What do you guys think of LHCF
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Topic: What do you guys think of LHCF
Posted By: hair obsessed Subject: What do you guys think of LHCF Date Posted: Jun 10, 2007 at 6:56pm
I havent had a good experience there. The women their can be so rude and cruel with their responses to your posts. I think they pick fights because its entertaining. They just go in a thread hunting for a cat fight. I started a thread in it was like i was in a boxing ring. Do any of yall ever visit LHCF and posted?
Replies: 83 Posted By: hair obsessed
Date Posted: Jun 10, 2007 at 6:56pm
I havent had a good experience there. The women their can be so rude and cruel with their responses to your posts. I think they pick fights because its entertaining. They just go in a thread hunting for a cat fight. I started a thread in it was like i was in a boxing ring. Do any of yall ever visit LHCF and posted? |
Posted By: virgo78
Date Posted: Jun 10, 2007 at 9:51pm
I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes, it can get a little catty over there. Thats why Im just gonna start lurking. I think Im familiar with the thread that you're talking about, too. ! B`dh APD , 2 "2 / ,"
Posted By: kellie7777
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2007 at 6:03pm
ah stuff em. You pay your money to post so why shouldn't you. You can only control yourself not others. don't let anyone intimidate you with crapola.... ( $ )`d`dab$ -$*("b -.`` !$-
, -, !,0`p /.
Posted By: tika220
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2007 at 9:28am
Yeah they got thier favs over there. I have seen some posters get the royal beat down and other highly praised on the same topic. Some of those threads are ridiculously long for no good reason, and If I see that thread about that henna come up one mo time I swear... Former LHCF know what I am talking about.
Posted By: annetoin
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2007 at 9:50am
Most of the gals over there are very helpful. But, some of them have these fanatical ways regarding their hair....afraid to wear their hair down for fear of someone cutting it off, ...afraid to let someone touch their hair (I am not talking about letting a stranger touch their hair, but some won't even let their spouses etc. touch it!), ...hair regimes that get in the way of their relationships with their spouses or significant others,...afraid that if they miss a tiny step in their routine that their hair will fall out the very next day...at times it is a bit much! Sometimes I get tired of reading about someone who thinks they are going bald because they found "2" strands of hair in the sink. A little irrational at times.
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: Jun 12, 2007 at 11:50am
#p` ,& `($ da`` & Some of this is hilarious.. I love my hair too, but DANG.. It's really not that serious.. Haircare that interferes with my relationships! Too funny!!!
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