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weight watchers...

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Category: Beauty Talk
Forum Name: Diet Days
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Topic: weight watchers...
Posted By: palikane
Subject: weight watchers...
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2006 at 3:19pm
Okay so I have been doing WeightWatchers for about three weeks...I've heard your supposed to be losing about three pounds a week...but I haven't lost anything! I am 15,  5'5 and 129 pounds. I am considerably active...playing volleyball two and half hours twice a week.  I have been eating  very healthy since the diet. I used to be involved in anorexia but thankfully got out of it before it got terrible. But I must say, I honestly have become verry frusterated with my lack of success and have considered going back to anorexia (only for a little bit..but im afraid I won't stop).  I have a goal of around 105-115 only trying to slim my abs, butt and thighs and I figured with WeightWatchers I could still eat healthy, but eat enough for me to grow. Is there any reason for me not losing any wieght? Should I try a new diet? ANY thoughts would be WELLLLLL appreciated!
Thanks... palikane38799.6389583333

Replies: 4
Posted By: palikane
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2006 at 3:19pm
Okay so I have been doing WeightWatchers for about three weeks...I've heard your supposed to be losing about three pounds a week...but I haven't lost anything! I am 15,  5'5 and 129 pounds. I am considerably active...playing volleyball two and half hours twice a week.  I have been eating  very healthy since the diet. I used to be involved in anorexia but thankfully got out of it before it got terrible. But I must say, I honestly have become verry frusterated with my lack of success and have considered going back to anorexia (only for a little bit..but im afraid I won't stop).  I have a goal of around 105-115 only trying to slim my abs, butt and thighs and I figured with WeightWatchers I could still eat healthy, but eat enough for me to grow. Is there any reason for me not losing any wieght? Should I try a new diet? ANY thoughts would be WELLLLLL appreciated!
Thanks... palikane38799.6389583333

Posted By: Anomis
Date Posted: Mar 23, 2006 at 3:59pm

Hi  palikane.,

My  name  is  Simona.  I  am  a  healthcare  professional.  I  do  not want  to  insult  your  intelligence,  I'll  just  put  some  things  out  there  for  you  to  think  about,  ok,  thank  goodness  you  got  your  self  some  help.  Good  job.

have  you  seen  a  doctor? 

consider  genetics?  your  mom?  dad?  siblings?  body  composition.  Periods? 

And  I  have  struggled  with  an  eating  disorder  myself,,,restricting  uuugh  it  was  horrible,  bullimia...few......,  glad  that's  over  with.

Well  as  you  have  probably  already  figured  out every  food  plan  for  weight  loss  does  not  have  the  same  effect  on  us  the  same  way  ,  Right?

You  are  not  alone.  I  tried  medifast,  Atkins,  etc.  Finally  I  came  to  the  conclusion  that  I  should  just  eat  moderately  and  do  what  you are  already  doing  EXCERCISE.

Suggestion:  what  are  your  motives  for  wanting  to  lose  weight?

Are  you  trying  to  make  weight  for  a  sports  requirement  or  something?

Best  of  Luck  to  ya'  Girl.

Posted By: katay
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2006 at 7:59am

 I agree with Anomis,

 I am not a health care professional. But I've studied nutirion since I was 16 yr.s And I'm 35 now.  I too am very active, and the more muscle, the heavier, since muscle does weigh more fat, believe it or not.

 Plus, You are still developing, so cut yourself some slack.  Also, Portion control and excersise are the best methods I've found not only to lose, but maintain my weight. I too am 5'5" but I weigh between 133 and 135, depending on my periods, you know.

 P.S. I am still technically a certified Nurses assistant, even though I'm not working right now.

 Please consider all advice, and Please DON"T resort to anorexia again. but if You do, please get some help!

 Eating Disorders are terrible on the body.

 I realize over eating is as bad as anorexia and Buliemia, but to be healthy, and happy, consider what Anomis and I have posted.

 Take care, and God Bless You!

 Love, katie;)

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Posted By: thenumber1lon
Date Posted: Mar 24, 2006 at 4:16pm
dont go back to the anerexia

Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Mar 25, 2006 at 3:52am
Just keep up with your Weight Watchers, exercise every day, and hopefully you'll see some results soon.  Sometimes it takes a while after you start a new approach before you know if it's working or not. ! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``

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