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Topic: Hi
Posted By: Whatsitallabout Subject: Hi Date Posted: May 4, 2007 at 10:25am
Hi everyone. I stumbled onto this web site while searching for help with my constant hair issues. I am hoping to find some answers here. I am 40 years old and have waist length red hair (natural) which is also naturally curly and extremely dry,brittle,damaged. I fight with it on a daily basis and also consider cutting it on a daily basis. I used Nexxus products for years and they always seemed to work, but now that they are available in most stores, I have not used nexxus at all. I am looking for suggestions on what products to use. I did not use a hair dryer for over 2 years thinking that air drying would be better for my hair. I also do not use flat irons or anything that is likely to cause additional damage. I need any and all help/suggestions that anyone has to offer and look forward to hearing from you all.
Replies: 1 Posted By: Whatsitallabout
Date Posted: May 4, 2007 at 10:25am
Hi everyone. I stumbled onto this web site while searching for help with my constant hair issues. I am hoping to find some answers here. I am 40 years old and have waist length red hair (natural) which is also naturally curly and extremely dry,brittle,damaged. I fight with it on a daily basis and also consider cutting it on a daily basis. I used Nexxus products for years and they always seemed to work, but now that they are available in most stores, I have not used nexxus at all. I am looking for suggestions on what products to use. I did not use a hair dryer for over 2 years thinking that air drying would be better for my hair. I also do not use flat irons or anything that is likely to cause additional damage. I need any and all help/suggestions that anyone has to offer and look forward to hearing from you all.
Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: May 8, 2007 at 7:14am
My first thought is silicone buildup, but I'm not familiar with the ingredients in the products you are using. Do they have a lot of words in the ingredients that end in "cone" or "one"? Even if you are not using heavy cones, hair that dong does have to be treated kindly or it will gradually get difficult (mine is almost waist length now). Wearing it in styles that prevent tangling goes a long way to helping keep it free of damage.
Small trims do help a great deal if you have splits (you don't need to cut it all off, just a tiny trim of 1/4" is sometimes enough to help a lot).
As for the cones, if you find your products are full of them, you would benefit from clarifying once every 2 weeks to once every 2 months. Use any shampoo that says "clarifying" on it, it will remove all the buildup. It will also make your hair feel very delicate and strawlike, so be prepared to condition really well afterwards, and maybe even oil it a little.
If you don't use oil, you may find it helps a lot as well (just a drop on the ends after its dry helps prevent tangles and makes the ends look nice and healthy). You will also find since your hair is curly that it helps with shine, brings out the color, and reduces frizz. People generally use jojoba or coconut.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!
Edited to explain a couple of things: Silicones aren't evil! They build up on the hair by making a silicone coat around it, and the reason this becomes problematic is because this coat can chip and break off after several months, taking your hair with it. This is why clarifying at least every 2 months is important. It removes the coat before it can do any damage to your hair. Thus, you can enjoy the benefits of 'cones' (superior detangling capability) without the negatives.
Another thing that may help is is a vinegar rinse. If you have hard water, mixing 1Tbsp of vinegar in 1 cup of water, and pouring this over your head after your final rinse in the bath will remove the dull buildup you get from hard water when you wash your hair. This will help a lot in making your hair softer and less tangly. If you have soft water, doing this will not help noticeably at all.
Susan W2007-05-08 07:40:15!)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.