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Cali-Kristin View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 28, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm

Because I am being threatened by someone to post things on HairTalk I thought I

Poose View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 09, 2005
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
I'm sorry but this sounds fake, I think that person emailing you isn't really named Sue-Anne, but proabably someone who really hates you personally.

...." poor tactics to gain business and we do acknowledge what type of person you really are Kristin,.... <- this shows it was a personal attack, using your name.
..I will do everything in my power and trust me, it will hurt business for you!! Take that as a threat!!
Some is obviously mad about something, and it looks like they are stalking you, know that you come to this website and looking up your MySpace account.
If you can I suggest recording their IP address and holding onto it just incase you need to file a complaint with their ISP, or the police.

Just my 2 cents!!!    <- Didn't "what's his name" used to say that alot?

Poose2006-10-26 16:33:15

amm View Drop Down
Elite Member
Joined: Oct 13, 2004
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
The IP of these emails are so easy to find within the email itself.

My advice... when email start turning this aggressive from the get-go and the order eventually comes in, I hit refund and don't do business with them. If eating establishment rules can be "No shirt, no shoes, no service" ours can be "No personality, no patience, no product."

Rocket22 View Drop Down
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Joined: Nov 03, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm

I haven't heard anyone! on here complaining about your customer service!!!  I have always heard how great your customer service is?????  So really don't know what she is talking about?   That is strange to me?  And I think she totally jumped the gun on this with her nasty response!  Now why would she think after that you would want to sell her hair??  Hell I emailed a company last week about hair prices and still haven't heard a thing???  But I certainly wouldn't send them a nasty letter????? 

Rocket222006-10-26 16:51:50

monsterita View Drop Down
Junior Member
Joined: Sep 05, 2005
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
Just for the record, I have never experienced anything other than excellent customer service, fast replys to my e-mails, and polite interactions with Kristen.

I think that people have this fantasy that others sit at their computers all day answering e-mails, and that because e-mails arrive nearly instantaneously, they should be answered just as fast.   I've had students get upset that an e-mail sent on Friday night wasn't answered until Monday morning.

I have a two business day response policy and if I don't respond within that time, I ask that the student re-send the e-mail with the assumption that I did not receive the first one.   Sometimes, my spam filter will catch e-mails and so never receive them.   I don't think anyone should assume that just because they sent an e-mail that it was actually received, nor should they assume that the recipient will immediately respond. 

I also think that threatening someone's ability to make a living over a slow response time for e-mails is uncalled for.  I would have re-sent the first e-mail with a note saying that I didn't know whether the first one was received.  Then, if the second note wasn't responded to, I would just go elsewhere. 

People forget that there are real people on the other end of the computer and that the basic rules of common courtesy apply online just like they do in real life.

sherrie215 View Drop Down
Super Elite Member
Joined: Dec 21, 2004
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
well put mosterita....
Wow, that last email was pretty extreme....people CAN get very irrate when they 'think' your ignoring them or intentionally or purposely not answering them back timely enough to their satisfaction. Its very dificult if not impossible to please everybody all the time. And sometimes I think that people forget the human factor as monsterita explained.

nursie View Drop Down
Joined: Mar 21, 2006
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm

well good grief kristin, you mean you dont go around with head gear attached to your blackberry to cater to this ONE psycho's immediate need for answers to questions that are 1. odd, coming from someone that claims to do extensions for a living AND reads these boards ('how do you pretip your u-hair'??) and 2.monotonous ......(sorry, i quit reading before even halfway through up there

when you know you have put forth a good effort to help, and people continue to pick pick pick....its time to close that door


nursie2006-10-26 17:59:29

frenchie1 View Drop Down
Joined: Aug 09, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
Hi Kristin,
Some people are just nuts, this girl thinks she is the center of the world! Miss "24h policy", yeah right... wouldn't want to be her boyfriend!!!
Some people have time to waste their energy on nothing, let's not do the same!!!
I still haven't heard back from, after nore tons of emails and phone calls, ... and you know what? I would never want to yell at them or anything or write nasty emails...who does that kind of thing?!!

