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Having my boyfriend's hair done: Suggestions?

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Topic: Having my boyfriend's hair done: Suggestions?
Posted By: Jenny-B
Subject: Having my boyfriend's hair done: Suggestions?
Date Posted: Feb 24, 2007 at 2:38pm
Hi all!  I've been reading this board off and on for a while, but I've never posted.  But I have an interesting situation that's arisen, and I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions.  "Hair Politics" seems like kind of a weird place to post this, but I think that the topic is sort of in line with some of the others here.  If anyone has ideas for a better forum, just let me know and I'll repost there. 
Anyway, I started dating a guy about 6 months ago who has beautiful long hair that falls about 6 inches below his shoulders.  It's straight and I guess you'd call the color honey blonde.  As my presence on this board can attest, I've always loved hair and hair styling and when we first met, I was so in love with his hair (although I quickly introduced him to good conditioner which has made his hair even more gorgeous!).  He has always let me play with and style his hair, even since our first date when he let me French Braid it before we went out to the movies.  He's always been a good sport and lets me do braids, pigtails, curls, or even pin it up, just so long as I don't try and make him wear anything too girly out in public (though he will wear his hair braided!).
I should also add that he actually looks pretty good with feminine styles.  He's a slender guy (but in good shape!) and his facial features aren't too hard.  A few weeks ago he let me put eye makeup and lip gloss on him after I had curled his hair, and he actually looked pretty.  But now I'm rambling.
The situation I mentioned is this:  For a long time I've wanted to see what Nathan would look like with his hair cut in a nice style.  I've also wanted to see what he would look like in a really fancy updo.  Unfortunately, both of those things are really beyond my hairstyling skills.  So I mentioned it to my stylist Kara who is also a pretty good friend to both Nathan and I.  She thought that cutting and styling Nathan's hair sounded fun, but when I mentioned it to him, he said "no way" that it would be embarrassing to go to the salon.  So Kara volunteered to come over to my apartment to do it.  After a lot of convincing, Nathan has agreed to let Kara work her magic and she's going to come over either next weekend or the one after. 
So now the question is, what to do with his hair?  What I've been thinking of doing is a style with long tapered layers, keeping most of his length and having the layers angle from around his chin down to the length in back.  I think his hair would look gorgeous like that!  However, I don't want to give him a style that he can't pull back in a ponytail and pass off as a normal guy long-style.  And I especially don't want him to think it's too girly and cut it off.  Any advice on that?  Or maybe suggestions for other styles that will look really pretty brushed out or curled but can pass of for "normal". 
Also, Kara is going to style his hair after she does the cut, and I'm looking for a really pretty updo idea.  Any suggestions?
I know it would probabably help to actually see his hair so I was trying to find a picture, but none of the pictures I have of him are really very informative with regard to his hair.   Just a bunch of candids from bad angles.  Not to mention, he'd probably not want me putting his picture out on the web in this context.
Thanks y'all,

Jenny B.

Replies: 94
Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Feb 24, 2007 at 2:38pm
Hi all!  I've been reading this board off and on for a while, but I've never posted.  But I have an interesting situation that's arisen, and I wanted to see if anyone has any suggestions.  "Hair Politics" seems like kind of a weird place to post this, but I think that the topic is sort of in line with some of the others here.  If anyone has ideas for a better forum, just let me know and I'll repost there. 
Anyway, I started dating a guy about 6 months ago who has beautiful long hair that falls about 6 inches below his shoulders.  It's straight and I guess you'd call the color honey blonde.  As my presence on this board can attest, I've always loved hair and hair styling and when we first met, I was so in love with his hair (although I quickly introduced him to good conditioner which has made his hair even more gorgeous!).  He has always let me play with and style his hair, even since our first date when he let me French Braid it before we went out to the movies.  He's always been a good sport and lets me do braids, pigtails, curls, or even pin it up, just so long as I don't try and make him wear anything too girly out in public (though he will wear his hair braided!).
I should also add that he actually looks pretty good with feminine styles.  He's a slender guy (but in good shape!) and his facial features aren't too hard.  A few weeks ago he let me put eye makeup and lip gloss on him after I had curled his hair, and he actually looked pretty.  But now I'm rambling.
The situation I mentioned is this:  For a long time I've wanted to see what Nathan would look like with his hair cut in a nice style.  I've also wanted to see what he would look like in a really fancy updo.  Unfortunately, both of those things are really beyond my hairstyling skills.  So I mentioned it to my stylist Kara who is also a pretty good friend to both Nathan and I.  She thought that cutting and styling Nathan's hair sounded fun, but when I mentioned it to him, he said "no way" that it would be embarrassing to go to the salon.  So Kara volunteered to come over to my apartment to do it.  After a lot of convincing, Nathan has agreed to let Kara work her magic and she's going to come over either next weekend or the one after. 
So now the question is, what to do with his hair?  What I've been thinking of doing is a style with long tapered layers, keeping most of his length and having the layers angle from around his chin down to the length in back.  I think his hair would look gorgeous like that!  However, I don't want to give him a style that he can't pull back in a ponytail and pass off as a normal guy long-style.  And I especially don't want him to think it's too girly and cut it off.  Any advice on that?  Or maybe suggestions for other styles that will look really pretty brushed out or curled but can pass of for "normal". 
Also, Kara is going to style his hair after she does the cut, and I'm looking for a really pretty updo idea.  Any suggestions?
I know it would probabably help to actually see his hair so I was trying to find a picture, but none of the pictures I have of him are really very informative with regard to his hair.   Just a bunch of candids from bad angles.  Not to mention, he'd probably not want me putting his picture out on the web in this context.
Thanks y'all,
!,, @&

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: Feb 25, 2007 at 3:31pm
Hi Jenny
I agree with the long layers as you suggested. If you are thinking of an updo for Nathan, here are two styles that are partly up and down with curls that might appeal to you both. They are # 17423 and # 17134 from the this sites style gallery. You can do a search by the numbers.
Your boyfriend is certainly lucky to have a gf like you who wants to play with his hair. I would love that.
I love having my hair done at the salon although I can understand his nervousness.

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: Feb 26, 2007 at 11:41pm
I'm not sure there is a way for layers to not look "girly"....sorry but I'am just being honest. I think you'd be better off leaving it alone.He may feel really insecure if it gets messed up or not the way he wants it.
Why you so obesessed with his hair? why not do fancy updos and layers to yours?

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: Feb 27, 2007 at 7:43am
Hey if you are both comfortable with it and are having fun, then go for it. You are both consenting adults. It's only hair. It grows back or it can be cut again.

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Feb 27, 2007 at 9:28am
Originally Posted By: julesyjul88#d .,$ b4 % ``d`
Yeah, I'm kind of afraid of that, i.e., it would be too girly  Obviously I care about him and don't want him to be embarrassed about his hair.  But he usually wears it in a ponytail anyway, so I thought I might be able to get away with some longer layers without it looking too feminine when pulled back.

Originally Posted By: julesyjul88 p (,% b$ %`abd`0
Those are fair questions I guess.  
I do enjoy my own hair, but I tend towards shorter styles--a chin-length bob right now.  Shorter styles look best on me I've found.  So having a boyfriend with long hair is fun.  And really, it's not just my obsession.  Nathan enjoys the attention.  I know he likes having his hair brushed and played with.  It's something we can enjoy together while sitting around the house watching tv or a movie. 
As to why I want to give him a more feminine cut.....  Really, is there a such thing as a good "masculine" long hair style?  His hair is just so beautiful that it screams for a good style rather than the boring mostly-one-length-but-not-quite look he has going now. 
But I admit that I do kind of enjoy making him look feminine sometimes.  I know that probably sounds weird to most people, but Nathan and I have such a healthy relationship.  For me it's wonderful since I have a guy I can do all of those traditional boyfriend things with, but then I can do girl things with him too.  And honestly, I think he likes doing girl things with me as long as I don't go overboard.  But don't worry about Nathan--he'll put his foot down if he thinks I'm going to far. 
So really, the issue at hand is that he's said he'll let me have his hair done in a nice style so long as it can still pass as reasonably normal guy hair when it's pulled back.  So I'm looking for suggestions.........
!,, @&

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: Feb 27, 2007 at 5:05pm
That's all you had to say,LOL. You have short hair and have fun playing with his. I can relate.My husband grows his hair long and it is amazing too. I love running my fingers through it and brushing it,although that is as far as it goes.
I think the macho long hair style would be the "unkept" look. Or the wild crazy look.
I wasnt bashing ya,if you guys enjoy it and are happy,that's all that matters.
I dont have any suggestions husband just grows his mop out and it is wavy and thick and massive. There is a pic of him in my hair journal under jul's hair log.
good luck with whatever you guys decide.

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: Mar 5, 2007 at 7:57am
So Jenny-B what did you and Nathan decide to do with his hair?

