Cause of hair loss
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Category: Men's Hair & Fashion Forum Name: Men's Hair Loss Forum Description: Hair Loss Issues Specific To Men URL: /forum_posts.php?TID=69198
Printed Date: Jan 12, 2025 at 6:35pm
Topic: Cause of hair loss
Posted By: liliputloze Subject: Cause of hair loss Date Posted: Aug 27, 2011 at 12:48pm
Some scientists consider the male hormone testosterone to be
one of the major hair loss causes. Testosterone is closely connected
with heredity. If a man has inherited the necessary genes for loss of
hair, a little of testosterone is formed by some of the hair roots into a
derivative called dihydrotestosterone. And in fact, it is
dihydrotestosterone that is responsible for hair loss. So
dihydrotestosterone is present in the surface sebum of hereditably
predisposed people. When a hair is shed it enters the follicle reacts
inside there chemically. Dihydrotestosterone miniaturizes the hair root
and follicle and the new hair growing through it will be finer. When the
new fine hair is later shed dihydrotestosterone again miniaturizes the
follicle and hair root and so on until baldness occurs. Thus, male
hormones, precisely, testosterone, are sponsoring baldness. Actually,
male hormones start
------------- Live happy and leave happy
Replies: 6 Posted By: liliputloze
Date Posted: Aug 27, 2011 at 12:48pm
Some scientists consider the male hormone testosterone to be
one of the major hair loss causes. Testosterone is closely connected
with heredity. If a man has inherited the necessary genes for loss of
hair, a little of testosterone is formed by some of the hair roots into a
derivative called dihydrotestosterone. And in fact, it is
dihydrotestosterone that is responsible for hair loss. So
dihydrotestosterone is present in the surface sebum of hereditably
predisposed people. When a hair is shed it enters the follicle reacts
inside there chemically. Dihydrotestosterone miniaturizes the hair root
and follicle and the new hair growing through it will be finer. When the
new fine hair is later shed dihydrotestosterone again miniaturizes the
follicle and hair root and so on until baldness occurs. Thus, male
hormones, precisely, testosterone, are sponsoring baldness. Actually,
male hormones start !$% @a``a abd ,% 4` !00`
Posted By: raysymond
Date Posted: Sep 28, 2011 at 7:37pm
Hydrochlorothiazide miniaturizes hair root and hair follicles and new hair growth by its smaller. When the new hair follicles after shed dihydrotestosterone and hair root again miniaturizes until baldness occurs.
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Posted By: pennystock6
Date Posted: Sep 29, 2011 at 12:22am
There are several cases of the hair loss. If you want to reduce hair loss then you must use a best shampoo and conditioner. Do regular hair oil massage. Take a regular hair treatment.
Karen Shelton2012-04-16 07:03:41
Posted By: dereksummers
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2012 at 7:00am
[QUOTE=liliputloze]Some scientists consider the male hormone testosterone to be
one of the major hair loss causes. Testosterone is closely connected
with heredity. If a man has inherited the necessary genes for loss of
hair, a little of testosterone is formed by some of the hair roots into a
derivative called dihydrotestosterone. And in fact, it is
dihydrotestosterone that is responsible for hair loss. So
dihydrotestosterone is present in the surface sebum of hereditably
predisposed people. When a hair is shed it enters the follicle reacts
inside there chemically. Dihydrotestosterone miniaturizes the hair root
and follicle and the new hair growing through it will be finer. When the
new fine hair is later shed dihydrotestosterone again miniaturizes the
follicle and hair root and so on until baldness occurs. Thus, male
hormones, precisely, testosterone, are sponsoring baldness. Actually,
male hormones start
Posted By: whatisbeauty
Date Posted: May 2, 2013 at 7:46am
Stress is one of the major cause for hair loss.If we take some measures to reduce stress,hair fall can be easily controlled.
Posted By: huqh123
Date Posted: Aug 10, 2013 at 11:39pm
yes, i think men have taken so much pressure for work and family. so they are very stressed and have some problem of hair loss. but i think if needing, men can take a hair piece toupee to cover his head, very natural.
Posted By: sushil1
Date Posted: Dec 13, 2013 at 11:00am
There are lots of theories related to hair loss and research as well but no appropriate solutions for hair loss every hair loss solutions have some limitation and side effects then which product will try for hair loss? !- Aib @pe`d %,4