juliap View Drop Down
Joined: Oct 04, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
Everyone is so mean these days are world has become a fast service, fast attitude kind of world.  If someone took time to respond to my emails I would just assume they never recieved them or were to busy to get to it right away.  Even if someone never responded I wouldn't be upset.  juliap2006-10-26 18:56:47

Gina E View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 11, 2005
Location: Cincinnatti Ohio
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm

well good grief kristin, you mean you dont go around with head gear attached to your blackberry to cater to this ONE psycho's immediate need for answers to questions that are 1. odd, coming from someone that claims to do extensions for a living AND reads these boards ('how do you pretip your u-hair'??) and 2.monotonous ......(sorry, i quit reading before even halfway through up there

when you know you have put forth a good effort to help, and people continue to pick pick pick....its time to close that door


Yeah...I noticed the "I'm a professional, but I have no clue and I'm only ordering supplies for MY hair"

Cali-Kristin View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 28, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm

You ladies are all so great- always there when I need you! THANK YOU! 

I apologize for not getting back to you all sooner but I had a client *gasp!*(haha... OMG- I'm a real person with things to do!). Thank you all for your uplifting responses. I guess it's true that you can't please everyone. With her threats to slander my name I thought it was highly necessary to post all emails so everyone could see the exact conversation before she posted. It's really a shame because I would have been happy to help her. 

Poose- It's weird. I really don't know what I could have done to anyone to frustrate them so quickly :o/

Amm- Thanks for your kind words. I love that saying, "No personality, no patience, no product." I think I'll frame that in my office :O)


Rocket- I've emailed plenty of hair places online and I probably get 1 out of 10 responded to. This goes for other websites too. If I had tried to write a business and not gotten a response I would re-send it again. I have gotten a couple emails in the past from customers saying that they are making their second attempt to contact me. Most of the time I'll do a quick search and don

Gina E View Drop Down
Joined: Jan 11, 2005
Location: Cincinnatti Ohio
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
Lucy La Rue and Roxy "Rojita Bonita" Balboa
I can't believe you have time to post and keep up with a pup!...Shouldn't you be answering emails?Evil%20Smile BACK TO WORK *sound of whip cracking*

Cali-Kristin View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 28, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm

LMAO! She's going to be a dinosaur for Halloween. I'll make sure to post some pictures.

p.s. I was behind the camera in the above picture... the hairy legs belong to my little bro and company ;)

Cali-Kristin View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 28, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
Oh and If you missed my cat from last year... she was featured on!!
Happy Halloween!
Cali-Kristin2006-10-26 21:20:44

hflsales View Drop Down
Joined: Aug 20, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
I emailed you the other day with a question & got a response within about an hour! I run an online business also (selling high heels) and let me tell you, I get the NASTIEST emails sometimes! Yesterday I got one that was so bad that I couldn't even post it here. All because UPS wouldn't leave their package outside their apartment when they weren't home.  The guy told me he would go to the Better Business Bureau and anyone else that would listen that I am a TERRIBLE company.
Anyway, I sympathise with you. Don't let it bother you because this most likely won't be the last nasty email you get. There are so many nutcases out there on the internet!!

Longhairdreams View Drop Down
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Joined: Mar 31, 2005
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm

I would almost guess its a member.I agree with amm about tracking their IP address.Dont even think twice about it though.Everyone knows how great of a job your doing.

:For instance I really appreciated that you sent me a sample even though you had already sent more out than you were going to.I honestly thought I'd missed the boat.So I was pleasantly suprised when I got my sample of your new u-tip d-lux.Thanks KristinSmile

Cali-Kristin View Drop Down
Joined: Sep 28, 2004
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
hflsales: Thank you. I know every business goes through it.
    p.s. I'm a sucker for shoes! What's your website?
    I'd love to check it out     :oD
LHD: I'm on it ;o) I opened a couple more packs of hair so if anyone else needs a sample I'll be shipping more out tomorrow or Monday. The information for the sample is on this page:

Divavocals View Drop Down
Elite Member
Joined: Feb 13, 2006
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
Hey Kristin,