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Mar 5, 2007 at 11:44am
Originally Posted By: Jojoswr# @$,&0 '`a` d
Well, the process isn't moving as fast as I was thinking it would.  I haven't really decided exactly what to do yet, and we're having trouble finding a good time for the 3 of us to get together.
Actually, Nathan went and had Kara trim his hair this weekend.  Nothing drastic, just a trim to keep it healthy and neaten it up a bit.  Well, actually Kara did trim it really straight along the back which has made his hair much prettier already.  She tried to talk him into letting her set his hair but he wouldn't go for it with other people in the salon.  Too bad.Cry
But he's still willing to get an even more dramatic style if I want him to.  And I definitely do.  It may just be several weeks before it happens yet.  I've been checking out some styles here and have saved a few in a gallery.  So here are some of the looks I'm thinking of, and I'd love anyone's opinion on them:
#17361--probably the most realistic of the ones I've picked out.  His hair may not end up being quite as long after it's cut, but I like the basic idea, and it seems like it would be passable in a ponytail
#3782--another that seems realistic.  A little more dramatic than the previous, but still could be passable.  His hair would look sooooo good with layers like that.
#7744--I would LOVE to do this one, but the layers may be too much.  It would be such fun to curl too!
#11382--I know this probably isn't realistic at all, but I so wish.  His hair is probably thicker than the lady in the picture though.
#16277--obviously this one isn't even remotely possible, but a girl can dream!  It would suit him perfectly, but he'd have to start wearing my dresses if I gave him that style.
#17272--I'd never want to cut all of his hair off, but if I did......Wink
Jenny-B2007-03-05 11:46:25!,, @&

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: Mar 5, 2007 at 2:14pm
Thanks Jenny B for the up-date. Of the styles you noted I like #7744 and #16277 although I'm not sure about the bangs on a guy. Like you, I think #17272 is an awesome short style. Also if he goes back to the salon, pick a time that is quiet to have his hair set. It is really fun to be fussed over like that.

Posted By: Traci_cheer07
Date Posted: Apr 23, 2007 at 5:30pm

Hi Jenny, so nice to see you taking an active role in her boyfriend's hairstyle choices. I hope you can get your man into a cute style soon.


Here's a suggestion for a fun, easy updo that you can do at home. I've used this several times on both my daughters and my son for special occasions (see  my post under "Is it wrong to curl my son's hair?"). I call this a messy updo; it's basically just a high, cheerleader-style ponytail with tight curls.


  1. Set his hair in sponge rollers overnight. Maybe get your stylist friend to help put the curlers in. Use a strong setting gel beforehand.
  2. Wait as long as possible before taking the curlers out. If it's an evening event, have him spend the day in them. (this is also a great way to get him used to wearing his hair up in rollersWink)
  3. Take the curlers out and, without brushing out any curl, put his hair up in a high tight ponytail at the crown of his head.
  4. Spread out the curls so they cover the elastic. I use a few bobby pins to  keep the curls in place, but nothing too formal. Spray liberally.


Good luck and please keep us posted!

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Apr 24, 2007 at 11:23am
Thanks for the suggstion.  Do you really do your son's hair like that?  Question And he goes out in public wearing it?  Does he enjoy that?  I guess I'm just a little surprised.  I don't have children myself, but I have a couple of nephews I'm pretty close to.  One of them has longish hair and he's let me play with it a few times, just braiding it and stuff like that.  But I think that if his mother or I ever tried to do anything like that to his hair, he'd flip out!!  And I don't think that a team of horses could drag him out in public with hair like that. 
As far as Nathan's hair goes, I've done a few things like you suggest with his hair before, but nothing too elaborate.  As much as I love hair, I'm not a very talented stylist.  And I doubt I'd ever get him to wear curlers overnight.  He's a good sport about letting me curl his hair, but I doubt he'd do that. 
And he definitely wouldn't wear a style like that out in public.  He more or less lets me go wild when it's just the two of us, and he'll wear whatever style I give him for a while so long as no one else sees him.  But he's not so daring in public.  A French braid is about as far as he'll go normally (although the other night at my friend Amy's house he let us do double French braids then curl the loose ends with a curling iron!). 
And that's really why choosing a style for him has been so tough.  He's been willing to let me pick a hairstyle that's "pretty", but he doesn't want it to be too obviously feminine.  And all of the styles that I really want for him (you can see some of the examples I posted above) would probably be too tough to disguise, even if he wears a ponytail in public most of the time.  Besides, I think I may have missed my window of opportunity on this.  For a while he was very willing to let me pick the style--he almost seemed excited in fact--but he's been less enthusiastic when I've mentioned it lately.  But we'll see what happens.  His hair is still long, beautiful, and growing.  And Kara still wants to work her magic.  Maybe we'll get him in her chair eventually!Wink
!,, @&

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: Apr 24, 2007 at 12:15pm
Hi Jenny,
Maybe you can find a quiet time for Nathan to go to the salon. Surely there is an evening or morning that isn't busy. Then Kara can work her magic on him. You could go to and have your hair done together.

Posted By: julesyjul88
Date Posted: Apr 24, 2007 at 3:48pm
You cant really blame the guys too much. Look at all the flack Sanjaya got on American Idol cuz of his feminine do's.

Posted By: Traci_cheer07
Date Posted: May 1, 2007 at 1:02am

Yes, I've been setting my son's hair and doing it in feminine styles, at his request, for about 3 years. You can see my post under "Is it  wrong to curl my son's hair?" for more. He's  only worn the updo I described  a  couple  of times, once last fall when he was in a cousin's wedding. But I do his hair in rollers a few times a week, and he likes to wear  it in girlish styles on the weekends.


As for your bf I think the best thing to do is just be patient with him. Get him started going to your stylist so he's comfortable with her, and let him choose the styles he likes. If you make rollers in his hair no-big-deal, just a part of his routine, I think you'll find he starts exploring new hairdos himself. My son just has his hair all one length to just below  his shoulders, though occasionally he'll have his bangs trimmed.So he can just pull it back in a regular "guy's" ponytail when he doesn

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: May 1, 2007 at 6:54am
Hi Traci,
Your son is really lucky to have you help him explore his hair possibilities. When you go to the salon to get your hair and his sisters hair styled does Nathan come too and have his hair done?

Posted By: BenBlaze
Date Posted: May 1, 2007 at 12:19pm
Originally Posted By: Jojoswr!p ($ 0B$ !pa e0

Posted By: mystic
Date Posted: May 9, 2007 at 2:18pm
Hi Jenny-B,
Any update on getting Nathan's hair done?  As a pretty conservative guy, I think it is very cool that you like to style your boyfriend's hair.  My wife has been rather reluctant for me to have anything other than the typical short guy cut.  But, if it were me I would go with the 7744 look.  I like the look, and it seems like it would work in a ponytail just as easily as straight across the bottom.  If that was too much, than I would definitely do 3782.   I do think bangs are probably too much.
As for me, my wife has recently said I might look good with longer hair, so perhaps something around chin-length by the end of the year.  Perhaps she will be as open-minded as you one day.
Good luck.

Posted By: Traci_cheer07
Date Posted: May 9, 2007 at 4:13pm

 I think you mean my son Blair

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: May 10, 2007 at 9:37am
Originally Posted By: mystic! @$,&0 !D@
No, not really.  To be honest, I've kind of laid off asking him about it.  I think maybe I was starting to bug him a bit by talking about it too much and I'm pretty sure he thought I was becoming a bit obsessive.  Perhaps I was.  And the most important thing is that he's comfortable--I don't want to goad him into anything he's not OK with.  So I'm just letting it go for now. 
The good news is that he's not thinking of cutting his hair off or anything.  In fact, he seems pretty cool with the idea of continuing to grow it.  Which is obviously fine with me.  Wink  He's actually been getting a lot of positive comments on it lately (and it is beautiful) so I'm hoping that will encourage him.  Maybe if I can't have his hair done in a really pretty style I can get him to grow it out super-long.  It's really long already (close to mid-back) but I think it might be fun if it were longer.
Or maybe I can get him to grow it really long AND finally talk him into the style.  Ahhh, a girl can dream Big%20smile
But I still have a great time with his hair.  Actually, I have a pretty funny story from this past weekend.  He'd kill me if he knew I were telling this but......well, internet anonymity is a great thing!! 
Last Friday night we stayed in for the evening over at my house and just watched a couple of movies.  A lot of times when we watch movies, he'll sit in the floor and I'll sit behind him and play with his hair.  Just brushing or braiding and stuff.  Well, one of the movies was pretty much a chick-flick (Under the Tuscan Sun--I don't recommend by the way) and I made a joke that this was like having a slumber party.  Well, I kind of kept going with the slumber party joke and eventually talked him into letting me put his hair up in curlers since I told him that's what we do at slumber parties!!  (Don't worry, I didn't make him suffer through facials or talk about boys or anything like that, but he is avoiding sandals right now after his pedicure and I'm not letting him take off the polish!!)  Anyway, I dragged out my hot roller set that I haven't used in several years and went to work.  He wore them until right before bed--I couldn't talk him into sleeping with them, and really, I can't blame him.  When I took out the curlers, his hair looked amazing!  Until now I've only curled his hair with a curling iron and this was soooo much better. Unfortunatley I didn't use spray or gel or anything--just dampened his hair a little--and his hair is pretty straight and doesn't really hold curl well.  So by the next morning, all of those curls were pretty much destroyed Cry 
The good news is that he actually seemed to enjoy it sort of.  Oh, he complained some but he probably felt like he needed to complain since 23 year old men aren't supposed to enjoy having their hair curled.  But I think he secretly likes being fussed-over and I don't think he'll mind doing it again soon, and next time I'm going to make sure I get to enjoy those curls for a while. 
Quote As a pretty conservative guy, I think it is very cool that you like to style your boyfriend's hair.
Thanks for that.  It makes me feel like he and I are a little less weird.  But I enjoy his hair so much, and I think he does too.  But the internet is really the only place I can talk about it.  It's not like I can go around telling my friends--and especially not Nathan's!!!--things about me curling his hair this weekend.  Actually, some of my friends would probably think it was cute or cool, but they also probably wouldn't keep it to themselves, and eventually it would end up embarrasing Nathan.
Quote But, if it were me I would go with the 7744 look.  I like the look, and it seems like it would work in a ponytail just as easily as straight across the bottom.  If that was too much, than I would definitely do 3782.   I do think bangs are probably too much.
Thanks for the suggestions.  Yeah, I really, really like 7744.  I think that it would be perfect for his face shape.  But too feminine?  Maybe you're right about it being pretty inconspicuous in a ponytail...... 
The bangs aren't really a serious possibility obviously.  Actually, I'm not even sure he'd really look good with bangs.  But I just love that look--long hair with wide, blunt bangs.  
Quote As for me, my wife has recently said I might look good with longer hair, so perhaps something around chin-length by the end of the year.  Perhaps she will be as open-minded as you one day.
Good luck to you and your wife on this.  Obviously you can do what you want with your hair, but the type of enjoyment Nathan and I get from his hair really only works when both people are into it.  But maybe if she thinks you might look good with longer hair, she won't mind you giving it a try and then see if she warms up to it.  But watch out--it's addictive!!  You may find yourself with a head full of curlers if you're not careful. 
Jenny-B2007-05-10 09:38:43!,, @&

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: May 10, 2007 at 9:52am

 I think you mean my son Blair !,, @&

Posted By: mystic
Date Posted: May 10, 2007 at 4:57pm

 I think you mean my son Blair

Posted By: Traci_cheer07
Date Posted: May 10, 2007 at 5:09pm

Hi Jenny-B, thanks for your interest.


