working out how to cope with hair
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Topic: working out how to cope with hair
Posted By: baby*flower Subject: working out how to cope with hair Date Posted: Apr 15, 2007 at 10:25am
im really curious to know whether breaking a sweat working out is bad for your hair, I work out every single morning, and after I sweat I ONLY wash my body and not my hair because I simply just cant dry my hair out even more since my hair is dry to begin with, does anyone think this is bad for my hair? does the sweat in my hair affect that growth of it? or should I just take daily showers? also does sweating make the root of my hair more dry since it is constant moisture? thanks in advance for any suggestions/tips/replies.
Replies: 23 Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2007 at 10:25am
im really curious to know whether breaking a sweat working out is bad for your hair, I work out every single morning, and after I sweat I ONLY wash my body and not my hair because I simply just cant dry my hair out even more since my hair is dry to begin with, does anyone think this is bad for my hair? does the sweat in my hair affect that growth of it? or should I just take daily showers? also does sweating make the root of my hair more dry since it is constant moisture? thanks in advance for any suggestions/tips/replies.
Posted By: Army Girl
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2007 at 1:43pm
Its' not the moisture but the salt from your sweat that is drying.
Why not oil your hair before working out, shower and CO wash your hair? Seems like this would help with the dryness. ! ) `b !41bA )) (`b !(%!$
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Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: Apr 15, 2007 at 11:24pm
It's not good for your scalp to let the sweat build up. It can clog your pores. At least rinse it thoroughly when you shower, that won't dry your hair out like shampooing. CO-ing is a good idea. 0! ! (bb $40 ),"(`r ,"0 " $($ (%,,! $- $(` )2
Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2007 at 11:34am
this SUCKS so bad for me, because i flat iron my hair once a week and i cant even afford to rinse my hair with water because itll go back wavy and frizzy my hair is horrible when its like that i cant wear it out or anything it doesnt suit my face at all, but im going to try to oil my hair before workouts and after them to keep the moisture and take showers every 4 days i guess thats the best i can do, does anyone have any other suggestions this is starting to make me depressed because i feel like my hair wont grow :( because of the sweat. ugh.
Posted By: Army Girl
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2007 at 7:10pm
Baby Flower,
What types of products do you use on your hair? ! ) `b !41bA )) (`b !(%!$
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Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2007 at 10:22pm
i use an organic shampoo and tresumee conditioner, i also use bio silk on my hair as a heat protectant for when i flat iron my hair only once a week, and i also use pure vitamin e oil on my ends or i rub some on my scalp about 2 days before i shampoo and yea basically thats it, i try to avoid using many products.
Posted By: Army Girl
Date Posted: Apr 17, 2007 at 6:33am
I tried to look up the ingredients of the products you use but the website doesn't list them. So. I am going to take a stab here. You are really damaging your hair striving to have straight hair. I am sure I am not telling you something you don't already know. I am sure you have heard this before.
However I want to put a new spin on it.
Look at your product labels. Are their any words that end in cone or one? My guess is that there are. Silcone is used in hair products to coat the hair and make it appear shiny and healthy. The problem is they build up on the hair. This results in two things.
The first being the coating seals in your hair and protects it from bad elements but also from good things too. Like moisture. Your hair gets dryer and dryer and frizzier and frizzier.
The second being the product itself begins to chip and peel off your hair making it appear dull and lifeless.
Silk. SIlk is a protein. From my research curly wavy hair does not like a lot of protein applied to it. Ditto the results of too many cones.
Salt. Salt is not good for hair. In fact it binds to the hair forming salt crystals. Salt crystals are sharp and not smooth. More frizziness and dryness.
Here is a test. Gently roll some hair between your fingers. Does it feel rough, brittle? Does it SOUND crunchy? That's build-up.
Now on top of all the horrible cones, protein, salt you are taking a heated metal implement and running it down your hair. Repeatedly. Imagine trying to straighten out a long narrow pine cone. In your mind can you see the pine cone disinegrating as little bits chip off before your eyes? That's your hair!
