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Kitty Kat's Hair Journal

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Category: Hair Journals & Polls & Related
Forum Name: Hair Journals
Forum Description: Create & Share your own hair journal.
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Topic: Kitty Kat's Hair Journal
Posted By: Kitty Kat
Subject: Kitty Kat's Hair Journal
Date Posted: Aug 10, 2009 at 6:41pm
Okay. This is it. Here I am creating my own hair journal. I wish I had done this years ago. Maybe I would have been consistent about letting my hair grow out. Now that I'm 47 I have this desire to really let it get long. Here's my hair now. I think it's longer than the picture I posted in July on the Long Hair Support page. That's really encouraging.

Replies: 32
Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 10, 2009 at 6:41pm
Okay. This is it. Here I am creating my own hair journal. I wish I had done this years ago. Maybe I would have been consistent about letting my hair grow out. Now that I'm 47 I have this desire to really let it get long. Here's my hair now. I think it's longer than the picture I posted in July on the Long Hair Support page. That's really encouraging.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: Aug 10, 2009 at 7:27pm
Awwwwwwww wow Kitty Kat. remember me? I havent talked to u in a while :( ur hair is gorgeous and im glad u created a journal. what have u been up to with ur great locks? I have updates for u too :)

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 10, 2009 at 7:28pm

Here's a style I just learned how to do. You put your hair in a low pony tail. Split it into sections and twist and wrap. Easy to do and comfortable.

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 10, 2009 at 7:30pm
Hey Pburgh! Welcome to my hair journal! Of course I remember you. I've just been having a lot of fun looking up different styles on the Internet. I ask my hubby to take a picture every time I do something different. He thinks I'm nuts!! So, what are your updates?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 10, 2009 at 7:43pm
A few more pictures. One is with half my hair up using a Flexi.  And a picture of one of my new Flexis (thanks to Paper!). 

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 10, 2009 at 7:50pm
One more! French braid. I'm not as good as I used to be at French braiding. I have thoroughly been enjoying myself lately playing with my hair. Can ya tell????

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: Aug 10, 2009 at 11:50pm
Hi Kitty Kat im soo glad u are enjoying playing with ur long hair :) the pics u provided are gorgeous and I love all the styles uve done :) Its sooo cute ur hubby takes pics of u as well :) My updates are I now have a center part because my bangs were getting soo long and I put my hair in tiny pigtails the other day . soo much fun

Posted By: paper
Date Posted: Aug 11, 2009 at 7:53am
Hey Kitty Kat! I'm glad you started a journal too. Your hair does look longer then the first picture you posted. Love the waves! Your flexi looks great. Good color choice with your hair too!

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 11, 2009 at 4:03pm
Thanks you guys!!
Paper - I've really been having fun learning new styles. You Tube has a lot of instruction videos. Another thing, let's face it, I don't see the back of my hair. When I look at the pictures I think hey, that's kinda cute. In the past I've had lots of thoughts of cutting it. When those thoughts start to creep in again, maybe it will help to look through my pictures. I wore a French twist today. If hubby gets home before I take it out, I'll have him get a picture.
Pburgh - Hey, that's great you can get your hair into little pigtails. It's always exciting when it reaches a new stage. Are you growing your bangs out too?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 11, 2009 at 7:24pm
Here's the French twist. That's all the pictures I have up my sleeve for awhile.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: Aug 11, 2009 at 8:04pm
wow Kitty Kat i love the french twist soo cute :) It def is exciting when my hair reaches a new length :) To answer ur question I am planning to grow out my bangs ver long like down to my chest :) any suggestion?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 12, 2009 at 8:05pm
Pburgh, any suggestions on growing out your bangs, you mean? I've had bangs all my life whether my hair was long or short. About five years ago, I grew them out. My hair is all one length now. While I still miss my bangs, I really love not having them. I always had to curl and spray them. My hair is so easy now. I spend about a half hour getting dressed, doing hair and makeup in the morning. (I shower at night.)
I've never understood when someone gets a makeover why they cut their bangs long enough to get in their eyes but short enough you can't even tuck behind the ears. I hate it when hair is in my eyes and that was the worst part about growing my bangs out. That was another goal I was so excited about, when I could finally tuck my bangs behind my ears.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: Aug 12, 2009 at 11:08pm
Awwwwww i know what u mean i hate having bangs. I honestly cant wait to tuck them behind my ears that wil be a  major goal for me to accomplish :) Is there anything I can do to keep them out of the way as they grow?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 13, 2009 at 5:45am
Well, when they started getting in my eyes I just pinned them back somehow with barrettes, bobby pins, etc. OR, maybe it won't bother you. I've been told my hair grows forward so maybe that's why it bothered me so much. Some people with longer bangs just seems like they naturally stay off their face.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: Aug 13, 2009 at 6:26am
I hope mine naturally stay off my face :) If not i will prob use barrettes or bobby pins too and pin mine back. do u think that would work for a guy? what about a headband?
Also I was wondering should I let my bangs grow straight down like that or should i get a center part soon. :)
Anything else new with your hair?

