More kid's tips:
Tie a small helium filled balloon to a button on a toddler's clothes. This will keep him in sight in a large crowd.
Tie several to a tent, so kids can locate the camp sight.
Tie several to a beach chair, so the little ones can spot ya.
Make a party invitation. Blow up balloons. Write the information on them. Now deflate an mail.
Kid's party punch. Fill a balloon with clean water. Tint it with food color. Put it in a bowl and freeze. Peel off balloon. Ready for a punch bowl.
Blow up balloons, and use as a place card, for a child's party. Put a name on it. Now tie to their chair.
Sew a button on both cuffs of their mittens. Now button them on their coats.
Put a piece of scotch tape on the inside of a child's wrist. This will occupy them, while they have a picture taken.
To reduce your child's long tangles in her hair. Take an braid it before going to bed. In the morning it will be free of tangles, and wavy.
To detange your child's hair.Comb from the bottom up, until the comb moves easily from crown to tips.
After combing out the tangles, brush the hair briefly to stimulate the scalp.
Don't need to make a birthday cake. More fun this way. Let all the kids at the party, decorate cup cakes. Do their own thing with the sprinkles, and all kinds of toppings. But first make the cakes in a flat bottom ice cream cone. Tons of fun to decorate. They'll enjoy it more.
Give your child a small clothes basket. He/she can around around and pick up his/her toys for ya. From there he/she can put them in there proper places. Make a game out of it.
Put your child's outfit's for school in a plastic bag. Mark the days of the week on each. Now when you're not around they can pull the bag for that day. Dress him, or her self. If your there, then you can pull it. This helps them build skills for them selves.
Fussy children that won't eat. Often fruits, and vegetables, and a whole wheat cracker.
Two year olds. They like peek a boo, sing alongs, someone reading to them, (but don't forget to show them the pictures.) Also bubbles, and follow me games. Just to name a few.
The best toys, are boxes and containers. They like to use their imagination.
Styrofoam meat trays work best in the tub. They float.
If they don't like getting their hair shampooed. Just put a sprinking can in the tub. Now tell them you've got to water the flower's, so they'll grow.
Hang a bell over their door. You'll know when they leave the room. Especially sleep - walkers.
Set a timer for baths. Then you won't hear " Well she/he was in there longer than me"
Get your child involved in mealtime conversations. You need to know what is happening at school. Maybe your child is being bullied.
If your child refuses to go to school, that is definitely a sign. Especially if he or she has been enjoying it.