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Hello to everyone and maybe advice

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Topic: Hello to everyone and maybe advice
Posted By: whitemamacita
Subject: Hello to everyone and maybe advice
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2006 at 10:32am

Hi my name is Christina and I live in msot of the time boring Indiana.  I am the mother of 2 beautiful children, one daughter that is 14 I may add and growing more beautiful everyday.  Anyhoo, I have always had longer hair.  Right now is the longest I have ever had it.  It is all pretty much one length and past the middle of my back.  I do not have bangs at the present time and have been considering cutting some for this summer.  What I am asking is if anyone else out there has done this, which I am sure someone has and the experience with them.  I mean I am used to pulling all my hair back without any bangs or anything and I know it takes a long time usually to grow bangs out so I am a bit gunshy about it.  My husband doesn't want me to do it but I don't think he weathers change well as one time I cut my hair about 3 inches past my shoulders and he asked me not to do that again, as you can guess he likes super long hair.  I have had my hair this way for about 10 years so I would like a little change and I heard that bangs are in this season also.  Well any advice would be great.  I have inculded a PIC of myself and any feedback is appreciated as I'm the type that has to go and get them cut when I feel the mood strike or I will chicken out.  Thanks and glad to be on the board and reading all the stuff.  Hopefully the PIC below shows up, it's my most recent PIC and shows my hair pretty well.  Please let me know what ya think on cutting bangs! =1067599588/a=43110292_43110292/t_=43110292


Replies: 2
Posted By: whitemamacita
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2006 at 10:32am

Hi my name is Christina and I live in msot of the time boring Indiana.  I am the mother of 2 beautiful children, one daughter that is 14 I may add and growing more beautiful everyday.  Anyhoo, I have always had longer hair.  Right now is the longest I have ever had it.  It is all pretty much one length and past the middle of my back.  I do not have bangs at the present time and have been considering cutting some for this summer.  What I am asking is if anyone else out there has done this, which I am sure someone has and the experience with them.  I mean I am used to pulling all my hair back without any bangs or anything and I know it takes a long time usually to grow bangs out so I am a bit gunshy about it.  My husband doesn't want me to do it but I don't think he weathers change well as one time I cut my hair about 3 inches past my shoulders and he asked me not to do that again, as you can guess he likes super long hair.  I have had my hair this way for about 10 years so I would like a little change and I heard that bangs are in this season also.  Well any advice would be great.  I have inculded a PIC of myself and any feedback is appreciated as I'm the type that has to go and get them cut when I feel the mood strike or I will chicken out.  Thanks and glad to be on the board and reading all the stuff.  Hopefully the PIC below shows up, it's my most recent PIC and shows my hair pretty well.  Please let me know what ya think on cutting bangs! =1067599588/a=43110292_43110292/t_=43110292

) Pif`

Posted By: DM61
Date Posted: Feb 21, 2006 at 7:14pm

Hi Christina,

I say go for it, I think you would look good with some bangs. I also feel it wouldn't hurt to shorten your hair a few inches. You would look great.


Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Feb 28, 2006 at 7:27am

Welcome Christina, you look great and your hair length is very nice.  I like longer hair too.  I think you look good with bangs or without, the choice is up to you.  If you want the sideswept bangs everyone is talking about, you will need them to be a little longer (and having had them myself I warn you may find them incredibly annoying if you're not used to bangs, as they hang around eye level or even a little below, and it takes some hairspray and effort to get them to stay sideswept).  For this reason I usually wear mine just above or at the eyebrows. 

I was bangless for many years before cutting mine.  They take a little getting used to, and if you have an oily complexion you will have to shampoo them every morning, but I've come to love mine and I feel I look a lot better with them (they hide wrinkles!).

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