I`m glad I`m bald.
I`m sure Britian is not much different than America is Sandy. I say , go for it young lady!
My love Sandy!
Bald Linda

Johan View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 01, 2002
Posted: Oct 12, 2002 at 6:50am
Dear Sandy, I appreciate you writing into my post on general hair talk. There are a couple of things that I wanted to mention to you regarding the increasing acceptance of bald women that I saw on American television.
There was a documentary on American women in their twenties going out on dates with men. The show was done in New York City in Manhatten. There were three young women who were talking together about the guys they dated, then it showed them on dates with their guys, then later the women got together and talked about dating some more. Two of the women were white women, one was a black woman. One of the white women had long blonde hair, the black woman had short curly permed hair, and the other white woman was completely smooth and bald! What was interesting was that the bald woman`s baldness was never even mentioned, it was just another fashion style! It was like, here are three young American women on dates with their men, one with long hair, one with short hair, and one bald, and all of these women were modern fashionable women;beautiful, attractive, everyday women who worked and dated men. A very cool show, I wished I had taped it!
Also there was a show on local television here in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area that was interviewing college professors on cultural issues. One of the professors was a middle aged black woman who taught African-American studies at a local university, and she had a shaved head, she was completely smooth and bald, and no one on the show mentioned her baldness.
These women going bald in public on television indicates to me the growing acceptance in the western world of bald women!
Much love,

sandy View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 21, 2002
Location: Notts, UK
Posted: Oct 13, 2002 at 6:50am
To all of you lovely people who have replied to my plight, thank you. I was quite amazed to see there was not only a BaldSandra but a Bald Linda, Bald Jennifer and a Bald Heidi as well. We should form the Bald Ladies Club! Seriously I am so pleased for you (and a bit envious) that you belong in a culture where women can go bald in public and no one turn a hair, so to speak. That isn`t the case in Backward Britain, I`m afraid, not yet anyway. But thinks for your support, it`s really nice to know that people care.

Bald Jennifer View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 09, 2002
Location: U.S.A.
Posted: Oct 17, 2002 at 6:50am
HI SANDRA, I saw on cable that same show about people on dates that Johan saw with the young bald woman and two other girls, I can`t remember if the show was on one of the music networks like MTV or VHI, or one of the cultural/ society type networks like A and E, or Lifetime, I guess it doesn`t matter. At any rate the bald woman was an artist and a secretary and the guy she was on a date with was a very handsome guy with long brown hair, he worked in the music industry and played music, too! And since they were both interested in the arts they got along real well, later in the show they both indicated they wanted to date each other again, it was very romantic! And they were so cute together, she had big brown eyes and looked sensational bald with a real nice black dress, beautiful earrings and perfect makeup, and the guy was a real gentleman, a fairly big guy who looked atheletic but very handsome with his hair back in a ponytail and a very pleasant personality, mild mannered, you know a gentleman. Their conversation was intelligent too, unlike some of these stupid dating shows! They had some nice long hugging and kissing at the end of the date too, instigated by the bald woman! If all dating shows were as good as that show I would watch dating shows more often, but those type of shows are usually stupid!
I also saw a show on cable about a woman in L.A. who had all of the hair on her head removed through laser and electrolysis! The show was about tatooing, piercing, head shaving, various stuff like that, some of the show was really weird, but some of the tattoos were nice, not trashy looking, and the woman who had her hair removed was probably in her thirties. There is a subcult of people that actually do that! ISN`T IT AMAZING! Here women with alopecia(or at least some women with alopecia, not me!) want to have hair, and other women are having their hair removed! What a world! All sorts, I guess!
Anyway Sandra, just had to write those thoughts after reading what Johan had written.
Best of luck sweetie, all of my love!!!!!

