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Paris Hilton Dream Catcher Extensions

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Topic: Paris Hilton Dream Catcher Extensions
Posted By: metalgirl
Subject: Paris Hilton Dream Catcher Extensions
Date Posted: Mar 7, 2007 at 5:38pm
I just received this month's copy of Modern Salon, and in it is an article and a huge  full page ad for a new hair extension company with Paris Hilton as the spokesperson.
I read the article and looked at the website, and it looks like a Hairlocs type product.  They call it 'micro cylinder' technology where the client comes in every 6 weeks and "the cylinders are released, slid up the hair shaft and re-crimped".
Anyway, here's the website:

------------- - -

Replies: 77
Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: Mar 7, 2007 at 5:38pm
I just received this month's copy of Modern Salon, and in it is an article and a huge  full page ad for a new hair extension company with Paris Hilton as the spokesperson.
I read the article and looked at the website, and it looks like a Hairlocs type product.  They call it 'micro cylinder' technology where the client comes in every 6 weeks and "the cylinders are released, slid up the hair shaft and re-crimped".
Anyway, here's the website:
$- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-$)$!-!(b" /,

Posted By: BunnyWabbit
Date Posted: Mar 7, 2007 at 8:10pm
Well considering her fondness for extensions, I'm not suprised she'd jump into the buisness (or atleast license her image for it)

Posted By: olindagirl
Date Posted: Mar 8, 2007 at 2:46pm
I looked at this site and it says a full head installation takes only 2 1/2 hours.  Seems like it must incorporate wefts with the cylinders in order to get a full head done that fast, right?

Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: Mar 9, 2007 at 12:34pm
i checked the site- i called them. they work out of an office building, they would not say what the cylinders are made out of only that u must come in for appointment, they said they use scandanavian hair, virgin blonde hair, the strands installed are $10 PER strand. so roughly over $1,000 for 100 strands.
i asked if it were like hairlocs and of course they said oh no-
copy cat if ya ask me!
), Ahg `dapd , .,` % $ ` $)-%,,, , ,"

Posted By: Lil'Bohemian
Date Posted: Mar 9, 2007 at 2:35pm
Originally Posted By: TanglesRC( ``$ #$@ $ d b@@ Wacko 
Wow that's insanely expensive.
I guess they are trying to snag the Paris richie wannabe sector of the market??
Anway, thanks for the info( or info on the lack of info that they gave you, I should say. LOL)

Posted By: amm
Date Posted: Mar 9, 2007 at 4:08pm
Thanks for taking the time to call them, Tangles.

Looking at Getty or other image sources that show her out and about with the actual dates of the photos, she's never sportin the same length for an extended period of time. It goes long, short, medium, long, medium, long, long different color, short, medium different cut, etc. and this happens within a short period of time. The same extensions can't go medium to long and then short back to medium within the same week or two so she's replacing the hair very quickly. Yeah, she's got the money to do it but looking beyond that, is she doing it because she can or because she has to?

They want to really get some clout with the everyday working stiffs who typically keep hair in at least two months, Paris needs to obviously have the same hair in for a reasonable amount of time to show the hair and method has got some staying power.

Sweeeeeeeeeeet shop, though.

$- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.!( ),))%!,,%$<"b .4

Posted By: milachkaa
Date Posted: Mar 9, 2007 at 4:47pm
I do not care if it is a penny per extension...I would never use or buy anything with Paris's name on it! %! Q`e ``d` ) .,` /6 `` ) %!$(! )-% $ b` ).

Posted By: monsterita
Date Posted: Mar 9, 2007 at 7:59pm
Originally Posted By: milachkaa d` ,'4 ` ``

I'm with you, milachkaa.  I was in Macys not too long ago and saw a cute little purse.  Then I saw her name on it.  It wasn't cute anymore.  To me, any brand with her name on it says just what South Park said:

!) Pi`d 1`% -)

Posted By: BunnyWabbit
Date Posted: Mar 9, 2007 at 11:21pm
lol such a classic episode!

Posted By: valentine319
Date Posted: Mar 10, 2007 at 7:02pm
OK now I can't stop laughing.  I watched the video...where's Hugh Hefner?  I halfway expect to hear bow chicka bow bow...but love love love the running in the water.  What a horrid video!  "With our hair extensions you can flip your hair, run in the water, have many friends but you must flip your hair constantly".  ha ha ha 

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Mar 11, 2007 at 11:54am
So, has anyone used them that you know of? If they're "recrimped" that sounds like a microlink or something. Hmm. The quality has to be great, being from Europe, but Euro So Care is also from there and it's only $1.50 per strand!! Obviously, it's for the people that just want the name. The hair would be the same as I use, just waaayyyyy more expensive! Anyone here use it?? I'd like to know more hands on info about it, just to know. Thanks!

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Mar 12, 2007 at 2:22pm

Posted By: valentine319
Date Posted: Mar 12, 2007 at 7:46pm

I hate to point this out but just because a celebrity is the spokesperson doesn't mean that it's great quality or they do a great job.  since this looks like more of a "franchise" type business it could vary from location & stylist to stylist. 

Posted By: hollandbluejay
Date Posted: Mar 14, 2007 at 10:52am
It's sad too how many people are really disinformed about the cost, not to mention quality, of hair extensions and would probably pay that price and think they got a great deal!

