Yeah, it was virtually painless. Like I said, the only time I felt pain was right after the surgery. It lasted as long as it took them to roll me out to my room. The nurse came in, injected me with a sedative and I passed out. By the time I woke up, the pain was gone. My nose was of course very sensitive. I mean, someone litteraly took a hammer to it. I did keep having small nose bleeds the first 24 hours, but they were gone after that. I could not feel any pain, unless I forgott I had the nose job and tried to touch my nose (in the middle of the night or something). I had no problem sleeping through the night. And never even had to take pain killers. I never had to change the dressing. I had a cast on my nose, since they had to break the bone and file it down. I can't remember if I had it on for a week or two.
You'll have to be really carefull not to bump your nose, because then it will really hurt. But even then, the pain will go away after a minute. It won't keep hurting. I know cause my ex forgot I had the surgery after I got the cast removed, and he went to surprise me with a kiss, and bumped my nose really hard. I won't lye, I saw stars!!!. But the pain went away almost immediatly.
By what you are describing, sounds like all they would have to do to your nose is file it down. Which will take no time, and you will have virtually no pain at all.
Also my eyes never bruised. Most people get those racoon eyes when they the bone is broken. I got no brusing at all.
I honestly would forget I had anything done, because there was no pain at all. It was way better than I expected, and I would do it again in a heart beat. As a matter a fact, I'm thinking about narrowing it a bit. Not the bridge, but the bottom part. It was so easy the first time, I wouldn't have any second thoughts about it. I was in more pain when I had my wisdom theet removed. As a matter of fact I still have one wisdom thooth left and I keep postponing taking it out because of the pain LOL!!
So if pain is what is stoping you, go for it girl. It is not that bad at all. The first 3 months, you will be sensitve. When you try to wrinkle your nose, it will shake. But other than that, you will feel totally normal.
Do make sure, you get a great surgeon. The nose is something that is not easy to fix after it has been operated on. And it is right in the middle of your face. So if it is not done right, it can be very traumatic. Get someone with a specialty on noses, and who has before and after pictures of his/her patients.
Hope this helps. If you have any other questions, let me know.