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Have You or would You donate Your Hair?

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Category: Long Hair Happenings
Forum Name: Long Hair Support
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Topic: Have You or would You donate Your Hair?
Posted By: gunnie71
Subject: Have You or would You donate Your Hair?
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2006 at 6:35am

Hi evryone!

 I realize people with Long hair Love it. However would You ever consider donating (at least 10 inches)of Your hair for (I think Cancer patients) to make wigs for "Locks of Love"?

 I feel so stupid, back in summer of 2002, I had at least 15 inches of Hair, and instead of donating it to Locks of Love, I simply chopped it off myself.

 It would take at least 3 years to grow it that long again, but all I want is hair to my shoulders. However if I could turn back the clock, I would've donated at least 10 inches for wigs for cancer patients.

 I know that's a hard decision for many,. I was just wondering what everyone thought about that topic.


 God Bless, See Ya!

Katie ;)

Replies: 55
Posted By: gunnie71
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2006 at 6:35am

Hi evryone!

 I realize people with Long hair Love it. However would You ever consider donating (at least 10 inches)of Your hair for (I think Cancer patients) to make wigs for "Locks of Love"?

 I feel so stupid, back in summer of 2002, I had at least 15 inches of Hair, and instead of donating it to Locks of Love, I simply chopped it off myself.

 It would take at least 3 years to grow it that long again, but all I want is hair to my shoulders. However if I could turn back the clock, I would've donated at least 10 inches for wigs for cancer patients.

 I know that's a hard decision for many,. I was just wondering what everyone thought about that topic.


 God Bless, See Ya!

!$) )!

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2006 at 9:05am

I'm going to try to answer your question in a way that is fair to everyone concerned. This topic used to start fights, so don't be surprised if they wind up locking it to avoid trouble. 

First, if I ever decided to chop off a fair portion of my hair, I don't think I'd mind sending it to them, its either that or the trash, and I like to recycle what I can.  Many hate this organization, and would not.  Would I ever cut it off just for them?  No.  They are not worthy of that in my opinion because they are not up-front enough in their business dealings.  Their Better business report states that they made 150,000 bucks one year selling hair (and the wigs for the kids are supposed to be free, so they are sold to others presumably). They should be more upfront about where unused hair goes so donors know their hair may not go to a sick child, and about where they make their money.  Sure, they need to make money to pay for the free wigs, they should just say so and people would be fine with that instead of appearing dishonest by never mentioning where the money comes from and the tons of extra hair they receive goes.  A lot of people hate this organization because many with long hair get harassed by some of their over-zealous representatives.  No one should go up to someone and tell them how to spend their charity.  Its very rude.

!)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

Posted By: tdouty
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2006 at 9:52am
gunnie71:  I'm curious how you're measuring your hair.  You say that in 2002 you had 15" of hair and that you could have donated at least 10" of it.  From what I understand on this forum the way hair is measured is from the roots at the top of your forehead and back over the top of the head to the ends of the longest layers.  On most people, it would take at least 10" just to get to the top of the back of the neck so if you had 15", you really wouldn't have much to cut at all??  Just curious.  If you're saying that you really had 15" of donatable hair, then your hair must have been pretty long ... maybe more like 25".  Sorry for getting off-topic, but I was curious.

Would Jennifer donate any hair??  I'm not sure.  We too have heard that Locks of Love is a shaky organization.  Jennifer once had hair to her waist and put it in a braid and cut it off and gave it to a girl next door to play with.  She was getting over a bad relationship and just wanted it gone.  She thinks about it now and wishes she would have kept it or done something of more value with it.

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2006 at 9:56am
What Susan W said is right-this topic has been started, fought over and locked on hair boards so many times. I wouldn't donate my hair because it's mine. Sure, cancer patients deserve wigs, but personally, I would feel extremely uncomfortable wearing a wig made out of other peoples hair. 

Posted By: Hellfrozeover
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2006 at 1:01pm

LOL will never see a strand of my hair nor will any other charity. I know it's selfish but I won't ask for a wig from anywhere either. I'd cut my own hair and have a wig made from it if needed.