sandy View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 21, 2002
Location: Notts, UK
Posted: Oct 20, 2002 at 6:50am
Dear Belinda and Bald Jennifer, thank you so much for your replies. You`re quite right, if I were in London or some other large and cosmopolitan city I don`t think there would be a problem, it`s just out here in the `sticks` people are a lot more inward-looking in their attitude, than when they see a bald woman positively neanderthal!
How I wish, like the USA we had TV shows where bald women are free to turn up on dating shows and NOT just be there for the freek value. I`ll bet all that electrolysis was painful, too, but it just goes to show how much more accepting they are on the other side of "the pond". It does indeed take "all sorts", just there aren`t as many of them over here, not yet anyway. I like the fact that you are really happy not to have hair, it`s an attitude I will aspire to.
Love to both,

sandy View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 21, 2002
Location: Notts, UK
Posted: Oct 26, 2002 at 6:50am
Dearest Linda & Heidi,
All this wonderful support is really helpful, thank you so much. You are of course so right that baldness is all a state of mind. I guess it takes time to actually convince yourself of this, of course. I`m still on a learning curve as far as that goes. The crunch will come when I do eventually meet a man with the qualties you have said - so far, no such luck! Baldness, it seems, brings out the shallowness in them.
One said he wouldn`t have anything to do with me unless I "did something about it" Like what, I wonder? Another thought there was some magic head cream I must be able to use. Not one of them so far has yet allowed to walk down the street "naked" with them - (and I only mean my head! lol. ) Confidence is one thing but it helps if someone else gives you some, and I mean more than just kind people on this message board but a real-life guy. Anyway I`ll take your words to heart, I really will, and hopefully some of your confidence will rub off on me, then inspire someone else to give me some more.
Anyway I must stop wallowing - lighten up Sandy!!

Johan View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 01, 2002
Posted: Oct 26, 2002 at 6:50am
Lovely Sandy,
I just got done watching a soccer(football) game from your country England! It was played earlier today, we saw the game here on satellite dish on tape delay. My favorite English team Liverpool beat Tottenham 2-1! It was a great match!
Sandy, I read what Linda wrote, and I agree with everything she said, especially the part about a person developing themselves as a person, spiritually, pursuing their intellectual interests and so forth. And also Sandy, my wife and I know plenty of single women who have fulfilling lives who do many things that interest them, you don`t really need a full time guy, if you get one that`s great, but you have your own life. I spendt many years single before my first marriage, then after my first wife, a drug abuser, abandoned me and our two little daughters,( who were very young at the time ),I was single again, before I met my present beautiful wife Monique. I spendt most of my life without a good woman, but I had plenty of interests, and I worked hard!
I relate to you alot Sandy because I am different too! I am in my 40s and when I was a teenager and young adult, back in the 1970s and 1980s, it was the style for many guys to wear their hair real long, you know the hippie look. But nowadays some guys still have long hair but not near as many. I continue to wear my hair long about half way down my back and a goatee beard, because I like that style and also because my wife(who as you know wears her hair ultra-short and who on several occasions has shaved her head bald), likes my long hair and wants me to keep it long, so I wear it that way to please her.
You would not believe some of the crap I have taken from people because of my long hair! The Minneapolis/St. Paul metroplitan area is a fairly big city, appox. 3 million metro area including suburbs, and a very libertarian and tolerant city, but even here a few people have given me a bad time! Nobody accuses me of being gay, because I am husky and atheletic in build and I look fairly tough(must be those scars from playing ice hockey), but I have been called hippie scum, loser bum, long haired creep, accused of being a drug dealer, a pimp, a criminal. And here I am, my clothes are clean, my hair is clean and well groomed, I am hard working, run my own cab business, I am educated, well read,and I like to believe I am a good husband and father. When I was younger I got into a little trouble, but as an adult man I believe I am a responsible guy who is good to people and a good guy! Yet there are people that judge me and try to put me down(I say try, because if they try to put me down, believe me, I give them hell back, I assure you, and I am not one to mess with!), just because of my long hair and beard! And there are some incredibly immature and foolish people that will judge you because you are a bald woman! Most people won`t, but there are some people who will ,people who I think have an anti-social problem if they can`t stand the fact that people have different types of hair!
What is most amazing to me though is that I know for a fact that many men like women with short hair, that is why many women over the age of 25 wear short hair, not only because it is easier to take care of but because they know it is attractive, and many guys like bald women too, and I mean many guys, I`ve discussed it with many people in my taxicab, and I meet many types of people. It is only a matter of time before ultra-short hair and bald looks for women become even more popular, it is bound to happen because it is so attractive on women.
I know both in my everyday life and on the internet, I am going to encourage these styles for women, and encourage women who want to try these styles to try them, and encourage men who like women in these styles to admit it, be honest and admit that women look so pretty and sexy with an ultra-short hairstyle and especially with the bald look!
And me,and my wife Monique, are always on the side of women like you Sandra, beautiful bald women with alopecia, like I said before on this site, in my opinion you are lucky because women with alopecia totalis are more beautiful, and probably better women, than most of the other ladies!
Love darling Sandra,

