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 Paris Hilton Dream Catcher Extensions

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metalgirl View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 07, 2007 at 11:32am
I just received this month's copy of Modern Salon, and in it is an article and a huge  full page ad for a new hair extension company with Paris Hilton as the spokesperson.
I read the article and looked at the website, and it looks like a Hairlocs type product.  They call it 'micro cylinder' technology where the client comes in every 6 weeks and "the cylinders are released, slid up the hair shaft and re-crimped".
Anyway, here's the website:

BunnyWabbit View Drop Down
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Joined: Jan 24, 2007
Posted: Mar 07, 2007 at 11:32am
Well considering her fondness for extensions, I'm not suprised she'd jump into the buisness (or atleast license her image for it)

olindagirl View Drop Down
Joined: Dec 26, 2005
Posted: Mar 08, 2007 at 11:32am
I looked at this site and it says a full head installation takes only 2 1/2 hours.  Seems like it must incorporate wefts with the cylinders in order to get a full head done that fast, right?

TanglesRC View Drop Down
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Joined: Apr 25, 2005
Posted: Mar 09, 2007 at 11:32am
i checked the site- i called them. they work out of an office building, they would not say what the cylinders are made out of only that u must come in for appointment, they said they use scandanavian hair, virgin blonde hair, the strands installed are $10 PER strand. so roughly over $1,000 for 100 strands.
i asked if it were like hairlocs and of course they said oh no-
copy cat if ya ask me!

Lil'Bohemian View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 09, 2007 at 11:32am
[QUOTE=TanglesRC]i checked the site- i called them. they work out of an office building, they would not say what the cylinders are made out of only that u must come in for appointment, they said they use scandanavian hair, virgin blonde hair, the strands installed are $10 PER strand. so roughly over $1,000 for 100 strands.
i asked if it were like hairlocs and of course they said oh no-
copy cat if ya ask me!
[/QUOTE] Wacko 
Wow that's insanely expensive.
I guess they are trying to snag the Paris richie wannabe sector of the market??
Anway, thanks for the info( or info on the lack of info that they gave you, I should say. LOL)

amm View Drop Down
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Joined: Oct 13, 2004
Posted: Mar 09, 2007 at 11:32am
Thanks for taking the time to call them, Tangles.

Looking at Getty or other image sources that show her out and about with the actual dates of the photos, she's never sportin the same length for an extended period of time. It goes long, short, medium, long, medium, long, long different color, short, medium different cut, etc. and this happens within a short period of time. The same extensions can't go medium to long and then short back to medium within the same week or two so she's replacing the hair very quickly. Yeah, she's got the money to do it but looking beyond that, is she doing it because she can or because she has to?

They want to really get some clout with the everyday working stiffs who typically keep hair in at least two months, Paris needs to obviously have the same hair in for a reasonable amount of time to show the hair and method has got some staying power.

Sweeeeeeeeeeet shop, though.

milachkaa View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 09, 2007 at 11:32am
I do not care if it is a penny per extension...I would never use or buy anything with Paris's name on it!

monsterita View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 09, 2007 at 11:32am
[QUOTE=milachkaa]I do not care if it is a penny per extension...I would never use or buy anything with Paris's name on it![/QUOTE]

I'm with you, milachkaa.  I was in Macys not too long ago and saw a cute little purse.  Then I saw her name on it.  It wasn't cute anymore.  To me, any brand with her name on it says just what South Park said:


BunnyWabbit View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 09, 2007 at 11:32am
lol such a classic episode!

valentine319 View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 10, 2007 at 11:32am
OK now I can't stop laughing.  I watched the video...where's Hugh Hefner?  I halfway expect to hear bow chicka bow bow...but love love love the running in the water.  What a horrid video!  "With our hair extensions you can flip your hair, run in the water, have many friends but you must flip your hair constantly".  ha ha ha 

Chris H. View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 11, 2007 at 11:32am
So, has anyone used them that you know of? If they're "recrimped" that sounds like a microlink or something. Hmm. The quality has to be great, being from Europe, but Euro So Care is also from there and it's only $1.50 per strand!! Obviously, it's for the people that just want the name. The hair would be the same as I use, just waaayyyyy more expensive! Anyone here use it?? I'd like to know more hands on info about it, just to know. Thanks!

Chris H. View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 12, 2007 at 11:32am

valentine319 View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 12, 2007 at 11:32am

I hate to point this out but just because a celebrity is the spokesperson doesn't mean that it's great quality or they do a great job.  since this looks like more of a "franchise" type business it could vary from location & stylist to stylist. 

hollandbluejay View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 14, 2007 at 11:32am
It's sad too how many people are really disinformed about the cost, not to mention quality, of hair extensions and would probably pay that price and think they got a great deal!

vickimillard View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 14, 2007
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Posted: Mar 14, 2007 at 11:32am
I currently do both Great Lengths and So-Cap bonded extensions in Lake County IL and I am going to Beverly Hills Ca in May to Learn the new Dream Catchers Extensions featuring Paris Hilton.   I have had it in my head that these tube extensions are much more dammaging than a natural protein bond, but I am going to go learn for myself and maybe change my outlook.  If nothing else get more clients from their brillant marketing techniques.  I have been doing extensions for about 4 years and this year will do over 100 applications.  Learning so many different companies allows me to intermix the placement patterns to give the most natural look possible. So I will post once again after I take the class and let you all know what i think. Big%20smile

Chris H. View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 14, 2007 at 11:32am
Vickimillard, how do you like the So Cap? I do the Euro Co Cap. I love them.

metalgirl View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 14, 2007 at 11:32am
What is the difference between So Cap and Euro So Cap?