My original post is  on this page:


Scroll down about 2/3 of the way.


Yes, I do have a unique relationship with my son, and I'll admit I love  doing his hair and having him be somewhat feminine (tho not effeminate, if you see what I mean). His sisters are pretty blas

Posted By: mystic
Date Posted: May 10, 2007 at 6:07pm
Originally Posted By: Jenny-B<@@.$& B (, @$
It sounds to me like he probably does enjoy it.  I think guys run the full spectrum on this, where some guys wouldn't want anything close to that sort of thing, and I think there are probably many that would complain some because they don't think society would approve.  But I think it might be suprising on how many would willing accept and even enjoy being fussed over by thier girlfriend.  Although I completely understand the guy code and the fear of what a guy's friends might think.
[quote]But maybe if she thinks you might look good with longer hair, she won't mind you giving it a try and then see if she warms up to it.  [/QUOTE]
I have actually been letting my hair grow out since really January, from the clipped in the back and above the ears look that most guys have.  My hair grows very quickly.  I had to get it trimmed when my wife thought I started to look like a sheepdog, but it is probably longer now than when I last got it trimmed.  And it was only in the last couple of weeks that she thought that I might actually look good with longer hair.  My challenge, as the shagginess returns, is finding a style that I can get it trimmed to that she might think looks good as well as keep letting it grow out.  Her biggest concern seemed to be that it was too shaggy.  Do I keep trimming it like a bob as the layers grow out, or just let it keep growing?  Any suggestions on a style? It is currently about 4 inches on top and 2.5 inches around the bottom, just below the collar in the back.  And it is fairly full, but more fine than thick, straight hair.
Quote But watch out--it's addictive!!  You may find yourself with a head full of curlers if you're not careful. 
Lol.  I could think of worse things.  But, I will keep my eyes peeled.
mystic2007-05-16 07:17:46

Posted By: vivek
Date Posted: Jun 18, 2007 at 11:56am
hai friends
this is vivek. last week myself and my wife went to our sons pre-school , where i won a lot of admiration for my long hair from both men and women. And at the end of the inaugural function, my wife requested , whethere she could dress my hair up for the day. I agreed to it as i love someone setting my hair . she is actually very good in that.  She washed my hair with shampoo. Since my hair is quite long( 32 inches ) with good volume, it requires a lot of patience. She then applied oil and then said that she would like to see my hair in plaits /braids. I said yes but not in public. I usually sport a long pony tail or a highbun as i had to keep the hair secure because of my dayjob. She applied french braids and then ringlets and she really enjoyed it , i also too. So i think that it all depends on the individual and not the gender. I have always felt that if you  r confidemt u can have ur way in any style

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Jun 18, 2007 at 1:41pm
Hey guys.  I was directed back to this thread when I got a reply notification and then I realized that mystic asked a couple of questions that I never replied to.  Sorry mystic!!
So he asked....
Originally Posted By: mystic<#D@,  D@
It's hard to give a really informed answer without knowing what your hair looks like exactly, but I'd say that since your wife sounds more worried about your hair being shaggy than it being long, you couldn't go wrong with the bob as your hair contiues to grow.  Long bobs are one of the few styles that are really unisex.  They are neat and simple and, for the most part, "acceptable" for males in western society except with the most conservative of folks.  But long bobs can also be very pretty and can be dressed up with curls, braids, clips, or other hair ornaments. 
I heartily advocate bobs.  I've been wearing them for the last several years myself, though the exact length and style have fluctuated considerably. 
So how is the hair growing going mystic?  Is your wife warming up to it at all?  If your wife has dragged you with her for pedicures and the spa treatment, I'd be surprised if she wouldn't appreciate you having longer, prettier hair.  It's a good thing I don't know your wife.  I'd tell her that next time she drags you out for a pedicure that she needs to make sure that you come back with those toesies polished !!Wink
Originally Posted By: vivek$"`` ($$@$ @A
Thanks for the story vivek.  Sounds like you have lovely hair and both you and your wife understand how much fun your hair can be for both of you.  Keep challenging those gender-norms!!  The world will be a better place when everyone just learns to realax a little and enjoy themselves.
Jenny-B2007-06-18 13:42:31!,, @&

Posted By: mystic
Date Posted: Jun 19, 2007 at 12:19am
Originally Posted By: Jenny B$"`` ($$@. @A
Thanks Jenny B for the reply.
The growing out is.....well going slowly.  My wife is kind of funny.  Some days she thinks I look good with the longer hair and is up for going to get pedicures and such, and then other days she just wants me to have the same spikey fade haircut I sported forever.  At her request, I got it trimmed 3-4 weeks ago more than I would have liked.  It was getting shaggy again and probably needed to be shaped a bit, but the stylist pretty much whacked off all of the hair around the sides and back.  I was ok with a little trim around the bottom, but I wanted to keep the length on the top and continue letting it grow out in a bob.  It was going fine, until she started "blending" it.  So I was not too happy leaving. 
Actually, my hair is about where it was before it was cut.  My bangs go down to about the middle of my nose, about 4 inches, and that is pretty consistent with the top of my head as well.  But, just above my ears and the nape have only recovered to about 1-1.5 inches.  I guess I didn't give they stylist a good idea about what I really wanted. 
I am completely gun shy of going in for a trim now, because all the stylists seem to want to keep the entire back short or "blended".   I guess maybe a picture would help? 
My hair is really straight and there are a lot of them.  The stylist said that my hairs have a lot of structure for whatever that means.  The hairs aren't that thick, they just like to go where they want to go.  My bangs pretty much fall down in my face despite any gel that I may use.  Without gel and drying my hair on a cool setting, my hair would pretty much look like a bowl cut.  I currently part it on the side.  I think that I look better with a side part.
Anyway, I hope to break the cycle of let it grow to shaggy, trim, and sadness because they trimmed to much.  Hopefully, I can break through and get the hair that I want.
But I will say, I feel pretty confident that there will be no painted toesies in the near future. LOL

Posted By: TMortis
Date Posted: Jun 22, 2007 at 7:53am
I know how you feel Mystic. I went for a 'trim' and next thing you know I could have joined the Marines. Seems like no matter what you tell them they have their preconcieved notions of how a guy should have his hair. i have read some awsome comments in here about women who enjoy helping their guy look the way they want. i just want to say that those guys need to thank their lucky stars that they found such a woman.
As far an a pedi is concerned, my wife says yes to it today  no tomorrow paints my toes the next day and instsits I take it off the next. I have been talking about getting an earring and that is just plain 'NO".

Posted By: vivek
Date Posted: Jun 23, 2007 at 11:56am
thanks jenny for the reply. As u said we enjoy our hair even though there is no conscious effort to bend the gender rules. In fact, when my wife wanted to have my mousch and beard shaved off, i thought for a while and then said yes. This was when my son went to school and both of us were alone. She shaved my beard and mousch and experimented my hair with a lot of feminine styles. Initially i was a bit reluctant but then i took it sportingly and enjoyed the process too.  Imagine a guy with a long hair almost upto the waist and without mousch and beard and with all possible feminine hair dos. My goodness i could not beliieve the way by which i got transformed in my looks. The hairdos ranged from braids, ringlets, two pigtails and plaits. Actually i rarely use hair clips or hair pins, except in the week days to keep my hair secure because of my day job. But she experimented my hair with a variety of clips and actually to be honest i was more comfortable with the clips than without it. In fact i would also like to tell u that i dress her hair almost daily.

Posted By: Sunsailing
Date Posted: Jun 26, 2007 at 3:48pm
I've had very long hair for several years now and have been thinking about  a change (but I still want to keep most of the length). Some of the styles you listed are great.
#17361 - That wouldn't be much different than the blunt cut he has now. It would look exactly the same in a pony. This would be a good gradual approach to later styles.
#3782 - I've always liked this picture. I think I could do something like that.
#7744 - I would love to have that cut and style! It would be great to actually have a style. I wonder what it would look like pulled back?
Here's another one you might want to consider for your BF. What do you think?
Besides the #3782 and #7744 above, I'd consider the following one for myself.
Have you at least had your stylist/friend come over to have fun with an updo? It sounds like you'd both have fun with it.