Johan View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 01, 2002
Posted: Oct 27, 2002 at 6:50am
Sandy and Heidi, Hello lovely ladies,
Heidi, Minneapolis is a progressive city, and only on rare occasions do I meet idiots that give me a bad time about my hair. But you have to remember I am in the taxicab industry and we are out on the road alot and out amongst the general public more than most people are, so I meet all kinds; the good, the bad and the ugly! The point I was making to Sandy in relating to her, is that both bald women and men with long hair have subcult hairstyles, that I believe are attractive, but still a subcult to many people.
Sandy, remember I wrote earlier that I thought one of the advantages bald women had was they could go natural with their bald look, or wear wigs and have different hairstyles? As you know, I prefer my wife with very short hair or bald, but she does look good in wigs too. She has mostly short haired brunette wigs, in cute styles, but yesterday she bought a wig longer than her other wigs, a brunette wig that is several inches past her shoulders, in a nice style, sort of like Jennifer Lopez`s hair, and my wife wore it to church this morning with a very pretty dress, and she looked so good! She looks the most beautiful bald, but she does look great in wigs too, and it gives her the advantage of having different looks. Her different wigs and headscarves are very beautiful, and that , along with the different assortment of earrings and jewelry she wears, can give her different looks. She is always the same Monique, but it is just so fashionable for her to wear different pretty attractive looks!
Later beautiful ladies!

Carol View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 08, 2002
Posted: Oct 27, 2002 at 6:50am
Hello Sandy______ i`m one of the tribe, about as complete of an alopecia totalis person as you will ever meet, my head is so bald it shines! i have been this way since i was 15, now over 20 years later i don`t even think much about being bald, you get completely used to it, and you end up doing the same things every other woman does.
You are already over the worst sandy, the first couple of years are by far the worst, i had to take anti-depressant pills for a few years but it gets better, and you eventually end up with the same joys and problems every other woman has, more or less, we are just doing it bald! oh yes, i suppose you know by now to wear something on your head in the cool months of the year! if you think the u.k. is cold in the winter, try canada! not the best climate, for at least half the year, for us bald and beautiful types!
a big hug from an alop/total sister in toronto!

Johan View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 01, 2002
Posted: Oct 30, 2002 at 6:50am
Dear Sandy,
There was something I was meaning to ask you but I forgot about it until tonight. I read in the newspapers and saw on national television last summer that they had an international alopecia convention in the city of St. Louis, here in the U.S. last July. They showed bald men, women and children, and the convention seemed to have a very festive atmosphere, although I am sure they had serious discussion groups as well.
I also know they have alopecia meetings here in Minneapolis, including group meetings for bald women. I was wondering does your city or a nearby city in England have alopecia group meetings, and if so, have you ever attended. It would be interesting to know what the alopecia women disscused, and how they view life for bald women in the U.K.

Johan View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 01, 2002
Posted: Oct 30, 2002 at 6:50am
Also Sandy, my wife Monique wrote some interesting stuff on the general talk site on Julie`s thread that is titled "Hair and Spirituality". Both the woman Julie and my wife had some interesting things to say about hair, or the lack of hair, and how they feel about it, and some of their religious and spiritual ideas. I think you would find it very interesting.

