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Cardiologist Help For Your Heart

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Topic: Cardiologist Help For Your Heart
Posted By: Sunduster
Subject: Cardiologist Help For Your Heart
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2006 at 2:33pm

The cardiologist said :

If your driving home after a hard days work, tired , stressed, and frustrated. All of a sudden you feel severe pain in your chest. It radiates out into your arm, then up into your jaw. Your five miles from the hospital nearest your home, but not sure if your going to make it. No one has trained you how to use CPR on yourself. You need to know how to survive.


So many people are alone when a heart attack occurs. If your heart is beating improperly, and you begin to feel faint, you have 10 seconds before you start to lose consciousness.

You can help yourself by coughing repeatedly, and very vigorously. A deep breathe should be taken before each cough. The cough needs to be deep , and prolonged. As when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breathe and a cough must be repeated every two seconds, with no let up. This is to be done until help arrives. Or until the heart appears to be breathing normal again.

Deep breathes get oxygen into the lungs. Coughing squeezes the heart, and gets blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it to regain normal rhythm.

This way all heart attack victims do have a chance to make it to the hospital.



Replies: 11
Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: Apr 16, 2006 at 2:33pm

The cardiologist said :

If your driving home after a hard days work, tired , stressed, and frustrated. All of a sudden you feel severe pain in your chest. It radiates out into your arm, then up into your jaw. Your five miles from the hospital nearest your home, but not sure if your going to make it. No one has trained you how to use CPR on yourself. You need to know how to survive.


So many people are alone when a heart attack occurs. If your heart is beating improperly, and you begin to feel faint, you have 10 seconds before you start to lose consciousness.

You can help yourself by coughing repeatedly, and very vigorously. A deep breathe should be taken before each cough. The cough needs to be deep , and prolonged. As when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breathe and a cough must be repeated every two seconds, with no let up. This is to be done until help arrives. Or until the heart appears to be breathing normal again.

Deep breathes get oxygen into the lungs. Coughing squeezes the heart, and gets blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it to regain normal rhythm.

This way all heart attack victims do have a chance to make it to the hospital.



Posted By: Sharyg11
Date Posted: Aug 31, 2006 at 6:30pm
Thanks so much for sharing this.

Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: Sep 1, 2006 at 11:19am
This is something that needed airing for the world. Never know when one will need it.

Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2007 at 1:35pm


 Doc says:


 This  is a viral infection that causes the larynx or trachea to narrow during swelling. The larynx goes into spasms, and the sufferer experiences difficulty breathing. A harsh barking cough, hoarseness, tightness in the lungs, and feelings of suffocation.  Mucus production may also increase, further clogging airways.


At first you may think it

Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2007 at 1:38pm



Doc Says



Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2007 at 1:39pm

Cuts and Scrapes


Life Is Full Of Ups And Downs.


Doc says :


You slice a finger instead of a cucumber. Or your dog gets too affectionate and scratches your arm. Or your hand slip while doing home repairs. Well welcome to cuts and scrapes.


Bandage Busters

All is fine until time to remove it. So try and use a tiny pair of scissors to separate the bandage part from the adhesive sections. Pull it gently away from your scrape. Then remove the adhesive strips.


Now if the scab is stuck to the bandage, soak the area in a salt mixture of warm water and salt. Take a tsp of salt and mix it into a gallon of warm water. Have patience, it works.


If a bandage is stuck on the forearm, leg, or chest hair- pull in the direction of the hair growth. Use a q tip saturated in baby oil or rubbing alcohol to moisten the adhesive fully, before pulling away from the skin.


Stop The Bleeding.

The fastest way to stop it is to apply direct pressure. Place a clean absorbent cloth

Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2007 at 1:42pm

Great Health Knowledge and old tips


 The color of an orange does not necessarily indicate its quality. Oranges are usually dyed to improve their appearance. Brown spots indicate a good quality orange. Sweet oranges will have a large naval. Oranges that look green are very sweet, and excellent to eat.

The bloods are very sweet and juicy. The Hamlin is best for juicing. The Jaffa is sweet. The naval that has his belly button sticking out , is seedless and sweet.

The pineapple orange is very  flavorful and juicy. The temple is sweet and good for juicing.

If you roll your oranges, lemons and limes on the counter with your hand, you

Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2007 at 1:43pm

How We  Can Cope with Menapause


 Do You Have P M Z?


Doc Says:


I said P M Z , not P M S. P M Z stands for Postmenopausal Zest. I mean women need to seize this stage of life, and live to the fullest.


No more pregnancies, or once a month cycle that slowed you down. You are now free. Go really explore what it feels like to be a woman. Not just someone who raises children. This is your time, so go and enjoy.


You will feel some of the traditional symptoms such as hot flashes, sudden chills, low sexual desire,vaginal dryness, emotional upset, and sleeping problems. But your doc can advice you with these problems/

Menopause begins when your ovaries no longer function, when estrogen  secretion slows, then stops, and monthly menstruation becomes irregular, then ceases.


Ususally menopause is reached by age 51. this is the time to make life an adventure. Go back to school. Change careers, find a new hobby. You decide.



Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2007 at 1:44pm

More Health Knowledge tips


Berries should be firm and the color bright.

They should be refrigerated, and not allowed to dry out. For best flavor use 2-3 days after purchase. Always check the bottom of the basket for stain from rotting and mold. Mold will spread quickly.

Blackberries have been used for relieving the symptoms from arthritis, weak kidneys, anemia, gout, and minor skin irritations. Blueberries have been used as a blood cleanser, anti

Posted By: Sunduster
Date Posted: Feb 17, 2007 at 1:45pm

Temper Tantrums


These can erupt any time from 14 months on up. Yes even adults throw them. As adults were just better at expressing our displeasures. Two year old are more direct, and challenging.


Those terrible twos people say are hard to deal with.  Not really . 


 Here are some ways that will help you deal with them, so they don

Posted By: huai0592
Date Posted: May 21, 2011 at 4:06am
I am a newer here.
Glad to meet u.

Posted By: mannhurst.hurst
Date Posted: Feb 1, 2012 at 12:35am
If your general medical doctor feels that you might have a significant heart or related condition, he or she will often call on a cardiologist for help. Symptoms like

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