I have good news!!! Yes, really!
First you will need to find products that are cone free. Aubrey Organics is a very good line. A good cheap brand is Nature's Gate.
Next I would clarify your hair. Here is a really easy way to do it but you need to be very careful and very gentle. take 1 tblspn baking soda and mix with 3 tblspn good shampoo. GENTLY massage into your scalp and hair. GENTLY massage the length. Did I mention gently? No rubbing, no scrubbing. Rinse rinse rinse. Apply a Apple Cider Vinegar rinse. 1 fluid ounce ACV with 1 quart water. Make sure to hit your scalp let it soak into the length of your hair. Rinse. Apply a deep cone free conditioner. You will feel your hair soak it up. Let it soak. Rinse. GENTLY towel dry your hair. It will feel pretty fragile right now. Let it air dry. RESIST the temptation to blow dry it or style it. After it is completely dry apply three or four drops of oil (coconut, almond, jojoba, your choice) to your palms, rub hands together to warm oil. Then lightly apply the oil to your hair starting at the ends working up. Add more oil as seems necessary.
You hair will feel so soft and touchable. This is good.
Next on the list. Take that flat iron, cut the cord, and throw it away. If you cut the cord you won't be tempted to rescue it from the trash. Go to Sallys or other beauty supply store and purchase one of the old fashioned bonnet style hair dryers. It has a big bag that fits over your hair and blows warm air inside to gently dry your hair. I have a method that will straighten your hair with no damage.
My sister has GORGEOUS curly hair. She thinks it is hideous. She grew it out to her hips. Once a week she went through this routine. After washing her hair she would take two HUGE curlers (think orange juice can size, or use two empty orange juice cans) and take the uppermost hair on her head and put in the curlers. Pin them in good so the hair is secure. Then she would wrap her hair around her head like a turban. Starting at the bangs she would comb it to the right, secure with a bobby pin. Then continue combing the hair around to the back and around. When her hair was past her waist she just kept wrapping and combing wrapping and combing and when it was really tight and straight, she pinned it in place. She would grab a book, put the bag dryer on her head and sit for a couple of hours while her hair dried. Her hair came out stick straight. Starighter than people with straight hair. It works.
It will take your hair a while to recover. But gradually it will begin to look shiny, and healthy. Give it time, pamper your hair. You may find that with the right treatment and products you may even love your curly hair.
IF the clarifying doesn't work, the next step is to chelate your hair. Try the clarifying first then we move on from there if we have to. Good luck and keep us posted. ! ) `b !41bA )) (`b !(%!$
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Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: Apr 17, 2007 at 10:27am
Love the pinecone analagy, ArmyGirl!
[quote]i cant even afford to rinse my hair with water because itll go back wavy and frizzy my hair is horrible when its like that i cant wear it out or anything it doesnt suit my face at all[/quote]
The majority of the time, nature suits the best. You're just not getting the most out of what nature gave you. I believe the biggest problem with women is that they don't know how to properly care for and style the hair type they have. They fight against it rather than working with it. Take the advice ArmyGirl has given you. It really works! Trust me, the more healthy your hair is, the better it'll look in its natural state.
Back in the 1700's, all the fashionable women dyed and crimped and curled and ratted. Then wigs and hairpieces became very popular. Know why? Because all the fashionable women were going bald or had short frizzy yucky hair from all the things they'd been doing to it. They began to look around and see that the not-so-fashionable still had long beautiful hair. 0! ! (bb $40 ),"(`r ,"0 " $($ (%,,! $- $(` )2
Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: Apr 17, 2007 at 12:41pm
thanks guys so much for ure help! i looked at the back of my products and yes the bio silk has alott of ingredients ending with cone, i will definatly stop using it, my conditioner has none and neither does my shampoo which is avalon organics the ingredients seem to be all good, i have tried curlers though and it makes my hair look poofy and gives it wayy too much volume on top of that i dont even know how to put it in my hair properly it makes my scalp feel itchy, but i will be looking into buying one of those blow dryers. as for my flat iron i simple cant throw it away i paid so much for it but im going to just bun my hair from now on. Army girl thanks alot i will be trying out the clarifying thing u mentioned! and i know what you guys mean when people fight against thier hair, ive been doing that all my life and i just cant bring myself to wear my hair completely in its natural state i am going to work on getting it really healthy first and then dry to wean my self off the flat iron, thanks for everyones advice!
