Goody supports Locks of Love
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Topic: Goody supports Locks of Love
Posted By: DaveDecker Subject: Goody supports Locks of Love Date Posted: Jun 24, 2003 at 8:26pm
The hair products company _Goody_ is apparently supporting Locks of Love. They provide a link to the organization on their home page. -
Given that I just "received" a solicitation to donate my hair on their behalf, and because there are legitimate concerns about their operations, I am personally very disappointed that the Goody company would even consider supporting Locks of Love, much less actually decide to do so.
It seems to me that Goody's support of Locks of Love is detrimental to their business:
1) How much will demand for their products be reduced if their customers' hair is reduced?
2) I personally refuse to purchase any more products from the Goody company until they cease and desist any affiliation with Locks of Love. What do you all think of the idea of a boycott of the Goody company? Further, we might want to write to them to express our dismay that they choose to support the Locks of Love organization.
Kind regards to all LHS'ers.
Replies: 68 Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jun 24, 2003 at 8:26pm
The hair products company _Goody_ is apparently supporting Locks of Love. They provide a link to the organization on their home page. -
Given that I just "received" a solicitation to donate my hair on their behalf, and because there are legitimate concerns about their operations, I am personally very disappointed that the Goody company would even consider supporting Locks of Love, much less actually decide to do so.
It seems to me that Goody's support of Locks of Love is detrimental to their business:
1) How much will demand for their products be reduced if their customers' hair is reduced?
2) I personally refuse to purchase any more products from the Goody company until they cease and desist any affiliation with Locks of Love. What do you all think of the idea of a boycott of the Goody company? Further, we might want to write to them to express our dismay that they choose to support the Locks of Love organization.
Kind regards to all LHS'ers.
Posted By: grenwich
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 6:49am
Agreed - perhaps sending Goody the BBB's documentation on Locks of Love would open their eyes, but I definitely think we should contact them and express our dismay that a company whose livelihood is HAIR CARE would support such a dubious organization.
Boycott GOODY until the link is removed, and support withdrawn from LOL.
Gren< , BAaha4`r$ %$6$`b $ (`b .$ !,$ !,!!!)! ( 2 %(
Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 6:56am
Lock of Love ), R '. `p %
Posted By: Debbie
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 7:44am
How can you say anything bad about locks of love? They help children with Cancer and alopecia! And Goody makes wonderful products! I think you are making a bad mistake here folks! A very bad mistake! Debbie P.S. I am NOT trying to cause trouble- just wondering what the deal is! % ic adp` - ,(b` $( b !( ,,,--% -,--,Bb '$
Posted By: Lyris
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 9:12am
I've heard rumors both good and bad about LOL. Who can tell me about this and perhaps point everyone toward reliable info? Curiousity at work! |
Posted By: 3katz
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 10:06am
Hello all,
It does seem like bad business sense, doesn't it? I will have to check out the BBB site, as well. It sounds as if this is not the altruistic, venerable organization I once believed it to be.
I checked out ebay's human hair market. I was lurking on the other board last night, and today, after reading Uzma's remarks, I had to see for myself. That's disgusting, to say the least. Dismemberment is the right word. It's like selling an internal organ. With those tape measures lying next to those severed braids, they look like the crime evidence they are.
Count me in on the boycott.
Talk to you later,
Posted By: grenwich
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 11:26am
The following is the BBB report for LOL.
------------------------------------------------------------------ Locks of Love
1640 South Congress Avenue, Suite 104 Palm Springs, FL 33461
November 2001 561-963-1677 888-896-1588 Expiration Date: November 2003 Year, State Incorporated: 1997, Florida
Affiliates: None
Stated Purpose: "to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children with long-term or permanent medical hair loss."
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evaluation Conclusions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Locks of Love (LOL) does not meet the following 3 CBBB Standards for Charitable Solicitations.
A1: Soliciting organizations shall provide on request an annual report. The annual report, an annually-updated written account, shall present the organization's purposes; descriptions of overall programs, activities, and accomplishments; eligibility to receive deductible contributions; information about the governing body and structure; and information about financial activities and financial position.
LOL does not produce an annual report in the form of a single document that includes all of the above-mentioned information. In response, LOL states that it does provide this information in supporting documents.
C5: Solicitations in conjunction with the sale of goods, services or admissions shall identify at the point of solicitation: a) the benefiting organization; b) a source from which written information is available; and c) the actual or anticipated portion of the sales or admission price to benefit the charitable organization or cause.