On a completely different note.. I wanna order some hair from you.. can we do this so I pay you for it now, and instead of shipping it you bring it with you Sunday??? (oh please oh please???)
Divavocals2006-10-27 02:44:30

hflsales View Drop Down
Joined: Aug 20, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
Here is one of my websites (I have more)

Divavocals View Drop Down
Elite Member
Joined: Feb 13, 2006
Posted: Oct 26, 2006 at 5:44pm
Here is one of my websites (I have more)
[/QUOTE] C.F.M. shoes!!! Ooooooooo.... I LOVE IT!!!! ClapClapClapClapClapClap

TanglesRC View Drop Down
Senior Member
Joined: Apr 25, 2005
Posted: Oct 27, 2006 at 5:44pm
kristin- in all the responses i have ever seen u write, you always say it so nicely and with kindness, this person is evident they want to stir things up - ignore them and choose to not do business with them. Sounds like stupid threats. there has got to be a site or something to report threating asses.
dont worry girlfriend we all got cha back.

Darling Nikkie View Drop Down
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Joined: Jul 31, 2006
Location: Belgium
Posted: Oct 27, 2006 at 5:44pm
Kristin: I ordered some stuff off your website and as usual you're very quick with responding to questions etc.
Don't let some hysteric a-hole intimidate you.
You know who you are and your customer service is the best!!!
We're all behind you sweetie!!!
Oh and your pets are cuuuuute!!!

ps: you posted diy pics of how you do the fusion on yourself. I can't seem to find you remember where it was?

asinnamon View Drop Down
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Joined: Apr 02, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 27, 2006 at 5:44pm
Don't sweat it!!  You do a wonderful job with your business!  You have proved that time and again here on this board alone, I can only imagine the service you give your customers in your shop!  YOu are beautiful and kind and this shows thru in your customer service. 
I used to work for a real a**hole.  He acted alot like the person in your emails.  Always wanted something for nothing and wanted it yesterday.  He always expected people to bow down to him and when they didn;t he had a hissy fit.  I usually got the job of telling these people his wishes, what a joy!  Example: He once got angry with me because AT&T shut off his 800 number after he told me not to pay the bill for 3 months.  Why you may ask, well, because he wanted them to lower his rates.  I mean, come on, it's at&t for crying out loud! 
Another example:  HE wanted me to tell the owner of the office building we were in that they needed to redo the plumbing in the men's room because everytime he went #2 he plugged the potty!!  Good lord!  I never did pass on that message!
The moral of my rant is that you can't please everyone, especially spoiled little brats who think they can get thier own way by being a bully!
asinnamon2006-10-27 08:35:58

B.B. View Drop Down
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Joined: Oct 12, 2006
Location: United States
Posted: Oct 27, 2006 at 5:44pm
OMG!!  ...and she thinks she's going to do business with you - is surprised you got the impression she didn't want to order...????????
My experience with your products and service has been nothing but wonderful.  BTW - my hair arrived yesterday, it's G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S.  Can't wait to install this weekend.  I played with it for longer than I'll admit here trying to decide what blends I was going to make, installation pattern...and on...and on...  I'll just say I was getting strange looks from everyone else there...LOL
I agree that you should track the IP address, she's threatening you & your livelihood.  Even spells it out - take this as a threat.  I believe you can take action for that alone.  Online harassment is taken seriously these days.
Try not to let it get to you.  There will always be people who need to try to tear you down and bully you for whatever messed up reason of their own, but truth is that's their problem.  You do great work, and don't need any HR training in my book.  I have emails to prove that you go above & beyond to help with questions - and we both know we had a lot of back & forth regarding colors & pictures this last time!!!  LOL
Keep your chin up & have a great weekend!  Success is the sweetest revenge.

malibu View Drop Down
Senior Member
Joined: Feb 17, 2006
Posted: Oct 27, 2006 at 5:44pm
Wow, how crazy can people be? I don't understand why this person thinks they'll get better service if they're nasty??? It does sound like a fake person just starting trouble. Hopefully they will leave you alone.
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