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How many earrings do you wear?

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Category: Fashion
Forum Name: Earrings Galore
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Topic: How many earrings do you wear?
Posted By: anne6000
Subject: How many earrings do you wear?
Date Posted: Jul 27, 2006 at 9:26am
I have two ears, so I wear one piercing per ear.    I'm not putting down more piercings at all, but for me personally, the look is just too busy

Replies: 41
Posted By: anne6000
Date Posted: Jul 27, 2006 at 9:26am
I have two ears, so I wear one piercing per ear.    I'm not putting down more piercings at all, but for me personally, the look is just too busy.  0- Ai

Posted By: whhoiskad
Date Posted: Aug 1, 2006 at 2:45pm
I also have one in each ear, i dabbled about wheather to get a eyebrow piercing a few years ago but in the end i descided not too.
Hmm wonder what it would have look like?
!) Pi`d 0a"e ))

Posted By: Longhaired Guy
Date Posted: Aug 2, 2006 at 5:48am
This was my post orginally, before the mix up on the boards with my user name.

I also wear just one pair of earrings, although I have seen people, particularily women, who wear more than one pair of earrings and they look very fashionable with several earrings, assuming they are the right earrings and not too large or clunky. Then they can become "too busy" looking, as Anne stated.

Posted By: Longhaired Guy
Date Posted: Aug 2, 2006 at 5:52am
I also like the look of a small nosestud on a lady. My ex-wife wears a small nosestud in her left nostril. My 16 year old daughter wants to get one of her nostrils pierced also, but my ex-wife and myself told her to wait until she is 18, then she can do that if she wants.

I see all kinds of women these days, including professional women, who wear a nosestud or a small nosering. It is not as common as pierced ears, but it is much more common than it was years ago.

I don't care for noserings on men. Earrings look fine on men or women, but noserings are too feminine, to me they only look good on women.

Posted By: ragdollragdoll
Date Posted: Aug 9, 2006 at 4:21pm
I wear 2 earrings in each ear. On the bottom I wear a little longer  than a stud and the other hole I wear a stud. My elderly aunt who also has 2 earrings in each ear show my that is a good way to show the earrings. She told me that was the fashionable way to wear earrings.Sometimes I wear 2 studs in each ear. I am planning to get another 2 mores holes in my ears.ragdollragdoll2007-08-16 15:04:29

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Aug 12, 2006 at 2:28am

I have three earrings in my left ear and one in the right.  They're all in the lobe, none in the cartilage.

! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``

Posted By: AmethystKat
Date Posted: Aug 26, 2006 at 9:40am
i wear 3 in my right ear; small studs on the top 2, hoops on the bottom. on my left ear i have 2 lobe piercings and a tragus piercing. i wear a small star stud in the tragus.

Posted By: SeaSiren
Date Posted: Aug 27, 2006 at 1:27am
I have nine (9) holes in each ear.  They start on the top in the cartilage and down to the original hole in the lobe.  I wear small to large gold hoops and hang gold charms from each hoop.  On the lower four (4) holes I also wear pearl or gold studs.  In all I have 22 things on each ear.   People say it looks good...different but fancy.   I also have a monroe piercing in my lip and wear a gold ball.  I also have rings on all my fingers, up to eight (8) bracelets on each arm, anklets on each ankle and two (2) toe rings on each foot.   I'm unique for an American California surfer chick.  I only wish I had more body parts!!!       % Raadaper ,)4$"" ..,

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Aug 30, 2006 at 12:05am
O_O  That's a lot of metal! ! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``

Posted By: Shyanne
Date Posted: Sep 4, 2006 at 4:38pm
I think that if more than one earing is to be used, one should defintly be the focus, you know like a dangly one and a stud...I personally don't like the look but if you're going with it, I think that enforces balance.  $, A(&.A$t` -$ ,bp ).$ p .$$% )-%, ,- ,b *4

Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: Sep 6, 2006 at 3:04pm
one in each ear, but will no doubt be joined by other metal in time. $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-)! !!%,!,`" !,

Posted By: strawberryfine
Date Posted: Sep 19, 2006 at 1:06pm
One earring per ear; although I wore two in the left lobe for about 10 years.  I'm looking for some small gold hoops that will be comfortable to sleep in.  Any ideas from anyone, please?
0 ! Babbadabe ,"0 " " ``," -,! - %,% -4`r ).

Posted By: SeaSiren
Date Posted: Sep 19, 2006 at 11:29pm
Hi Strawberryfine....I sleep in my hoops - all 18 of them.  I use gold 'continuous' hoops. They are hollow and light weight.  The wire that goes through the ear hole   - goes into the hoop opening in back.  There are no fixtures to cause any poking.  Depending on the size, they are usually reasonally priced. I have them in all sizes starting at the top of my ear with the smallest down to the lobe with a thicker medium size.
SeaSiren2006-09-19 23:30:44 % Raadaper ,)4$"" ..,

Posted By: TMortis
Date Posted: Sep 23, 2006 at 7:56pm
I have always wanted pierced ears.  My new wife i thought was into mens ears being pierced, but noooo!!1 I would love to be able to have 4 holes.!--

