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Category: Hair Talk
Forum Name: Hair Color
Forum Description: The tricks and tribulations of changing your hair color
URL: /forum_posts.php?TID=52698
Printed Date: Dec 26, 2024 at 10:32am

Posted By: Bambilee
Subject: Blonder OTC YET! PIC INCLUDED!
Date Posted: May 7, 2007 at 3:01pm
Here is my hair now. SOme of you have read my other forum on OTC bleaching. I started with dyed black, lifted to a dark blonde and now here is what I have now.
I use Loreal' EXTRA LIGHT ASH BLONDE to lift and tone. It lifts my roots to a dark blonde and keeps my dyed length toned and light.
This is my son and I, it was a good pic of my hair color and new bangs so I used it.
I was tempted to go PLATINUM WHITE but I haven't jumped into that yet, I have yet to find someone who has used Flash Lightning from Manic Panic, yet so until I do, I'm not going that far.
My hair looks healthy and shiny, the hairdresser who cut it said she was amazed that I even did it myself and my hair was in such good shape. I guess I'm just lucky.
Bambilee2007-05-07 15:04:33

~* Bambi Lee *~

Replies: 29
Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: May 7, 2007 at 3:01pm
Here is my hair now. SOme of you have read my other forum on OTC bleaching. I started with dyed black, lifted to a dark blonde and now here is what I have now.
I use Loreal' EXTRA LIGHT ASH BLONDE to lift and tone. It lifts my roots to a dark blonde and keeps my dyed length toned and light.
This is my son and I, it was a good pic of my hair color and new bangs so I used it.
I was tempted to go PLATINUM WHITE but I haven't jumped into that yet, I have yet to find someone who has used Flash Lightning from Manic Panic, yet so until I do, I'm not going that far.
My hair looks healthy and shiny, the hairdresser who cut it said she was amazed that I even did it myself and my hair was in such good shape. I guess I'm just lucky.
Bambilee2007-05-07 15:04:33< A`a @de

Posted By: meowza2
Date Posted: May 7, 2007 at 11:37pm
I'm going lighter too - but I have gray roots to disguise. My hair is normally dark brown but now I have tons of gray and tired of the root upkeep. You have a pretty complexion similar to Heather Locklear's.  She has even more of an ash-color to her hair. I think if you go toward that it would look even better yet. You have a cute little baby too! 

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: May 10, 2007 at 9:47am
Thank you. I always use Ash toned dye to tone down my hair. It works good, it takes a few dye jobs to get it ashier. Its a long process... but that's what fun about it. :)
I am hoping later on I can get a true toner from a hair store. In my area you can't get them because you have to be a licenced hairdresser to buy it.
Good luck on your hair. I know how hard it can to get ligther. I have no idea how you would work with grey. I don't have any yet. I think I'm going o dread the day, cause I always do my hair myself! :)
< A`a @de

Posted By: penniesix
Date Posted: May 22, 2007 at 4:11am
Where can I find OTc bleaching msg board? If you cannot give me a link can you tell me where I may search! Thanks!

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: May 22, 2007 at 7:39pm
Hi penniesix. Here's two links that may help you:
If you want specific advice both are quite useful.

Posted By: penniesix
Date Posted: May 23, 2007 at 4:18am

Thanks! I actually do belong to both boards. Ha! I just thought there was maybe another board out there.Smile



Posted By: groberts80
Date Posted: May 27, 2007 at 8:40pm
That haircut is really cute on you, cute color cute style.

Posted By: oats42
Date Posted: May 28, 2007 at 10:07am
I don't know about the flash lightening kit, but I used manic panic virgin snow to get my friends hair white once, its basically just a purple tone to remove yellow and orange tones. I'm guessing the kit is just a bleach that specializes in blue/purple tones. Your hair looks great, but if you wanted platinum you could probably just use a purple shampoo like shimmer lights or a tones to make it "whiter"
The manic panic on its own won't lighten your hair to make it extreme white so if  you want, to use it to just tone it will work. (on my friends hair we hadn't bleached it enough so we discovered this)
oats422007-05-28 10:16:27

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: May 31, 2007 at 12:44pm

Penniesix... I don't know of any OTC boards. I was on going blonde board and all the people (well MOST) were snobs to be when I wanted to go blonde... I gave up talking to them.