Posted By: AnaisSatin
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2006 at 1:48pm

I donate money and time.
I donate charity event proceeds.
I would donate my blood if my medical condition didn't prevent it.
I do not donate hair.  

Blessed be  

$$ )'```ara $).,`` %*,`r !,,!-- ,,)-% ! " $4

Posted By: letmecount123
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2006 at 2:25pm

I get asked all the time if I intend to donate my hair.

That's great if someone specifically wants to spend all the time and effort into growing out their hair simply to give it away, but that does not mean that's what everyone wants to do.  No thanks!

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2006 at 2:45pm
Katie, you should wear your hair how you want.  Nobody should compel you to cut your hair if you don't want it to be cut.

I agree 100% with what Susan has written.

People approach me with haircut-for-charity pitches all the time, and I am absolutely sick of it.  None of these people ever bother to grow their own hair long for donation -- they seem perfectly content to frequently trim/maintain their short hairstyles, without ever seeming to give thought to carefully growing their own hair long for such a purpose.  And furthermore, they seem to be infected with the notion that doing their part for charity involves convincing others to donate their visually apparent (and personal) assets.

I give money to a variety of charities.  And since going off the Propecia, I have also begun to give blood again.  We are all free to choose whether or not we give to charitable causes, and if so, to which, and how much.  It's called charity because it's optional -- i.e., not mandatory (such as taxes).

Okay, end of rant.  For now.

Posted By: gunnie71
Date Posted: Jan 16, 2006 at 3:32pm

Hi All,

 I agree with all of you.

 I was simply curious.

 I have never told anyone what to do with their hair. In fact I'm a bit of a rebel, and do new things, long, medium, or short, and I love to experiment with color too.


 Thanks for your input.

 I realize how annoying my Twin sister was when she told me , after I cut my hair really short, that some girl she knew had her long hair chopped and cheerfully donated it to locks of love.

 I didn't know how shady that organization was or can be,...

 Lets forget this thread, I do appeciate everones views.

 take care, God Bless!

!$) )!

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Jan 18, 2006 at 9:27pm
This is my answer. Sorry for not just forgetting it ;)

Years ago when I first heard about LOL and Wigs For Kids and others I wanted to go around to salons and tell them not to throw away the long hair if people left it. I also wanted to tell them they could become part of the LOL program or the WFK program.

I had even thought of donating my hair someday IF I ever wanted to cut it.

Then over the years as I was participating on the forums I saw all the threads about how shady they were. The thing that really bothers me besides the doubts about these charities is that if they were to combine their efforts they would do more good. Maybe they wouldn't have the financial troubles if the sponsors were donating to one organization instead of having to pick and choose. I am always surprised how many people have heard of one of the charities and not the other. I guess it depends on which talk show they've watched or which magazine they've read. On top of that there's another one in Canada called Angel Hair.

Anyway back to the question, if I ever decide to cut my hair in an amount that is enough to donate it will depend on how I feel at that time. At this time a majority of my thoughts say I won't send it to a charity.

To this point in time no one has mentioned to me anything about donating my hair. Meaning no strangers making comments nor relatives. I'm sure it will come soon though.

There is no shame in keeping your hair. Nor is there shame in donating. It doesn't matter whether you knew about the problems with the charities or not. Everyone gets to decide for themselves and I will support their decision.

Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: Jan 19, 2006 at 3:44pm

Let's stay this civilized and we won't need to forget the thread; there are some new people who's input could be interesting   Aren't we a friendly bunch?

I wouldn't donate my hair.  If I ever cut my hair (I would have to be heavily drugged or something, but anyway...) I would keep it to use in my art.  If I got cancer myself, and knew I would lose my hair, i would make a wig from my own.  If a close friend or my sister got cancer I would offer them my hair for a wig. 

God willing I will never be in that kind of situation.  But I'm as likely to donate my hair to a cancer patient as I am to donate a breast - not very

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Posted By: Katja
Date Posted: Jan 19, 2006 at 7:03pm

I agree 100% with what everyone else said about the shadiness of LOL and other such organizations.

However, I will admit that I've donated my hair to them twice.  I saw a 20/20 special about it and thought it was a really great idea, so I donated about 15 inches- my first major haircut.  A year or so later, I donated 10 more inches.  When I found out about LOL's issues with the Better Business Bureau, I was infuriated that I'd hacked off my beloved hair for nothing.  Five years have gone by and I will never donate my hair again.