Posted By: Sarsvati
Date Posted: Apr 17, 2007 at 1:40pm
You said you don't think curly hair suits your face? Is that because of
the added volume? If that 's the case, then you'll probably like the
way it looks curly once your hair is long and there is more weight
pulling it down. But it will be tougher for it to get long and healthy
if you straighten it alot! I'm sure you know that already.
Curly hair probably suits your face more than you think, but your just
not used to seeing yourself wiuth curly hair since you wear it
straight. COuld it be mostly the frizzy's that bother you? Those will
probably reduce once your hair becomes healthier.
I also wanted to add that just a water rinse should do the trick to
rinse the sweat out of your hair since salt is very hydrophilic.
My hair actually stays cleaner longer when I excersie regularly because
the salty sweat seems to keep the grease at bay after I rinse it out,
so I end up washing my hair less, which is better for it.
Good luck figuring this out. You will.
Sarsvati2007-04-17 13:55:53 $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.$!,),(!) -%$(`p ."
Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: Apr 19, 2007 at 9:57am
yea thats what im trying to do right now grow my hair out long so that the waves get looser making it easier to manage and nicer, the problem is that i have all these stray baby hairs around my head and they wont grow past a certain length or they take thiehr time growing so i have to put up with a frizzy mess around my face making it look messy they are also fine hairs, my hair is a mixture of fine and coarse butmore fine, when i straighten it it looks soft and very fine when its curly it looks more coarse so its hard to tell, i could post up a pic so u guys can see what i mean.
the ends are damadged but im holding on to them as much as possible i cant even bare to trim them off.
heres some pics so you guys can see
i do not fully flat iron my hair i try to do quick strokes and avoid the ends so my ends just curl up and are left un flat ironed thats why my hair is not fully dead straight.
Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: Apr 19, 2007 at 4:15pm
The fine little hairs around your face will probably always be there. New ones are constantly growing in as the older ones get long enough not to be noticed. It's that way all over your head, but you see the ones around the edges because there's not long hairs all around to hide them. Everybody's hair is that way, don't worry so much about it! (unless you're pulling it back in a way that is causing them to break off)
As long as your hair is now, I don't think growing it longer will relax it much. Can you give us a pic of it unstraightened?
To help with the damaged ends, I suggest microtrimming. I totally know what you mean about not being able to part with any length. But if the ends are split, the splits will move up the hair shaft and continue to break. To keep that from happening, I snip the ends just a teeny tiny bit every couple months. It has helped me in gaining length more than I ever imagined! 0! ! (bb $40 ),"(`r ,"0 " $($ (%,,! $- $(` )2
Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: Apr 19, 2007 at 6:01pm
i knoww i hope they get a little longer because it looks so BADD after i work out they curl up around my face and i look like a big mess! and i willl take a pic of it unstraightened when i get the chance it might be in a while since i never take pics of it curly but i will get around to it and u know what i think ure right! im going to do the micortrimming thing i kinda blew that idea off but it probably wont make much of a difference at all thanks!
Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: Apr 20, 2007 at 12:47pm
Have you tried using a headband after working out to keep the little hairs back? Just an idea.....0! ! (bb $40 ),"(`r ,"0 " $($ (%,,! $- $(` )2
Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: Apr 20, 2007 at 5:08pm
yea thats what i use, a cotton headband which also soaks up the sweat but afterwards when i need to wear my hair out, i have to use the flat iron again to straighten out all the stray frizzies so my hair can look neat againn.
Posted By: Sarsvati
Date Posted: Apr 21, 2007 at 2:07pm
hmm... maybe you could use a heavier shampoo and conditioner to weigh those baby hairs down a little. But that might make your hair more limp also.