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Jul 5, 2007 at 9:06am

Originally Posted By: Sunsailing<#0` ,%0P ! ```d


Hey SS!  Thanks for the response.  Is that your hair in your signiture (I'm assuming that it is)?  Very lovely.  A girl like me would go crazy over that!  So you're thinking about some of these same styles huh?  Hey, more ammunition to use on the ol' bf Wink--at least one or two other guys are interested in having nice hair!

Originally Posted By: Sunsailing<#P $ # $

Seems like we're of pretty much the same mind about those styles. The first two are pretty conservative layered styles that really won't be too different that his current cut and I could probably get him to go for that pretty easily.

#7744 is just simply lovely. I'd love to get him to do it. Actually, after looking at that picture again, I saw down at the bottom that the girl in the picture is JoJo--a teen pop star of sorts. I'd heard of her but didn't really know much about her (teen pop not really being my thing). But I looked up some pics of her on Google to see some of her hairstyles. Wow! She has some amazing hair in some of those pictures. And the thing is, her face shape seems to be similar to Nathan's so he'd probably look good in most of her styles. But I think telling Nathan that I'd be basing his hairstyles on a teen pop queen would patently not be a good idea. I'm thinking that I'll at least have to tell Kara (my friend and stylist extraordinaire!) about the JoJo thing. I'm sure she'll find that amusing and may find some good ideas if we ever do manage to talk my BF into getting a real style.

Originally Posted By: Sunsailing<#P $$"`!` `&


I like both of those, though I think I like the first one better.  It sort of falls along that same long-layered theme.  Although one of the key elements to that first style are the great highlights and I'm pretty sure Nathan would not go for having his hair highlighted!  But both styles look sorta unisex and could look right on a stylish guy or be a nice girl's cut. Kind of reminds me of some of the 80's metal guys' hair whenver they didn't have it all teased out.


Originally Posted By: Sunsailing<0@.,', @@HD&


Nope.  Haven't done that either.  The only contact Kara and my BF's hair have had has been in the salon where she works and he hasn't really gotten more than a trim except for getting that blunt cut.  And the blunt cut has grown on me a bit.  It's very sleek and pretty when it's all brushed out.  However, Nathan and I did run into Kara at one of the bars that we go to pretty freuqently and ended up sitting with her for a while not too long ago.  I was hoping that maybe she would bring up the subject of doing Nathan's hair but the only comment she made about his hair was that he should take it out of the ponytail he was wearing b/c it was too pretty to not show off.  But that was it. 

I've done some updos on him myself a few times, but I'm not particularly skilled at the art of the updo.  So I can't manage much besides a French roll or just using the curling iron and then pinning parts of it up.  It's fun, but I'd like to see him with a real professional updo, like he was going to a prom or wedding or something (God, he die if he saw that last bit!). 
But I'll keep you guys posted.  I'm still confident that I can get him to go for a new style.  It's just that the momentum has sort of died down from when I initially sat down and began this thread.  Maybe it's time for me to put some pressure on again!!



Jenny-B2007-07-05 09:11:26!,, @&

Posted By: ericc
Date Posted: Jul 6, 2007 at 10:34pm
I DEF think its time for you to start putting on the pressure again!!! Why dont you just bring it up and tell him that Kara brought it up and is interested in doing it.. Then start talking styles so you can at least get an idea of what he would be open to..

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: Jul 7, 2007 at 7:27am
You definitely need to increase the pressure if you really want to do this.
Have you asked Kara over so she could do his hair in the privacy of your own home? Your boyfriend may be much more comfortable with that and let her do some updos.

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Jul 12, 2007 at 12:58pm

Well, nothing really interesting to report other than that I brought up the subject of Nathan having his hair done a couple of nights ago when we were hanging out.  The good news is that he seems cool with the idea of getting something a bit more stylish again.  As I mentioned at the beginning of this thread, he seemed pretty cool with the idea before--almost excited at some points in time--but the momentum sort of died out, mostly because I didn't want to weird him out, so I just sort of didn't bring it up for a while.  But it appears that I have some momentum again.......

So now I'm more or less back to my original question:  which style?  You guys have given me some good ideas and opinions (though I'm certainly open to new ideas!!) now the challenge is a) to pick the style, b) to get him to give it the OK, and c) to actually get him to sit down in front of the stylist. 
I also gave Kara (my stylist) a call and mentioned it to her again.  Actually, I really called her to set up an appointment to have my own hair cut next week, but I mentioned Nathan and she said that she was still pretty keen on working with his hair again so I think we're going to grab some coffee after she finishes my hair and talk about it.  I'm bringing my laptop and I'll show her some of the styles we've been bouncing around here.  I'm sure she'll also have some ideas of her own.  And I let her know about Nathan's rule about him being able to look like a normal guy with a ponytail, so she'll be picking some styles with that in mind.  Of course, she's made the comment a few times that his hair is too nice for the simple long, straight style he currently wears, so I'll have to make sure that she doesn't get carried away.  The blind leading the blind!!  LOL
Anyway, I guess the reason I posted this update was just to say that something will probably transpire soon.  And to see if anyone else had any suggestions for styles that I should bring to the conversation next week.  So if you have some good ideas, fire away!
And a couple of you have asked about the whole updo thing that I mentioned a couple of times.  Well, the quick answer is that I don't really think I'm going to pursue that.  The simple reason is that this hairstyle business is probably strange enough for my poor BF and I don't want to completely traumatize him.  While he lets me do a lot of things with his hair, he's been very wary about anyone else seeing him with a girlie do.  He's let a few of out friends braid his hair or put barrettes and clips in it.  He let me and my friend Amy do his hair one night recently when we were drinking at her house.  And then once when his stepsister came to visit (again some alcohol was involved) she said his hair would look great curled and I mentioned that I'd curled it a few times (understatement!) and then we both ganged up on him until he gave in and we attacked him with two curling irons at once.  But all of those situations have been pretty private with people we know really well.  So even if Kara would volunteer to come over to my house to do Nathan's hair, I'm not sure he'd be cool with the updo thing.  So I'm not going to push that issue. 
Anyway, I'll keep you updated.  And give me some ideas if you have them!!
Jenny-B2007-07-12 13:00:35!,, @&

Posted By: mystic
Date Posted: Jul 16, 2007 at 10:48am
Hi Jenny B.
Have you seen Kate Mara's hairstyle?   I was watching the movie "Shooter" last night and thought you might like her hairstyle.  It seemed to me to be similar to the style #7744, which is still my favorite of your original suggestions. 
I looked at pictures of Kate Mara in the gallery here, but they really don't do her style justice compared to the look in the movie.  There are some screen captures at this website:
And actually the pictures right at the homepage there look pretty good.
Just so you know, I had no idea who Kate Mara was before last night.  I actually had read the book by Stephen Hunter that the movie was based on.  Not a bad movie, really.
Keep us posted.

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Jul 16, 2007 at 11:19pm
Hey Mystic.  Good to hear from you again.  How is your own hair-related saga going on?  Still growing out that hair and is your wife liking it?
Thanks for the style suggestion.  I wasn't familiar with that actress either but she does have great hair.  I checked out some of the pictures on the web site and it does seem to follow the long-layered theme I've been gravitating towards, although her cut seems like it may be less dramatic than #7744 (which could be a good thing).  She looks like she has her hair curled in most of the pictures I saw which obviously ups the feminine quotient quite a bit, but the bf could probably very easily sport the non-curly version in public without embarrassment.  A very good suggestion indeed.......
Jenny-B2007-07-16 23:20:06!,, @&

Posted By: mystic
Date Posted: Jul 18, 2007 at 1:16pm
Originally Posted By: Jenny-B!p (#4@ ,&` B !

Hi Jenny B,


Yes, I

Posted By: SharonOl
Date Posted: Jul 22, 2007 at 2:34pm
Hi Traci,
I hope you are still checking in on this thread once in awhile. It's been a couple of months since you posted anything. I am new here and a latecomer, but was interested in your experiences with you son Blair.
You mentioned in your last post that he was planning on attending cheerleader camp. Did he do so and if so, how did it work out?
The main reason for my post is because of something you said in an earlier post. You described a very girlish updo that you had given your son and that he took part in his cousin's wedding wearing it. What role did he have and how was he dressed? How did it all work out?
 I am blessed with a wonderful son who just turned 12 and a delightful daughter who is nearing 14. Like your Blair, my son has long hair.It is a beautiful auburn coloer and extends past his shoulders. He likes wearing it long and doesn't mind taking the time care for it properly and the occasional teasing he gets about it. Like you, we have experimented with various styles, some of them rather feminine.
The reason I am curious about the wedding is that my kid sister is getting married in December. I am to be her Maid of Honor and she wants both of the kids in the wedding party. Both of them are very enthusiastic about being in their Aunties's wedding because she has been like a second mom to them. The problem is where should my son fit in? My sister would like them both to be in the bridal party with her to make it an all family affair. I don't think my son would have a problem with this, nor do I, but the question arises; how should he be dressed, especially with his long hair?
I would be very interested in your experience and any thoughts you might have.