sandy View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 21, 2002
Location: Notts, UK
Posted: Nov 02, 2002 at 6:50am
Hi Johan,
Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately no such group exists as far as I know here in the Midlands of England, though I must admit that never having really gone public about my condition I`ve never really looked into it. That`s one thing about the US, they seem to have Special Interest Groups for anything you want. Sleepy old Britain lets me down again! Now, the "Spirituality of no Hair", what`s that? You`ll have to excuse my ignorance but the only thing that comes to my mind is Hare Krishna. I`ve had people shout "Krishna" at me, in fact. Glad you enjoyed the footie, Liverpool are top of the League at the moment.
Dear Carol, thanks for your message. You must need some woolly hat in winter! One thing I have noticed in common is that all the girls who have sent helpful messages have all lived with and I guess covered up the condition for a while, until one day they throw the wig off and wish they`d done it years earlier. Am I right? I guess there must be hope yet!

Johan View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 01, 2002
Posted: Nov 03, 2002 at 6:50am
Hello Sandra,

Sandra, I am Johan`s wife Monique. I usually don`t write on the computer but Johan asked me to write you.

As you know Johan loves bald women, which is fortunate for me because for many years I have had the desire to be bald. I have worn my hair very short since I was 15 and the shorter my hair was the better I liked it. And just as Johan has " a thing" for short haired and bald women, I have " a thing" for long haired men, and I have been this way since I was a girl. When Johan and I met each other, even before we got to know each other and fall in love, we had an immediate attraction to each other because he had very long hair(and it was clean and groomed well, unlike some long haired guys), and I had very short hair. He approached me one day at a coffeehouse and started a conversation( I was much too shy to approach him, although he must have seen me looking at him with interest!), and it just went from there. He is a very sweet, funny, warm, intelligent guy and handsome!, and I feel very fortunate to be married to him!

What I really wanted to say to you though Sandra, and this may be difficult for many people to understand, is that I have an actual craving to be bald. It actually started in my teens. I remember seeing the Star Trek movie on T.V. , and how the bald woman Lt.Illia was portraited in the movie as a supremely sexual/sensual woman who was very evolved and the men were extremely attracted to her. And I loved the idea of a woman who was an educated woman with professional skills who was from a highly evolved people, a liberated woman, yet so feminine and so bald!!!
It was also during my high school years that I was introduced to Zen Buddhism and the bald Buddhist nuns. I had dreamt for years about being a Catholic nun, I was an extremely shy girl for a variety of reasons that would take some time to explain here, but the Buddhist nuns not only played into my desire for a somewhat secluded and religious life but also into my bald girl/long haired guy sort of sex appeal ideas that I had. And of course it was around this time 14 or 15 years ago that bald women were becoming noticeable on the catwalks of Milan, Paris, London and New York, so it occured to me that shaving my head was just a matter of time.

When I was 22 I had my head shaved by a girlfriend of mine. It was one of the best experiences of my life, and to make a long story short(no pun intended), I have worn my hair very short or shaved bald ever since(I turned 29 this autumn).

In recent years my craving to be always bald has become increasingly strong. Because I don`t like shaving my head every day,( I don`t really like shaving my legs or underarms alot either although I do shave them), I usually wore my hair short. But at times, (like the other night), Johan would shave my head and then for awhile I would shave my head daily. At the moment, I am keeping my head shaved. It seems to me that eventually I will have to solve my problem of my overwhelming desire to be bald by having my hair head removed with laser and electrolysis. I have thought about this for some time and have had discussions with Johan about it, and he is , of course, fine with the idea, even delighted with the idea since he likes the "bald look" on me the best. But he isn`t pushing me at all to do it, it has to be my ultimate decision, and he will love me whether I do it or not.
At times Sandra, and this may also sound quite strange to some people, but at times I have even prayed to have complete alopecia so that I wouldn`t have to try to make this decision to have my hair removed, it would just be gone, I would be permanently bald. I have a choice Sandra, but I really don`t want the choice.

