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Curly Hair Turnin' Wavy w/ Length...

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Category: Curly Hair Talk
Forum Name: Curly Hair
Forum Description: Curly Heads Unite & Talk About Curls
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Topic: Curly Hair Turnin' Wavy w/ Length...
Posted By: _Princess_
Subject: Curly Hair Turnin' Wavy w/ Length...
Date Posted: Mar 17, 2008 at 7:31pm

My hair is naturally curly, but I noticed that when my hair got longer (near tha middle of my back) my curls jus stopped bouncin' back like they normally do and my hair took more a wavy look..It seemed as if my hair was jus bein' weighed down, that tha length was affectin' my curls any because my hair hasn't been that long in a few years, and this is without puttin' any products in it..

Now is that normal? Or is there somethin' else that I'm overlookin' or jus not seein'?


Replies: 4
Posted By: _Princess_
Date Posted: Mar 17, 2008 at 7:31pm

My hair is naturally curly, but I noticed that when my hair got longer (near tha middle of my back) my curls jus stopped bouncin' back like they normally do and my hair took more a wavy look..It seemed as if my hair was jus bein' weighed down, that tha length was affectin' my curls any because my hair hasn't been that long in a few years, and this is without puttin' any products in it..

Now is that normal? Or is there somethin' else that I'm overlookin' or jus not seein'?

Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: Mar 28, 2008 at 11:42am
The length will weigh it down some.  That's one reason why alot of curlies grow longer hair - to keep it from sprining out in every direction.  But what I noticed with my hair is this...
The longer the hair is, the older it is.  That means it's drier and more fragile than when it was shorter.  The ends need alot of conditioning and moisture to keep their bounce.  The better shape the ends are in, the better curls you'll get.
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Posted By: AtheistMonk
Date Posted: Mar 28, 2008 at 7:53pm
i say just get it layered Smile

it lightens up the hair...and brings back the curl =)

Posted By: magus
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2008 at 10:28am
Tick Wavy or Thick curly Hair

1. Natural curl with strong and assertive texture.
2. Hair and scalp is not oily.
3. If doing no trim regularly hence top of hair will run dry and easy to branch.

1. Maintains your long hair. To lessen hair shaped thickness burden and assures texture, do semi clip of layer.
2. Applies moisturizing shampoo is good choice.
3. Applies hair conditioner.
To find out the others solutions, please click -

Posted By: _Princess_
Date Posted: Oct 12, 2008 at 10:31pm
Originally Posted By: hairbraider d ,$&$` "``` d$
That is so true, hair needs extra care and my hair is fragile as is

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