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Whats wrong with my hair?!

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Topic: Whats wrong with my hair?!
Posted By: joshx12
Subject: Whats wrong with my hair?!
Date Posted: Dec 22, 2007 at 9:30pm

As you can see in that pic its like i have less hair in that area closest to the side of my head. Why is my hair like this and is it possible to fix this to get to grow fully like the other half?

joshx122007-12-22 21:31:44

Replies: 5
Posted By: joshx12
Date Posted: Dec 22, 2007 at 9:30pm

As you can see in that pic its like i have less hair in that area closest to the side of my head. Why is my hair like this and is it possible to fix this to get to grow fully like the other half?

joshx122007-12-22 21:31:44

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Dec 23, 2007 at 10:13am
It looks okay, I can see that its thinner, but others don't often focus on us that much, and unless you tell them other people may not even notice.
Are you sleeping only on that side?  You may want to consider buying a satin pillowcase so your head can slip over it more easily without pulling out hair. 
If that's not it, try to think of anything else you do only to that side.  Are you right handed and always pulling on your hair on that side? 
!)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

Posted By: joshx12
Date Posted: Dec 25, 2007 at 1:44pm
Could it be like genetics or something? Is my hair thinning/falling out? :( I never pull my hair.

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Dec 30, 2007 at 8:06am

It could be, if your mother's brothers have thinning hair, (the baldness gene runs on the mother's side), you may inherit it also. But if its only on one side, I think it is more likely something else causing it.

If you want to try a satin pillowcase to see if it happens when you sleep, you can buy only the pillowcases at  They sell a zippered single case for 9 bucks. Susan W2007-12-30 08:07:03 !)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

Posted By: joshx12
Date Posted: Jan 3, 2008 at 8:43pm
it is on both sides of my head

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Jan 10, 2008 at 8:13am
Oh, I thought when you said you wanted it to grow like the other half, you meant the other side of your head!  My mistake.  First, it really doesn't look bad.  If you feel that it is thinner than it was before, and continues to get thinner, you may want to get checked out by a doctor, sometimes hair loss is an indicator of another problem.  (Be sure you aren't taking too much vitamin A, for example.  That can cause hair loss).

But if it has always been the same, that's just how it grows, and I wouldn't worry about it too much.  That is one place that some people just have less hair.  If you want to try to cover it, you can try different styles - see if growing it a little longer would help (one half inch of length may make a difference.  You can also try massage to see if increased blood flow to the area won't cause it to make a few more hairs.  Just rub this spot with your fingertips and just move the skin around over your skull (holding your fingers in the same place so you don't pull out hairs, then just change places with your fingers).  Do that for 30 seconds a time, twice a day and see.  I don't know if that will really do anything, but some people swear by it, so, its free, it can't hurt to try.
   !)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

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