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Mar 14, 2007 at 12:21pm
I currently do both Great Lengths and So-Cap bonded extensions in Lake County IL and I am going to Beverly Hills Ca in May to Learn the new Dream Catchers Extensions featuring Paris Hilton.   I have had it in my head that these tube extensions are much more dammaging than a natural protein bond, but I am going to go learn for myself and maybe change my outlook.  If nothing else get more clients from their brillant marketing techniques.  I have been doing extensions for about 4 years and this year will do over 100 applications.  Learning so many different companies allows me to intermix the placement patterns to give the most natural look possible. So I will post once again after I take the class and let you all know what i think. Big%20smile

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Mar 14, 2007 at 7:12pm
Vickimillard, how do you like the So Cap? I do the Euro Co Cap. I love them.

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: Mar 14, 2007 at 11:01pm
What is the difference between So Cap and Euro So Cap? $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-$)$!-!(b" /,

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Mar 14, 2007 at 11:26pm
I think there were two brothers and they split and now each have their own gig. I am certified in Euro So-Cap. The hair is awesome and they lay completely flat against my head! You'll have to google the rest, about each of them. That's just what the one brother told me who put mine in, in Chicago.

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Mar 15, 2007 at 9:24am
I love socap.  The bonds stay so strong without any protein spray. I think it looks more natural than Great lengths because the hair kinda thins out on the ends.  Great lengths stays full the whole way down, so if you are doing a whole head lengthning it gets thinner like real hair.  If the client wants a whole thick head of hair from scalp to ends I go for Great lengths.  The ends of the so cap hair is bad and has lots of splits I usually need to cut about 4 inches off, but it comes in 18-20 inch and most people want about 16 inches.  Great lengths is harder to blend when you layer it because it is so think from top to bottom. Since so cap thins out you don't see the 200 ponytail look as much at the bottom when you cut.  The best thing you can do is get certified by many companies so you can get the best result for each guests needs.  Because their placement methods are totally different too and what will work for one client won't for another.
I have never heard of Euro so-cap. Maybe they are the same thing really. I will ask the guy next time I order hair what the difference is.   I heard from the top educator of IL so cap that the great lengths founder and so cap founder were freinds and actually so cap was there first, and the other guy modified his Greatlengths line to fill the void of so cap.  But in the education book of Great Lengths it tells a different story all together, so who knows what is correct??? I just do them, and I guess that is what matters now. 
Lots of extension companies have a special certification price if you are certified and established in another company.  I had to pay a fraction of the price to take the so cap class since I was affiliated with Great Lengths, and then I got a riemburcement back for that amount I paid on my first order. 
Dream catchers is not like that... you have to pay full price with them.  They gave me this option to go to Beverly Hills and train one on one with a top educators  for a small price more than what it would cost for me to take the class here with tons of people in it.  They cover the flight and hotel with the fee I paid.  I am going to the actual office building, that you guys talked about above, on the sunset strip to learn.  I know Paris doesn't have the best reputation, but you have to admit their marketing strategy is brillant for a new company to be so popular so quick, and for that I was quick to jump on board.  I am going the first week in May so like I said I will let you know what I think. 
By the way at least they have an office building.  One lady I met paid $1800 to be certified with a bonded hair extension company and then they were horrible and never sent her the right hair length or color.  She took a vacation to california and decided to go pick up her hair and meet the people and the address was a house... the people were making the extensions in their basement.  That is why we all need to get together and give eachother more POSITIVE education and negative when we know it is true and appropraite.  So we all can become better and more informed on what we do. 

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Mar 15, 2007 at 3:50pm
Exactly. We need to know what is out there and how and where to get it and how good it is. So, do you flatten out your So-Cap xtensions? That's what I do. It lays totally flush with their scalp. You can't tell they're in.

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Mar 16, 2007 at 4:24am
Yes, I do flatten out my bonds on the top area and front area.  I feel that the section of hair lays more camoflauged instead of bunching with a round bond like a mini pony tail.  I have still noticed that after four months all the flat bonds are gone when I go to take the extensions out, so I do still do round bonds in the bottom... I feel they have more longevity, and I cut them nice and small so they aren't too bulky.
oh my gosh guys I am so excited.  Passions is comming out with a book all on extensions, and so cap called me today to take 3 models and go do the photo shoot representing them.  I guess they have about 250-300 models and they are taking 200 for the book.  I am doing some really cool semi different extension looks so hopefully my people will be in there. 
Also you guys have to check out Split Ends on June 23rd on the style channel. For the season premier episode our salon did a swap with an LA salon.  I am probably going to be on there for like a minute. I am on there
looking over the girls work and had to fix a color.  Can't tell you much more. 
So does anyone have any cool ideas or techniques for extensions to tell me about?

Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: Mar 16, 2007 at 10:01pm
split end huh- did u catch my episode? ), Ahg `dapd , .,` % $ ` $)-%,,, , ,"

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Mar 17, 2007 at 8:43am
Yes I did catch your episode with tangles salon.  Who are you on the episode?  I am so happy to hear from you cause I wanted to know more about those extensions. 
Your salon does micro tube hair extensions don't they?  How do you feel about them?  How often do you move them up?  How much do you charge to put them in then to move them up? How long does it take to do them... then to move them up?  How many times can you move them up before the client sheds enough strands and needs them to be taken out and put back in cause their hair can't support the bond anymore? How long does the hair stay nice looking for? How well does the bond blend into the hair? What company do you guys do? What is your favorite placement pattern?
Your lady was really mean to the New York girl, but I understand now how unreal that probably was... I hope.  I was going to write some other stuff about our episode, but I really can't I don't want to get me/our salon in trouble.  We signed a contract not to talk about the details, so I guess I can defend myself until after it airs, cause I think I am going to be portrayed as the bad guy, and that wasn't the case at all really. 

