Shampoo and conditioner to bring out natural curl
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Category: African American Hair Forum Name: African American Hair Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of African Americans. URL: /forum_posts.php?TID=77161
Printed Date: Dec 25, 2024 at 10:32pm
Topic: Shampoo and conditioner to bring out natural curl
Posted By: TheAnswer285 Subject: Shampoo and conditioner to bring out natural curl Date Posted: Aug 11, 2013 at 2:05am
Can I train my hair from shampoo and condition to get natural s curl type hair from a very short hair cut? hi im 17 black male with short buzz cut and want to grow my hair out and shampoo and condition it to bring out the natural curl in my hair, i really want to know if shampoo and conditioning hair will help train it to be curly when it grows out or if i should wait for it to grow longer? also like any tips for shampoo/conditioner to buy preferably something i can buy IN STORE and NOT online
Posted By: TheAnswer285
Date Posted: Aug 11, 2013 at 2:05am
Can I train my hair from shampoo and condition to get natural s curl type hair from a very short hair cut? hi im 17 black male with short buzz cut and want to grow my hair out and shampoo and condition it to bring out the natural curl in my hair, i really want to know if shampoo and conditioning hair will help train it to be curly when it grows out or if i should wait for it to grow longer? also like any tips for shampoo/conditioner to buy preferably something i can buy IN STORE and NOT online