Posted By: Traci_cheer07
Date Posted: Jul 23, 2007 at 5:25pm

Hi Sharon, thanks for your interest. This will be a super-long reply, hope you don

Posted By: SharonOl
Date Posted: Jul 30, 2007 at 12:58am
Dear Traci,
Thank you for your very interesting and thought provoking reply to my post. I apologize for not responding sooner.
Evidently your Blair is quite comfortable dressing and appearing as a girl. Does he do this often or has it been limited to the occasions you describe?
When I expressed my quandry about what to have my son wear in my sisters wedding, I was thinking in terms of a tuxedo or perhaps a jacket or shirt that matched the color of the bridemaid's dresses. I have to admit that my sister and I jokingly talked about having him wear a matching dress, but didn't seriously consider it.  Your post has changed that.
I showed it to my sister and we both looked at the Atlanta Bridal website you mentioned. I have some doubts about the authenticity of some of those posts, by the way. Anyway, my sis now thinks it would be a great idea to have my son as a bridesmaid in a dress. With his long hear she thinks he would be beautiful and I must admit that he probably would.
I haven't mentioned this to him and don't know what his reaction might be. He has dressed as a girl before for Halloween and played a girl's part in school plays (He goes to an all boy's school). Even if he would agree, I'm not sure I would go along with it.
I would be very interested to hear what the overall reaction was at the wedding. How did family and friends respond? Has there been any fallout since? How did your husband deal with this? You said that the bride and bridesmaids were very supportive, but how about the groom and his groomsmen, and his side of the aisle? I'm sure there were many photos taken both official wedding party photos and others. These will be around forever. Do you think this will be a source of embarrassment for Blair in the future? I'm considering all of these things before I even say anything to him about it.
I'll be interested to hear more.

Posted By: Traci_cheer07
Date Posted: Aug 9, 2007 at 4:15pm

Hi Sharon, I'm glad my post was helpful. These are very personal choices and I think it's great that you are taking an open-minded approach. Again, it all comes down to what your son, and the bride, are comfortable with.


My husband grew up in a very repressive, homophobic environment in the South and he has always thought that for our children the choice of personal appearance is a right. He's not always comfortable with Blair's choices

Posted By: SharonOl
Date Posted: Aug 24, 2007 at 11:49am
Hi Traci,
Sorry to be so long in answering your last message. We have been away on vacation. My sister and I (the one getting married) took the kids on a driving trip in the Northwest. The weather was perfect and we had a lot of fun.
A lot has happened since my last post. As I mentioned, my sister thought that having my son Morgan along with his sister Megan as bridesmaids was a great idea. So did Megan. The two of them worked on Morgan during the entire trip. I just stayed out of it. It had to be his decision and I wasn't going to put any pressure on him either way. It didn't take them very long to convince him that it would be a lot of fun and that he should be a bridesmaid like the rest of us.
You said that it would be hard for Morgan to wear a dress at the wedding if he hadn't crossdressed before. Actually, he has. I mentioned that he had played girls parts in school plays at the all boys school he attends. He has done this three times. You might have wondered how he could wear his hair as long as he does and conform to the grooming standards that are pretty common at most boys schools. As an inducement for boys to play the girls parts in the school's theater , they can wear their hair as long as they want (provided it is well groomed) if they will agree to play girls parts in all the productions. It also almost guarantees an A grade. Morgan is one of those boys. Before each of the plays Megan and I (especially Megan) have worked with him on his movements, mannerisms, speech etc. during which time he was always dressed in some of her hand-me down clothes. The day before each production, I took him to my stylist for a feminine hairdo which he kept for the duration of the performances. All of the boys made very cute and believable girls, but in my unbiased opinion, Morgan was the best and the prettiest. So, as you can see, this will not be unexplored territory for him.
 I was surprised to hear that your Blair had cut his hair. Is he still in the anti-feminine mode? What did he choose for school clothes?
Sorry this has gone on for so long, but I wanted to let you know why Morgan being a bridesmaid wasn't such a total trauma. We haven't told my mother about it yet, so don't know how she will react. She is making the bridesmaid dresses. She was fine with him playing girls parts in the plays and seemed quite proud of her grandson.
This has run on far too long. I'll be interested to hear more about Blair and I'll keep you posted on the progress of the "bridesmaid".
All the best,

Posted By: Traci_cheer07
Date Posted: Sep 6, 2007 at 6:47pm

Hi Sharon, thanks so much for the update, and how exciting! I'm sure if you and your family keep things light and fun Morgan will have a wonderful bridesmaid experience. My suggestion is to allow him as much time 'en femme' as possible between now and the wedding -- Blair dressed more or less in girls' things for all the events leading up to the wedding so he and everyone in the wedding party was comfortable. And make sure you do hairdo trials at the salon before the big day!Smile


I wouldn't say Blair's in anti-feminine mode

Posted By: SharonOl
Date Posted: Sep 7, 2007 at 11:05pm
Hi Traci,
I wanted to send you a quick reply. I find it very interesting that the Pep Squad at Blair's middle school requires both boys and girls to wear skorts. Hasn't that caused a lot of controversy among the parents, especially those with boys on the squad? You mentioned that because Blair had long hair he had to wear it in a high pony tail with a bow. Do any of the other boys have long hair? How did the boys without long hair wear theirs? How did it go with Blair at school and at the football game?
I have posted a message to you in your private mail box.  I'll give you a "bridesmaid" update later.

Posted By: ald_fld
Date Posted: Sep 23, 2007 at 11:56am
Jenny B,
I'm new here and wondered (as I'm sure others do) about the style you have chosen for your boyfriend, assuming he will go along with it.
Good Luck - has he cut his hair at all or is it getting longer?

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Oct 1, 2007 at 9:55am
Hey all. 

I haven't replied to this thread in a while because I've been super-busy.  Plus the thread seemed to have become a little distracted.  Even at this point, I don't really have time to give much detail on what has happened, but I'll give a quick run-down for any of you who are interested in the status of my saga to date. 

First, we did it!  About a month ago now (I know, I've really been slack with updates!), we got Nathan in the chair, and we gave him a great style. 

The last time I was here, I mentioned that I was going to sit down with Kara and talk about styles for Nathan's hair.  Well, I told her about a lot of the ideas that we had bounced around here, including some of the ones you guys have mentioned.  She liked the general idea of the long layers, and she had some suggestions of her own.  Ultimately we ended up hanging out and looking at pictures on her laptop--she has a bunch of hairstyle pictures saved.  We also searched the web for other styles which is where we eventually found a lot of what we wanted.  We ended up picking several layered styles that varied in their level of.......I'm not really sure what to call it--extremity maybe?.  But our favorite was one of Lindsay Lohan's long-layered styles (I got Kara to send me the link: ), but we had several other more conservative styles that would have worked.  When we talked to Nathan about, we expected that we would end up with one of the more conservative styles of the bunch, if anything.  But, Nathan surprised us completely.  I guess he was amused or interested by the idea of us giving him hair like Lindsay Lohan--he really thinks that she's hot--and he actually agreed to it! Once the appointment came, he was a little less enthusiastic, but I kept reminding him that Kara was giving up her evening to do this (she let us come in as the last appointment and stay a little late).  Kara was also able to relax him a little bit by telling him that the style wouldn't look feminine when it was pulled back in a ponytail (which was actually quite a lie!). 

So he did it.  He let Kara give him a style that's pretty close to the picture in the link, at least in terms of shape.  Nathan's hair is a lighter color and isn't highlighted or anything, and in the picture LL has used styling products to give her layers a chunkier look, but the length and overall shape of Nathan's hair is now very similar to the picture.  He was a really good sport about it too.  He didn't complain or act nervous the whole time.  He didn't even complain when Kara decided to have a little fun with him and took things farther than I ever would have expected.  When she was finished with his cut, she told Nathan that the style would look great curled, and then said she wouldn't charge us at all if he'd let her give him curls (although she told me later that she never really intended to charge us anyway!).  I don't know if Nathan was feeling cheap or if he had just decided to go along with whatever the two crazy girls wanted, but by the time he walked out of the salon that evening, he not only had his new hairstyle, he also had a head full of bouncy curls and a very stylishly made-up face Big%20smile.  He even wore the curls and makeup until bedtime that evening, although he was pretty nervous the whole time that someone would see him.

So far, he hasn't complained about his hairstyle even though we clearly stretched the truth telling him that it wouldn't be obvious in a ponytail.  Even in a ponytail higher than most guys wear one, he still has the short layers loose around his face.  But he doesn't seem to mind and actually seems to enjoy the style.  I think he secretly likes having pretty hair Wink.  Of course, it probably helps that he gets a lot of compliments on it.  And as far as I know, even his guy friends haven't given him a hard time about it.  It's been over a month at this point, and his hair has grown out quite a bit since the cut.  It doesn't look quite as pretty anymore, but he's already agreed to keep the style for the near future. 

Wow.  As usual, I sat down to write a short little message, and end up with this.  Thanks to all of you here at HB who offered ideas and encouragement.  This is one of the only places where I can really share my obsession with Nathan's hair and not get raised eyebrows (although you may very well have raised eyebrows, I just can't see them!).  I'll let you know if anything else happens with this. 
!,, @&

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: Oct 1, 2007 at 3:54pm
Hi Jenny-B,
Thanks for the up-date. Great style choice. Sounds like a very fun time for all three of you. Did Kara set his hair or use the curling iron to create his curls. I didn't know you were going to add the make-up. Sounds even more fun. Glad he likes the style and isn't getting teased. Hope you are continuing to curl his hair for him and do the make-up too.
He's very lucky to have such a wonderful girlfriend.