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Mar 17, 2007 at 8:57am

I had a guest in yesterday with really fine hair. She only wears extensions for 3 months so I put flat bonds in her hair thinking it would cause less stress and blend better, and actually it seems like it was causing more.  It looked great at first, but now that it has grown out 8 weeks, and her hair doesn't grow evenly the bonds don't lay flat anymore, and they show more because they have a bigger surface space.  I felt like the tiny little round ones I did before on her looked more real and like a natural hilight than these.  I have done the same thing on thick hair and not had any problems.  Do you feel the same way about fine hair?  Do you have any tips for me on this with the flat bonds?


Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Mar 17, 2007 at 9:16am
I'm thrilled for you guys that you have such an awesome opportunity like that! Anyways, vicki, what round bonds do you still use besides the flat ones?

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Mar 17, 2007 at 9:39am
I intermix brotein bonded round bonds...  alot of the time I use partially 1/2 bonds (great lengths method) and partially full bonds (so cap method) on people with medium to thick hair.  I noticed all 1/2 bonds make the hair look stringy, and all full bonds get too heavy and hangy and thick.  When you mix them it starts to lay at the bottom like real hair would... more inconsistent with big and little pieces.  For fine hair I tend to use all 1/2 bonds or 1/4 and 3/4 bonds and stay away from whole ones since that type of hair can't suppport that weight. 
I cut about 1/2 the tip off of so cap, and 1/2 to 3/4 of the tip off great lengths to make them nice and small bonds. If anyone tries this with another brand BE CAREFUL I tried doing this with a company called d-lux and I guess the bonds needed to stay gynormus to hold the hair into place.  I tried a model to see if I wanted to bring them into the salon and after she washed her hair all the strands of hair started falling out, and the bonds stayed in.  After 4 days at least 1/2 of her hair was gone, and I had to take them out.  I even left the bonds bigger than I normally do. It was a nightmare, and that is when I learned you get what you pay for with good quality hair and bonds!!!   
Is this pretty much what you were asking?  If not please give me more of an idea. 

Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: Mar 17, 2007 at 10:28pm
the LADY you are refering to that had the most interaction with the NYC girl is ME!
i wasnt "mean" to Rebecca- it was all staged, scripted and planned-
u will see how they cut and paste everything together when its done.
We have gotten amazing positive feedback and sa bit of  negative, (usually from people that think reality is LIVE tv- its not.)
remember drama sells-
thats what they want and thats how its portrayed. We have gotten so many new clients from the show its awesome. So much we have been giving new clients to all my 15 stylists!
good luck,
), Ahg `dapd , .,` % $ ` $)-%,,, , ,"

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Mar 17, 2007 at 11:07pm
Thanks Vicky. That's what I was wanting to know. But, one more main thing, how do you get the great lengths hair? One of my clients wants it b/c she loves my application method, but wants the GL hair.

Posted By: hollandbluejay
Date Posted: Mar 18, 2007 at 11:04am
I did a search on the internet yesterday to get more info, and possibly pictures, of a flat bond installation and I couldn't find anything! Does anyone know where to find this?

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Mar 19, 2007 at 9:07am

Did they tell you to just give her the extension client and not help her with it? 

If I could tell you all of what happened to me you would realize that I totally understand that about how unreal it is, and how they start telling you to do things to create drama cause it is going too smoothly.  I am the mean person/or one of the mean people on this episode, and I was just trying to help a guest who asked ME to fix her hair and didn't want to be on camera with her hair at that point, and it got blown out of proportion totally on camera. Now the girl who traded places with our stylist, and some of the other stylists at my own salon were mad and talking stuff about me cause they don't know the real story.  Oh I just can't wait for that to air so the whole world can be mad at me.   

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Mar 19, 2007 at 9:10am
It is just like round bond instilation, but you don't roll.  you heat it, wrap it, heat it again, and smooth it.  Very similar, but depending on what brand you use they won't last as long cause the bond isn't as solid of a structure.  4!!)

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Mar 19, 2007 at 9:13am
Wait I thought you were helping me with the flat bond situation I had. 
Once you pay the $1800 and get certified with a two day class through Great Lengths you have an exclusive account to your name and salon and can order hair. You then can only perform in professional salons... If they catch you doing it out of your house or selling the hair to uncertified people you will loose your certification with them. 

Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: Mar 19, 2007 at 12:43pm

i know how reality tv is and yes u will find out all too soon. thats why i am a bit surprised when u said "Your lady was real mean to the NYC girl"

if you really understood the show, and how it works as u say u do, then why put such a comment?

everything that was done, was promtped, scritped, and  taped over and over. the extension test was all set up way before she came. Just like the mullet my stylist had to do in New york.

they cut and paste things together, they leave things out and add things in that happend at other times. ITs just for TV -

i have gotten awesome publicity for my salon and my work and  am very happy we did it!

), Ahg `dapd , .,` % $ ` $)-%,,, , ,"

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Mar 20, 2007 at 5:10am
I like the flat bonds. You can't feel them really at all. You still have to be loving with them. I'm doing a client today, I'll have to tell you how it went. Soooo, I can't order the GL hair then, huh? I never called them, they just sent me a dumb packet.
   I have a question.... My client is coming back into town and and I put shrinkies in her hair AWHILE ago and she's claiming there's no matting at all. (yeah right). Anyways, she says she wants me to "move them up" for her and put a few more in. ???? I usually take them out and throw them away! So, do I just reheat and pull it out and re-roll the bond and push it back up there? How would I charge for that? I charged her like $700 to put them in, (not counting the cost of the hair). Help!