Where are those curly hair pics?! From the straight hair pics I saw. your hair looks very thick and shiny. But of course you can't see the ends. I hope you do micortrim like hairbraider suggested. She knows her sh**! It would probably actually help you gain length faster, because then the splits won't keep breaking off and cancelling out your growth.
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Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: Apr 24, 2007 at 2:05pm
Ive tried a heavier shampoo and it makes my hair pretty limp, i would say my hair is medium thickness not too thick at all from my opinion and it almost reaches my tailbone which is my goal, im taking a shower on thursday so i will probably post some pics of my hair unstraightened then ill get a good shot of the ends and thanks for reminding me! i have go microtrim those endss!
Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: Apr 26, 2007 at 8:56pm
ok so i took a shwoer today so heres the condition of my hair, it is completely dry frizzy and i brushed it out.
Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Apr 27, 2007 at 7:15am
Your hair looks really nice to me, shiny with pretty waves! It doesn't look dry to me, it just looks like you brushed curly hair when it was dry (as opposed to only combing, doing that will make it a little poofier - not that that is bad, again I say it looks nice to me) but anyway even if you do find it dry, that's something you can fix with clarifying off cones, using vinegar rinse if you have hard water, then using a little oil to keep it moisturized.
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Posted By: Army Girl
Date Posted: Apr 28, 2007 at 12:12am
Honestly??? Stay away from the blow dryer, flat iron for a week. Use a small amount of oil to the ends. Wash with conditioner or water only for about a week. I think you will see a vast improvement in your hair. Your hair is gorgeous by the way.! ) `b !41bA )) (`b !(%!$
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Posted By: Sunsailing
Date Posted: Apr 28, 2007 at 11:38am
I was looking at the pictures after you brushed it out. You have a lot of waves in your hair! It looks like you could bring out quite a few curls if you tried (and didn't brush it). |
Posted By: Sarsvati
Date Posted: Apr 29, 2007 at 1:49pm
I gotta say, I hardly see any frizz around your face, it's almost all
on the length ( which is to be expected when you brush curly hair so I
wouldn't worry). Your hair looks very nice and healthy all the way to
the tips. and it looks like you have just enough volume around the face
to make it look like you have hair with body, but not so its
overpowering. I'd kill for a little volume around my face! I think that
frizz halo around your head it all in your mind (I've seen them, and
you don't have one). A few hairs are to be expected since you always
have new growth, and they look just fine; barely noticable. Stop being
so critical of yourself! Your hair looks great and you don't have a bunch of frizz around your head!
$- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.$!,),(!) -%$(`p ."
Posted By: hairbraider
Date Posted: Apr 29, 2007 at 10:05pm
Ok, your hair is very shiny which is a good sign of healthy hair! I suggest not brushing. Comb (or brush gently if you feel the need) before washing your hair. After washing, towel-dry and let it alone. You'll probably see actual curls this way instead of just waves or frizz. If you let your hair curl, the "halo" will actually blend in more and won't be noticed. I've been there. I used to try to slick down the top of my hair and gel it/mousse it/spray it.... whatever..... to keep those little hairs from sticking up and out. It drove me crazy! I don't even part my hair anymore. I just let it curl and fall as it pleases. It saves me a ton of effort and worry (and alot of money on products). And it looks so much better and I get way more compliments. So that's an idea you might try out and see if it works for you. 0! ! (bb $40 ),"(`r ,"0 " $($ (%,,! $- $(` )2
Posted By: baby*flower
Date Posted: Apr 30, 2007 at 7:09pm
Thanks everyone for all the wonderful advice i really appreciate it!, i guess in my mind curly hair always looks damadged to me probably because it doesnt fall neatly, im going to try my best to make it as healthy as possible with some flat ironing in between im going to slowly let go of it though and i still have to try out that rinse for clarifying, im going to start doing the conditioner only thing and i need to figure out a good oil to use on my hair, olive, jojoba, rosemary etc. anyone know which is best? thank you again!