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sunburned scalp? Help!

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Forum Name: Fine Hair
Forum Description: Devoted to the special needs of those with fine hair.
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Topic: sunburned scalp? Help!
Posted By: 5smiths
Subject: sunburned scalp? Help!
Date Posted: May 15, 2006 at 11:43am
Hi - I'm new to this site - but would welcome any advice.  My youngest daughter (she's 7) has very fine longer hair.  So fine and thin on top that her scalp is constantly getting sunburned.  And her school won't allow her to wear a hat to recess.  So I guess I need advice in a couple areas - #1 does anyone know of a product that I can put on her scalp that WON'T make her hair greasy?  #2 is there a cut that she could get that might thicken up her hair some and protect her scalp more?  Thanks for any help in this area.  Stephanie

Replies: 3
Posted By: 5smiths
Date Posted: May 15, 2006 at 11:43am
Hi - I'm new to this site - but would welcome any advice.  My youngest daughter (she's 7) has very fine longer hair.  So fine and thin on top that her scalp is constantly getting sunburned.  And her school won't allow her to wear a hat to recess.  So I guess I need advice in a couple areas - #1 does anyone know of a product that I can put on her scalp that WON'T make her hair greasy?  #2 is there a cut that she could get that might thicken up her hair some and protect her scalp more?  Thanks for any help in this area.  Stephanie

Posted By: nursie
Date Posted: May 19, 2006 at 9:06pm
i read your post earlier in the week, and i have suffered from the same thing myself but wasnt sure of the name of a product that would work and be non-greasy...............once when we were snorkling all day i had water proof spf lotion allllllll over me, but not on my thin and fine as my hair is i had a bright red sunburn that hurt for the next week up on the crown of my head and where my hair had nautrally parted in the water
ever since then i have learned when im going to be in the sun to wear a hat or when i dont want to i take the spray on kind of spf and spritz it heavily right on the crown of my head
so anyway.....what you are looking for:
Neutrogena Cooling Body Spray in spf is in a silver aerosol can, i bought this a while back and it is very undetectable on the after reading your post i sprayed a LOT in my hair and it made no greasiness
in walmart there are also some other brands of spf sprays that are labeled 'dry oil' and they would work too :)
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Posted By: 5smiths
Date Posted: May 23, 2006 at 4:16pm
Thank you so much Nursie - I'm going to give that Neutrogena spray a try!

Posted By: Kirea
Date Posted: Jun 14, 2006 at 3:04am
I can't help but be angry that your daughter suffers painful sunburns on her scalp because she can't protect her head with a hat when outside at school. Can they not even wear a warm hat to keep themselves from getting chilled in the winter?
With the awareness nowadays of how damaging sun can be, you would think the school board would be more sympathetic. Perhaps you could speak to a principal or headmaster about this?
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