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Yeast & Candida Related Links That I Like

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Topic: Yeast & Candida Related Links That I Like
Posted By: Karen Shelton
Subject: Yeast & Candida Related Links That I Like
Date Posted: Oct 13, 2006 at 2:10am

I have listed some of my favorite links on this topic which really impacts a lot of women and their health below.  I hope you will share your fav links with the forum as well.

Infections and Insurrection: Women Treating Yeast
This site has a great section on Easy At-Home Methods to fight yeast.

Easy At-Home Methods to Rebalance the Vaginal Ph (From link above)

Many women use non-medical methods for treating yeast, because the cost of over-the-counter methods is high, because they are unimpressed with OTC methods, or simply because they prefer more natural methods. Following is a partial list of at-home methods that may be helpful.

  • Insert unpasteurized, plain yogurt with a small spoon or spatula or vaginal cream applicator. Insert at night and wear a pad. Repeat for three to seven nights, until symptoms disappear. Douching with yogurt and water can help, too. It also helps to eat a lot of yogurt.

    Karen's Note:  There is some new info on this option because yogurt may actually contain sugars which will feed the yeast.
  • "Paint" the vagina, cervix (you'll need a speculum) and vulva (outside area including the labia or "lips" of vagina) with gentian violet. It stains so you'll want to wear a pad. This usually works after one treatment.

    Karen's Note:  Definitely a mess but seems to work for a lot of people that try it.
  • Insert a garlic suppository. Carefully peel one clove of garlic. Wrap in gauze and insert into the vagina. Leave in for up to twelve hours. Repeat as necessary. It also helps to eat a lot of garlic.

    Karen's Note:  Has always burned for me and eating garlis is just plain wrong..for me...anyway.  I know, I know - its good for you but I have a hard time with this one.
  • Drink cranberry juice. Unsweetened is best.

    Karen's Note:  This doesn't really work for me but it doesn't seem to hurt either.
  • Insert Potassium Sorbate. This is used in home beer-making and can be found at wine-making stores. Dip a cotton tampon into a 3% solution (15 grams of Potassium Sorbate in one pint of water) and insert into the vagina at night. Remove in the morning.

    Karen's Note:  Never tried this one.  Has anyone?  What were the
  • Drink or eat Acidophilus. It's available in powder or capsules in health food stores or found in some milk and yogurt products. (Read the label; some dairy products have added acidophilus.)

    Karen's Note:  This works for me every time.  Especially when I crank up my B and C vitamins and drink lots of water.
  • Douche with a vinegar/water solution. One tablespoon of vinegar to one quart of water, once a day. Especially effective when used with yogurt suppositories.

    Karen's Note:  Hard to do but seems to help in severe cases. 

Yeast Infections - An Overview

Almost 75 percent of adult women develop a yeast infection at least once in their lives, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).,,hco_8xrmx2l3,00.html?ice=iv|wb|bladdervaginalhc,didyouknow
Descriptions of Yeast Infections
Candida Test - Do You Have It?  Take This Test
The Yeast Connection - Bible of Yeast Info by Dr. Crook (a medical doctor who believes that yeast infections are real).


That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger or drives you totally insane. :-)

Replies: 1
Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: Oct 13, 2006 at 2:10am

I have listed some of my favorite links on this topic which really impacts a lot of women and their health below.  I hope you will share your fav links with the forum as well.

Infections and Insurrection: Women Treating Yeast
This site has a great section on Easy At-Home Methods to fight yeast.

Easy At-Home Methods to Rebalance the Vaginal Ph (From link above)

Many women use non-medical methods for treating yeast, because the cost of over-the-counter methods is high, because they are unimpressed with OTC methods, or simply because they prefer more natural methods. Following is a partial list of at-home methods that may be helpful.

  • Insert unpasteurized, plain yogurt with a small spoon or spatula or vaginal cream applicator. Insert at night and wear a pad. Repeat for three to seven nights, until symptoms disappear. Douching with yogurt and water can help, too. It also helps to eat a lot of yogurt.