A LOL newsletter included a reference to the sale of a cookbook advertised to benefit LOL, that states, in part, "proceeds from the sale of [the cookbook]< , BAaha4`r$ %$6$`b $ (`b .$ !,$ !,!!!)! ( 2 %(
Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 11:43am
the problem i have is the word ''donation'' donation is when you WANT TO DO IT! when someone tells you you should donate i feel it's wrong. this is off the subject alittle. my daughter will come home with feild trip slips that say they need a donation of x amount of dollars. to me that is not a donation. it's a fee. a donation is what you want or have to give. i feel it's wonderful if you decide to cut your hair you would like to donate it. when they make you feel gulity because you have long hair i feel is wrong. why does the hair have to be not colored? i always wondered that. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.
Posted By: Elissa
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 12:19pm
I don't know anything about this organization, but I have spent my entire career in non-profit fiscal management and do know a few things about the non-profit world:
1)The IRS does not easily grant 501(c)3 status, and does monitor organizations with tax-exempt status quite closely, particularly those with business income. There is no way LOL is selling the hairpieces to their "clients". They have to be donating a good portion of them. They are allowed to sell some hair if the proceeds go back into the organization to fund it's mission (including a reasonable overhead component).
2)Organizations of certain size are required to have annual certified CPA audits of their financial statements. Depending upon the size of LOL (in total revenue), they may or may not have their financials audited. No CPA would give them a "clean" opinion if they were not carrying out a bona fide mission.
3)every 501(c)3 has to file a 990 with the IRS annually. This is a non-profit federal tax return, and it has all kinds of information. Charities have to provide you with a copy of the 990 upon written request. If they don't, they face severe IRS penalties. So anyone who is very interested in seeing LOL's financial stuff should definitely make the request.
If anyone has any specific questions on non-profit financial stuff I can attempt to answer.
Monica, if registered charities didn't solicit donations, they would not be able to carry on their missions. Unfortunately, they must ask because no one is breaking down the doors trying to give money. Certain types of fundraising can be very annoying though, I will grant you that. Especially telemarketing.
Elissa |
Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 1:30pm
Mr Happy and Debbie
I find this subject very distressing, nevertheless I will qualify my initial response.
The kids who suffer hair loss due to cancer treatments do not require human hair. Synthetic hair does the job.
I do not believe there is any need for human hair to be removed from it ), R '. `p %
Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 1:35pm
This isn't related to Locks of Love, but it gives you an indication of why I am so worked up:
Here is the link for the sale of a ponytail on ebay (this was posted on another hair board as mentioned by Jean, above).
Scroll down the page to see it. Imagine if this was your hair, or that of a loved one.
http:// - -
Here is an extract from the seller's homepage:
"For a while now, I've been doing business with an eccentric fellow who has a hair-cutting fetish. He's consumed with the act of cutting and isn't concerned with what's left or recouping his cost (a percentage of the ebay sale is fine with him). As he tells me, "their willingness is payment in itself". He gets about one a month. All are from girls accepting his cash offers, even though they end up hacked with no style. He's evidently a real charmer and targets girls who might be desperate for cash in shady parts of town, which offers promise of many interesting stories to come. Ponytails of this variety will be labeled "headhunter" in the auction title." ), R '. `p %
Posted By: Lyris
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 2:04pm
There's something a little odd about that ebay seller, Pantene (from Uzma's link.) He/she looks legitimate, but several of their recent listings include wording such as "Holly burst into tears when her ponytail was cut off." Now I am no marketing expert, but that kind of information doesn't exactly hold mass appeal for potential buyers, except perhaps those with a covetous streak. As a long-time eBay buyer/seller, I can say that that line seems a bit off to me. Almost as if the seller enjoys watching people chop their ponies off. Almost...dare I say the F-word...a fetish? Who knows. I am no expert but this just seems weird for an eBay "professional."
I'm sorry to diverge from LOL. I'm interested in what else everyone has to say about this topic. |
Posted By: 3katz
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 4:36pm
While you may not be forced to make a donation of your hair or anything else you care about, there is still tremendous societal pressure to do so, often from people who have no other motivation than to take advantage of the chance to be confrontational under the guise of altruism and generosity. Some people are hypocrites who really don't give a d*** about the welfare of others. Please notice I said some, not all. There are many folks out there who mean well.
Posted By: papillon_purple
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 5:28pm
That link to ebay sounds just as frightening as the story of a guy in Los Angeles who went around cutting off women's long hair. It was pretty creepy.. imagine sitting at a bus stop when some guy comes by and hacks off your hair..
Posted By: Elissa
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 8:11pm
I just looked through the website and saw the history of stuff sold. It is indeed creepy. Very creepy!!! |
Posted By: SuperGrover
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 11:08pm
OMG, Papillon! I think if I had the means to do so, I would severely wound this person. I always carry a nail scissor in my purse! And I did take a self defense class in HS where we learned to stab things in people's eyeballs.