All I know Sandra is that my spirituality, my sensuality, my sexuality, my idea of being the ideal woman, even my ideal of femiminity and being the ideal wife for Johan, is deeply linked to my craving to be always bald. And as you may know I am pregnant and I even dream of being a bald mother breast feeding my baby! As the years have gone by I just identlfy at least a portion of my womanhood with complete baldness and smooth, very smooth skin. I am a Christian, not a Buddhist, but without a doubt, being bald is also very, very spiritual to me, I associate feminine baldness with sacrifice, service to others, modesty, humility, and giving myself to my husband and to God. Maybe you will never understand these feeling Sandra but I have described this the best I know how. And some of these ideas did come from reading about the Buddhist nuns, who in some ways are my role models.

My husband wanted me to explain my ideas and desires to you Sandra, or other bald women,( or women contemplating baldness)who read this. That I am one of those women that may eventually be a woman with "voluntary" alopecia totalis, that is a woman who has had all of her hair permanently removed. And then my dream will be complete.

I can`t even tell you Sandra how much I wish the best for you!
All of my love Sandra!


Bald Jennifer View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 09, 2002
Location: U.S.A.
Posted: Nov 03, 2002 at 6:50am
We have heard so much about you from Johan, you sound like such an interesting and beautiful woman!!!!!
Monique, I would be the last person to discourage you from having your hair removed and becoming a beautiful , permanently bald,alopecia totalis sister!!!
But from what I have read about women who have all of the hair on their head removed it is a very long and expensive process that can take up to three years, because they can only do so much at a time and it has to heal and there has to be touch up with electrolysis for what the laser treatments have missed.
Also make certain you have the type of head and skin where this can be done without too much scarring or discoloration, not everyone can have it done. and check around, get a few opinions and make certain whoever does it is the best in the business!
Still Monique, if you are the kind of woman who can have it done, IT IS EXCITING!!!!! I know that some women with hair like yourself do have deep sensual and spiritual cravings for permanent baldness like Sandy and I have (are blessed with in my opinion), and since you have such an adorable husband who appreciates and loves you bald, that is such a beautiful thing as well!
Good luck with your pregnancy and life Monique, whatever your decision about your hair, and thanks for writing, you explain yourself so well!


sandy View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 21, 2002
Location: Notts, UK
Posted: Nov 03, 2002 at 6:50am
Dearest Monique,
After reading your piece I think that I should be renaming this thread, as maybe it isn`t such a "my problem" after all! You are obviously a deeply spritual person and I can see now from your experiences how it seems that to be a beautiful and bald woman was almost your fate! It must also have been fate that delivered you into the arms of a caring, loving man who appreciates you in all ways, I think you are very lucky. I too was born a Christian (Catholic) but sadly I drifted away from the religious ideal many years ago. I think our country is a bit more secular than the US, only 1 in 40 is a churchgoer and most people are apt to be a bit cynical. I really wish I had your faith, but am resigned to the fact it is not to be.
As regards looking your best bald, do you mind if I ask for a fashion tip. I`ve bought the large dangly earrings and they look great, in fact I would imagine they are almost compulsory for a bald woman, but what about make-up? I was considering using a high blusher to accentuate my cheekbones, but what about the eyes? Light or dark, which do you use? Lips - understated or overstated? I`m just trying to get a few ideas, as I`ve never really bothered with makeup much, whereas if I were to go out bare-headed then I think it would have to be accompanied by some sort of statement, if you know what I mean.
You idea of going permanently bald sounds great, I`m sure you would only take such a drastic step if you were really confident about it. But I must agree with Bald Jennifer about electrolysis. From what I`ve heard it`s painful and expensive enough when just treating a small area, to do a whole head would take years, hurt a great deal and may leave your head looking patchy, while laser treatment can scar. I wondered if there was some sort of depliatory oil could be used, something containing a chemical which would kill the roots off. I know it exists because there have been stories of women left bald by inexperienced hairdressers who use the wrong bottle! I imagine it probably smells awful and isn`t very pleasant but it might just be a less painful alternative to consider.
See how you have transformed me, Monique, this started off as "my problem" and now I`m giving advice on how to stay bald? You and Johan are wonderful people. Thank you.

sandy View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 21, 2002
Location: Notts, UK
Posted: Nov 04, 2002 at 6:50am
Hi again Monique,
Thanks for your response. Like you have surmised I am white, so I`ll go with whatever takes my fancy. The idea of permanent make-up around the eyes and eyebrow is something which appeals to me, I must say.
I wish you all the very best with your pregnancy, it`s something I have yet to experience - generally I find it helps if there is a man involved! lol
There would, I think be something, if not spiritual then certainly symmetrical about breastfeeding a bald child while having a bald head, I can certainly see how that would appeal. I`ll definitely do it, and in public too if I dare! Knowing my luck the baby would be really hairy.
Anyway Monique, I don`t know how far you have to go yet but I wish you all the best for a short and pain-free birth and above all a healthy baby.