and Oats... Flash Lightning is a bleaching kit, I don't know if it has a toner in it. I use purple shampoo. MATRIX Pure Silver. I am going to try some of the ones you suggested. But the Purse Silver stuff doesn't do much for my hair. It kinda tones but not like it want it to.
In about a month my hair starts to get a bit yellow-orange and I just tone it again with OTC Extra Light Ash and it goes back to it's orginal color.
I can't get a toner here... I do have a friend who can get me Toner. If I wanted to use a toner, what would you sugget to help get my hair whiter???
< A`a @de

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: May 31, 2007 at 1:03pm

Here is the back, and what color I'm sporting. LOL.. what Toner could I use to tone it a little

The roots are always darker cause my natrual color is so dark and my ends are lighter because they have been processed for YEARS!
Bambilee2007-05-31 13:06:00< A`a @de

Posted By: Rebekah
Date Posted: May 31, 2007 at 3:11pm
Very Pretty!  Looks like you have a pretty light golden blonde to me.  I like as a toner, Igora toning mousse in Cashmere 9-5, gentle, conditioning, and very pretty.  I use it once a week in between colorings to keep my hair color looking fresh. Scroll down on this page to see the swatches. 
Good luck!
%! ied Dq @ 8 B` b .,($$ (--%%%,%4bp #.

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: Jun 1, 2007 at 10:08am
Oh thanks lots for those swatches! So it's just a toning conditioner kinda like a toning shampoo? Neat...  could I purchase this in a SALON perhaps?< A`a @de

Posted By: Rebekah
Date Posted: Jun 1, 2007 at 12:36pm
I don't know, I usually get it online.  I suppose if they carry the product you could.  Good luck!
%! ied Dq @ 8 B` b .,($$ (--%%%,%4bp #.

Posted By: lovetocolor
Date Posted: Jun 2, 2007 at 11:06am
oh, your hair is so did you get it that way without damage?(! aglapabe

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: Jun 4, 2007 at 4:27pm
I guess my hair is just tough. I can no longer count how many time's i've bleached it... it breaks easier now, but it's not fried. Like frizzy or not shiny or anything like that. I am a conditioner holic too, maybe that explains it?< A`a @de

Posted By: lovetocolor
Date Posted: Jun 4, 2007 at 5:51pm
yes, that explains it...i have had quite a few adventures with my hair too.  i put some conditioner in this bleach by is called oreal blanc.  the gal at sallys said that a colorist comes in there to buy it and says that is what they use on the i bought some...wanted to fix mistake so mixed it up and put on hair...i have hair break and all that fun stuff....anyway, put conditioner (kerastase) in bleach and it didn't really hurt my i can use shades eq color gems that people rave friend is a stylist so got the good stuff from professional supply place.....THEY LET ME IN!!!  my gosh, i was in heaven...i like your hair and if you know someone maybe you could go to a place like that for your toner desires....doesn't sallys carry those shampoos?(! aglapabe

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: Jun 4, 2007 at 7:14pm
I live in Canada and we don't have a Sallys. I have a friend who found a beuty supply store that will sell to the general public. Most won't... I have to ask her to get a Toner for me. :)< A`a @de

Posted By: lovetocolor
Date Posted: Jun 4, 2007 at 11:51pm
  i just put some Shades EQ by Redken and it is the most beautiful color!!  i have a friend who gets me in the professional that fun?  oh, man....will one day tell you of how i got in is just funny what amber (my friend) to get me in there,,,,well, not that long of story....she told them that i never liked the color of my hair...which was true.....and could she bring me in so i can pick out colors.....amber said "she is my most difficult client but she pays well"....oh, i was in heaven in some strange looks from the ladies working there like, she will be bringing stuff back, which is exactly what i did...i tried matrix and it was just not rightl.....Redken Shades EQ is it....i love it and now can quit complusively coloring my husband says he is going to get me one of those doll heads so my own hair won't fall out....i am goign to school in oct to be a colorist....i truly cannot wait!!!!  what do you do? do you live in the beautiful part of canada?  Montreal.....can't say anymore.  fill me in.  hey, you can get things off the internet or maybe i could send you some stuff.....can sallys contraband make it across the border?lovetocolor2007-06-04 23:56:15(! aglapabe

