Best way to fix ashy/green
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Topic: Best way to fix ashy/green
Posted By: AggiePam Subject: Best way to fix ashy/green Date Posted: Mar 8, 2008 at 4:13pm
I'm hoping someone can verify my thoughts on fixing my green hair. Last summer, I got great blonde highlights on my medium brown hair. I just went last week to have my roots done. Well, turns out she did my whole head, rather than just my roots. And it was not only too blonde for my skin tone, but also greenish/ashy, which I've never seen before on me. So I went back today & she put a darker tone on it. The lighting is terrible in the salon, so I didn't notice until later that it is darker, but it's still greenish. So, I went to Sally's, determined to fix it myself at this point. The lady told me to do a golden brown over it to counteract the ash. Before I do another thing, I wanted to check with you all. Will a golden brown get rid of the ashy green tint? At this point, I no longer care about the highlights (although I wasted a huge amount of money!), I just want my normal brown back. (with no green highlights!) What do you think?
Replies: 13 Posted By: AggiePam
Date Posted: Mar 8, 2008 at 4:13pm
I'm hoping someone can verify my thoughts on fixing my green hair. Last summer, I got great blonde highlights on my medium brown hair. I just went last week to have my roots done. Well, turns out she did my whole head, rather than just my roots. And it was not only too blonde for my skin tone, but also greenish/ashy, which I've never seen before on me. So I went back today & she put a darker tone on it. The lighting is terrible in the salon, so I didn't notice until later that it is darker, but it's still greenish. So, I went to Sally's, determined to fix it myself at this point. The lady told me to do a golden brown over it to counteract the ash. Before I do another thing, I wanted to check with you all. Will a golden brown get rid of the ashy green tint? At this point, I no longer care about the highlights (although I wasted a huge amount of money!), I just want my normal brown back. (with no green highlights!) What do you think?
Posted By: Rebekah
Date Posted: Mar 8, 2008 at 4:53pm
1. "I just want my normal brown back" Try Colorfixing it all. Then pull out the highlights, do a tint back on those, add the red back, etc. Then choose a shade that's not an ash, but has a bit of warmth in it and do the entire head.
2. Strand test the color you are thinking of using to see how it looks. If you like it then do the whole head...should be a semi or a demi by the way.
3. Often when you first get your hair done, the ash appears greenish, if you wait a few washings the color usually fades to something you like. I know what you are seeing though, but I do think it will fade.
I hope this helps...if it were me, I'd wait for the color to fade before doing anything else to my hair.
Good luck
Rebekah | |