Furthermore, many people I know see me growing my hair now and ask if I'm going to donate it.  And when I say no, they act like I'm being selfish and mention how they've donated theirs x amount of times.  I tell people my reasons for not doing it (mostly how untrustworthy I find LOL to be) and they act like I'm just making it up because I want an excuse to be decadent and keep my long hair. 

I guess hair donation is a good idea in theory, but these organizations need to be seriously reformed.  Fake hair wigs are much easier to take care of than real hair wigs anyway.  I mean, think about how damaged your hair can get.  And then think about having that damage without being able to use exercise, vitamins & minerals, your body's natural proteins, etc. to rejuvenate your hair.  I see the self-esteem issues that could arise from wearing synthetic hair, but let's be practical here.  Seriously.

Hopefully they won't lock this topic; it may get a little heated but I think it's important for people to see and contribute to.

$ Ca'ba dbd $!(,`b $4`r .-% !,$ !%!),, `p #

Posted By: Longhairdreams
Date Posted: Jan 21, 2006 at 4:10am

I think this is one of the few boards where people consistenly stay level headed.Which is probably the main reason its my favorite anymore.The other boards can be a bit much sometimes,lol.

I had no idea the LOL was so shady.I had heard people say they wouldnt donate to them.I never really cared knowing if my hair were long I wouldnt donate it.It takes time and work to grow and maintain long healthy hair.I definitely dont think thats being selfish.I agree with purplebubba,I think everyone should decide for themselves.To some their hair is just kind of their.And for others its like a part of their body.cutting it off would be like losing an arm.I guess my main thing is how disturbing it is that they are making a profit off of this charity?! Or am I confused.Isnt that illegal.


Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Jan 21, 2006 at 11:54am

I don't know how much they actually get to take home, if anyone cares to analyze it, you can find it on the better business bureau's website

It shows all their spending and how much they made, how much the boss gets for an annual salary, etc.  I assume what they make isn't illegal because the better business bureau does not seem to have a problem with that aspect of it?  I'm not worried about it enough to do the calculating right now myself.  Like I said in my post above, they do make 150,000 bucks in hair sales, and that's the part I felt they should fess up about to their donors, (that their hair may be used for an alopecia areata patient, or may be sold to someone who just wants a wig or extensions).  Like I say, I know they need to make money to survive, and I'm not holding a grudge against them for that, but I wouldn't cut just for them because they should be more honest.  Not just reporting it to the better business bureau, but stating on their website exactly how the process works for all the donors to see what may happen to their hair and make their own decisions based on it.




!)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

Posted By: Karen Shelton
Date Posted: Jan 21, 2006 at 12:58pm
Originally Posted By: Longhairdreams<4@ $ @* $`a` `2

Thank you Long Hair for your kind words about HairTalk.  We try very very hard on an hourly basis to monitor boards and make sure that we do stay level headed.

My biggest problem with LOL, other than the heavily doc*mented shadiness factor, is that I get so many emails from desparately unhappy young girls who were coerced, forced, harrassed to donate their hair by family, friends, society...because it was "the unselfish" thing to do.  Never mind that their hair may never even wind up in a wig for a deserving person.  It breaks my heart to see their very sad first reaction "after the fact".  They cry, they ask for ways to grow their hair back "as fast as possible" and they confess that they would never have done if they had not been forced. 

It makes me furious while breaking my heart at the same time.  There is already so many things that destroy many young people's chances at developing a positive self esteem.  Now there is pressure from them to give up their hair or be branded selfish.  What message does that promote?

Also, you have no idea how many Press Releases I get on a daily basis where some the latest small town paper touts the latest teen who chopped it all off "for a good cause".  It is like reporters who have nothing better to write about focus on your girls being forced to chop off their beloved locks.  Which of course then just promotes the cause more because of the human desire to be "in the news".

Literally I get one a day lately.  So sad.

I am not against charity nor am I specifically against LOL.  I believe in good causes, charity & helping people in need.  I also believe that people can donate to any great cause by having car washes, bake sales, corporate sponsored runs, saving & donating their pennies. has donated literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Red Cross to help with the hurricane disaster efforts.  We didn't require anyone to cut off any body parts to do that. 