And then there's always that curious punch-em-in-the-solar-plexis thing that's supposed to kill anybody but how would you really know?
I agree Locks of Love is mostly a sham. But if you want to cut your hair short, I guess it's a fine thing to do. Why not? My husband had to cut off his nearly waist length hair a couple years ago because he just wasn't getting any job offers, and in his conservative field, it was probably the cause. :( He's growing it out again now. Now that he has his foot in the door already and has proven himself a good worker. :) But anyway... we saved his ponytail. We figure maybe someday we'll have a daughter and make her a doll with daddy's hair. :) OK, maybe not.
Anyhue... having known a couple kids with cancer... it isn't envogue to wear wigs anymore when you're going through chemo. Most kids seem to feel more comfortable going bald. Which I can see how they feel. Wearing a wig is kind of a denial. Kids that are more self confident don't mind it, and it almost seems they're bald head shows they are strong, working hard to survive cancer, so they are proud of it. Which I think is great.
I wonder why LOL doesn't serve adults. Chemo is expensive and excruciating for everyone, regardless of age. I think adults are just as likely to not be able to afford a wig when they are paying all the medical expenses. And it seems adults would be more likely to want a wig... and probably be less picky about how "virgin" the hair is.
Elissa! You have a new icon! You're obviously a Disney nut. My sorority big sis had Mickey and Minnie on her wedding cake. :) Not long til your wedding! !) ic a p`` -& `b . @p )2 ,-$ ! ! $ -$ ` ,
Posted By: SuperGrover
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2003 at 11:12pm
Oh and I forgot to say what I set out to say in the first place!
Boycotting Goody products won't be difficult. Most of them have a rough plastic seam anyway. Yikes! And their "Ouchless" elastics are still narrow enough to bend my hair. Though they are superior to the old kind with the metal seam... Scuunci's nylon ones are the best I've found so far. !) ic a p`` -& `b . @p )2 ,-$ ! ! $ -$ ` ,
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2003 at 12:00am
I realize I am a short haired woman and don't have an attachment to long hair as some do, but I did have very long hair for years, so I know the pleasure,-(and sometimes the hassle)- of having long hair. And I very much like long hair on people! I love beautiful long hair!
.....But folks, please, it is just hair. And whether LOL is a scam to make money or a genuine charity, they are not cutting off a limb of someone here!
.....I grew up with a girl who lived in my neighborhood and went to my school who was born missing an arm at the shoulder, she only had one arm. I also knew a girl whose leg quit growing and had to have her leg amputated when she was about ten years old, because one leg grew normally and the other leg was a little leg that quit growing. These people were missing a limb! Think how difficult that must be. And their limb that is missing doesn't grow back!!! Hair grows back!!! So sure, I understand that people love their long hair, I like long hair too, but people really need to keep a little perspective on things.
No offense to the many nice people on the long haired board, and I very much respect you and usually enjoy what you write, but this thread seems almost fanatic. Hair does grow back. Those girls I knew back home will always have to go through life missing a limb that doesn't grow back. They are handicapped-(or differently abled)-. I am not handicapped because I have short hair, I can do everything you folks can.
So enjoy your long hair,.......... But people do keep some perspective on things and be grateful for our good fortune and health.
Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2003 at 12:32am
tina you are comparing apples and oranges in my opinion. i'm handicap. thank god i don't have missing limbs. but my close friend does. he has missing limbs on both arms and one leg. yes hair grows back. some people do find there hair apart of them. yes it grows back. that's not the point. i hate when people strart comparing different things on a hair board. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2003 at 12:48am
Sorry Monica, I didn't mean to offend, I understand your point how it is apples and oranges,..... but there just seemed to be so much HATE towards this organization Locks of Love, it just seemed a little out of whack. I try to reserve my hatred towards people a little more evil and sadistic than an organization that sells hair. 4!,!
Posted By: Elissa
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2003 at 6:37am
``" ! % @`dd
Thanks for noticing, SG! The icon is a pic of a figurine I just bought on ebay--I don't know if I will put it on my cake, but guess where we are going on our honeymoon? :) Wedding is in 13 weeks!!!
Elissa soon to be Mrs. again, this time forever |
Posted By: 3katz
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2003 at 10:46am
Well, Elissa, you're just going to have to post a picture of your wedding hair, aren't you? After this thread I'm going to need something like that.
Posted By: Elissa
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2003 at 11:41am
Ok Jean! I am still thinking about it! My fiancee loves it up, but I wear it down most of the time and I want to look like "me" at the wedding. I will probably do some kind of combination of up and down, maybe pull up the sides and twist them around on the top of my head like a bun, maybe add a tiara in front of that.
