Kudos HairTalk Team
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Category: General Forum Name: Feedback/Suggestions Forum Description: Let us know what you think of this site. URL: /forum_posts.php?TID=81551
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Topic: Kudos HairTalk Team
Posted By: lion099 Subject: Kudos HairTalk Team Date Posted: May 17, 2014 at 9:54am
I will it admit it took me a tiny bit of time to get used to the HairTalk forum upgrade, but now that I am using it, I really love it.
I know there were tons of issues with migrating from the original HairTalk forum which has been online since the mid 1990s. Kudos for making it happen as seamlessly as possible and without losing all the wonderful content that has been here for so many years.
So many people have no problem complaining, I wanted to channel my energy into a compliment.
Posted By: lion099
Date Posted: May 17, 2014 at 9:54am
I will it admit it took me a tiny bit of time to get used to the HairTalk forum upgrade, but now that I am using it, I really love it.
I know there were tons of issues with migrating from the original HairTalk forum which has been online since the mid 1990s. Kudos for making it happen as seamlessly as possible and without losing all the wonderful content that has been here for so many years.
So many people have no problem complaining, I wanted to channel my energy into a compliment.