Posted By: chrissy88
Date Posted: Oct 2, 2007 at 4:31am
Sounds like a great experience, and super nice to hear how your BF seems to be okay with the cuter style.
I have been seeing a commercial for a shampoo, Herbal Essence, that had biker-chick hand off her shampoo to a biker-guy with long hair.  When he comes walking back with his long hair in bouncy waves even his biker buddies open their eyes wide at the effect!...though it leave whether it's more in appreciation or shock up to the reader to decide. 
But the idea of a guy with really beautful and feminine hair and enjoying it reminded me of this thread, and seemed to be okay to the observers, which is super cool to see!  Glad it is working out for you Jenney!...and can't wait to hear about new styles and experiences you two have.
! % Pab, dd`e % ,` . 4`` 4- !!!% $ -,%%0 ` #4

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Oct 2, 2007 at 5:59pm
Originally Posted By: Jojoswr! @$,&0( A
Hey Jo.  Glad you like the choice.  This whole deal with Nathan's hair  turned out so much better than I expected.
Originally Posted By: Jojoswr!d " " $ ``
She just used the curling iron.  Wise choice I think.  He was going along with everything and being a good sport, but I think sitting there for a while in curlers may have been a bit much. 
The makeup really wasn't part of the plan.  Kara just basically said "well, we've gone this far, how about a little more...." and just kind of did it.  He complained a little, but I think he was enjoying the attention he was getting from a couple of pretty cute girls Wink.  He did put his foot down at one point when Kara tried to tweeze his eyebrows.  He wasn't going for that at all.
Originally Posted By: Jojoswr `` (% @((%p ` e
Thanks for the compliment Jo.  He does seem to like it.  And yeah, since his style, we've been having a lot of fun with his hair.  And even a little makeup too on occasion Wink.
Chrissy, good to hear from you again.  I haven't seen the commercial, but it sounds interesting.  I'll watch out for it.
Hey, thanks to both of you for your interest and advice.  It's been fun letting you guys in on mine and Nathan's sort-of-secret life.  Thanks for being supportive and offering all of those suggestions.
!,, @&

Posted By: Sunsailing
Date Posted: Oct 4, 2007 at 9:33pm
That's a great hairstyle. Sure wish we could see a pic (without his face, of course). I would describe that style as having long bangs, rather than long layers.
At least that's what my stylist says. When I was at my last appointment, I brought pics of several different long styles with me just to get my stylist's opinion. The ones like the style your bf got she said had bangs.
She actually highly suggested that we start with the  3782 style and see how that goes. I really don't want to go that short. But maybe the same style, yet longer.
I'd love the style your bf got, but I really need to be able to pull all of my hair back.
How often does your stylist suggest trims to keep his current style?

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Oct 8, 2007 at 12:11am
Originally Posted By: Sunsailing!d`(,$ @A@($&
Hey SS.  Glad you approve of the style. 
As for the bangs vs. layers thing, I'd say that bangs are just really short layers.  I hear them called either.  However, when I was dealing with Nathan about the style, I was pretty careful to say 'layers' b/c I think that calling them bangs would probably have produced a fairly negative response from him.
Oooh, I love #3782.  And I think you're right--it's very pretty but also conservative in terms of the wear-it-in-a-ponytail criterion.  It would be awesome if you went with that. 
As far as freuqency of trims, Kara was saying that it really depends on the person since hair grows at different lengths on different people, but that, on average, most people with that kind of style needed trims about every 1-1.5 months to keep the shape looking really sharp.  It's a pretty high-maintenance style in terms of trimming, but not so bad in terms of day-to-day maintenance.  Nathan will probably get his cut a little less frequently than recommended.  It's already been about 1.5 months and he hasn't gone back yet.  His hair's shape isn't quite what it was right after his cut, but it still looks great to me.  But I should probably start suggesting that he go back pretty soon.  After last time though, I think he may be a little scared of what Kara will do with him Wink.
!,, @&

Posted By: ald_fld
Date Posted: Oct 14, 2007 at 11:54am

Hey Jenny-B,

When you get Nathan's style trimmed again, can you post pics of it from the side and back? I know he would not want his face on the net (nor would I), but you have sure got us all curious of the look. Then we can also see how long it is. Thanks.


Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: Dec 2, 2007 at 6:21pm
Hi Jenny,
Has there been any new developments on the hair front?

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Dec 5, 2007 at 6:55am
Nothing really new per se, but Nathan is keeping the style.  He's had it trimmed twice now.  Actually, the second time he had it trimmed, Kara changed things up just a little bit and made the style slightly more dramatic I guess would be a good word for it.  She did less blending between layers which really makes them stand out.  He's also continuing to grow the length Smile and it's now down around mid-back. 
Of course, him having such a great hairstyle makes me want to play with his hair even more often than before, so I'm sure that Nathan would tell you that he's getting way more than his fair share of curls and braids and styling products LOL.  I also introduced him to hair accessories when he got a little frustrated with trying to control the shoter layers/bangs around his face and he seems to actually like them, which is just fine with me.  He even wears them out sometimes, though never in front of his guy friends for obvious reasons.  But he's gone places like the grocery store and the movies with his hair fastened in barrettes or pulled up in a big clip.  So cute!
Recently I've become a bit fascinated with the idea of going for a slightly lighter color than his current dark blonde.  So the next step might be getting him some coloring or highlights.  Hey, he's done Lindsay Lohan already, so maybe it's time for a little Carrie Underwood!!  Wink  Of course he hasn't actually agreed to anything.......yet!!
!,, @&

Posted By: Jojoswr
Date Posted: Dec 5, 2007 at 7:21am
Wow sounds fun for both of you, Jenny B. Some hilites and lowlites would be fantastic.

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: Dec 5, 2007 at 4:06pm
It's cool you are still having a great time with this, and i think Carrie's colour is great, not too OTT.  It's also cool he's getting more adveturous too.  But then most men secretly love having their hair played with so he must be loving all the extra attention.
Enjoy and let us know when you are going to surprise him with the next step Wink
Have Fun

Posted By: Dawn-P
Date Posted: Dec 6, 2007 at 11:52am

Hi G/F, sounds like you are moving along quite well. Carrie Underwood huh? Nothing wrong with that. Maybe you could give me some tips on how to get my guy there....hmmm?Big%20smile


Posted By: ald_fld
Date Posted: Dec 7, 2007 at 1:32pm
The coloring/highlighting sounds like it would be fun. Would Kara do that, or would Nathan have to go to aother salon? I was also curious; since he had such long hair when you met. did he also have his ears pierced? Sometimes guys do both long hair and earrings.

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Dec 16, 2007 at 5:47pm
Originally Posted By: ald_fld!d`(, $@@ d"
Good question ald_fld (what is that anyway?).  I've actually been assuming that Kara can do it, but haven't really thought about whether she actually can.  I'm thinking that I have a few memories of being in there when some coloring was going on, but maybe not.....  I'll have to ask. Kara and I are friends.  If she can't do it, I"m sure she'll be able to refer me to a good stylist.
Ears pierced?  No, sadly not.  I think I'd like it though.  Maybe I should push him a little bit on this one too?  But I've been kind of limiting my pushing to his hair.  I guess I've been thinking that what I'm making him do with his hair is torture enough LOL
!,, @&

Posted By: Jenny-B
Date Posted: Dec 16, 2007 at 5:49pm
Originally Posted By: Snipette $` '$@ ( d ``
Thanks for the supportive comments.  Sometimes I think that I'm awful encouraging my boyfriend to do this stuff.  But thinking about him with CU's color and his great hair.....ooh, gives me tingles!!!
!,, @&

Posted By: mystic
Date Posted: Dec 17, 2007 at 1:25pm
Originally Posted By: Jenny-B<@@.$& B (, @$
Pushing the envelope a bit? Wink
It sounds like he has really taken well to the new style.  I don't think I would classify it as torture anymore.  You know he probably likes all this attention you are giving him with his hair and all.
Good luck with the color.  I think he will like it if you get him there.
By the way, my wife likes the color and highlights in my hair. 

Posted By: deedee_tv
Date Posted: Dec 17, 2007 at 3:48pm
"By the way, my wife likes the color and highlights in my hair. 

Ditto that.  My wife had already worked it out with her stylist that I was to have my hair colored and highlighted (with a cap) about 10 years ago.  I still get it done every other month.  However, I now have it foiled instead of the cap.  I have a ton of highlites in my hair.  I have even done them "chunky" at times.  I have a longer cut which I style daily with a hot iron and lots of product.  My wife and I think it is very okay for a male to have somewhat feminine hair.


Posted By: vivek
Date Posted: Dec 19, 2007 at 12:02pm

Last week myself and i had attended a spiritual discourse in which one of the topic was our ability to shed our inhibitions in things which did not have any moral connotations. The discussions was about expression of emotions and choice of living etc. At the end of the discourse every participant was encouraged to do anything which could shed their inhibition. Some who had stage fear tried to sing etc. When my turn came i was asked whether my wife could dress my hair in front of the gathering with four or five styles. Initially he was surprised to see the length and volume of my hair. ( By the way, i am at 32 inches ). I was not so reluctant but my wife thought that i was not very comfortable.She dressed my hair in four styles-simple ringlets, two plaits, long pony and in bun style. In fact my good ness i was feeling very nervous , but at the same time i thought that this is probably an occassion wherein i could shed some inhibitions on this. I was really enjoying the way she did it and it was a nice experience to have the hair dressed. In fact other women gathered round and started giving suggestions and were giving their hair accessories as we were not prepared for this. Eventually i ended up enjoying every part of it

This was probably one more occassion wherein we could probably understand that women can complement men with long hair.