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Oct 1, 2006 at 12:17am
I see no reason why you couldn't have four holes.  It doesn't bother me at all if men have multiple piercings.  You might get some odd looks if you wear fancy chandeliers, though ^_^; . . . but if you keep it simple like studs or hoops, I don't think anyone will cause a fuss. ! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``

Posted By: TMortis
Date Posted: Oct 1, 2006 at 12:07pm
I want to have two emerald earrings and two small hoops. I would probably never want to change them. My birthstone is emerald and hoops are cute. !--

Posted By: TMortis
Date Posted: Oct 5, 2006 at 3:37pm
I just can't understand why women have the corner on beauty. Earrings, hair, even a little makeup would make me look better. I am not gay or anything, but I have  astrong feminine side, but don't understand why it has to be feminine to want my hauir to look nice and have some jewelry.!--

Posted By: Carolredskirt
Date Posted: Oct 5, 2006 at 9:20pm
I like earrings on men also. My boyfriend has pierced ears and wears an earring in each ear.
I have pierced ears and a pierced left nostril. I wear just one pair of earrings and a small stud or ring in my nostril.
( - `ed pa`` , 0 bp (.0` !.$ ()%( (%%,!,,""

Posted By: SeaSiren
Date Posted: Oct 5, 2006 at 10:14pm
Masculine men can wear ear very macho boyfriend has about 12 gold hoops (6 holes w/dbl hoops) in his lower left ear.  He also has hair down to his butt.  He doesn't wear any other jewelry due to the safety issue with his profession.   I always think of the 'Old School Italians" and their perfect hair, flashy clothes and lots of jewelry.  Cool  Nothing sissy about them.  Elvis was into make-up, hair dye, flashy clothes and of course, tons of jewelry.   Ying%20Yang Like women - men should wear whatever they want.  It's the strength inside that makes man.   % Raadaper ,)4$"" ..,

Posted By: TMortis
Date Posted: Oct 6, 2006 at 10:26am
I hope your boyfriend realized how rare you are. Maybe I just attract the wrong kind of woman, but the ones I know are all pretty much male is male and feminine side is off limits.!--

Posted By: Carolredskirt
Date Posted: Oct 9, 2006 at 11:04pm
Why do you consider earrings to just be feminine? Men have worn them for centuries. ( - `ed pa`` , 0 bp (.0` !.$ ()%( (%%,!,,""

Posted By: TMortis
Date Posted: Oct 10, 2006 at 8:34am

I DON'T. But she does. Men have short tapered hair and no facial hair.  women have earrings, longer hair and let's face it, in my estimation all the fun, which she doesn't approve of. She painted my toenails one night after a liitle too much wine. I loved it, and the color was nice.  She wanted it off the next morning. i left it on and she was not happy. Same thing when she has set my hair, when she has a little too much then as soon as we are done, it is done.  I guess i have to keep her in wine. LOL>



Posted By: Carolredskirt
Date Posted: Oct 10, 2006 at 5:12pm
You apparently live in an isolated area. In many places these days, all kinds of masculine men have long hair or earrings or both. Many feminine women have short hair. Most women wear earrings, but they don't have to if they don't want to. Women wear both skirts and jeans. If a man looks masculine, he will be masculine no matter his hair length. The same with a woman. Many ladies look feminine with short hair. Hair length has nothing to do with it. Most women are feminine. Carolredskirt2006-10-10 17:14:39( - `ed pa`` , 0 bp (.0` !.$ ()%( (%%,!,,""

Posted By: SeaSiren
Date Posted: Oct 12, 2006 at 12:52am
I've seen very feminine  bald women - cancer survivors.  And very masculine men who can sit on their hair.  Hair, jewelry,'s not important.  It's 'what's inside' that counts.  And which set of X-chromosomes one is born with....Be true to yourself.  Be happy. % Raadaper ,)4$"" ..,

Posted By: Carolredskirt
Date Posted: Oct 12, 2006 at 2:18pm
There are many beautiful bald women with alopecia. I should know, I am bald with alopecia universalis myself, and have been since childhood (I'm 36 nowadays). I usually wear wigs and scarves in public, but often go bald at home with my fiancee and my children. When I do go bald in public, if I have my makeup on, earrings, and am dressed feminine, I get various looks, some better than others, but I also get compliments. ( - `ed pa`` , 0 bp (.0` !.$ ()%( (%%,!,,""

Posted By: SeaSiren
Date Posted: Oct 12, 2006 at 11:13pm
I admire you very much.  I always though if I shaved my head, I wouldn't be so 'hair style' competitive.  Seems my whole life (58 yrs) I've been obsessed with never having a 'bad hair' day.  My hair has always been long because I enjoy wearing barrettes and things, but it's been a constant excess of time and worry.  I went from blonde to gray and now I finally like my hair (most days).  I even thought that if ALL women were bald (like that singer in the 80's)(or Rigley in Alien 3) we could focus on more important things and be a stronger breed.  You must have had your share of stares.  I also get them because I have many tattoos and a ton of earrings.    Society isn't quite ready for women who are different.  But eventually it will be cool when all the young people of today are running the government, with an open mind. % Raadaper ,)4$"" ..,

Posted By: Carolredskirt
Date Posted: Oct 15, 2006 at 2:50am
Thank you were your kind and thoughtful words. Much appreciated.

