I agree with Susan and would suggest the same thing. I made my own formula which is called HairTopia Beautiful Hair Oil and when I want to keep the oil to a minimum I use the spray version.
My oil is jojoba based and it keeps my below-the-waist hair from tangling, especially underneath. The other option is to keep your hair in a HairGlove until you play. I have tried coconut oil but it makes my hair feel greasy. I know lots of people like coconut over jojoba but some prefer the jojoba. The best thing to do is experiment.
You also might experiment with braiding just the sides of your hair starting at the hairline and pull that back with each side joining at the back of the crown. You could let all the rest of your hair flow freely but having the braids would add a little bit of control. Or you could experiment with braiding the underneath hair where it might tangle and wear the rest free. I might try a variety of twists or braids that allowed you to wear your hair down but minimize tangling.
You are right. If your hair becomes too tangled you may risk having to have it cut. When tangles get too tight, especially in long hair, there are limited removal options.
You could also experiment with coating your hair with shine serums in the areas that are most prone to tangle. This would slow the tangling down.
Hair Gloves were originally designed for motorcycle riders with long hair who wanted to keep their hair down but keep it somewhat controlled in the wind. It may not work for you but it is worth considering. The guy who created Hair Glove have extremely long hair and wears these all the time.
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