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2007 at 11:03am
With ours about the first 1/2 was reality then when it went really smoothly they started to spice it up and tell us what to do which made everything a mess.  At least from what I saw. No one ever asked me to do/say anything fake, so I didn't realize until a few days ago when I talked to the girl who traded places how scripted it really was.
The part that I felt was mean is when Rebecca was left to do the hair extension client and she had no idea what to do and no one helped/showed her... then she got the client taken away from her and someone else finished it.  ON TV no one explained to her how to do them. I teach associtates for a living so I would have taught her, and still had her work with me to do the client since she was there to learn new things. But that is probably not what the camera crew wanted you to do.  Well if they scripted it to go that way... then you were doing what they said, but I felt like she was being set up to fail in that situation by someone since she didn't know how to do those.  With as many extensions as I do I don't know how to do that type of extensions either, and as I was watching I put myself in her shoes of how I would feel as I was watching it... Through the rest of the show you guys were great to her, but the extensions situation really stood out to me from your episode... I didn't realize to the full extent that it was scripted until after I said that, so I am sorry.  Just the other day I talked to the girl who went and found out they were telling her to say/do things all the time that weren't the truth. 
Some of it she did, and some of it she wouldn't do. 
So would you mind telling me about the extensions you guys carry there?

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2007 at 11:13am
Sorry it took me a bit... Tu and Wed are my normal days off, and I spent them at work for 12 hrs each day trying to get all the models done for the shoot.  Crazy Crazy, but very exciting.
I do not work with shrinkies at all.  I don't know how to move them up.  The tangles person could  probably help you with price. I would not charge hourly cause when you do it faster they are going to expect to pay less. I guess it depends on how much of a pain it is as to how much I would charge.  Can you move those up?  If you don't want to then tell you she needs a new set.
So what I find with flat bonds is that I see them more as they grow out cause there is more surface area to them than the round ones. then I noticed that they twist up and bunch the wider section of hair above the bond together, and seem to cause breakage.  How do you feel about them/that?

Posted By: hairheaven
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2007 at 6:59pm
Originally Posted By: monsteritaT@%$`, #`a``D

I'm with you, milachkaa.  I was in Macys not too long ago and saw a cute little purse.  Then I saw her name on it.  It wasn't cute anymore.  To me, any brand with her name on it says just what South Park said:

I agree completely.

Posted By: kateadreena
Date Posted: Mar 26, 2007 at 3:42am
IT SAYS IN THE 'in the press' section that they took 10 hours to put in on paris lol ... why would they advertise that?

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Mar 26, 2007 at 5:25pm
Hey Vicki, I just got a chance to get on here myself. Um, let's see, I've had mine in,(which are MY first set, EVER!) Imagine that, I put them in, yet, I've never had them! So, I had them put in, in Chicago about a month ago. They seem perfect, so far, knock on wood. I've only lost one. The hair feels fabulous. So, I guess we'll see in a little while! My clients love them so far. Not to ask again, but is there a way for me to buy GL hair? And, by the way, I told her I couldn't just "push up" anything. She'd have to get a full set.

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2007 at 8:53am
Again once you get certified you can get all the GL's hair you want.
I think it completely helps you be a better extensionist when you wear them.  You know how they feel/the problems you had, and can better explain what to expect to the client when you know first hand.  It helps you with placement too cause you know where they do feel comfortable, and if there should be more somewhere else. 
What brand dod you have put in?

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Mar 29, 2007 at 10:48pm
I had Euro So Cap put in. I really love them. I put about 125 in there. It was the perfect amount. It's been like about 1 month like I said. Ummm, have you ever used this kind of method before, I mean alot, on your clients? I understand what u said, I think it was you, about still rolling the bonds to make them less noticable. But, do you think that twists the hair too much by twisting and rolling the hair instead of making it flat? We should pm each other..

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Apr 3, 2007 at 10:35am
I have had clients that put in 8 bundles.  Thats 200-400 bonds depending on if you cut them in half or not.  I am also having clients that put in 20-30 bonds now too.
When I lay the bonds flat I feel that as they grow out they start to twist  becuase their is so much hair between the scalp and the bond.  Then I have definately noticed more breakage with the flat bond at taht point. I don't roll my bonds too much to make them round.  I hit them once bend them around that hair hit them again and do a quick 1/2 one way 1/2 the other twist to lock them in.  If you roll back and forth several times you just waist time, at least witht he ones I do.  but I do see that even rolling alot during application doesn't cause me any damage... expecially compared to the dammage of when they get twisted up by being flat. 
I don't know how to PM.

Posted By: envoy13
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2007 at 2:38pm
So i realize that this discussion is now dead and gone but I thought Id add my two cents Smile

-Dido on everyone's thoughts about a connection between Paris Hilton and extensions. Her hair always looks terrible, always with that mushroom that she wears half up half down to hide a bad job. When my clients come in for extensions, the first thing they always say is that they dont want their hair to look "fake" like Paris.  I agree that their zip code marketing plan is a great idea, especially if they plan to do a lot of promotion like GL, but it might be hard for me to stomach selling a "Paris Hilton"brand. I  currently do the rings install using AMMs products the rings and extenshells and I have not had one complaint. I agree that having multiple certifications are a good thing, I have two, but if I were going to get certified in a non-adhesive method, Id do hair locs, they've been doing it for a lot longer, but that's just my opinion.  Vicki I wish you the best of luckThumbs%20Up and please tell us if you think Dreamcatchers is a worthy product.

