Trying to find a style for my face type
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Topic: Trying to find a style for my face type
Posted By: Will256 Subject: Trying to find a style for my face type Date Posted: Feb 28, 2013 at 9:51am
Hi, so I've recently decided my current style isn't very flattering to my face. I find that it seems to make my face look fat, as well as seems sort of juvenile.
So here's the details: I have straight hair. I'm not entire sure how to define my hair texture. The strands themselves seem very thin (fine), but I have tons of hair. I also have issues getting my hair to sit right; it seems like my hair doesn't follow any sort of uniform direction (like a hair line), but rather grows in various directions. This means that it seems to resist any kind of styling and just sort of does it's own thing.
Another issue is that I don't seem to have clearly defined locks, for example, I can't really lift my bangs up, it's almost like they're actually made of hair from all over my head.
Anyways, so I have a square face, perhaps on the rectangular side (oblong), my face is fairly long and squarish. I have wide cheekbones and a wide forehead which has an angled incline (not flat). I've included two pictures that demonstrate the shape of my face:
Front: -
Side: -
What I'd like to go for is something like this: -
or this: -
I'd love to have one side of my bangs cover my eye like that, but right now my bangs aren't long enough, so I'm primarily concerned with adjusting the shape of my cut.
Here's a picture of what my cut looks like roughly right now without my hands in the way: -
I want to get rid of the outward curl on the sides of my head, I figure that just requires some trimming.
Anyways, so I'd love some advice, in terms of a cut and styling. Would the sample cuts I linked to work with my face? I'd love an pseudo-emo cut (a smooth version, not the jagged, layered scene version). I definitely want at least medium length hair, I don't want short hair.
Will2562013-02-28 10:19:52
Posted By: Will256
Date Posted: Feb 28, 2013 at 9:51am
Hi, so I've recently decided my current style isn't very flattering to my face. I find that it seems to make my face look fat, as well as seems sort of juvenile.
So here's the details: I have straight hair. I'm not entire sure how to define my hair texture. The strands themselves seem very thin (fine), but I have tons of hair. I also have issues getting my hair to sit right; it seems like my hair doesn't follow any sort of uniform direction (like a hair line), but rather grows in various directions. This means that it seems to resist any kind of styling and just sort of does it's own thing.
Another issue is that I don't seem to have clearly defined locks, for example, I can't really lift my bangs up, it's almost like they're actually made of hair from all over my head.
Anyways, so I have a square face, perhaps on the rectangular side (oblong), my face is fairly long and squarish. I have wide cheekbones and a wide forehead which has an angled incline (not flat). I've included two pictures that demonstrate the shape of my face:
Front: -
Side: -
What I'd like to go for is something like this: -
or this: -
I'd love to have one side of my bangs cover my eye like that, but right now my bangs aren't long enough, so I'm primarily concerned with adjusting the shape of my cut.
Here's a picture of what my cut looks like roughly right now without my hands in the way: -
I want to get rid of the outward curl on the sides of my head, I figure that just requires some trimming.
Anyways, so I'd love some advice, in terms of a cut and styling. Would the sample cuts I linked to work with my face? I'd love an pseudo-emo cut (a smooth version, not the jagged, layered scene version). I definitely want at least medium length hair, I don't want short hair.
Will2562013-02-28 10:19:52