How much for great lengths?
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Topic: How much for great lengths?
Posted By: sdchick Subject: How much for great lengths? Date Posted: May 17, 2006 at 3:37am
For the people out there who have Great Lengths...I was just wondering if you could give me some info on how much you paid for it...I know it probably varies depending on how much hair you have put in, but I was just looking for a rough estimate so I'll know what to expect...
Replies: 15 Posted By: sdchick
Date Posted: May 17, 2006 at 3:37am
For the people out there who have Great Lengths...I was just wondering if you could give me some info on how much you paid for it...I know it probably varies depending on how much hair you have put in, but I was just looking for a rough estimate so I'll know what to expect...
Posted By: 222chik222
Date Posted: May 17, 2006 at 6:52am
ALOT! lol thats the short answer. I havent had greatlengths but have looked into getting them. My hair is average-kinda thick and it would have cost me around $900-1100 for a full head. They only last up to 6 months as well and because of the type of fusion they use to attach the hair, it cant be reused. In my opinion, its just not worth it. If you have a look at some of the posts on this forum you will see heaps of other suggestions, which will set you back 150-250 for a full head of extensions which will last you 4-6 months depending on how rough you are on your hair. If you get good hair, you can reuse it as well and it can last for up to a year. Just a few options for you which could save you mega $$ =D
Posted By: elvira
Date Posted: May 17, 2006 at 6:55am
I had GL installed only once. The hair was nice, and the tips held well.
I paid $1500 for everything except the top of my head (crown area) not sure about how many rows, mabey six.
18" length.
installed in Massachusetts
they threw the hair away and said it wasn't reusable after it was removed.
Where are you getting them done? Other than the price, I liked them.
Date Posted: May 17, 2006 at 7:49am
I have been quoted around 2,500 -5,000 in nc for 18" hair. ( $ )`d`dab$ -$*("b -.0bb %:( !,-
Posted By: malibu
Date Posted: May 17, 2006 at 12:52pm
I was quoted $10 per bond. I threw up a little in my mouth when I heard that.
It takes about 200 bonds for half of my head.
Posted By: 1kathyann
Date Posted: May 17, 2006 at 12:59pm
I had great lengths and I was quoted $2500 for full head 12 inches. I about died I found a stylist that does them for $300 to install plus the price of the hair I took 5 bundles and it cost around $250. I am not using great lengths any more just for the fact of convience and to save a little more money. I loved thier hair though, I could do anything, I mean anything and it never tangled or matted, I had no problems with it. But I will say I would never pay high price there are other methods and hair that is just as good.
Posted By: Carol328
Date Posted: Sep 7, 2006 at 2:32pm
I was lucky enough to find a stylist that works in the Salon doing the G.L hair extensions that does mine on the side. In the beginning, I had paid about $1500.00 to have them done! (and this was 1997) I had gone to the Salon and was very disappointed with them because they started falling out after only about 6 weeks. I had saved all of my paychecks practically to get them done so I was fuming mad when I went back to the Salon to complain. The owner, of course blamed it all on my hair saying it was "too fine, too soft" but after me complaining so much he finally relented and had them put in another batch for free. Well, after hearing this, one of the girls that I befriended there took me aside and said that she was starting to do hair extensions on the side and gave me her telephone#. To this day I still go to her. I pay for the hair $130.00 for 24" which I use, and she only charges me $65.00 to install them. So I've lucked out pretty good. The only thing is that the hair seems to shred on me alot so Im now looking to find a DIY method that I can do. My daughter who is 23 years old said she can put them in for me. But as for going to the Salon to get G.L extensions, forget it.
Posted By: barbielocs
Date Posted: Sep 7, 2006 at 4:17pm
i am in a salon but i only do extensions. have only been doing extension for 5 years so i am really quick at the takes me about 4 hours to do a full head(if you come in with your hair prepped and ready to go)
administrator2006-09-07 16:52:40
Posted By: JeepGirl
Date Posted: Sep 7, 2006 at 4:35pm
Great hair....had them for 3 or 4 years.....but I would rather have all that money I spent! I would have my hair straightened, colored....and cut, with 6rows of hair. ...It usually ran me around $1,800... and to me now....well that is just too much money for any extention that should be taken out after 3 or 4 months of wear. I kept mine in more like7or 8....and trust me...I paid the price!
If I had to do it all over again.....I would of found a different method that was wayyyyyyy cheaper and I could afford to re-do every 3 months.
Thats just my opinion....but if you can afford it.....go for it... it's great hair! !, S(,`p "$ %%0`r
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Posted By: citgirl630
Date Posted: Sep 8, 2006 at 7:15am
Hey Barbielocs so you only do hair extensions? Are your a cosmetologist too?
Posted By: citgirl630
Date Posted: Sep 8, 2006 at 7:19am
Oh never mind I just saw your website :-)
Posted By: missy66
Date Posted: Sep 8, 2006 at 1:02pm
I was quited $250 per bundle, which would include install and hair. I said forget that...and we did the ring method instead. I think it will be so much easier to get out, anyhow!
Posted By: barbielocs
Date Posted: Sep 8, 2006 at 1:57pm
gosh i was edited so my above entry sounds retatrded! when you take the great lengths course they "tell" you what to charge. a bundle of 18 inch in 95.00 so they tell you to charge at least double that which would be 190.00 per bundle including install! crazy huh! so for a full head would be around 1520.00 minimun. thats crazy! gl people always try to get you to pay that too. i do great lengths and only charge 1100.00 ! i dont think its fair to charge as much as they say. so when you get quoted remember that half of the money they quote you is there profit so you can might be able to talk them down! barbielocs2006-09-08 13:59:57
Posted By: Divavocals
Date Posted: Sep 8, 2006 at 2:46pm
$1100.00 is still a LOT of cheddar for extensions IMO...
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Posted By: barbielocs
Date Posted: Sep 8, 2006 at 5:29pm
i agree that it is still alot! some peole only want them though because it has been advertised so much. i offer alot of hair that is just as great but again sometimes people think because they here so much about it that it has to be the best! i took there course 6 years ago when it was newer and there were not as many options as there is today. at the time i was only doing wefts and fusion from a glue gun so when i saw hair with a tip i was sold because of how much time it saved me. would i take there course today? most likely not esp because they charge more for it tham they used too. but since i did take it, i still offer it. and for gl 1100 for 200 bonds is a great price (though alot)barbielocs2006-09-08 17:32:09
Posted By: Darling Nikkie
Date Posted: Sep 11, 2006 at 5:51am
I had GL in a few times. Luckily the company I worked for payed for them so it didn't hurt me . I kept them in for up to a year, only because I'd feel guilty about the company paying so much money for them. Lucky for me my hair stayed in good condition. I saw other things though on some of their clients
The good thing is their hair; it's amazing!
The bad thing is gl's attitude towards their customers. They don't treat them very nice I think. They were quite arrogant, almost making you believe they're the only (good) extensionists in the world.
And the price? RIDICULOUS!!!
I'm so glad I found this forum, because I actually believed you HAVE to go to "class" to learn about extensions. I can't afford that.
Here I find so much helpful information and soon I'm going to do a microring install for one of my friends. I hope to do them for more friends. I'd only charge for cost, because I want to get experience and put together a nice portfolio so that maybe in the future I'll be able to do them professionally.
I want to say thank you to all the helpful ladies here. I check here every day to see if I can learn something new.
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