-In regards to the socap flat bond conversation, im curious are you making these flat bonds with thermal fusion or cold fusion? I tend to make my flat bonds with cold fusion and to date (knock on wood) , I have not experienced any damage with any clients.  But then again, I do remind them that if they decide to wear extensions longer then 3 months I cannot guarantee that their hair will not get damaged. Especially on really fine hair. I explain to them just because socap is durable (and I do love how durable they are) does not mean they should stay in your hair for that long. But im concerned to hear that these flat bond extensions can cause damage. If any one else uses flat bonds can you post your experiences with them so that we as a community can start to share whether this is better or worse then rolled bonds?

oh and if I remember corrently Eurosocap and Socapusa are not the same thing. I currently use Socap USA.

Posted By: metalgirl
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2007 at 12:03pm
I don't know about the Socap flat bonds, but I have worked extensively with my new brand of extensions that I invented, the Godiva Flat Strands.  I place them pretty close to the root, about 1/4" down and clients wear  them only for 12 weeks.  I have not seen any problems at all, and I've been doing this method for almost 1 year now.  I also wear a very full head, with no problems.
For anyone who is interested, I just completed the filming of my Godiva Flat Strands training DVD.  It will be ready for purchase in about a week or so.  I'm selling a training kit that will include all the necessary tools, adhesive, bundle of strands, DVD,  extensive training manual that I wrote, and a consultation guide.  If anyone is interested, you can contact me. 
metalgirl2007-04-16 12:04:18 $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-$)$!-!(b" /,

Posted By: pooks1
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2007 at 4:37pm
Damn Paris Hilton site crashed my Firefox about 15 times.

Now she is officially evil. Also, there are some misspellings on that website. Bah.Dead
! B` h`pt`d ( `r $ b !4% !,! ), !-,-0b !2

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Apr 18, 2007 at 10:16pm
I keep meaning to ask socap what the difference is between that and Euro socap when I call to order hair and I keep forgetting to. 
So does anyone have any Hot Tips on taking out So Cap hair extensions... they are a pain compared to Great lengths because they are so durable.
I say 3-5 months on bonded extensions... 3 if fine, and up to 5 if thick.  But I do not like flat bonds after what I have seen.  They look shiny and have a bigger surface area so they stand out and shine through the hair more, and really don't last as long. I have put them in with heat.  What would be the difference... aren't the bonds pretty well the same in the end either way? I tend to put then in round then put my hilights where the persons real highlights are and the dark where the dark is, and I get the best most natural effect rather than putting them in a specific pattern.... like 2:1. 
I have never had one of my clients say they didn't like Paris' extensions... and lately I thought her extensions looked better than they ever have now that she is with this company.
ABOUT DREAM CATCHERS...  I just got off the phone with Crystal from Dream catchers to confirm my reservations. I asked her about their company... she said they have been around for many years in Australia, New Zeland, and Africa, and they just came to the united states recently, but have been in business for around 10 years in other countries.  You can tell they are not from here when you call them 90% of their staff is british.  She said their hair is not colored, and stays in better quality for much longer than hair locs. A guest stopped in once who wanted to know if I did the type of extensions she had in and I believe she said they were hair locs ... to me they looked horrible.  The quality of the hair was dry brittle and not what I expected too see, and the tubes poked out and did not blend well at all... which could have been the technician.  That is why until now I believed more in the bonded extensions because you get new fresh hair each time for about the same price in the long run.  I also saw someone on TV who had hair locs and I felt the same way from what I could see. From what I have asked, looked into and the manuals, and have read through dream catchers I am very confident about my decision to be certified with them.
One thing I did find out tonight about Dream Catchers is that they are selling zip codes rights for $1000 a code.  That money pays for your class and the rights to get any clients that call in for extensions from that code.  So you could own 1 or 20 codes and get all of those clients from that code/s. When all the codes are sold the only way you can get rights to be affiliated with them is to buy the code from someone who owns it.  Kinda like realestate. They said that one lady bought all the most profitable cities in her area, and is selling them for $3000-$5000 a code.   They said she made something like $25,000 selling some of her codes.  I think Dream catchers has a very good/smart strategy going on here to break into the American market.  Every time I call the phones are ringing off the hook with orders/ people interested in doing/getting them. Of course people are going to down them for one reason or another, but on the flip side so many more people are all about them.  I am hearing more clients than ever talk about hair extensions here... Dream catchers in specific... Since we live 20 minutes from where the big midwest beauty show is, and Paris Hilton was all over the news here because she was here at the showsigning autographas and answering questions. I have had my long time Great lengths client looking into Dream catchers but didn't tell me until I told her I was taking the class, and now I can do them for her no matter which brand she chooses... considering the buzz going on  in my area I think I would be stupid not to get involved.    

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Apr 19, 2007 at 10:07am
I agree. I wish I had the extra money....