Posted By: vivek
Date Posted: Jan 4, 2008 at 10:28am
My wife took a recent photo of mine. I would like to post it.
Kindly educate me as to how should i post a picture of mine

Posted By: Spiraltresses
Date Posted: Jan 6, 2008 at 9:01am
Hi Jenny

First post to your thread here and I have to tell you that your boyfriend is about as lucky as they come! I LOVE having my hair played with and curled, but my wife doesn't share the passion. So reading your post and all the responses really made me jealous I have to believe that if he's letting you do all this there's no question he really enjoys it. I have been doing highlights for years from very dramatic blonde contrasts to more subtle reds and coppers with my natural dark reddish brown color. I almost always have my stylist "do" me curly when I go to see here and she loves it too. When I was younger I had several perms and my hair handled it very well, but now my wife would be so disappointed if I did permed curls that its just not worth it. But now as I've been growing my hair out (a couple inches above my shoulders) I absolutely love doing corkscrew curls with my layered bob style (using a 3/8" curling iron using a marcel process gives unbelievable firm and gorgeous curls). Anyway, just wanted to encourage you to keep being supportive of styling your boyfriend. You should test the water to see if he would do a perm!


Posted By: ericc
Date Posted: Feb 1, 2008 at 4:05pm

Heyyy Jenny B. Whats the update???? Its that time and we all want to know whats going on!!!! haha :)

Posted By: Sunsailing
Date Posted: Feb 7, 2008 at 10:08pm
Originally Posted By: vivek ! `($% p($! `e
Do you have them online somewhere? If not, you need to host them online somewhere ( is free). Them follow the "forum codes" when you post and fill in the URL of your pics.
If really have pictures of what you described, we would love to see them.

Posted By: Snipette
Date Posted: Feb 8, 2008 at 1:04pm
If you click on the reply on the right of a message it brings up the box to type a reply. You will notice and icon like a tree above the box. Click on that and then click browse. You should then be able to see pictures on your computer and upload them. In doing this your pictures should appear in the post.
Good luck

Posted By: vivek
Date Posted: Feb 9, 2008 at 4:44am

Posted By: vivek
Date Posted: Mar 6, 2008 at 7:27am
Hai jenny
Its long time that we heard something from you. Please keep us updated
In the mean time my wife saw these threads and she was really amused. She requested me whether she could style my hair with the help of a styler for which i obliged.
It was last saturday when the stylist came to my house. My wife's wish was to experiment my hair with a lot of hair styles - in fact more feminine styles also. But she takes care to see that no one is around when she wants to do such things - especially my son who is around 4 years. Last saturday she said that she wanted to experiment some feminine styles with my hair ( By the way my hair is around 32 inches ) , when my son was not around .
I normally trim my mousch and shave my beard once in three days and may once in 6 months i shave my mousch. The stylist asked me how comfortable i would be in shaving my mousch on that day. I told her that i am masculine enough mentally to sport long hair and go without mousch.
There started the dressing and my mousch and beard was shaved and then the experimentations started. I told them that i am not comfortable with rollers probably because i was not aware of how it would be or probably i lack patience for it. The hair styles ranged from french plaits, high buns with lot of hair sticks, the regular plaits , and two plaits. Eventhough i was a bit nervous, i enjoyed the way my tresses was being treated. In fact i was more comfortable with the single long plait and the french braids quite long which starts from almost the top of the head.
In fact i looked much feminine with long hair and shaven mousch  but as i said i thought it is more mental. But i did not venture with such styles outside as i normally sport a long pony tail or a simple single plait. In fact my wife was v ery happy with the experimentations.

Posted By: Sunsailing
Date Posted: Mar 14, 2008 at 9:49pm


Am I understanding what you're writing....a hair stylist came to your home? Is she a personal friend? I've never heard of such a thing.  Or was it just your wife?

Why not go to a salon and try some styles there?

Posted By: vivek
Date Posted: Mar 15, 2008 at 6:58am
Originally Posted By: Sunsailing<4@($% 4, (@&
You are right
The hair stylist is my wifes class mate

Posted By: ald_fld
Date Posted: Mar 16, 2008 at 12:33pm
Jenny B,
It's been about three months since your last posts before Christmas. Have you been successful in getting Nathan to highlight or color his hair? Is he still getting it styled?
It seems like you get really excited about making him beautiful. No wonder you want him to have his ears pierced; then, with make-up and hairstyle, he would be your dream guy. I'll bet he will do it for you if you take small steps; you seem to have friends who think like you and will help.
So, what is next?

Posted By: Dawn-P
Date Posted: Mar 18, 2008 at 4:18pm
Hi guys, I must say I love this site, there are so many interesting (and nice) people here. You guys in the pics have very beautiful hair! And some of these stories are fascinating. I, too, have a very interesting story to share about my bf, but just wanted to get acquainted with everyone first. I have been a member for sometime now but have not posted much. I have been in connection with several people through pm. I do live in the south and do have a beautiful bf. Hope to make some friends here.!%,

Posted By: Dawn-P
Date Posted: Mar 22, 2008 at 11:51pm
 Hi guys,
 First, I want to thank all the people that have written and contacted me....WOW! I am overwhelmed! I promise to answer each pm but just give me a little time. The best thing I can do is tell you about my bf on this site and let everyone read it. I am afraid this may be long but it does cover almost four years. You have to remember that I love my bf and some things will have to be kept private and you will just have to accept that. But still a lot of good things to tell.
 I am in my late 20's and 1 yr older than my bf. We met at a cookout 4 yrs ago next month. At that time, Brian had hair just past his collar (long enough to have been shaped into a cute bob), very pretty but needed a girls' touch to really make it stand out. He is not a big guy and is somewhat pretty for a guy. We started dating and about 3 months later he moved in with me. I immediately took over his hair and a few other things.Wink I set him up with Sarah (my stylist), who is one of my best friends that I went to school with, and she got him in the program quick. First trip, she did some trimming on his hair and eyebrows (just a little) and planned with me on what would be done each appointment to get him where I wanted. I told her to pierce his ears the next time she had him in the chair. I had him on a good shampoo and conditioner and you could really tell a difference in his hair in a week. I would also use some clips and barrettes on him when we were at home and see how he reacted. I learned quick that he was reluctant to have some of these things done to him but I felt I could break him of that feeling. After a while, he was getting comfortable around me being a little girly but the poor guy was scared stiff when I tried to take him out with a clip or pin in his hair.....was definitely going to be challenging. Sarah was very clever to schedule some of his appointments when she knew there would be another guy there having something done to his hair. Within 6 months, he had witnessed a guy getting a perm, highlights and a couple of girly styles. This did help when it came time to push things further with him. After about a little over a year of being under Sarah's care, Brian's hair was very beautiful and getting very girly. We kept the length just past his shoulders and mostly one length except for the tapered sides. There was so much you could do with it now. He was also getting much more relaxed having things done to his hair. I had decided to really get his hair dolled up one day and had Sarah come to my house one Sunday afternoon. I had already told him that we were going to play with his hair and experiment with it some. Like I said, he had gotten comfortable around Sarah and did not complain. I did set a chair in the living room so he could watch a football game while we went to work on him. We used a setting gel and set his hair in med and small rollers. He was a good sport about the whole thing and I think he enjoyed it but would not admit it. I fixed a lunch for all of us and we ate while his hair dried. When we took the rollers out, Sarah pulled both sides back and clipped it close to his crown. The back of his head was so full of beautiful curls! And with the side bangs hanging down and add the fact that he had earrings and his eyebrows had a nice shape to them..... he was sooo girly looking! When he saw how he looked he did not say anything and that told me he kind of liked it or he would have complained. As time went on, I would do little things to his hair when we would go out. I loved having him in soft curls and waves and got this look by using a curling iron and some spray. He finally let me roll his hair on Saturday mornings and he would keep them in most of the day until we would go out. I thought it would be cute if he learned to roll his own hair and gave him some intense training on just that. It did not take long for him to master the sides but he struggled with the back. He looked so cute sitting at my vanity trying to turn his head enough to see the back of it so he could roll it. I finally got him to understand that it is a matter of feel and I am happy to say he has now mastered it! He also rolls my hair for me sometimes or I will do his and he will do mine. So this is the way it stayed for quite a while and just recently, I decided he was ready for a change. I was ready for him to have a really cute shorter style. I looked quite a while at different pictures and finally saw what I knew would look great on him. If you watched the movie Bourne Supremacy, you would see how Julia Stiles had her hair.... a really cute type of bob. Still plenty of hair to work with and just super cute! I talked with Sarah and she agreed his hair would do great with it and it would fit his face perfectly. Now, before I go any further, I need to change the subject for a minute. I told you I live in the south....NC to be more precise. I am a avid UNC basketball fan and Brian is the same with Duke. Well, we always have these little bets when they play and when Duke won in their first meeting, he made a very bold bet that the loser of the next game would get a perm (he likes it when my hair is curly). He figured since they won at UNC it would be a sure bet for them to win at home. I think we all know how that game came out and when it was over I just looked over at my very rejected bf and told him he will look darling with curls! I set it up with Sarah for the next Sat and all that week he begged me to reconsider. Well, we do have "trade-offs" with our bets sometimes and I agreed to trade the perm for high lights. Two weeks ago Brian became the proud owner of a super cute bob with highlights. He is doing very well with it but has learned that it helps to have clips and barrettes to keep it out of his face. I plan on keeping it like this for a while and will try setting it in small rollers soon to see how it looks, will let you know how that turns out.
 I know this is a long story but you would not believe how much I cut out. I hope everyone enjoys reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Posted By: vivek
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2008 at 5:23am
Hai Dawn -P
Nice to read your experiences. Being a guy with quite long and voluminous hair ( I had posted my pic elsewhere in this thread ) i can understand your b/f feelings. I too went through such experiences . I am sure that your b/f is silently admiring your hair job on him.  My wife also loves to play and experiment with my hair.
It so happened that once we had a bet on the outcome of a famous cricket match. In the event of my loss , i had to accompany her in outing with the hair style of her choice. Remember it was two years back , when i was quite naive to sport long hair outside but within my heart i had the desire to do so. In fact i lost the bet  much to my delight .
Actually i had never shaved my mousch and had my beards to support my long hair ( around 30 inches at that time and now it is at 32 inches ). She started the experiment on a saturday evening. First she had me clean shaven and then applied shampoo on my hair and washed to it.Then she applied french plaits using a lot of hair accessories. My goodness - initially i was a bit uncomfortable to see myself without mousch and a long hair - rather well styled with long plaits and with a lot of clips - actually it was quite feminish. I was initially a bit nervous as this was the first time we went out with my hair carefully styled. She was a bit confused about my co-operation and thought that probably i am not ok with it. On the other hand i wanted such experiences but i was a bit nervous when that thing actually happened.
The result was fantastic and i enjoyed the outing much to the comfort of my wife and she was also happy.
Do keep us posted on such experiments on your b/f