Chris H. View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 14, 2007 at 11:32am
I think there were two brothers and they split and now each have their own gig. I am certified in Euro So-Cap. The hair is awesome and they lay completely flat against my head! You'll have to google the rest, about each of them. That's just what the one brother told me who put mine in, in Chicago.

vickimillard View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 14, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: Mar 15, 2007 at 11:32am
I love socap.  The bonds stay so strong without any protein spray. I think it looks more natural than Great lengths because the hair kinda thins out on the ends.  Great lengths stays full the whole way down, so if you are doing a whole head lengthning it gets thinner like real hair.  If the client wants a whole thick head of hair from scalp to ends I go for Great lengths.  The ends of the so cap hair is bad and has lots of splits I usually need to cut about 4 inches off, but it comes in 18-20 inch and most people want about 16 inches.  Great lengths is harder to blend when you layer it because it is so think from top to bottom. Since so cap thins out you don't see the 200 ponytail look as much at the bottom when you cut.  The best thing you can do is get certified by many companies so you can get the best result for each guests needs.  Because their placement methods are totally different too and what will work for one client won't for another.
I have never heard of Euro so-cap. Maybe they are the same thing really. I will ask the guy next time I order hair what the difference is.   I heard from the top educator of IL so cap that the great lengths founder and so cap founder were freinds and actually so cap was there first, and the other guy modified his Greatlengths line to fill the void of so cap.  But in the education book of Great Lengths it tells a different story all together, so who knows what is correct??? I just do them, and I guess that is what matters now. 
Lots of extension companies have a special certification price if you are certified and established in another company.  I had to pay a fraction of the price to take the so cap class since I was affiliated with Great Lengths, and then I got a riemburcement back for that amount I paid on my first order. 
Dream catchers is not like that... you have to pay full price with them.  They gave me this option to go to Beverly Hills and train one on one with a top educators  for a small price more than what it would cost for me to take the class here with tons of people in it.  They cover the flight and hotel with the fee I paid.  I am going to the actual office building, that you guys talked about above, on the sunset strip to learn.  I know Paris doesn't have the best reputation, but you have to admit their marketing strategy is brillant for a new company to be so popular so quick, and for that I was quick to jump on board.  I am going the first week in May so like I said I will let you know what I think. 
By the way at least they have an office building.  One lady I met paid $1800 to be certified with a bonded hair extension company and then they were horrible and never sent her the right hair length or color.  She took a vacation to california and decided to go pick up her hair and meet the people and the address was a house... the people were making the extensions in their basement.  That is why we all need to get together and give eachother more POSITIVE education and negative when we know it is true and appropraite.  So we all can become better and more informed on what we do. 

Chris H. View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 15, 2007 at 11:32am
Exactly. We need to know what is out there and how and where to get it and how good it is. So, do you flatten out your So-Cap xtensions? That's what I do. It lays totally flush with their scalp. You can't tell they're in.

vickimillard View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 16, 2007 at 11:32am
Yes, I do flatten out my bonds on the top area and front area.  I feel that the section of hair lays more camoflauged instead of bunching with a round bond like a mini pony tail.  I have still noticed that after four months all the flat bonds are gone when I go to take the extensions out, so I do still do round bonds in the bottom... I feel they have more longevity, and I cut them nice and small so they aren't too bulky.
oh my gosh guys I am so excited.  Passions is comming out with a book all on extensions, and so cap called me today to take 3 models and go do the photo shoot representing them.  I guess they have about 250-300 models and they are taking 200 for the book.  I am doing some really cool semi different extension looks so hopefully my people will be in there. 
Also you guys have to check out Split Ends on June 23rd on the style channel. For the season premier episode our salon did a swap with an LA salon.  I am probably going to be on there for like a minute. I am on there
looking over the girls work and had to fix a color.  Can't tell you much more. 
So does anyone have any cool ideas or techniques for extensions to tell me about?

TanglesRC View Drop Down
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Posted: Mar 16, 2007 at 11:32am
split end huh- did u catch my episode?

vickimillard View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 14, 2007
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Posted: Mar 17, 2007 at 11:32am
Yes I did catch your episode with tangles salon.  Who are you on the episode?  I am so happy to hear from you cause I wanted to know more about those extensions. 
Your salon does micro tube hair extensions don't they?  How do you feel about them?  How often do you move them up?  How much do you charge to put them in then to move them up? How long does it take to do them... then to move them up?  How many times can you move them up before the client sheds enough strands and needs them to be taken out and put back in cause their hair can't support the bond anymore? How long does the hair stay nice looking for? How well does the bond blend into the hair? What company do you guys do? What is your favorite placement pattern?
Your lady was really mean to the New York girl, but I understand now how unreal that probably was... I hope.  I was going to write some other stuff about our episode, but I really can't I don't want to get me/our salon in trouble.  We signed a contract not to talk about the details, so I guess I can defend myself until after it airs, cause I think I am going to be portrayed as the bad guy, and that wasn't the case at all really. 

vickimillard View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 14, 2007
Location: United States
Posted: Mar 17, 2007 at 11:32am

I had a guest in yesterday with really fine hair. She only wears extensions for 3 months so I put flat bonds in her hair thinking it would cause less stress and blend better, and actually it seems like it was causing more.  It looked great at first, but now that it has grown out 8 weeks, and her hair doesn't grow evenly the bonds don't lay flat anymore, and they show more because they have a bigger surface space.  I felt like the tiny little round ones I did before on her looked more real and like a natural hilight than these.  I have done the same thing on thick hair and not had any problems.  Do you feel the same way about fine hair?  Do you have any tips for me on this with the flat bonds?

Chris H. View Drop Down
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Joined: Apr 28, 2005
Posted: Mar 17, 2007 at 11:32am
I'm thrilled for you guys that you have such an awesome opportunity like that! Anyways, vicki, what round bonds do you still use besides the flat ones?
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