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Apr 20, 2007 at 11:05am
That is the first thing I hear from so many people... so I hope that what I am writing below isn't taken as an insult... but instead as inspiration.
If I just wished I had the money my whole life I still wouldn't have the money.  Sometimes you have to make the investment to get ahead with your career. 
I put $1600 on my credit card and took the Great Lengths class.  Then paid it off with my first few clients.  I did this when several girls already did them at my salon and their was no room for me to get clients... Within a year and a half one moved to California, one moved to Georgia, and just quit one day.  Now I have all their clients and was the only one who did extensions at my salon for the last year.  Now there is room for other girls to be taking the class, and I still hear I can't afford it.  I just asked another girl to go to the class about 6 months ago cause I was getting too busy, and she finally did it.  Now she gets alot of the consults/new clients for bonded extensions and I have my regulars. 
In this process I have literally more than doubled my income in the last two years. I am ready to start the next step with Dream catchers and hopefully do all extension clients within the next few years and double/tripple my income again.  My husband is slow at work right now and my income is a major part in getting bills paid, so I am so happy now that I did what I did then to get me here now. But once again here I go putting it on my credit card to get started to the next step.  You choose what you can afford. 
So I guess I am saying if you really want it you will find a way to get it.  You won't live with that debt forever... it is just a temporary thing to help get you ahead in the end.

Posted By: autumn1
Date Posted: Apr 20, 2007 at 11:09pm
They're just another version of Hairlocs.....but the deal about recrimping and thereby reusing the link (bead or whatever you want to call it) does not work. I've done many, many of these installs and they are difficult on removing-- and reusing the link is almost impossible. The link is silicone inside and copper outside or nickle. After shampooing and wear and tear gunk and oil builds up inside and at the top and bottom of the link and when it comes time to uncrimp and move (slide) the link up the hair shaft (1) it doesn't slide and (2) the bead is crimped and doesn't want to recrimp....and if it does happen to recrimp, often times gets rough edges.  Not something you want in someones hair. The whole sales pitch for the ease of reusing is FALSE. It's frustrating for you (the extensionist) and the client is definitely not happy thinking you've screwed it up somehow and wants her moolah back.   Sorry if I sound irritated, but I have done this over and over thinking somehow I wasn't doing (putting it in correctly) I've been doing all the various techniques as they've developed for Extensions since the 1970's and the links are ok for what they are designed for just not the "Easy to Re-install" stuff.  I better go eat some chocolate now! lol!) Pid`a$ @e % ,`b ".4

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Apr 22, 2007 at 10:45pm
Oh no, Vicki, I totally agree with you. That's been my method and thought about getting ahead and making more money, and I've done it. I guess I was just sigh-ing a little b/c I just bought a house and the mortgage is killing me! Ya know? A little slow at work and ALOT more to pay out. (already maxed out the credit cards paying for everything)...   

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Apr 24, 2007 at 9:30am
I am there with you... newer bigger mortgage, and car payments as big as the mortgage cause we financed them for short terms, then credit card debt up the ying yang.  Then on top of that my husband is an electrician and he is down to 3 days a week cause the corporations are holding off on doing work now in this area. That's alot of money gone every month we thought we could count on.  I grew 56% so far this year from last years numbers, and I was pretty content with that for a while, but I know I could easily do more with Dream Catchers, so I am trying to get out of the color/cutting business a bit (which makes less $ than extensions) and do more extensions even yet.   I have about 25-30 extension clients and I would like to get to 45-50 in the next year.
I guess if you know going for the class would make you more money in the end then it is worth it.  If you aren't sure then maybe it isn't. 
I am getting excited I leave next Wednesday.  I am planning all the datails now.  I am so swamped at work though.  I have 4 extensions before I leave that I have to come in extra for cause I was already booked and 3 more the week I get back...
So does anyone have any good ideas of things for us to do in the LA area?  My b-day is this Thursday and we aren't going to have time to celebrate it until we get to LA, but I wanted to do something special while we were there. 
Oh yeah I know it is a while away, but remember to watch Split Ends.  The salon I work at is on the season premier episode on June 23rd on the Style channel. 

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Apr 24, 2007 at 10:14am
Hey Vicki, how much did you say the DreamCatchers class costs?

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Apr 25, 2007 at 9:15am
$1000, and you get the rights to a zip code that you choose. It is $1500 to fly out to beverly hills.  4!!)

Posted By: Chris H.
Date Posted: Apr 26, 2007 at 12:48am
Gotcha. That's weird that's it's cheaper than GL. Plus the rights! Well, let me know how it was!

Posted By: CREEDO
Date Posted: Apr 27, 2007 at 10:17pm
Smile  Envoy13 just a FYI Paris Hilton had Great Lengths in her hair in the past that's why her hair looked like crap and a mushroom head.  Have you seen her recently in person?  Her hair is FANTASTIC, dont hate and comment on something you dont know for a FACT.
I've seen people with Hairlocks, Great Lengths etc. Dreamcatchers dont even compare to those hair extensions! 
Question:  Can you tell me why havent anyone else "Famous person" put their name on an hair extension company?  Because they dont want to be liable for the crap hair extension.  Makeup, clothes, etc they all have Famous people tied into their promoting. I have never seen any one else in the hair extension industry use a "person" for their hair extension, okay I lied Jessica Simpson, but look at the hair quality! DUH!
Dont knock a product when you havent seen the quality of those extensions!
And for the 1000.00 per zip code/training thingy   I would rather pay that then 3000.00 per training with hairlocks or great lengths.

Posted By: CREEDO
Date Posted: Apr 27, 2007 at 10:24pm
Can you tell me who doesnt copy things these days???  Its the way of life, what would happen if we didnt have things copied??????????????????

