What TV show can you not wait to come back in Fall
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Topic: What TV show can you not wait to come back in Fall
Posted By: boconnor Subject: What TV show can you not wait to come back in Fall Date Posted: Jun 8, 2012 at 1:18pm
I loved the show Revenge this past season and anxiously waited every week for the new episode to air. A friend and I would even video chat on Google during and after the episode to talk about what had happened and what we thought would happen next. I'm curious to know what TV shows everyone is anxiously awaiting to start up in the Fall?
Posted By: boconnor
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2012 at 1:18pm
I loved the show Revenge this past season and anxiously waited every week for the new episode to air. A friend and I would even video chat on Google during and after the episode to talk about what had happened and what we thought would happen next. I'm curious to know what TV shows everyone is anxiously awaiting to start up in the Fall?