Guess I will have to start frequenting the "Formal Hair" forum!
Elissa |
Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2003 at 1:48pm
elissa did you see my wedding pic? i did it half up half down. with big loose curls. you can't see the back but i can even put a picture of the back. i put flowers around the half up part. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.
Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2003 at 2:04pm
Hi Monica
ooooooo Yes!! Please post more of your wedding hair pics. I would love to see your pretty half up-down do in more detail.
Thanks ), R '. `p %
Posted By: rrobey
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2003 at 2:57pm
ok, i have to get my 2 cents in. i'm not a long hair girl yet (but am working on it). i only know what i've read about locks of love - i've never researched it myself. the one thing that everyone needs to keep in mind is that the hair donated is willingly cut off. no one from locks of love stalks long haired people and attacks them to take their hair. it's a choice.
now i don't mean that to offend or defend anyone or anything. that's just what i was thinking when i was reading all the posts.
Posted By: Elissa
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2003 at 5:38pm
Yes, I saw that pic and you look great. I would like to see some more of those wedding pics, especially closer-ups of you (and your hair)! Please post!
Elissa xoxoxoxox |
Posted By: YearoftheTiger
Date Posted: Jun 28, 2003 at 7:58pm
It's one thing if some freak comes up without warning and hacks off your hair. It's another if it's your own choice to donate/sell your hair. Hair does grow, remember this. Not everyone has all of their self esteem/self being wrapped up in having long hair.
Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 28, 2003 at 11:24pm
$` ,&$ $ d` hd do you have long hair? this is a LONG HAIR SUPPORT board! yes i think it is wonderful if you want to donate your hair. don't go bashing us because we like having long hair! $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 11:30am
p` ,!0` a ` "
The issue is not whether we (people, in general) feel badly for those who are born with debilitating conditions. Of course, we all do.
Rather, the issue here is how we (people, in general) choose to treat others regarding their discretionary choices. Unless you are a professional fund-raiser and have been authorized to solicit a group of people under your auspicies(example: United Way campaigns within corporations), performing charitable works does not involve advising others (family, friends, acquaintances, or strangers] how they can, could or should donate their assets. The latter form of solicitation can only be described as unwanted and extremely rude.
( d`,( b"$ d` d (
I have a difficult time reconciling description of haircuts as being done "willingly," with countless examples of (as Uzma described) "tear-filled eyes." At most, the term "consciously" might apply, though "willing" does not seem consistent with the measure of reluctance expressed through tears.
$` ,&$ $ d` hd
I understand Monica's irritation. To the person who goes by the handle of "YearoftheTiger," you are incorrect in assuming that everyone (presumably those who participate on this board) have "all of their self esteem/self being wrapped up in having long hair." The tone of your post seems designed to shame all of us into feeling badly for having and wanting long hair, whatever our own personal reasons may be for this appreciation.
"Hair does grow. Remember this."
I don't think we ever forgot this truth. So your point would be... that we should be glad and happy to forgo having the hair length we prefer, so that our hair should sit in a box somewhere, or be glued to the short strands of someone who doesn't have the patience to grow their own hair long, or be used in an unspeakable way by a lonely person with severe social hangups?
No, I don't subscribe to any unsupportive words.
Besides, limitless supplies of artificial hair can be manufactured.
The following is directed to YearoftheTiger and lurkers of like mind... All those here who like long hair, and are supportive of those who do, you are welcome here. Anyone here who is not supportive of long hair is not welcome on this board.
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 1:04pm
I hope I made it clear Dave that I AM supportive of those folks here who enjoy their long hair. I enjoy long hair on people!
To me the diversity of hairstyles on Hair Talk Forum is a great thing. I hope I am supportive of whatever styles people choose for themselves. I enjoy many different hairstyles on people from long to short! Variety is what makes life interesting!4!,!
Posted By: YearoftheTiger
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 1:38pm
I think you missed the point--if people want to sell or donate their hair then let them. I don't know why everyone here takes that so personally. And yes, I really think it seems that most posters here have their whole life wrapped up in their hair. Besides, what does the length of my hair matter to any one of you? If I am bald, am I not allowed to post here? Can I only post here if I have hair to my waist? I'm curious-what would any one of you do if you were to lose your hair to chemotherapy? I think most of you would be very traumatized. So, if someone wants to willingly donate their hair to be used for that purpose, then let them. I think it is great that some people are thinking of others than their own vanity.
Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 2:14pm
t`(,# P$ d```e no you are the one missing the point! the point is again i repeat a long hair support board! if you do not support long hair in my opinion you have no business being here! trying to bring in an illiness to prove a point is low. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.
