My hair was thinning and my wife at the time thought that if I got it permed it would look fuller. She talked me into letting her set it so I could get an indication of how it might look with a few curls in it before I committed to the perm. After she had finished I was a bit hesitant and mildly protested that it made me look a bit feminine but she played it down saying it would look a lot different once it was cut and styled. The next moring she made an appointment for me at her hair salon for the following saturday.
As the day grew near I got a bit scared and wanted her to cancel it but she stood her ground. That saturday she had some shopping to do so decided she would drop me off at the salon on her way. Whe we arrived my wife dropped me at the door and waited for me to enter before driving off. Looking back somethimes I think she just wanted to make sure I would show for my appointment.
I was a bit early for my appointment and I must admit even though I had been in hair salons many times as a boy with my mother it was still a bit intimidating as I sat there with all those women waiting for my turn. It was really a releif when my stylist finally arrived to take me back to her station and she did a great job of putting me at ease assuring me a lot of men had their hair permed and mine would look great.
Well my hair took to perm like fish to water and when she had finished and combed it out I had a head full of curls. I must have looke petrified because she immediately began to assure me that by monday it should relax and it would look great. And to be honest though it took a bit longer then two days for my hair to relax when it did it did look great. In the short run my wife used hot rollers to help relax the curlls. All of her female friends loved it and once I got over the stigma of what my guy friends would thing about me I loved the way the curlers looked.
Though we have gone our seperate ways we are still best friends and I am still grateful to my ex-wife for that first time she got me in curlers and for her perservience in getting me to get my permed that first time. Today I wear it longer and continue to get perms without worrying what others might think. You may not want your husband to go to the extremes I did or get his hair permed but I think I would have rather had mine curled and hated it then I would have to refused and always wondered how I would have looked. Male or female having your hair curled doesn't change who you are on the inside.
Tell your husband that if he hates it he can wash it out. My wife tells me she knew I must have liked the way I looked when she first curled my hair because I didn't wash it out until I had too.
Hope this helps.