And yes, if this topic goes into the ring, it will be locked.  :-)

 !$ Shab` dbe ,%4 b` , 8bp - )%! )-% !$ -,$`r /2

Posted By: redhairedgirl
Date Posted: Jan 21, 2006 at 1:43pm

I would never cut my hair short anyway now, I'll be one of those white haired granny's with waist length hair , but I think it's truly awful that something like LOL is shady. I bet it wasn't like that when it started out, it's as it's grown and become a "business" that it's gotten like that.

I've never been asked to donate my hair, maybe it doesn't happen so much in the UK, if anyone did I would tell them it's MY hair and I want to keep it. I could always donate cash or something if they tried to take me on a guilt-trip.

Posted By: LadyFrog
Date Posted: Jan 21, 2006 at 2:13pm
Yeah, I've never been asked about donating hair either. It's probably an american thing. 

Posted By: dancingbarefoot
Date Posted: Jan 21, 2006 at 2:31pm
Even *if* LoL is totally legit, I wouldn't donate my hair to them. I would
rather donate money towards research for a cure (for cancer or alopecia,
which is the actual disease LoL mentions).

Besides, there are thousands of charities in the world. We can't possibly
support all of them, and we have to pick and choose how to spend our
volunteer time, money, or whatever else. No one gets upset that I don't
donate my car to the Salvation Army's auto donation program, so it should
be the same way about my hair.

Posted By: Tyranna
Date Posted: Jan 22, 2006 at 9:02pm
No I would not.  For one thing, I do color my hair, and it is my understanding that these organizations want virgin hair.  Another thing i that it takes me years to grow my hair.  If I am so inclined, I can think of better ways for me to give to a charity.  The trite phrase, 'its only hair, dead skin cells, it will grow back' does not take into account the years of growing.

My boyfriend did though - he has very fast growing hair and had let it get to down past his shoulder blades at one point.  He wanted it cut and a hairdresser friend of his mother mentioned the charity, so he was happy to give.  But no one coerced him.

If someone tried to guilt or coerce me into doing this for charity, I think I would have some very unkind words for that person.  And I also find it infuriating that people prey upon teenagers for this kind of thing.  I am  leery of most big 'charity' organizations anyways since much of the donations usually go into salaries or funding for more charity drives.

Interesting thing though - the 'shadiness' of the charities mentioned.    There is a lot of money to be made in extensions where installs can cost from anywhere from $500 to $4500.   Hmmmmm.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Jan 23, 2006 at 9:45pm
Originally Posted By: Tyranna<"p $P d ` a"
Yes, that's my understanding too.  Oddly, though, just this evening I was skimming the covers of the magazines displayed at the local public library... when I noticed the Teen Vogue had a cover mention of a hair change.  Curious, I checked.  Alas, a lass lost her locks for mentioned organization. (booo!) Curiously, the corresponding words stated that her hair was lightened (colored) before being cut.  WTH?  Morons!

Posted By: Lyrical
Date Posted: Jan 31, 2006 at 1:51am

I've been pestered many times by stylists wanting me to donate my hair to LoL as well as random strangers first complimenting me on my hair then asking if I'm growing it just to donate it.

The answer is always NO!  Plain and simple.



Posted By: SpecialKitty
Date Posted: Jan 31, 2006 at 9:19am
Welcome, Lyrical, to the board. I really like your name! How long is your hair?

Posted By: strawberryfine
Date Posted: Jan 31, 2006 at 1:45pm

No way.

I'd send money but not my hair or my arm or my leg. 

Human hair wigs are very hard to care for (used to work as a hair stylist and have worked with quite a few; most of my clients preferred synthetic wash-and-dry wigs).


0 ! Babbadabe ,"0 " " ``," -,! - %,% -4`r ).

Posted By: ainocorrida
Date Posted: Feb 1, 2006 at 3:31pm

okay guys, i would actually donate hair if i wanted it cut off cuz there is no reason to cut hair off is there unless you want to use it for something like locks of love.....

but i wouldn't donate hair if i didn't have to or didn't want it cut..