Posted By: Laine1998
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 3:19pm
Reading about all of this makes me think of those shows where they get these women with LONG LONG hair on there and they cut it all off.
Let me ask you all this....
IF you knew a child, or adult that was losing their hair from a medical treatment, and you could give them some of your hair, and you knew that it was going to them and only them, would you do it? Maybe through another company besides LOL. I would, and probably not think twice about it. I know it would take time to grow back, but it would grow back.... But that is just me,
Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 6:26pm
The length of your hair ), R '. `p %
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 8:12pm
t`(,# P$ d```e
Tina, your participation here has always been respectful of the topic. Don't worry, you're doing fine.
Princessmonica is correct. "YearoftheTiger" is missing the point, and certainly well aware of that fact.... and surely also knows that having long hair is not a requirement to post here. Tina M. has very short hair... hello?
YearoftheTiger... if I lost my hair to chemotherapy I'd be a whole lot more concerned -- traumatized -- about the possibility of losing my life prematurely!
"If someone wants to willingly donate their hair to be used for that purpose..."
How is someone's hair going to cure me? As I said, I'd be mostly concerned about fighting to save my life!
"I think it is great that some people are thinking of others than their own vanity."
Great! Then you surely must have lots of respect for me, because I've given much to charities. But surely you don't have an ounce of vanity in you, because you're entirely selfless.
Since you seem to be full of hypothetical questions, turnabout is fair play... of course by now I wouldn't expect any sincerity from your responses...
"Say, yearofthetiger, that's a real nice house you own. You've been making payments now for what, 10 years already? You must have a lot of equity in it... you know, there are homeless people who are down on their luck who would surely love to have your house... you wouldn't mind giving up your house so that they can live in it, would you?"
"Hey, yearofthetiger, you've worn your hair very short for all the years I've known you. You obviously like having short hair very much. You know, there are cancer-kids who would appreciate having your hair. You wouldn't mind taking the next 4 years growing your hair to your waist, and living all that time with a hair style and length you don't like, for those poor kids, right? After all, why should you be happy with your hair? Besides, that ponytail will probably fetch 50 bucks on the hair market, and that'll be a nice donation sitting unused in the charity's bank account."
Surely you're most willing to do all this, right? Of course, I don't even need to ask.
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 8:28pm
Has anybody else noticed that both "YearoftheTiger" and "Laine1998" both have the same icon and the same point of view? Coincidence or.... ?
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 9:22pm
Whoever "YearoftheTiger" is, obviously the long hair board is for people who enjoy long hair, just as the short hair board is for people who enjoy short hair. I certainly don't like it when people go on the short hair board and try to convince everyone to grow long hair, that long hair is always better,(as some have done, which the short haired lovers don't like). It is a question of common courtesy and understanding what each particular board is about.
It seems silly and useless to me to go on the long hair board and tell people they should cut their hair or keep pushing an issue when people clearly want to drop the subject of cutting their hair.
If people want to donate their hair to Locks of Love, they have that right to do that in a free society,... but obviously the long haired people on this board DON'T want to contribute to Locks of Love, and really don't care for that organization. So once you understand how they feel about it, why continue to push the subject?
Isn't it obvious that this is the case? Why cause unecessary dissension?4!,!
Posted By: tina m
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 9:29pm
Uzma, I didn't realize you were sick and had to go through chemo twice! I really hope you are ok now and over whatever illnesses you had. If you want to talk about it, feel free to. Everyone here respects you I am sure and wouldn't mind you discussing it if it made you feel better to talk about it. My very best to you Uzma, I hope you are feeling well darling!4!,!
Posted By: princessmonica
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 9:33pm
aww uzma i'm sorry to hear you went through that one of my cousin's is going through chemo. her her sister[my other cousin obviously] has really long hair. she didn't want her to cut her hair just because she was going to lose hers. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-!,%!% !, b` -.
Posted By: SuperGrover
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 9:54pm
Thank you Maura and Dave! That's exactly what I would have said if I had the energy to type that all out.
Except I don't think Laine and YearoftheTiger are the same person. :) And incidentally, their icon is of PsyDuck, a Pokemon whose attack is to stare his foes in the eye and give them a headache. Which this topic is doing to me. Quite appropriate!
Uzi! *hugs* Yikes. Chemo is so awful. I had a friend go through it at age 17. It was terrifying for me to watch her go through it. I can't even imagine how it feels first hand. I'm so glad your survived it! I'm sure it wasn't easy. !) ic a p`` -& `b . @p )2 ,-$ ! ! $ -$ ` ,
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 10:26pm
d`&$" $! a d`$
If and when you see this happen, would you please b-mail me with the URL of the thread where it occurs? I am not in favor of the type of activity you describe; I believe in being respectful of boundaries. Thanks!
