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Tips For Healthy & Beautiful Nails

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Forum Name: Nails
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Topic: Tips For Healthy & Beautiful Nails
Posted By: chinni.sohi
Subject: Tips For Healthy & Beautiful Nails
Date Posted: May 18, 2010 at 1:22pm
Tips For Healthy & Beautiful Nails
  • If your nails are too brittle and dry, you should increase the consumption of food that items rich in vitamin A (such as apricots, broccoli, carrot and cheese) and calcium (such as milk, yoghurt, cheese and almonds).
  • Every night, before you go off to sleep, wash your hands thoroughly, wipe them dry with a towel and apply a hand moisturizer. Thereafter, rub a small amount of petroleum jelly into the cuticle as well as the skin surrounding your nails.
  • Whenever you are indulging in any kind of housework, be it doing the dishes or scrubbing the bathroom, make sure to wear hand gloves. This will prevent unnecessary chipping and save your nails from the harsh cleaners as well.
  • Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices. It will help keep your body, and in turn your nails, well hydrated.
  • Carrot juice is rich in calcium and phosphorus and helps strengthen your nails. So, try to consume as much fresh carrot juice as is possible for you.
  • Never ever use an acetone-based or formaldehyde-based nail-polish remover. Rather, stick to a remover that has acetate in it.
  • Do not file you nails just after you have had a shower or have washed your hands. This is because wet nails tend to break easily.
  • While filing your nails, make sure to go in one direction only. Do not move the filer in a back-and-forth motion, as it makes your nails brittle.
  • If you want to keep your nails strong and shiny, resort to nail buffing. It augments the blood supply to the nail, in turn stimulating its growth.
  • Stay away from artificial nails as much as possible. Apart from destroying the underlying nail with their chemicals and glue, they might also lead to fungal infection of the fingernails.
  • If you are suffering from the problem of hangnails, it is advisable to eat food rich in protein, vitamin C and folic acid.
  • Ensure that half of your diet is made up of fresh fruits and raw vegetables. This will supple your nails with the required vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
  • Supplementing your diet with spirulina and kelp will help make your nails strong and healthy.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B 12 can lead to dryness, rounded and curved ends and darkening of nails. So, make sure to include enough of the vitamin in your diet. - Jewish Dating Websites - portrait photography

chinni.sohi2010-05-18 13:25:12

Replies: 7
Posted By: chinni.sohi
Date Posted: May 18, 2010 at 1:22pm
Tips For Healthy & Beautiful Nails
  • If your nails are too brittle and dry, you should increase the consumption of food that items rich in vitamin A (such as apricots, broccoli, carrot and cheese) and calcium (such as milk, yoghurt, cheese and almonds).
  • Every night, before you go off to sleep, wash your hands thoroughly, wipe them dry with a towel and apply a hand moisturizer. Thereafter, rub a small amount of petroleum jelly into the cuticle as well as the skin surrounding your nails.
  • Whenever you are indulging in any kind of housework, be it doing the dishes or scrubbing the bathroom, make sure to wear hand gloves. This will prevent unnecessary chipping and save your nails from the harsh cleaners as well.
  • Drink plenty of water and fresh fruit juices. It will help keep your body, and in turn your nails, well hydrated.
  • Carrot juice is rich in calcium and phosphorus and helps strengthen your nails. So, try to consume as much fresh carrot juice as is possible for you.
  • Never ever use an acetone-based or formaldehyde-based nail-polish remover. Rather, stick to a remover that has acetate in it.
  • Do not file you nails just after you have had a shower or have washed your hands. This is because wet nails tend to break easily.
  • While filing your nails, make sure to go in one direction only. Do not move the filer in a back-and-forth motion, as it makes your nails brittle.
  • If you want to keep your nails strong and shiny, resort to nail buffing. It augments the blood supply to the nail, in turn stimulating its growth.
  • Stay away from artificial nails as much as possible. Apart from destroying the underlying nail with their chemicals and glue, they might also lead to fungal infection of the fingernails.
  • If you are suffering from the problem of hangnails, it is advisable to eat food rich in protein, vitamin C and folic acid.
  • Ensure that half of your diet is made up of fresh fruits and raw vegetables. This will supple your nails with the required vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
  • Supplementing your diet with spirulina and kelp will help make your nails strong and healthy.
  • Deficiency of vitamin B 12 can lead to dryness, rounded and curved ends and darkening of nails. So, make sure to include enough of the vitamin in your diet. - Jewish Dating Websites - portrait photography

chinni.sohi2010-05-18 13:25:12

Posted By: Deloris1
Date Posted: Aug 3, 2010 at 12:13am
Thanks a lot for your tips. My nails are neither healthy nor beautiful. I'll try your tips to my nails I hope that I'll get good result from your tips.

Posted By: Lizila
Date Posted: Oct 21, 2010 at 2:14am
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Posted By: JasonSLindsey
Date Posted: Jun 1, 2011 at 5:24am
Nail polish can help your hands look younger, smoother and even thinner. If you want beautyful and health nail eating a healthy diet. A well balanced diet and drinking plenty of water keeps the nails shiny and smooth while dehydrated nails look chipped and dry too.

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Posted By: linzyjessie
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2011 at 4:12am
Thanks for useful tips. It is really useful. Massage nails with olive oil. It makes them stronger and shiny. Massage nails every night.
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Posted By: rozerleft
Date Posted: Jul 19, 2011 at 12:57pm
Always clean the bottle of nail polish with a cotton swab to remove the extra Poland, this will prevent the bottle to become glued shut. Try not to remove and re-polishing more than once or twice a week because it dries the nails. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,$%--)$%!)$`` %.

Posted By: monicawebb
Date Posted: Nov 14, 2011 at 4:45pm
You can get a clear nail polish which strengthens your's works really well :)

Posted By: karengriffin
Date Posted: Nov 14, 2011 at 10:28pm
I certainly face chipping nails problems. These are great home remedies

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