Posted By: Dawn-P
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2008 at 8:21pm
Hi Vivek, I did see the pic of your hair and it is very impressive. I can tell you (and your wife) have taken very good care of it. You must give her my regards. Does she have any plans for a different style or another outing planned where she can fix it up again? I have a lot of fun just thinking of reasons to get Brian all dolled up and planning is part of the fun. Brian and I are going to two weddings soon, one in May and one in June. The one in June is Sarah's wedding (our stylist) and she has given specific instructions on how she wants Brian to look at her wedding. I told Brian, with everything she has done for us, he will look the way she wants!Smile He will not be getting off very easy on the first wedding eitherWink. I did set his hair this past weekend and was able to play with different styles on his shorter bob he now has. He was adorable!
 Keep in touch and I will do the same.

Posted By: vivek
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2008 at 8:38am
Hai Dawn -p
Nice to have a quick response from you. As said by you my wife great takes care of my hair and so do i. As far as going out is concerned, we dont experiment much , but for a long pony tail or a high bun. Now adays to keep my hair secure because of my day job, i sport straight long simple plaits.
My wife is very careful that i am also very comfortable with whatever i do. But nowadays i am ok with almost every style because i feel i am mentally masculine enough to sport long hair with any style.
Do keep in touch. Please post a photo of your b/f is possible.

Posted By: mystic
Date Posted: Mar 27, 2008 at 5:00pm

Hey Dawn,

What does Sarah want Brian to do for her wedding?  Is it limited to a hairstyle?  Just curious.



Posted By: Dawn-P
Date Posted: Mar 27, 2008 at 9:46pm

Hi Mystic,

 Let's just say that Sarah knows and has seen the the limits I have pushed Brian, in fact, she was a part of that too. So he will have on some makeup and of course his nails will be polished. As far as the hair goes, I am hoping that since the wedding is in June, there will be plenty of hair to at least pull off a half updo. I know all of this sounds far out but since there won't be many people there that knows us, she said give him the works. And the people that do know us already know that he occasionally makes an appearance like this and will not be shockedWink



Posted By: happy abi
Date Posted: Apr 28, 2008 at 7:26pm

Hi ya

Dawn-P just seen your post 22 March 08 unfortunately I have very short hair but now trying to grow this out again, because I wish for longer hair it seems to be taking an age  Crywould my age dictate how fast hair grows?  Approx 4 years ago I went to a salon with the intention of having my hair curled she offered to set my hair on perm rods  Thumbs%20Up  and assured me that all the curls and waves would go as soon as I next washed my hair this was fine with me (as I feel it could ruin my home life and the close relationship I hold with my sister) I enjoyed every minute of the experience and ambience was wonderful she even asked me to help by passing perm papers after she had applied setting lotion to each section before rolling it in place, at last a place I could identify with, my hair in perm rods and sitting there with a pink hair net on, chatting to other women having perms.  daisy  She saw I enjoyed being pampered and the boost it had made to my confidence and was asked me if I would like this again, make an appointment and ask for me she said giving me a salon card with her name on. After leaving salon I spent a good 5 hours with these curls before having them washed out. Now at the age of 52 and a bald patch on top I wish to have my hair set on perm rods again, I been back to the salon to find out if she still works there (I kept a note of her name on my computer) I was told yes but now only on Saturdays, question Dawn if she used a Setting Gel as Sarah used on Brain would curls and waves be more defined but still come out next wash? Please could you ask Sarah what would be best Setting Lotion or Setting Gel? When I make this appt I would like to wear some feminine clothes any suggestions please, was wondering would the wearing of makeup soften my appearance to help me fit in if so could you advise what sort of facial foundation would cover my growth?  There is a nail bar near the salon do you think a manicure and nail polish before or after hair being set?

happy abi2008-04-29 16:41:15

Posted By: happy abi
Date Posted: May 1, 2008 at 7:43pm

Hi ya

 Jenny-B I

Posted By: LoriTG
Date Posted: Jul 26, 2008 at 4:42am
NiceLoriTG2019-03-16 14:13:47 ! )

Posted By: jamiejenj
Date Posted: Jun 10, 2014 at 3:37am
have him get an angled bob with bangs. chin length in front angled to mid ear in back and stacked

Posted By: stuffy623
Date Posted: Mar 16, 2019 at 4:38am
I really would like to know how this turned out Jenny?$ (

Posted By: stuffy623
Date Posted: Mar 16, 2019 at 4:40am
Looks good! Why not use a ceramic to straighten your hair?$ (

Posted By: D1sunite
Date Posted: Mar 28, 2019 at 8:49pm
Ooh I'd also love to see how it turned out Jenny! Please send a picture if you could! 

Just got my husband to grow out his hair. It's naturally blonde. I had it bobbed on him for a while, on a cute Taylor Swift look, but I asked him to grow it out eventually to experiment with it.

It's mid back on him now and I LOVE IT!!!!

Braids and Ponytails used to be what I put him in normally. Only high ponytails that is. 

Now he really likes pigtails a lot! I actually got this super cute look on him one day. I took both his pigtails and curled them up into buns on the top of his head. I left out a little hair to make this cute like bangs-ish look.  

I don't have a picture of him with it, but here's one of a girl with it.
Actually right at the base of the bun I put two pink velvet hairbows! He even went out with it with me!
We got a few comments, but most of the people in my neighborhood love his hair!

Again Jenny let me know about those pictures!

Posted By: Ricc
Date Posted: Apr 8, 2019 at 12:02pm
Ha! It's kind of fun to see new interest in this old thread. I've always liked this one. Jenny hasn't posted on this forum for 8 years, so I doubt if she's going to reply, though. My guess is she and the then BF have settled into doing more boring normal things with their hair. I had some PM correspondences with Dawn for awhile 6 years ago, but she hasn't posted her since then.

I wish I had an industrious wife like you, D1. I still wear my hair long (like about 18" right now), but I get kind of lazy with the hairstyling these days. Awhile back I picked up some huge 3" rollers and occasionally try to set it in sort of a Jen Aniston look, but most days I pony it. I did pick up one of those bottle stopper looking gadgets that help support a high pony and make it big and bouncy ("Beauty Hair Ponytail Holder and Enhancer"). Alas, I've never been very good at braids, though.

Posted By: D1sunite
Date Posted: Apr 9, 2019 at 6:10pm
Yeah it's pretty eye-boggling for me to see how old this thread is! And I think it's great you still take care of your hair Ric. Hair styling isn't for everyone, male or female. My husband just enjoys it! It's too bad they left the forum. Of course time passes. Thank You! 

Posted By: Tweeny
Date Posted: May 5, 2019 at 11:54am
. Tweeny2021-04-11 09:08:29

Posted By: maikross
Date Posted: Jul 24, 2019 at 12:52pm
Hello everyone

I would like to reopen this topic and once again ask: what do you think about guys with long feminine hair. And this time I don't mean these kind of extreme feminine hairstyles. The styles I mean are the styles you see for example on the victorias secret fashion shows, in shampoo commercials or in women fashion catalogues. Layers, wavy, curled with large hot rollers, ombre, lived in, balayage. There are guys who have hair like this. I myself have my hair just below collarbone. I love long hair, I love long hair on women and I would love to see these hairstyles more often on men or that there wouldn't be any difference in men and women hair. Yes a lot of you will post: there are no rules, and there is no gender in hair. As i said, on instagram you see a lot of guys with long feminine hairstyles. But i think most of them are gay. And I don't want to offend anyone. I think it is great. You guys are opening the path. You dont need no ancouragement. But what i am interested in are the straight guys who still need the courage to grow their hair long and style in a feminine way. Thats why i am asking you: what do you think, what is the point of view of the women on this forum? I posted a link down below to my hair gallery on instagram. I Iove all of them and would love to try all of them myself or see them on other men. What do you guys think. Which one do you think would match with a suit, a beard. I actually think all of them, just because i think long hair on men does look great.

So let me know what you think!

Posted By: Tweeny
Date Posted: Jul 28, 2019 at 2:23pm
. Tweeny2021-04-11 09:09:30

Posted By: DarcyAnne
Date Posted: Sep 2, 2019 at 5:56am
Can someone post a link to the hairstyles Jenny refers to early on in this thread? I can't find them on the board here. Thanks!

Posted By: stuffy623
Date Posted: Mar 12, 2021 at 9:36pm
I would recommend a nice French roll for Nathan, I enjoy wearing my hair like that.$ (

Posted By: stuffy623
Date Posted: Mar 12, 2021 at 9:37pm
I would recommend a Nice French roll for Nathan.$ (

Posted By: stuffy623
Date Posted: Apr 11, 2021 at 5:18am
Can you tell us how this went? I would recommend either a French braid with the tail tucked up or a French roll.$ (

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