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Your hair and profession

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
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Topic: Your hair and profession
Posted By: Erinlynn
Subject: Your hair and profession
Date Posted: Sep 3, 2003 at 6:31am
In another thread we were discussing that you can tell what major a person has by thier hair. I extended this into telling what type of job a person has by thier hair. i thought we all might say what we do and our hair style...or if youve noticed certain hairstyles going with certain jobs.

For example so far I feel that:

Walmart/grocery store workers: many with really long hair if they are older, then of course there are the highschoolers with regular highschool hair.

Artists tend to have longer hair.

Im a biologist with long hair (atypical) but im also an artist (typical).

Any thoughts?

Replies: 17
Posted By: Erinlynn
Date Posted: Sep 3, 2003 at 6:31am
In another thread we were discussing that you can tell what major a person has by thier hair. I extended this into telling what type of job a person has by thier hair. i thought we all might say what we do and our hair style...or if youve noticed certain hairstyles going with certain jobs.

For example so far I feel that:

Walmart/grocery store workers: many with really long hair if they are older, then of course there are the highschoolers with regular highschool hair.

Artists tend to have longer hair.

Im a biologist with long hair (atypical) but im also an artist (typical).

Any thoughts?

Posted By: Gollan
Date Posted: Sep 3, 2003 at 4:15pm
I'm an engineer and I'm in the process of growing tailbone length(?!) hair. In my occupation the rule is "anything goes" though the true long-hair is a bit of a rarity. There was a time when engineers were subject to dress and appearance codes (think white shirts and black pants at NASA and IBM in the 1960s). But engineering is an odd process in that you are trying to get creativity out of people who are inclined toward precision and certainty. Telling such people what to wear and how to look when they show up for work doesn't foster that "wild and crazy" streak that produces things like the Internet, MRI machines, TV remote controls, and the George Foreman grill.

A semi-related anecdote:
My elderly dad recently told me that I should get a haircut, explaining that "people will think you're a musician". That got me thinking. If people think I'm a musician will I get better or worse treatment than if they think I'm a computer engineer :D?

Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: Sep 3, 2003 at 4:25pm
I wear my hair in a 1/4 inch buzzcut and I am a stay at home wife. (With 2 grown boys still at home!) % ic adp` - ,(b` $( b !( ,,,--% -,--,Bb '$

Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: Sep 3, 2003 at 5:45pm
I'm a student in high school
The British system is different- it goes

4-7years - Infant school
7-11years - Junior school
11-16years - High school
16-18years - College
18->years - University

I'm a soon to be art student, who wants to be, and has a very good chance of (according to my teachers) becoming a famous artist, at least in Wales! Wa-hey!

My hair is 32" and growing all the time! I also have a very short body length and long legs. My hair would appear shorter on a tall person, obv., but I can nearly sit on it

[off topic, sorry. Does sitting on hair damage it? Friction and such like] $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-)! !!%,!,`" !,

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Sep 3, 2003 at 8:55pm
I think it is difficult if not nearly impossible to discern a person's occupation (or major field of study, if in college or university) based on their hairstyle. Even clothes don't tell that much. Sure, there are obvious uniforms worn by those in certain careers, but with some hair and clothing styles you just cannot tell what a person does for a living.

If all you knew of me was what you saw in a picture of me, wearing jeans and t-shirt, long hair flowing... would you guess that I work in a professional capacity in an office for a large corporation? Probably not.

Gollan, I hear you. I work in a career which requires both precision and creativity. Plenty of challenges to keep the mind active. (And I know something about being an engineer for IBM ). You made me laugh with the "musician-or-engineer" comment. Hmm... something to consider.

Another fun thread of discussion!

Posted By: Erinlynn
Date Posted: Sep 4, 2003 at 7:16am
My dads an engineer with a goatee. He used to have long hair too...but its short and he lost the top half of it now =)

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: Sep 4, 2003 at 5:20pm
Originally Posted By: Gollan!d`(,' B$ ( ` d`,

Hasn % C`e adu a - , `b 4(` /.%% -$ ,%$! 8bp ,(

Posted By: Benji the Sausage
Date Posted: Sep 4, 2003 at 7:58pm
im a high school student. and im growing my hair out.

hm. boring.

but if you looked at me you'd have no idea i went to a catholic all girls school.

unless you saw me standing there in uniform. otherwise no. -@ifda$A`e )! ,`p 2$`p $ (! %!%$), ,! "b)(

Posted By: papillon_purple
Date Posted: Sep 4, 2003 at 8:27pm
I'm a graduate student in biochemistry working on my PhD, and I wouldn't mind finding out how long my hair grows naturally.

But dance is another passion of mine, even though I have only danced for the past year, and dancers of the Hawaiian tradition (hula) tend to have long hair.

Posted By: Viktoria
Date Posted: Sep 7, 2003 at 12:46pm
Originally Posted By: Erinlynn! ` !$@" (`` d 4
Come to think of it, the only two biologists I have ever known were seriously long haired women. They both had that "earthmother"-vibe going on, as well as having razorsharp, scientific analytical minds. Impressive people, both of them. And they didn % C`e adu a - , `b 4(` /.%% -$ ,%$! 8bp ,(

Posted By: Anne-Loes
Date Posted: Sep 16, 2003 at 7:10am
I'm a lawyer and my hair is 41" long. I can nearly sit on my hair.

Anne-Loes ,% @ieb

Posted By: Tap Dancer
Date Posted: Jan 26, 2004 at 6:04am
I'm a hotel desk clerk, but I also dance. Long hair is nice because you can pull it off your face. :) @`d` $%`! ,0(bp "4 b` ."---!, %-!-,(),`` $4

Posted By: Erinlynn
Date Posted: Jan 27, 2004 at 7:20am
I havent heard about Zellers in AGES!!! My home town is in Buffalo.

Posted By: Gormlaith
Date Posted: Jan 27, 2004 at 8:51pm
Let's see if this works. My hairstyle seems influenced by my profession, or perhaps it was the other way around.

I wear a simple braid behind each ear. As I think about it, I am styled more like the archetype of my underlings than I am like the others at my level. Anybody want to try to guess what I do?


Posted By: Gord
Date Posted: Jan 27, 2004 at 9:33pm
Do Pisces tend to be longhair fanatics?

Posted By: pixie lady
Date Posted: Jan 27, 2004 at 11:08pm
I'm a Pisces, and I wear my hair short.
I don't think your astrology sign determines how you wear your hair or what kind of hair you like.
Personally I like both long and short hair on men and women.

Posted By: Gollan
Date Posted: Feb 1, 2004 at 6:07pm
Quote wear a simple braid behind each ear. As I think about it, I am styled more like the archetype of my underlings than I am like the others at my level. Anybody want to try to guess what I do?
Are you a ships captain ?

Posted By: Gormlaith
Date Posted: Feb 3, 2004 at 4:22pm
Hey Gollan, captaining (and swashbuckling!) would be fun and I'll think about that for a second career, though I doubt I could pull off the Captain Jack Sparrow look from Pirates of the Caribbean. Although, it certainly sounds easier than my current job.

Captain Gormlaith

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