Yucky Sticky Tape Goo
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Topic: Yucky Sticky Tape Goo
Posted By: monsterita Subject: Yucky Sticky Tape Goo Date Posted: Jan 29, 2006 at 1:26pm
Ugh! It was time for a take-down and re-install of my pro-tac wefts after 3 weeks. I have a very oily scalp and have to wash my hair every day. I could feel the glue on the tape starting to break down. It had that slightly slimey feeling (no slipping, though, since I anchored with shrinkies). So, last night I took it all out using a lot of conditioner and the shrinkies remover.
I got all the tape slime out of my hair after about 6 washes and lots of remover, but I still can't get the stuff off my wefts. I've soaked in remover, and washed, and soaked, and washed, and scrubbed, and soaked, but the slime is still there. It's awful and disgusting.
Any suggestions for getting out the slime? Do those of you using the tape just tape over the slime, use new wefts, or have a secret method of getting them clean?
Replies: 9 Posted By: monsterita
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2006 at 1:26pm
Ugh! It was time for a take-down and re-install of my pro-tac wefts after 3 weeks. I have a very oily scalp and have to wash my hair every day. I could feel the glue on the tape starting to break down. It had that slightly slimey feeling (no slipping, though, since I anchored with shrinkies). So, last night I took it all out using a lot of conditioner and the shrinkies remover.
I got all the tape slime out of my hair after about 6 washes and lots of remover, but I still can't get the stuff off my wefts. I've soaked in remover, and washed, and soaked, and washed, and scrubbed, and soaked, but the slime is still there. It's awful and disgusting.
Any suggestions for getting out the slime? Do those of you using the tape just tape over the slime, use new wefts, or have a secret method of getting them clean? !) Pi`d 1`% -)
Posted By: tbctbc
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2006 at 2:26pm
I took mine out after two weeks cause I wanted to play with dyeing the hair...it took about an hour...I used amms remover...it was weird, some came out well, and the whole tape strip came off (which was great) and then others, the tape disintegrated, and it was nearly impossible to get all the sticky stuff off...if you can keep the tape in one strip, its by far easier to get off...
Since I dont have that much patience, I got as much sticky as I could out from the wefts, and then just reinstalled like that...it worked well since those parts are covered with the tape again anyways...
Posted By: Amanda8Beechwoo
Date Posted: Jan 29, 2006 at 2:47pm
Best way to get them out is with conditioner x @`d` $%re ,( (b` $$,b` .2 )!-!,$!,!-,%(@r '.
Posted By: kristie m
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2006 at 2:02am
I think I remember reading a post a while back where someone said that
the remover stuff left the wefts slimy. Whoever made the post said that
conditioner alone was the best way to get the glue off. Maybe there are
kinds of conditioner that work better? I'm really interested in what you
figure out, Monsterita, as I'm getting ready to my first install next
weekend. Please keep us posted.! % S dn t`` ,$ ,b ) @@ !
Posted By: sherrie215
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2006 at 6:04am
has anyone tried acetone on the wefts? $- P cn`dp0% 00BB .64b" !( %($%,!)$!!!!8br 0
Posted By: monsterita
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2006 at 10:03am
I was wondering if acetone would work. I might try it next time.
I ended up using a lot of Goo-be-Gone and it got the glue off but left the wefts really oily. I washed them about five times after that and got most of the oil off. The new tape, though, isn't sticking as well on the weft. I think the best thing to do is to just leave the sticky residue on the weft and put the tape back over it. That's what I did the first time. I was just a little compulsive about getting them clean this time and I don't think it's working out as well. !) Pi`d 1`% -)
Posted By: gsmilie
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2006 at 10:16am
I just did a take down last week and also had some issues.
1. my top 2 rows matted really bad in some areas. I think that it was matting with the"beard" on the weft. It was a bitc# to get out. Lots of oil, lots of rubbing and I also finially put some conditioner in and just had to start pulling.
2. Most of the wefts were left with the sticky ucky gooy gunk!! I tried to wash, but that left them even worse. I did use some acetone and as long as the wefts were in a bowl and I worked the gunk off, it worked good, but as soon as I took them out of the acetone, they became even more stickier. So, I just pulled the big chunks off and re-installed.
3. I had alot of shedding with my first install, I believe it was because the wefts were a zig-zag weft, anyways, I thought that this time around I would re-inforce the ends. Big mistake, I used nail glue and now I have hard-as-rock pieces in my head.
But over all, it went well. I am planning on posting pics later today.
I did read earlier this weekend that someone used Aussie 3-min conditioner to take out the wefts and that it worked great.
Posted By: kristie m
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2006 at 12:56pm
Thanks, guys, for all your great information here. Sounds like we overly
compulsive types just need to get used to having some old goo on the
wefts when we re-install.
I was wondering if any of you have noticed any damage to your hair as a
result of taking the wefts out, or did they come out of your hair pretty
easily? ! % S dn t`` ,$ ,b ) @@ !
Posted By: monsterita
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2006 at 3:28pm
Kristie: I may have pulled out some of my own hair when I took out the wefts, and sometimes, I snap some of my hair when I run my fingers through my hair and it gets stuck on the tape. When I combed through my hair after taking out the wefts, I had a big pile of my hair in my comb. Most of it was probably my natural shedding that had been stuck in the tape, but I think overall, I would probably have more hair on my head if I had never put in extensions.
gsmilie: Is it your extension hair that is matting or your natural hair, or are they both matting together? Is it because you can't brush that close to the tape?
!) Pi`d 1`% -)
Posted By: monsterita
Date Posted: Jan 30, 2006 at 3:31pm
BTW, if you hit the "Clear Form" button, it will clear away the new crud from the reply box....!) Pi`d 1`% -)