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 10:38pm
``* !$P !p@` `$
All I can do is reflect the statements of everybody else who has expressed their sympathy to Uzi. So glad you have overcome the disease and are back!
Thanks SuperGrover. Things got kind of interesting today. And my "rating" has now hit rock bottom. There's only one way to go from here -- up. (I'm not fishing!)
Posted By: Kintaro
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2003 at 11:22pm
Rotten family pressure. Coercion. Maury Povich. (surely others but MAINLY him)
They use the talk shows way too often because it works, it's all it is, a publicity stunt.
If I had to go through chemo, I would go willingly bald, but it's still my hair, and i'd either keep the tail as a memento or will burn it on the spot. It is NOT something for others to abuse or profit from.
And dying it minimizes the chances of it being used. ESPECIALLY if it's grey. (! A al` eb (% $b` /6(bb !.$ ,-$! -- % ( Bp $
Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2003 at 2:21am
Thanks everyone for your kindness and good wishes. I wasn't out to push your sympathy buttons. I was ill at age 9 and then at age 27 - same thing both times. Have good health most of the time, thankfully, but when I fall, its a heavy fall.
Can honestly say that illness and pain have been growth experiences for me. Learnt a lot about how precious (and fragile) life is. That realization was a great catalyst for many changes - all of them good.
Love to you all, ), R '. `p %
Posted By: Elissa
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2003 at 7:11am
After my mom died of lung cancer (she was 51), I took some of her winter hats and there was hair inside one of them from the chemo. She had beautiful hair, and she was a beautiful person. I did indeed keep some of the hair, it's in an envelope in my memory box. Your comments made me think of this.
My mom probably inspired my love of hair, she loved hair too and loved caring for hers. I guess that's one of the reasons I kept some. Don't know if I'd keep some of my own, though. I sure hope never to find out.
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2003 at 8:14am
Dave, you should write the Goody Company and tell them that you and several of your friends were just on your way to the store to buy lots of their products when you received their solicitation. You thought it was a splendid idea, so you and all your friends all cut your hair short, and now you thank the Goody Company for saving you lots of money from having to buy all those hair accessories that they sell!
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2003 at 9:05pm
Elissa, thank you for sharing this story with us. Some years ago I lost a dear relative of 52, also from cancer. It was very hard. I am fortunate that my parents are still alive and well.
Ah yes, and Jennifer, that was sorta the idea of letting the company know that their decision to support the group is probably bad for their business.
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2003 at 9:40pm
Dave, my bet was that it would have a greater impact saying that they did lose business instead of saying that they would lose business!
Posted By: Laine1998
Date Posted: Jul 1, 2003 at 4:20pm
Dave, I am a definately a much differnet person than the 'year of the tiger' person. I used to come in here much more often but college/work constraints put a hold on my time online! Plus the icon I chose, was the cutest one in my opinion But I have changed that now to help clarify any confusion!
As for my opinion for giving up my hair to someone, I had to cut my mom's hair off when she was going through chemo/radiation. It was a very hard time for both of us, and if I could of given her my hair then, I would of. I really don't know too much about LOL but that is how I came to my opinion on that. Thats all.
I guess I will stay in lurk mode, or try to post more often to avoid confusion Laine
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jul 1, 2003 at 6:20pm
!t`,,"0 d Hi Laine,
Aww, I'm sorry I questioned your integrity and compelled you to change your icon.
For what it's worth though, I like your new icon.
Please don't be afraid to post or feel you have to lurk. I got caught up in the heat of the moment in dealing with the "YearoftheTiger" troll. (See, one of my somewhat hypocritical moments). I see that you're busy with school and work too, so I hope you visit here and feel free to participate. I promise to try harder to moderate my own posts.
Posted By: hairalways
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 6:14am
I think I echo everyone's opinion that Lock's of Love is misrepresenting itself. If they took off the "charity label" and advertized themselves as what they are, then maybe people wouild not feel so taken advantage of. I am all for freedom of choice with what one does with their hair. I also understand that sometimes people make sacrifices (in this case of their hair) for what they think is the greater good. I abhor the forceful removal of a person's hair. I guess I think these companies should be able to tell you exactly where and to whom your hair will be going . Right now, they have no way of telling you what will happen to it once it leaves your person. If (and I mean it's a long stretch) I were ever able to help someone in this way, I would want to know who it was and if they really wanted/ appreciated it. Just like people who donate organs have this privelege.
I did some reading on this a few months back when my sister told me she wanted to donate her hair to LOL. I learned from what I read (this is just my humble gathering of info)that kids don't benefit as much from the wigs as they do from psychological counciling, That if people really want to make a difference, they could donate money to a childrens' cancer hospital to help provide this service to the children or to donate time to talk to kids in the hospital.