    Karen's Note:  There is some new info on this option because yogurt may actually contain sugars which will feed the yeast.
  • "Paint" the vagina, cervix (you'll need a speculum) and vulva (outside area including the labia or "lips" of vagina) with gentian violet. It stains so you'll want to wear a pad. This usually works after one treatment.

    Karen's Note:  Definitely a mess but seems to work for a lot of people that try it.
  • Insert a garlic suppository. Carefully peel one clove of garlic. Wrap in gauze and insert into the vagina. Leave in for up to twelve hours. Repeat as necessary. It also helps to eat a lot of garlic.

    Karen's Note:  Has always burned for me and eating garlis is just plain wrong..for me...anyway.  I know, I know - its good for you but I have a hard time with this one.
  • Drink cranberry juice. Unsweetened is best.

    Karen's Note:  This doesn't really work for me but it doesn't seem to hurt either.
  • Insert Potassium Sorbate. This is used in home beer-making and can be found at wine-making stores. Dip a cotton tampon into a 3% solution (15 grams of Potassium Sorbate in one pint of water) and insert into the vagina at night. Remove in the morning.

    Karen's Note:  Never tried this one.  Has anyone?  What were the
  • Drink or eat Acidophilus. It's available in powder or capsules in health food stores or found in some milk and yogurt products. (Read the label; some dairy products have added acidophilus.)

    Karen's Note:  This works for me every time.  Especially when I crank up my B and C vitamins and drink lots of water.
  • Douche with a vinegar/water solution. One tablespoon of vinegar to one quart of water, once a day. Especially effective when used with yogurt suppositories.

    Karen's Note:  Hard to do but seems to help in severe cases. 

Yeast Infections - An Overview

Almost 75 percent of adult women develop a yeast infection at least once in their lives, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).,,hco_8xrmx2l3,00.html?ice=iv|wb|bladdervaginalhc,didyouknow
Descriptions of Yeast Infections
Candida Test - Do You Have It?  Take This Test
The Yeast Connection - Bible of Yeast Info by Dr. Crook (a medical doctor who believes that yeast infections are real).


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Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Apr 5, 2013 at 7:54am
One thing that works great on candida is taking "parasite cleanse" which you can buy on amazon. The best I've found is a tincture made of wormwood, cloves and green walnut hull. There are many parasite preps out there, some have pau d'arco tea instead of the walnut. As long as it has wormwood (artemisia absinthium), it should work on candida. (A different brand goes by the name Clarkia parasite cleanse.)

Yes, wormwood is the same ingredient they use to make absinthe, it is safe at the low amounts you'd take. Back 10 years ago, we used to take a tincture that had colloidal silver in it. Taking silver is probably a little riskier than the wormwood -even if they do claim colloidal is safe - so I'm glad we can get parasite cleanse now without the silver. The new preparations also taste WAY better too.

You can take it as the bottle directs to get rid of candida that live in your body, this means taking it for a week, skipping a week, then doing another week. Usually about 10 drops counts as a dose, and 2 to 3 times a day is what was recommended on one bottle...will depend on the brand. (I would not take it all the time, just as needed with breaks in between.)

Another use is if you find you only get candida after a certain thing (such as after intercourse, or after you've finished a course of antibiotics), you can just use some for a little while to make sure yeast don't take hold. (Such as 10 drops 2 or 3 times afterward for a day or so, then stop.)

Drink lots of water if you are prone to migraines, these herbs do have tannins in them so they could help you get a migraine if you're sensitive to tannins, but water will help rinse those out and stave the migraine off. (I have found that apple juice brings on a migraine far quicker than the tannins in the cleanse does, so I wouldn't say that side effect is really that bad with the cleanse.)

Note: Even though it is called "cleanse", it will NOT make you go to the bathroom, it's not that kind of cleanse.
Susan W2013-04-05 08:00:00 !)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

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