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~Secret Strands Hair Extensions~

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Category: Hair Extension Topics
Forum Name: Hair Extensions
Forum Description: Hair Extensions can be the quick fix for short hair.
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Topic: ~Secret Strands Hair Extensions~
Posted By: Blondie1972
Subject: ~Secret Strands Hair Extensions~
Date Posted: Jun 7, 2006 at 2:53pm
Does anyone here know anything about 'Secret Strands' Hair Extensions (fusion) method?
Seems pretty similar to Great Lengths, but I just wanted to get my trusted comments from y'all before making a decision Wink
Blondie19722006-06-07 14:53:36

Replies: 7
Posted By: Blondie1972
Date Posted: Jun 7, 2006 at 2:53pm
Does anyone here know anything about 'Secret Strands' Hair Extensions (fusion) method?
Seems pretty similar to Great Lengths, but I just wanted to get my trusted comments from y'all before making a decision Wink
Blondie19722006-06-07 14:53:36

Posted By: elvira
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2006 at 6:30pm
Do they have a website? I don't think that they have been mentioned on this forum before but I could be wrong. Wish I could help, but I never heard of them.

Posted By: Blondie1972
Date Posted: Jun 8, 2006 at 9:01pm
Originally Posted By: elvira# `($! ` 4! a d`"
Not really~ I did a google search and found only two salons in the USA that use Secret Strands.  No website came up under the search.
I then took a guess and typed into my address bar~
and it comes up saying "Thank you for visiting Secret Strands... under construction..."
Seems there really isn't much info out there... would expect more at $1500.00 Smile

Posted By: elvira
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2006 at 1:53pm
Seems there really isn't much info out there... would expect more at $1500.00 Smile[/Quote]
Are you referring to the price that they charge for installation iat a salon in Canada that you might have your extensions installed?

Posted By: Blondie1972
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2006 at 4:48pm
Elvira~ Yes, that is the price she quoted me for the installation of the extensions.  I know that people pay much more to have extensions installed, but I still think when a company is charging a large amount like bthat, they should have info available regarding their product.
.... Which brings me to something else that happened today.  I wasn't sure about the 'Secret Strands' due to the 'cuticle free' hair that they use and the lack of info available.
I found another salon that has loads of info available and uses Great Lengths extensions and hair.  When I went to the consult this afternoon, I left feeling so much more confident in this newer salon.  Here's the crazy part~ they would be charging $500 less!!!  They charge you for the hair when they order it from Great Lengths and then they day of the install you pay an hourly rate of $100 per hour for the install.  She quoted me a price of approx $1050 Canadian for the whole service... INCLUDING brush, Great Lengths products, etc.  I think I have to pay for the haircut on top of that~ I 'm not sure though~?
From what I have read on here, seems like the price she has quoted (IN WRITING!) is very, very good.
Blondie19722006-06-09 16:49:46

Posted By: elvira
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2006 at 8:27pm
I hate paying that much money to get my hair done! That's alot of money for something that will only last a few months, but hey, if you don't mind... tell her that you are taking the hair home with you when she does the takedown and then you can bring it home and pretip it.

Posted By: Blondie1972
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2006 at 10:28pm
I feel the exact same way about the cost.
I'm not crazy about spending that kind of money on extensions~ nor am I made of money or independently wealthy or anything like that Smile.  I just have so little experience with extensions that I feel like I should/need to pay someone to do it for me the first few times. 
I have spent quite a bit of time researching hair extensions and have experience with one prior set installed.  When I decided to go for extensions again, I had come to the decision that I am unhappy enough with current lack of length and lack of thickness in my hair that the money is worth it to me this time... as long as I am happy with the results. 
That said, I certainly don't have $1100.00 to spend on hair extensions every three months (sure wish I did though!).  After these extensions that I will have put in next week, I will need to figure out what sort of options are available to me.
One problem I have is that the city I live in only has three salons that do extensions (that I have found so far anyway).  One salon does the Great Lengths at an excellent price~ but that excellent price is still too much to be paying every three months.  Another salon does 'Secret Strands' Heat fusion strand by strand method and uses 'cuticle free' hair that does not come highly recommended whatsoever.  There is a third salon owned by a lovely woman who does sewn in wefts and she is quite good at what she does.  I am thinking that maybe between the info that is available through this excellent forum and by working with the gal who does the sewn in wefts that maybe we can find a type of extensions that she can do for me that are great looking and also affordable. 
I have no problem buying the hair on my own~ and all the supplies if necessary and then simply paying someone for their time and talent to install them for me.  At this point in time, I don't really think I trust myself to install my own extensions Big smile
Blondie19722006-06-09 22:31:37

Posted By: Blondie1972
Date Posted: Jun 9, 2006 at 10:29pm
Originally Posted By: elvira<@@.$& ` 0( @D
BTW~ Thanks for the tip!  I will most definitely do that.

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