Posted By: CREEDO
Date Posted: Apr 27, 2007 at 10:27pm

Copying is a way of life....... what would happen if we never copied eacothers ideas??  We all would be out of business!

Posted By: CREEDO
Date Posted: Apr 27, 2007 at 10:30pm

What would happen if we didnt copy anyone??  We would be out of business!

Posted By: CREEDO
Date Posted: Apr 27, 2007 at 10:35pm

Question:  What do you think would happen if we didnt copy someone, or something?   

We would all be out of business!

Posted By: CREEDO
Date Posted: Apr 27, 2007 at 10:38pm
Originally Posted By: TanglesRC( ``$ #$@ $ d b@@
We would all be out of business if we didnt copy someone or something.....

Posted By: CREEDO
Date Posted: Apr 27, 2007 at 10:42pm
Tangles   dont you own a zip code with dreamcatchers??  Why you knocking down the extension?

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2007 at 12:05am
Well I went to the class weeks ago, and came home to some misfortune with my mother, so I have been tending to her since then... no time to write in here or do other things I have been meaning to do.  There were things I did and didn't like about Dream catchers... the same as each extension company I work with.  I do like the application technique, and the hair. I have not gotten any calls from them of clients/requests... you buy a zip code and they send people to you based on how close they are to you.  I haven't seen any advertising either.  A Dream Catcher freind of mine said the same thing that lives in the LA area so it isn't just here in the midwest.  Other fees are involved that I heard nothing about until I flew 1/2 way across the country and paid for the class in full.  I don't think the fees are outragous, but I don't think it is ethical in the US to approach the hidden fees the way they were addressed. It left me with a bad feeling like it wasn't honest and upfront. I just feel that I should be upfront with you guys in letting you know about the fees since I told you I would let you know what I thought... I do like them alot better than what i have seen of hair locs.  Ultimately I would reccommend dream catchers if you are going to take a class for extensions.   
About paris' extensions... I feel they looked bad back then because of the technique used ( cutting all the bonds in 1/2, not using enough, not going high enough) not the actual extensions themselves, and the bubbly layers that were in back then... which leaves a mushroom at the top of the extension. Now cuts are more soft and texturized on top which blends so much better into extensions. 
Oh yeah when I was ordering hair a few days ago from GL I asked and their classes are still $1800.  They do have a 3 day basic technique and advanced cutting class that is $2400.  It sounded like it was completely worth it. 3g's is a bit much I thought.
The place I work at... Octagon is on Split Ends which aired on the Style channel this week.  They keep playing reruns of it 2-3 times a day probably until Saturday july 7th if you want to catch it. It is interesting to get a first hand take of what reality TV is like... you know how it is when you play telephone, and by the time the message gets to the last person it is very distorted, but that is reality when things get told over and over.  Well that is exactly what reality TV is like when they are determined to portray you a certain way... then you get all the footage..and scenes/ interviews are dirtorted.  by the time it gets on the air. They make my city look like we live in the country, and we pray all day at work.. neither of those are true.  I am not religus SP?. I am a total brat on that show, and sorry to say but that is pretty accurate in real life. 

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2007 at 1:07am
Hi Vicki, thank you for taking the time to report on this method. I think its like any method, they all have their pros and cons and what works for one doesnt always work for everyone!
I hope that all is well with your mother.
$- P cn`dp0% 00BB .64b" !( %($%,!)$!!!!8br 0

Posted By: malibu
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2007 at 2:33am
I don't know how I missed this ENTIRE thread but anyway, here I am. Vicki, thanks so much for all your feedback. I'm sorry to hear there were hidden costs. That's absurd but to be honest I'm not surprised after reading Creedo's crazy posts yelling at Tangles. Who is Creedo? Go away!

The good news, I was reading this weeks People and they mention the Dream Catchers method so you may see some more people interested, hopefully.

What makes me wonder about this company is in their video they say they're using "European Hair". Whenever I hear that I know it's a bunch of sh!t. Most likely it's Indian hair that's been processed.  Ask Creedo what part of Europe this hair comes from? India is NOT in Europe Creedo but thanks for playing.

Posted By: krimsa
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2007 at 6:40am
This is sort of OT but while Paris was in the slammer, I wonder if they let her have all of her hair products when she had to shower? I dont think jail (even county) is known for supplying inmates with all of their extension hair care needs...

Posted By: envoy13
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2007 at 10:47am
I haven't checked this post for a while, but  Vicki Im sorry to hear about that company's poor ethics, I think its unscrupulous to quote you one price and then change it at the last minute, especially for people who are traveling from out of state.  But, at the very least you liked the technique and adding one more company and class will make you a better overall hairdresser. My question is, for those of us that have already taken extension classes with other companies (i.e Socap, Hairlocs etc) would you still recommend Dreamcatchers? Or would you just recommend them to stylists who have not taken a hair extension class?

As for Creedo, who are you? Do you not understand the function of posts? I think Paris Hilton's hair looked and at times still looks like crap! That is my opinion , if someone thinks it doesn't that is also there opinion. In that sense there are no "facts" to discuss, there are no objective views on something like hairstyles because it is a very subjective medium. I personally dont care if her hair looked like crap from GL or Dreamcatchers, what I said was I would never use a company that had her as a spokesperson because my clients use to always use her as an example of what they didnt want (they would use lindsay lohan as an example of what they liked). Does that make me a "hater" I guess, but that doesnt bother me, if voicing my opinion about something in my profession and field makes me a "hater" then I gladly take on that role. The women(and men?) on this medium are wonderful , tolerant, and sharing .  We always post our positions about products or experiences with extensions and other things. We may not always agree, bu we treat each other with respect.

