acrylic overlays
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Topic: acrylic overlays
Posted By: stormee Subject: acrylic overlays Date Posted: May 9, 2006 at 7:12pm
I want to give myself acrylic overlays. I bought a liquid and a powder. All it says is acrylic liquid and acrylic white powder. Do I need to buy anything else? Also, how do I apply them, they came with absolutely no directions. My nails are a decent length so I won't be doing tips or anything,just an overlay.
Replies: 6 Posted By: stormee
Date Posted: May 9, 2006 at 7:12pm
I want to give myself acrylic overlays. I bought a liquid and a powder. All it says is acrylic liquid and acrylic white powder. Do I need to buy anything else? Also, how do I apply them, they came with absolutely no directions. My nails are a decent length so I won't be doing tips or anything,just an overlay.
Posted By: naildiva
Date Posted: May 9, 2006 at 9:08pm
As a professional, I dont recommend doing your own. Threre is just too many damage and sanitation issues to contend with. Having said that, there are many sites on the internet that can help you. Do a search.
Posted By: stormee
Date Posted: May 10, 2006 at 12:25am
That was my first try. That's why I posted here. After 100 or so sites, nothing. If it's a trade secret or something, I'll just figure it out on my own. It's just overlays, not brain surgery.
Posted By: naildiva
Date Posted: May 10, 2006 at 2:08pm
no not brain surgery, just the risk of severe infection, loss of nails, allergic reactions.....
Posted By: stormee
Date Posted: May 10, 2006 at 2:16pm
Actually, the risk is higher at the discount nail places than at home. That's all there is within many miles of me. The $20-30 places. They take all kind of shortcuts like not sanitizing their instruments and supplies properly between customers and they file the hell out of your nails. Not only is it painful, but it absolutely destroys your nails. If I'm going to have an allergic reaction to acrylic, I'll have it anywhere, a nail salon won't prevent that. But I've had acrylic before and I don't. At home, at least I don't risk supplies that have been in contact with hundreds of people and an overhurried nail tech who's going to file the hell out of my nails.
Posted By: naildiva
Date Posted: May 10, 2006 at 3:22pm
Posted By: curious0625
Date Posted: May 10, 2006 at 11:13pm
I used to do my nails myself, and I still would if I had a e-file i think they are called(a professional type file or nail dremel) Filing is the worst part about doing your own acrylic nails. I loved it though, and learned a lot doing it just by researching on the internet. I was able to be creative and I had nails that were original no one else had nails that looked like mine. And your right, you're probably at more risk a one of those little nail shops. I did my nails for 1 yr and a half to 2 yrs. and I never gave my self fungus or had fingernails fall off or anything that. And when I started I knew nothing about acrylic. So I say, if that's what you want to do, do it. Just be prepared for hours of filing.