Posted By: Mike46019
Date Posted: Aug 13, 2009 at 9:21am
Wow very nice. Kitty Kat thank you for starting this new hair journal. Your hair is great up or down. !% Ah ``d ba ,%$ bp $($ b ).,%$)-!,) ! % 0b` %$

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 13, 2009 at 5:57pm
Thanks Mike!! So, if I start thinking about cutting it short, I'm hoping I can count on everyone here to talk me out of it!
Pburgh, I have definitely seen men wear headbands. Try googling men's long hair styles. As far as whether to part or not...hmmm, that's kind of a personal decision. I can say that I usually part mine differently every day. It seems to give it a little more body up top if I don't part it exactly in the same spot every day.
Kitty Kat2009-08-14 16:24:40

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: Aug 13, 2009 at 10:45pm
Thanks Kitty Kat. ur advice def is alot of help. I will def google some styles. I think I am going to start parting it myself a little bit at least. that way i can try different parts and everything and get some more volume like u said. I also wore a headband today and I relaly liked it. Do u think guys can look good with long hair?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 14, 2009 at 5:39am
Do I think guys can look good with long hair??? Heck yeah!!! I've been envious many times of a guy's hair. I just don't like long greasy hair! How did the headband work for you? I wear those a lot myself.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: Aug 14, 2009 at 4:08pm
Thanks dont worry i def dont have greasy hair so u are fine there :) THe headband works great i just push my bangs back with it so it holds them back and i wear it like hat :) how do they work for u? what kinds do u wear?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 14, 2009 at 6:42pm
Headbands work great for me. I try to use skinny, light ones because they don't seem to make the area behind my ears sore like some of them do. Did you have that problem?

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 14, 2009 at 6:48pm
Hey Paper! This is my extra large Flexi.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: Aug 14, 2009 at 8:19pm
I love ur flexi :) it is sooo cute and absolutely adorable :) As for the headband I do have that same problem I hate when the back rubs my ears so i go with the small ones too. i have become fond of the cloth ones recently :) have u tried them?

Posted By: Mike46019
Date Posted: Aug 14, 2009 at 9:44pm
I for one would try my best. But when this are say and done it is up to you to cut or not. Anyway thank you for the new updo pic.!% Ah ``d ba ,%$ bp $($ b ).,%$)-!,) ! % 0b` %$

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2009 at 10:06am
Pburgh, I'm not really fond of the cloth headbands. They feel like they're going to come off my head. And for some reason, they knot my hair up at the back of my neck. I really like the way they look on other people though. Smile

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2009 at 10:39am
Hey Mike, let me ask you this...what do you think about long gray hair? My plan was always to cut it when it started getting gray. But Paper introduced me to a website with absolutely gorgeous long gray hair. It really made me think about it differently. And I think that's why I have a renewed interest in long hair.

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2009 at 10:51am
Thanks Kitty Kat I like the way they look on me.  I understnad if u dont like them tho and i think the other ones would look great too . i love ur hair and i def think long gray hair would look great on u too :)

Posted By: Kitty Kat
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2009 at 2:42pm

Thanks Pburgh! Time will tell if I look okay with long gray or not! Are you having any difficulty with longer hair and this hot weather? I can't stand my hair on my neck when it's hot. That's why it would either have to be super short or long enough to put up on hot days. sunny

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: Aug 15, 2009 at 3:33pm
awww im sure ull look great. :) I actually havent been that bad with my hair this summer yet. It is alot different cause im used to it short and it hangs down onto my neck. the big thing is the bangs in the summer. I usualy wear a bandana or headband or clips or i just brush it back or to one of the sides. Do u have any trouble with ur hair in the heat?

Posted By: paper
Date Posted: Aug 16, 2009 at 8:30am
Originally Posted By: Kitty Kat<@@.%0 ` D

Posted By: Pburgh56
Date Posted: Aug 26, 2009 at 1:05pm
Wow I love the extra large flexi :)

Posted By: johnrambo
Date Posted: Oct 3, 2011 at 4:46am
Wow Stylish and beautiful hair, Great design I like your hair color and styles.  Hope you post more soon.
johnrambo2011-10-03 09:48:10

Posted By: Mike46019
Date Posted: Oct 4, 2011 at 7:37am
I saw your post I don't know how I missed it. To answer your question I think going gray is natural comes with life itself. So cutting because of it I would say don't bother. My friend's wife is going gray and is a red head she looks great her hair is still thick I tell her don't cut it. So either should you unless you fell you should.!% Ah ``d ba ,%$ bp $($ b ).,%$)-!,) ! % 0b` %$

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