There you are. Your the one who said, "I, 'meaning me,' speak for all males when I say I like long hair and most guys do." I still think I am right... Do you ever see a young 3 year old boy saying, "I think that 3 year old girl with a short page boy haircut, blue jeans, black sneakers and a black tank top... faded jeans and a blue tank top is a girl?" I don't think so. We are what we are conditioned to think we are. Does it have an effect on guys? I think so. When a guy sees someone. "Who is it? A guy or a girl? Look? Long hair from the back? Must be a girl!" That makes sense to them... until they see thqt beard! Yuck! These things stick with a guy and long hair becomes a sure inviting think sexually when they get older. Even when they see a full bodied girl with "those" things a "that" thing, The little boy areas still come out true... right? Like their long girly hair... But, right now I don't want to spare on this. We agree on this. Why do you and I agree on why a girl wear's her hair for her sugnificant other? I wish I was you. Long hair on a woman or girl means nothing. Short hair is just as sexy as long hair... I could feel so differently and all the pain and trials in my lifetime woiuld have created a different person... Strange... there are some women who are like that. It's not fair! Yes, women can have short hair and be sexy! Even to me. I am so confused! "So, do you wear your hair for yourself, your spouse, or a blend of the two?" If the guy doesn't speak up, will she ever know if her hair is inviting? Guys, a womans hair, no matter how long it is, is just hair to her. All that beautiful long hair in the sink when she washes it is just a giant unattractive mop to her when she looks at it. You, young man? It's like, wow! But, you say nothing! This gives girls a mixed signal. It makes them think you just don't care about her hair. Yet, feminine stuff is so cool to you... but, you never say anything about just the basics... I guess it's the way it is. And, this is why girls and woman wear there hair the way they do. Because you guys just think of those two classic aread of a woman... booobs and.. there... yet, never let them know there is something else? Cool stuff... like their eyes, the way they trust you. The way they are peoplke just like you. Or are just so superficial... or whatever? Back to women. For guys and girls... men and women. Women want to make sure that their hair is inviting to men. There is no other inviting moral boost than a guy who stares invitingly at a girls beautiful hair. It tells them. "I am inviting to men!" "I still have it." Yet, they still want to style their hair in a way that can be inviting to the women. "I am professional. Can you see that? I can make myself in this world and make my dreams come true. No man can tell me I can not achieve this... Why is it that guys get so bent out of shape when a girl cuts her hair from long to a short bob? It's becasue they liked it the girly way you wore it and they have no guts to tell you they appreciate it... until it happens. And, suddenly, ladies you find the guys or guy in your life changing purspective. Ok... just going nowhere with this... Women wear their hair for both reasons. They want to make sure their hair is unviting to woman and men. Everyday this woman has to endure the critism of other woman. This is important to them. They need to know that they are attractive to other women. Even as a man, I can see this. Yet, they want to make sure their hairstyle is inviting to men... so they can find a guy... just as guys want to find girls... because of loneliness and to make a family... It is about balance... between other women and men. Maybe a WOMANS VIEW POINT ABOUT BEAUTY IS FIXED, so she can see only one view point. But, guys..? Maybe we should make this view point the way they have. Maybe we should allow them to see are view point. Ok I said enough... !)! @icd de d $)"$