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2007 at 10:26pm
hey krisma, I think Paris had to get rid of her extensions for her jail time. I remember reading that hair extensions werent allowed. So Im assuming she had to have them removed for her little vacation!
I dont know how I missed CREEDOS posts previosly and I was going to respond to it when I posted earlier, but then I seen the posts were from April, so CREEDO probably isnt even around anymore!
$- P cn`dp0% 00BB .64b" !( %($%,!)$!!!!8br 0

Posted By: malibu
Date Posted: Jul 4, 2007 at 11:51pm
Paris did not have to take her extensions out. I read it in PeopleEmbarrassed
She said if they're tight enough to last through her time they don't need to be taken out.

Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2007 at 12:18am
ahhh...well lucky Paris didnt have to take her extensions out then eh? $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .64b" !( %($%,!)$!!!!8br 0

Posted By: TanglesRC
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2007 at 12:27am
thanks for all your info and updates vicki- so where is your salon located. i only saw one episode so far, vegas vs cali? Was that it, what is your name on the show so we can know who u are.
i agree on what u said about how they portray people- that is what i was saying during the first part of this thread when  you asked me about the show, drama sells, everything is so cut and pasted together and out of context.
what is it about the dreamcatchers that u like better then hairlocs.
), Ahg `dapd , .,` % $ ` $)-%,,, , ,"

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2007 at 10:16am
I just wrote this REAAALLLyyy long post, and it hasn't gone through... I hope I pressend send and not Delete.4!!)

Posted By: mishelle
Date Posted: Sep 11, 2007 at 10:49am
hi all, I work in a salon where we do dreamcatchers.  I'm not a fan, and every client has had fallout - one client had 14 extensions fall out -- 14x$10 = $140 in her hands and out of her hair.
However, the salon gets a ton of clients just because of the marketing.  I'm loving ultratress! 
hope this helps!

Posted By: amanda_m
Date Posted: Sep 11, 2007 at 3:48pm
About Paris' extensions while she was in jail.... I think I remember that she had to have them sewn in for her time in jail so they would be secure enough- I think they originally said extensions weren't allowed, but then they had said a sew in would be ok- because that would be tight and secure.

Posted By: ikki
Date Posted: Sep 11, 2007 at 6:47pm
to vickymillard
So does anyone have any Hot Tips on taking out So Cap hair extensions... they are a pain compared to Great lengths because they are so durable.
I use the balmain quick removermachine, to remove them very fast. But it is rather expensive in use.
If not, there's a remover from eurosocap, that does the job well. Keep in mind that the remover is at his best when warm. You can keep him warm in a that thing that heats a babymilkbottle ( sorry don't know the word in Englisch, It warms the milk to bodytemperature).
Apply on 4-5 bonds at the same time, crush them, than work your way 1 by one
Don't use heat with aceton guys, because that is inflammable!
Sorry, still learning Englisch.
! cdadd d ! .(bb .$`` (

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Sep 12, 2007 at 9:03am
Thank you! I have gotten the hang of it alot more since I wrote that post.  That and I always work with an assistant now, so it only takes each of us 1/2 the time and we don't get frustrated.  I have never tried heating the solution though so I will try it.  
I apply the liquid remover... not the gel...  on about 20-30 bonds at once then crack them all and add more solution to them and another 20-30.  After the solution has sat while I put it on the other ones I go back and the first 20-30 I clamp my remover tool on their own hair above the bond and it pulls right out.  I think the key is letting the solution sit to soften them... so many people try doing 1 or a few bonds at a time and trying to soften each and every one from hard to removal will take forever.
I like liquid remover solution because it has some amount of oil in it and stays wetter... I find the gel has too much alcohol and dries out too fast.  The bond flakes off and still sticks to the hair with gel... the oil keeps the bond together more and slides the bond over hair better... expecially hilights. 

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Sep 12, 2007 at 9:14am
I am doing my first two models in the next two weeks for dream catchers.  I love their application techniques, but I was completely turned off by the way they presented hidden fees to me after I flew 1/2 way across the country and spent $2500 to do so.  I have been getting quite a few calls now for them so I am going to try them out.
My models both used great lengths so they were worried about the bonds comming out.  I just told them if they come out just bring me the pieces and try to remember where they came from and I will just put them right back in.... at least you can do that.   I have had people loose 10-20 great lengths and you can't even put those back in... so they are really out that money. 
My opinion is if they keep loosing Dream catchers either they are using conditioner on the bonds or there is something wrong with the ... amount of hair I am putting in the bond or the pressure I am using to secure it.  I am doing these two models to get those problems figured out and don't start with having problems on real clients. 

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Dec 4, 2011 at 10:08am
Do you still have Godiva extensions? I currently offer six lines and am always interested in bring ing more quality items.  4!!)

Posted By: vickimillard
Date Posted: Dec 4, 2011 at 10:20am
Does anyone know about the information on the lawsuit with zip codes and dream catchers?  I actually paid double to be affiliated with a zip code in Wisconsin and now the listing for my zip code has eight peoples names under it... The most frustrating part is that i'm not it the first position.. I'm in the 5th position.  $1000 extra was a lot to pay and be out and not have exclusive rights anymore : (
I'm at this salon now...

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