Johan View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 01, 2002
Posted: Nov 05, 2002 at 6:50am
Beautiful Sandy,
I have checked throughly Sandy with a number of experts as has Monique, and the only effective form of permanent hair removal is electrolysis, everything else is really a gimmick, it isn`t really permanent. But I want Monique to wait awhile before making that decision, and she is not a good canidate for laser either, that works best for very light skinned people with dark hair.My wife is not real dark skinned but she may be a little bit too dark and there could be problems. So if she does decide to go that route, it would have to be electrolysis. I really don`t care, but she has this dream of being permanently bald. She may just have to accept the fact that she has hair, and live with it.
You are right Sandy, America is more religious than Europe, Canada, Japan, Australia,etc. In America 40 % of males and 60% of females attend church on a more or less regular basis, far more than any other industrial country.
One of the reasons for that is while our government provides the world`s strongest military, a good infrastructure of roads, bridges, dams,etc., good police and fire departments, etc., they offer precious little in regards to social programs such as food stamps, low income housing, day care for children, drug and alchohal rehabs, prison rehabs,clothing allowances, and of course 44 million Americans don`t have any form of health insurance, government or private.
So the churchs and their charities fill the void. They have many, many food shelves, clothing shelves, day care programs for kids, programs for senior citizens, rehabs for addicts and ex-cons out of prison, and many hospitals and health clinics.
In most industrial countries if the government quit providing social services, the country would fall apart, in the U.S. if the church charities quit providing services the country would fall apart. In just housing alone they provide 10 million housing units to the poor, and our poor are poorer than your poor,(and our rich are richer!). The American government says two things to people: one-this is the country with the most freedom, do whatever you want, and two- if you want something, get it yourself we will not help you much.
So not only are many Americans believers, but even those that aren`t contribute to church charities, even criminals give money to church charities(ever seen the organized crime show THE SOPRANOS, you notice all the gangsters wifes and girlfriends go to church and help with the church charities, and the gangsters themselves give money to the charities, that is true to life!)
This attitude of our government, you are free but if you want something get it yourself, is also, unfortunately, the reason we have so much crime, and many people have guns, which of course are legal in the U.S..
We are a strange outlaw sort of country I know. But we are not as uncivilized as some people think, it`s just that our politics are more like South America than Europe, Canada, Japan,etc.
And women from the common classes especially, are religious, even some of the tough broads. I have seen tough trampy looking women in America all dolled up wearing short skirts, who will be talking tough and cursing but then the subject switches to religion and they all seem to go to church and take their kids there!
My wife is not a tough gal, she is petite and ultra-feminine, but yes she does some volunteer work at the church and goes every week, and usually goes with my teenaged daughters,(I only go on occasion). There are so many people going to church some Sundays that there are rush hour like traffic jams.And all this in a country of hard working, hard drinking, gun toting sorts, too many who have a criminal bent! I know, it is sort of crazy, but we are used to it!
By the way, my wife is due at the end of Febuary, the ultra-sound indicates it is a girl! Can`t wait to meet the little darling!
Much love to you Sandy, and it if very cool that you are going with the long earrings, makeup, sexy clothes, and so forth. By all means beautiful bald princess, make a statement, and those that are hip, or who have any brains or fashion sense will be most appreciative!!!!!
By the way Sandy, you have an excellent vocabulary. I don`t know what your job is, or how much education you have, but you are very articulate and intelligent! Add the fact that you are bald and beautiful, with a British accent to boot, you seem like an ideal woman, almost perfect!!! I bet there are guys that would almost kill to be with you, if I wasn`t married to a bald doll myself, I would!!!!!
God bless you lovely lady!!!!!