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: Jun 6, 2007 at 11:40am
I live in Alberta, it's one of the nicest place in Canada I think. Anyways if you live in the states it's kidna hard to get chemicals across the border I think.... I was going to order Manic Panic, but it said I couldn't have it shipped across the boarder. I dunno... My g.f can get stuff at a shop so I'm going to get her to get me some toner and send it to me.
I just did my roots and color again. I do it every month or so. I tried a NATURAL EXTRA LIGHT BLONDE from Nice and Easy to see if that would work. I left it in for 45 minutes.  Didn't do much not like I thought it would....
< A`a @de

Posted By: lovetocolor
Date Posted: Jun 6, 2007 at 2:57pm
can you get things shipped to you from like, ebay?  they really have every color (Professional and all that) on the internet.....i understand about the shipping because we aren't as safe as we once were....what a shame....what about that internet thing though...i heard they ship all over the me, you can find anything on there having to do with haircolor....and my father has been in your is beautiful....we lived in washington st for awhile and i liked it.  good luck on the hunt for your hair stuff.(! aglapabe

Posted By: hunnyswifey
Date Posted: Jun 7, 2007 at 9:52pm
wow good job! you look amazing..i don't think you need a toner at all...its very pretty just the way it is...the toner might just dull the color a bit and take away the shine...maybe in like 6 weeks you might want to tone up only right after you do a root touch up..something with a violet base

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2007 at 1:18pm
Why thank you! I didn't think a toner would take away the shine... my hair is VERY shiny. Would a Toner take away alot of my shine?
I use purple shampoo quite often to help a little. What sucks is that my roots never get quite as light as my ends and the two pieces near the front of my face don't either.  And it doesn't seem like anything I do works but hey.
I used Natural Extra Light blonde to do my roots the other day. My hair kinda is a bit yellowy, from it. But it's fine.  Here is the front, some light it looks less yellow and sometimes it looks yellow in others. I guess its' all in how the light reflects.
< A`a @de

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2007 at 1:30pm
This is the front. I really like the color, it doesn't stick around for long. LOL the hassle of being blonde right? My underlayer is MANY shades darker than the rest of the hair cause I'm a Cheater, I don't usually dye the underlayering of my hair because due to having LONG hair one box just doesn't do it for me and I'm Cheap and can't really afford to buy and waste another bottle of Dye. LOL. I NEVER wear my hair up and if I do, it is just darker. I can usually just do my underroots.
< A`a @de

Posted By: lovetocolor
Date Posted: Jun 11, 2007 at 7:31pm
listen, a gal at sallys told me a colorist comes in there to buy the loreal Oreal worked great on me and i guess the guy raves about it...your hair is just plain pretty....i like it...i am using shades eq now because i could not leave matters alone....but i LOVE SHADES EQ...they have this new blonde out....(! aglapabe

Posted By: beachgerl
Date Posted: Jun 21, 2007 at 11:32pm
Your hair is so pretty, bambilee! It looks like a light ashy blonde that most people covet. I'm planning on going lighter as well later this year. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,$!%( ,$!!0 2 $$

Posted By: Alayney
Date Posted: Jun 22, 2007 at 1:40am
Love it (as always)! So pretty -- looks so shiny too. I WISH I had the guts you do! By the way, salons DO carry that Igora Toning Mousse. I know mine does, though I haven't tried it. I'd like to though. 

Posted By: BlackLace
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2007 at 12:15am
I'm from Alberta too :)
Your hair is very pretty. It looks like it was
done by a proffesional. I wish I could achieve something
like that.

Posted By: stacey_m
Date Posted: Jul 1, 2007 at 1:11am
I'm from Canada too, and I can totally relate to issues with getting professional hair colour if you aren't licensed.

I am very very blonde and I ordered some of the Shades EQ (and developer) from ebay. The seller was in the US and I had no problems getting the "contraband" across the border. I use it to tone out #613 extension hair (which is a pale yellow blonde) so that it matches my hair and it works great. It's pretty much like a purple shampoo but it's got a little bit extra kick to it and it lasts longer. It doesn't fry the extension hair, so it must be pretty mild (that stuff is processed like crazy).

Posted By: lovetocolor
Date Posted: Jul 1, 2007 at 12:19pm
hi stacey,
i really like shades eq...that is what i am going to use from now on, i think...what color did you get?  did you get all the shine? 
(! aglapabe

Posted By: Bambilee
Date Posted: Jul 2, 2007 at 2:33pm
I just got my hair cut. I'm going to go get it Platinum at a salon and then as it grows keep going back to get my roots done. My ends would never take the chemicals to get it White, so the new cut works! YAY
< A`a @de

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