The Big Bang Theory is a situation comedy created and executive produced by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady. It premiered on CBS September 24, 2007. Set in Pasadena, California, the show concerns two male Caltech prodigies in their twenties, one an experimental physicist (Leonard) and the other a theoretical physicist (Sheldon), who live across the hall from an attractive blonde waitress with show-biz aspirations (Penny). And also Howard and Rajesh, are the main characters. This sitcom is about the story between these four scientific nerds and this beautiful girl. There daily life makes everybody laugh. Sheldon is a genius in science with the lowest EQ. He can't believe there is anyone else in the world is smarter than him . He always directly points out others around him are very foolish and can't stand the things which are wrong in his mind. We can see many similarities of genius from Sheldon. He don't like outdoor exercises just like Einstein. He will not admit his mistakes because he can't believe he would make any mistake. Leslie is also an outstanding experimental physicist. She can easily complete the derivation Sheldon did not finish. Penny,Warm and cheerful,is a typical girl next door.Only she can tolerate Sheldon ... Karen Shelton2011-05-29 08:51:37