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 8:23am
I'm very sorry to hear about harassment, Constance. I think it was awful.
Someone made an interesting comment one time about harassing long hairs to donate their hair: should we not suggest that short hairs be strongly encouraged to grow their hair long so they, too, can donate? For people who love their short hair, it may put a new spin on things.
Perhaps this is an odd analogy, but think of long hair as an investment -- like money in the bank. Why should people who didn't save up insist to the people who did save up that they give up their investment?!
Posted By: Laine1998
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 11:02am
Thanks for the compliment of my icon!!! There shouldn't be any other like that, I took that of my dog about a year and a half ago!! lol
Posted By: SuperGrover
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 3:15pm
Constance! What an awful story! High school kids can be so mean sometimes. I hope you friend's daughter will graduate soon and move onto better things. High school is such a drag.
Incidentally, did you ever get those Aerosoles Dollyannas you were talking about last month on the Shoe Board? I know it's off topic, but I just love mine. I wear them all the time, with all kinds of outfits.
Laine, I love your icon! Way better than PsyDuck. Your dog is so cute! And you're obviously a good photographer. Whenever I take pictures of my dog, she almost always comes out looking possessed with big glowing eyes. !) ic a p`` -& `b . @p )2 ,-$ ! ! $ -$ ` ,
Posted By: Laine1998
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 3:26pm
Supergrover, Thank you!!! I actually took it with our camcorder on the night vision option turned on. It was just a play pic, but I ended up really liking it!!! Laine
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 6:06pm
#d`.,% @ $$ `` & Jennifer,
You make good points. If a short-haired person is willing to ask a long-haired person to do without their preferred (long) hairstyle for years, then the short-haired solicitor should be willing to do likewise -- grow their own hair long even though it is contrary to their own taste. Anything less is pure hypocrisy.
And regarding the analogy to investing, I am reminded of that child's story (I can't remember the name) wherein the primary character (a motherly figure) asks the others who wants to contribute to the effort of making bread (or pie, or some such foodstuff). Nobody offers to help, and the primary character makes the break on their own. When it is done, the others clamor for a piece of the bread, but the primary character refuses them, because they didn't do anything of their own to contribute to the cause. Someone help me here with the name of this story... another good analogy also, I think.
And Laine, that is an unusual way of capturing your photo (and I like it).
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 6:19pm
Dave, it's the Little Red Hen!
After she plants and sows the seeds and grinds the wheat and makes the flour and bread, she then asks, "And who will help me eat the bread?' and of course all her previous pleas for help were denied, so she ate all the bread herself because she did all the work.
It's amazing sometimes what we ask of others yet aren't willing to give ourselves....
Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2003 at 6:25pm
Thanks for identifying and clarifying that story, Jennifer.
You say "we"... I know you mean "we" in the general sense... ya know, of all of the dozens of locks of luv pitches I've endured through the past several years, the solicitor has always been of the confirmed (not temporarily) short-haired variety. Coincidence or correlation... ? (maybe this time I'm not mistaken, like I was about Laine)
Posted By: ll_insomnia_ll
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2003 at 1:12am
Personally, I think it's selfish to boycott a company just because they support Locks of Love. They really aren't that bad, and it's just hair. The world won't end if you lose a couple inches of your precious locks.,!
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2003 at 1:26am
ersonally, I think it's selfish to boycott a company just because they support Locks of Love. |
It's no more selfish than boycotting any other company when we don't agree with their philosophies or actions.
Posted By: ll_insomnia_ll
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2003 at 1:38am
T@$B ,.````
It's no more selfish than boycotting any other company when we don't agree with their philosophies or actions. [/QUOTE]
Who said it wasn't selfish to boycott other companies for their actions?
And besides, if you're going to boycott them for supporting Locks of Love, you might as well boycott hair companies that test their products on animals.,!
Posted By: Jennifer
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2003 at 1:59am
ho said it wasn't selfish to boycott other companies for their actions? |
I don't know -- who?
As consumers, it's my opinion that we should be free to spend our money (or not spend our money) where we wish. As individuals, our choices won't all be the same.
Posted By: uzma
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2003 at 6:03am
should suggest they can donate a kidney, a lung or even a cornea. And then ask if they are even carrying an organ donor card? All are needed by someone desperately every day. |
That's a terrific come-back Chrissy M . I now look forward to the day someone asks me to donate my hair for a "good cause"....I will suggest they donate one of their vitals for an even better cause - LOL!!
