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I just started taking Ritalin and I need to know and be aware of the side effects of Ritalin so that I can be prepared before using it.
Any comments? Thanks in advance.
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Posted By: ykoolty
Date Posted: Dec 2, 2010 at 4:17am
before taking Ritalin you should also know that there can be following side effects to be taken place:
Posted By: kungfi
Date Posted: Dec 2, 2010 at 5:35am
while using the Ritalin there can be possibilities of side effects so, you should also tell your doctor if any other symptoms or side effects are experienced during treatment. In particular, children and adolescents taking this medicine should be encouraged to report any new or worsening distressing thoughts or feelings, anxiety, agitation, irritability, depression, mood changes, or other unusual change in behavior that they may experience after starting this medicine. If you are worried about your child at any point it is important to talk to your doctor immediately.
Karen Shelton2010-12-08 22:21:35