Yet Another Happy Classmate Story
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Category: Long Hair Happenings Forum Name: Long Hair Support Forum Description: Growing it long takes commitment and support. URL: /forum_posts.php?TID=62815
Printed Date: Jan 12, 2025 at 9:55pm
Topic: Yet Another Happy Classmate Story
Posted By: Bob S Subject: Yet Another Happy Classmate Story Date Posted: Oct 18, 2008 at 3:24pm
Oh about 2 years ago, I ran into a classmate whom I had only seen once in about 30 years since graduation. Now, I had known from a while back that Dotty had kept her hair long, b/c an exasperated SIL of hers with whom I worked told me, "She's NEVER going to cut her hair. We give up already."
So when I had seen her in a local supermarket two years past, I wasn't shocked to see it long, a few inches below BS length. I greeted her and her beautiful teen DD and after amenities, I told her that it was great to see someone our age who hadn't done the mid-age chop. Dotty replied that she'sd really been thinking of cutting it short of late, that she was really feeling "too old", and that it was time! I retorted that IMO, women who kept their hair long and gorgeous, as hers clearly was, look so much younger and lovelier. I turned to her DD, and asked her, "Am I right?" The girl's eyes looked upwards and she nodded heartily.
Well, last Tuesday, wouldn't you know it, there was Dotty. Her hair was several inches longer than it had been at our last meeting! I didn't mention hair this time, but that same DD was with her again, and *hers* was almost as long as Mom's now, too. I don't think that I *needed* to say a thing. I'll never know if my words of encouragement helped, but I guess they didn't hurt any! (lol) Cordially, Bob
P.S. Dotty could easily pass for early to mid-thirties. Some is genetics, but some is *definitely* that silky hair of hers. Bob S2008-10-18 15:27:27
Replies: 3 Posted By: Bob S
Date Posted: Oct 18, 2008 at 3:24pm
Oh about 2 years ago, I ran into a classmate whom I had only seen once in about 30 years since graduation. Now, I had known from a while back that Dotty had kept her hair long, b/c an exasperated SIL of hers with whom I worked told me, "She's NEVER going to cut her hair. We give up already."
So when I had seen her in a local supermarket two years past, I wasn't shocked to see it long, a few inches below BS length. I greeted her and her beautiful teen DD and after amenities, I told her that it was great to see someone our age who hadn't done the mid-age chop. Dotty replied that she'sd really been thinking of cutting it short of late, that she was really feeling "too old", and that it was time! I retorted that IMO, women who kept their hair long and gorgeous, as hers clearly was, look so much younger and lovelier. I turned to her DD, and asked her, "Am I right?" The girl's eyes looked upwards and she nodded heartily.
Well, last Tuesday, wouldn't you know it, there was Dotty. Her hair was several inches longer than it had been at our last meeting! I didn't mention hair this time, but that same DD was with her again, and *hers* was almost as long as Mom's now, too. I don't think that I *needed* to say a thing. I'll never know if my words of encouragement helped, but I guess they didn't hurt any! (lol) Cordially, Bob
P.S. Dotty could easily pass for early to mid-thirties. Some is genetics, but some is *definitely* that silky hair of hers. Bob S2008-10-18 15:27:27
Posted By: 30isthenewblack
Date Posted: Oct 18, 2008 at 4:01pm
Posted By: paper
Date Posted: Oct 18, 2008 at 6:05pm
Thats great you said something to her 2 yrs ago. I bet that did help her change her mind from cutting. I think too, women look younger with longer hair.
Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Oct 21, 2008 at 2:20pm
I think you planted a seed! At her young age she will for sure remember a man said long hair was great!
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