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Job requires me to answer a personality test

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Forum Name: Work, Work, Work
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Topic: Job requires me to answer a personality test
Posted By: fernclowder
Subject: Job requires me to answer a personality test
Date Posted: Nov 18, 2014 at 8:40am
I am going to apply to a job but I am being required to take a personality test. I have several friends who have experienced this before and all of them didn't get the job. :( 

Has anyone of you ever applied to a job that requires a personality test, then got the job? How did you do in the test, did you fake your answers, or was completely honest? I really want to land this job. Thanks!

Replies: 1
Posted By: fernclowder
Date Posted: Nov 18, 2014 at 8:40am
I am going to apply to a job but I am being required to take a personality test. I have several friends who have experienced this before and all of them didn't get the job. :( 

Has anyone of you ever applied to a job that requires a personality test, then got the job? How did you do in the test, did you fake your answers, or was completely honest? I really want to land this job. Thanks!

Posted By: mariechin1234
Date Posted: Dec 30, 2014 at 9:01pm
Just choose answers that you think will get you the job. :)

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