Thanks! ), R '. `p %
Posted By: Kintaro
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2003 at 6:10pm
Whoa, that cancer rebuttal is perfect. However, it's more perfect to know that you can still use that argument if you're giving nothing.
I mean, what do others give normally ? Money. Even if it is to fund six-fig scientists to "attempt" to cure cancer, some are truly dedicated, but here's something cruel to think about. Some scientists will only cure cancer if the price is right. So if you are to donate nothing (my body, my choice, plus A+ isn't that useful as a blood type, plus tissue type issues), you can counter the money arguiment with that.
Hello Cruel World. (my drive to live) (! A al` eb (% $b` /6(bb !.$ ,-$! -- % ( Bp $
Posted By: Erinlynn
Date Posted: Jul 20, 2003 at 12:37pm
Oh my gosh! Im so glad Ive not donate my tail to anyone just yet. i was planning on holding on to it and maybe donateing later...but now I just think Ill keep it. When i was little and with short hair I had two dreams for the long hair I one day hoped to have. The first dream was to grow my hair long enough to put in a braid that hung over my shoulder in front and the other was to eventualy cut a long tail of hair to keep (which I just did) and still have hair long enough to concider long and grow out again (I'm there).
So this tail of mine is precious to me even if it isnt attached. I do want to make a hair locket or pendant with one long strand like they used to do with loved ones hair. I know that might sound weird but I want to do that.
Now, everyone who has heard me say I might cut my hair has told me to donate (what do they think I woulkd just throw it away?). And out of guilt and obligation I lie and say "I know about Locks of Love, I wont throw it away"...hinting that it will be donated when i dont want to...even though it IS cut off.
Personaly from what Ive read in these postings i would much rather sell my hair and profit than donate and have my hair not even go to a kid but end up sold anyways. And yes, synthetic hair wigs are available and for kids they are much more reasonable to have since kids are rough on their hair anyways.
Posted By: Erinlynn
Date Posted: Jul 20, 2003 at 12:46pm
tina m,
yes hair does grow back, but alot of these people wouldnt have cut thier hair if not gulited or pressured into it. Muy coworker has a good heart and is thinking about cutting his tail for a locks of love like organization this weekend (dont know if he did it).
His hair is precious to him. He sees it as a spiritual part of who he is and it took him a good while to just get it past high shoulder blades. Him cutting it is truely a scarifice. yes hair grows back, but that doesnt mean we should have little or no feeling about cutting it or being coersed into donateing it.
hes donateing it becaue he wants to help those kids...after reading how most adult hair doesnt get into the kids wigs there is no point to donate if you ask me.
It will take him years to grow it back and get the layers out of his hair if it end up short...and for that matter he is handicapped too (if you count a missing eye) and still he feels strongly and emotionaly about his hair being cut.
Besides people dont go around asking you to donate your leg...
Posted By: Erinlynn
Date Posted: Jul 20, 2003 at 1:01pm
Those who made the point that those short haired people who never grow it long might concider growing it so they can cut it for the kids! GOOD POINT!!!!
Next time anyone solicites me (and most who do have very styled shoulderlenght hair), I will ask them if they are growing their hair out again to donate. Hey if those who want to have long hair are expected to donate why not expect the shorts to become hair factories too and grow thier own out to cut even if they dont like it.
The ONLY time I was ever approched with respect about my hair and donateing was when a woman with hair longer than mine at the time admired it and mentioned that she was cutting hers all off that weekend at a mall charity event. She just wanted to let me know about it in case i was concidering cutting it. I explained that I wasnt sure i was ready for a cut (it was just hip lenght then). She smiled and said "oh you dont have to cut it now. Wait untuil your comfortable with the idea of cutting it and its long enough that you will not have to cut it all off if you dont want". She was very nice.
Everyone else whos approched me has had short hair or medium lenght and have never had really long hair at all.
Posted By: Erinlynn
Date Posted: Jul 20, 2003 at 1:09pm
Oh, and if I got cancer (yes Ive thought of this because my aunt and grandma have both had cancer) I would first and foremost be concerned about my life, liveing it to the fullest and surviveing.
As for my hair, the day before I would start any chemo I would get a buzz cut and use my own very long hair plus the saved cuttings of my hair (the recent cut and past cuts) and have a wig of my hair made for me.
Hair is a treasure. hair is very personal. If you find a few strands of someone elses hair around you think "eww ick!" if you find your own its not so bad. Id want a wig of my own hair, not someone elses...or a bunch of bandanas.
Lucky in the us haveing short and shaved heads on women isnt totaly shunned. A woman in my office had cancer and lost her hair. i dont know what she looked like with hair but now that its growing back she looks so chic with inch long hair. Id love to see myself like that even though i wouldnt want to keep it that way.
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