Carol View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 08, 2002
Posted: Nov 05, 2002 at 6:50am
Hi again Sandy,

sandy, i can tell you are making huge strides in realizing how beautiful you are! and johan is right you are obviously very intelligent with so much going for you!

Johan and Monique, it is just incredible monique that you are seriously considering permanent hair removal on your head! i have heard of that but it still amazes me, not that i think it is bad! but of course you have to be careful if you intend to do it, as has been mentioned by jennifer and sandy. a bald head has to be as smooth and lovely as possible! It also it must be somewhat fun and sexy shaving monique`s head, i`m sure johan loves doing that! also a back massage and a head massage is nice, my husband loves to do that for me sometimes!
Monique, i wrote on Johan`s ultra-short thread that i am going to get my nostril pierced, probably my left nostril, can`t wait to wear a nosestud or nosering with my earrings like you do monique!

Once again Sandy, you go girl, i can tell you are really getting into the groove of your sexy bald femininity, and you may get discouraged at times but you have to remember the positives that Johan and others have mentioned! like i said we are sexy ladies who do what we like, we just do it bald!

Love darlings!

Johan View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 01, 2002
Posted: Nov 06, 2002 at 6:50am
Hello Sandra, Jennifer and Carol,

It`s me Monique again.

I`VE GOT GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got back from my consultation with the lady who is supposed to be the best electrolysis and laser expert in the midwest, she is in her late 50s and has been doing electrolysis for 35 years. Her electrolysis clininc has the some of the best trained people and best equipment in America.
She told me there is a new type of laser that has been on the market for three years called the YAG laser, that is far better than any other laser they have previously had. She has these YAG lasers at her clinic, and she said she could easily remove my head hair without scarring my head, and that my hair color or complexion is not a problem!
The process would take one year, or perhaps a year and a half, and then I would be completely and permanently bald, and she is willing to do it for me when she understood how much it meant to me. She has done some women`s heads before who had partial alopecia, where most of their hair was gone and they just wanted the rest removed so they wouldn`t have to shave what was left, and she said there was no problem with scaring on them. In fact she said there has never been adverse effects with this type of laser on anyone she has used it on, no matter what part of the body!

Johan didn`t believe me when I first told him today what she had told me, so he called her and talked to her, and I think he is convinced as well! So it looks like I am going to have it done!!! So I will soon be joining the ranks of you permanently bald women!!! I just thank God so much!!!!!!!!!!

I am not doing this lightly, I have thought about it for years. I`m quivering with excitement! I have never felt so feminine and submissive or so close to God, I also feel like I am giving something special to my husband, because he loves me so much smooth and bald, I just want to completely give myself to him! To be permanently smooth and bald for him! I just can`t believe I can actually have this done! I`ve prayed so much for this day! I am going to have it done starting a couple of months after our baby is born, probably sometime in the spring!

I`m sorry I am rambling on, I am just very, very happy!

I love all of you, you are inspirational to me, and may Gods love and grace bless you ladies, and you are always in my prayers!


duke View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 11, 2000
Posted: Nov 06, 2002 at 6:50am
Monique, why did you post some of your messages
on Johan`s ID?

Carol View Drop Down
Joined: Nov 08, 2002
Posted: Nov 06, 2002 at 6:50am
Monique is married to Johan, they use the same computer obviously!

A few years ago i would have thought you were crazy to have your hair removed, but i have changed my attitude about this, i accept not only myself better but someone like you makes much more sense to me now. i can feel your excitement over the internet, and i know you want this done, and i know that your husband accepts you and loves you and can appreciate it, so i say do it if that is really what you want to do! especially if it has a deeper spiritual meaning to you.
one thing though, don`t have your eyelashes removed,(which i am sure you had no intention of doing). eyelashes keep little particules out of your eyes, and since i have the most extreme form of alopecia, universalis, i have no hair from head to toe, and the only thing i regret is that i have to wear false eyelashes or protective glasses, otherwise you get little particles in your eyes and your eyes water!

good luck with your decision monique and God be with you too!
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