Believe me, there are just as many men who are attracted to bald women, assuming she is pretty and feminine, as there are men attracted to other styles on ladies. I never had a problem meeting men who were attracted to me. I dated plenty. Alopecia Universalis hasn't been a problem for me. I believe in bald is beautiful.
I am divorced with three wonderful kids (who all have full, healthy heads of hair, most children of alopecians have hair, assuming that only one parent has alopecia), and am with a handsome guy.
If you are interested in this, check out the BOLDISBEAUTIFUL.COM website. A fashion website for bald women, who have alopecia or shave their heads.
Carolredskirt2006-10-15 03:01:36( - `ed pa`` , 0 bp (.0` !.$ ()%( (%%,!,,""

Posted By: nikki_g
Date Posted: Jan 22, 2007 at 12:27am
i have my ears pierced from my lobes all the way up. i have a total of 15 in each ear, including all the various cart. piercings. i keep jewerly in them most of the time

Posted By: SeaSiren
Date Posted: Jan 23, 2007 at 5:33pm've got me beat.  My nine holes have double or triple earrings so I have about 22 earrings on each ear.  No cartilage piercings.  I do have a monroe lip piercing.  What is that part of the ear by the face that is right by the cheek bone?  I thought about getting that done.  Do you have one there?  Brushing my hair sometimes causes me to lose earrings but it's OK . 
I pierced my pit bull puppy's ear.  He's had it for 10 years.  It's high up on his ear and he wears a 14 gage hoop.  People love it.  I'm in the process of piercing my girl friends puppy.  They don't feel it as the ear has very little sensation. 
 % Raadaper ,)4$"" ..,

Posted By: nikki_g
Date Posted: Jan 25, 2007 at 9:55am
What is that part of the ear by the face that is right by the cheek bone?  I thought about getting that done.  Do you have one there?
tragus? yes i do. i love the way they look. i only got mine done because my sister had gotten hers done first.

Posted By: Julie30
Date Posted: Apr 12, 2007 at 5:46pm
I have each ear lobe pierced three times. Usually I wear just one pair of earrings. !,)

Posted By: TMortis
Date Posted: Jun 25, 2007 at 12:11pm
Carol- i have wanted to respond, but computer crashed and other stuff.  Anyway- i agree that regardless of hair length a man can look masculine with earrings. And vice Versa a woman in pants and no earrings and short hair can look very fem.  But some people, my wife included, feel earrings and longer hair are strictly a feminine quality. I disagree. If i came home with an earring, I really think she would come home with a lawyer.!--

Posted By: Lickalime
Date Posted: Jun 30, 2007 at 9:01am
I have my left and right tragus pieced.   a stud in my left nostril.  both ear lobes pierced three times, but I only wear earrings in the first holes.  one cartlige piercing and my bellybutton
years ago I had ten piercing in my left ear and nine in my right
 !- A` " 0` ->

Posted By: TMortis
Date Posted: Aug 10, 2007 at 10:23am
I find it so sexy to see the tragus pierced. Two holes in each ear and a nice little stud there.  I also love a small hope in the upper ear on the outside.  Very sexy!--

Posted By: Shyanne
Date Posted: Aug 11, 2007 at 9:48pm
My best friend has worn tiny gold hoops for almost all her life. Her first were given to her by her godfather at her baptism, and she never wears other styles.
Ironically, I had piercings done, but between allergies and plain old 'IT ITCHES', they ended up closing. And the earrings for unpierced ears hurt as they squeeze my lobes.
Oh, well. Guess eventually I'll just have to suck it up and do it. 
$, A(&.A$t` -$ ,bp ).$ p .$$% )-%, ,- ,b *4

Posted By: LadyinDiamonds
Date Posted: Oct 16, 2007 at 9:01am
my jewelry___One pair of earrings. One nosestud, left nostril. One monroe. Both breast nipples.

Posted By: paper
Date Posted: Jan 14, 2008 at 8:04am
I have 2 holes in each ear. I usually always wear stud in back and small hoop in front. Now that I'm letting my hair grow I bought some big hoops and dangling earings.

Posted By: AngelaTS
Date Posted: Jan 15, 2008 at 8:42pm
Just a pair of earrings.

Posted By: sara201
Date Posted: Nov 23, 2008 at 4:25am
I have my ears pierced 3 times in each ear lobe, and my nipples pierced, I am thinking about getting more piercings in my ears possible all the way up each ear do you ladies have any advice. thanks

Posted By: nikki_g
Date Posted: Nov 30, 2008 at 1:34am
Originally Posted By: sara201 ``&$ $p !0 a
sara i have mine pierced all the way up on both sides. go for it.

Posted By: scott_f
Date Posted: Dec 25, 2009 at 12:42am

i have 4 in each lobe......2 in the left cart......1 in the right and an industrial on each side

Posted By: shinning_likeme
Date Posted: May 22, 2013 at 4:03am
that is the most best question you asked, as i m planning to get my ears pierced and wear somthing like this

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