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Help! Weird hair problem

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Topic: Help! Weird hair problem
Posted By: wellsofjoy
Subject: Help! Weird hair problem
Date Posted: May 7, 2006 at 11:28am

About a week ago, my hair texture started to change on top of my head.  It is hard and greasy. No matter what I shampoo it with, I can't get it back to the way it was.

About a month ago, I had a botched highlighting job done to my auburn hair. It has big patches of yellow/blond in it.  She didn't really touch the under layers though.  AND, those are the areas not affected by my new plague.

Is this some kind of damage from the coloring?  I tried a stripping shampoo to remove build-up and that did not work. I just don't know what to do!  HELP PLEASE!  My hair is actually hard and greasy on top!


Replies: 2
Posted By: wellsofjoy
Date Posted: May 7, 2006 at 11:28am

About a week ago, my hair texture started to change on top of my head.  It is hard and greasy. No matter what I shampoo it with, I can't get it back to the way it was.

About a month ago, I had a botched highlighting job done to my auburn hair. It has big patches of yellow/blond in it.  She didn't really touch the under layers though.  AND, those are the areas not affected by my new plague.

Is this some kind of damage from the coloring?  I tried a stripping shampoo to remove build-up and that did not work. I just don't know what to do!  HELP PLEASE!  My hair is actually hard and greasy on top!

4!,, C`bna

Posted By: DulcieB
Date Posted: May 7, 2006 at 3:05pm


I have no idea what could have caused this but you do need to get to a professional straight away and get some doesn't sound good. Good Luck.

Posted By: qoosmicah
Date Posted: Jul 27, 2006 at 11:24am
I am experiencing the same symptoms.  The hair on the top of my head and on the forehead just gets like greasy and hard (like one has applied gel onto it).  And no matter how i washed it, it's still like this.

No itches, and hair falling.... just the texture changed since last week.

I've been to the skin doctor today, and she has no idea what's happening.
I've been to the hair salon, and no idea of what's happening.

I'm quite worried about it....

Can you tell me how you finally solved this problem?

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