!) C`gfa ``a &, b !$ @ %4 -),%,,, %- `b +(

Posted By: Kimbearly
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2006 at 9:55pm
Hello :O)
I do not post much but I read this board everyday.  My hair has been growing so healthy now since I have become a part of all of your fantastic advice.  When I get a chance I will post my progress pictures.  I am chiming in on this specific topic because in my opinion I believe that LOL does make some fantastic wigs for children, which in turn make the children more confident and happy.  I have seen on TV that LOL gets many thousands of hair in and they only use top quality hair to make the wigs.  Many people who donate hair also feel good about themselves because for whatever reason they chose to pass on a part of themself to help someone else.  If you want to donate to LOL you must go to a reputable salon that is a certified LOL donation site.  I believe Great Clips, Hair Cuttery and Super Clips are reputable salons for this cause.  I would be weary of other salons out there who push a girl with beautiful hair into a short haircut because it would make her look "better" (in their opinion).  Many of these shady salons are looking for top quality hair so they can make top dollar on Ebay. Believe it or not there are many men (and maybe women) who have a hair fetish and will buy cut hair for whatever reason - (makes me cringe to think).  On the other hand there are people who make dolls and such looking for hair such as this but most buy for the fetish.  If you go on Ebay (brace yourself now) you go into search and type in Human Hair Pony Tail. Ebay will bring up many, many, many ponytails for sale. Again, it is a personal choice to donate your hair.  If you would like to donate to a cause such as LOL please go to a certified salon.  I have known many young girls who grow their hair for LOL and are extremely proud to donate.  Since they do not have money and such to help out giving a part of themself makes them feel really good and that is wonderful.

Posted By: dancingbarefoot
Date Posted: Feb 2, 2006 at 11:39pm
But if LoL itself is not reputable?

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Feb 5, 2006 at 4:46pm
Originally Posted By: Kimbearly<#p`. #4@($ `bl`
Kimbearly, I am happy to hear that your hair is doing well and that you have been helped here.
Originally Posted By: Kimbearly<#p`. #4@($ `bl`
If this is true, then what do they do with the rest of the hair donated by the people you describe below (whose hair might not be in "top quality" condition?
Originally Posted By: Kimbearly<#p`. #4@($ `bl`
Originally Posted By: Kimbearly" `.$ 4@($ da da
You do make  a good point about the reputation of the salons; at the very least (regardless of what LoL actually does with the donation), one who donates to them should expect that it is delivered.  I read a story online recently wherein a salon (not one of the chains you mention) was found to have not sent donations, and was just letting them acc*mulate in a box.

People as young as 17 can donate blood.  Other forms of community service can be performed by teenagers (and adults alike).  The basic problem with LoL is that too many of the important details of their operation are undisclosed, and IMO that renders them untrustworthy.

[edited to fix quotations]

Posted By: Lady Godiva
Date Posted: Feb 13, 2006 at 6:40pm
Never would I donate to LoL or W4K or the like. If I ever wanted to cut my hair shorter, I would toss it to the wind over a grassy field or in a forest for birds or small critters to take for lining their nests and burrows.

LoL, etc., do not answer to whom the excess "unsuitable" hair is sold, nor for exactly how much, nor for what purpose that sold hair is used. Chances are great that my hair would be purchased for a hefty sum, would wind up on some catwalk model for a few hours or days, then it would come off and be trashed. No way.

Sick children do not so much want a wig; more importantly, they want a cure to their afflictions. What a waste of time, energy, effort, and money that gets poured into these so-called charities, all of which could be more usefully directed toward research for actual cures.

And for those who pester me about not donating to their own pet charity (don't seem to give a rat's patootie that it may not be mine), all I have to say to them is that my charitible donations are my financial business, not theirs, and I never hired them to run my finances, nor inquired of them for their opinions on my money matters.

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Posted By: Sugaree
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2006 at 11:52am
My hair has never been long enough to consider donating, so I never
knew that much about it. I had no idea LOL was such a shady operation,
that's crazy! When I'd hear about people donating I'd always thought 'oh
well that's nice I guess' but never considered it an option for myself. I
thought if I ever had enough hair to donate, I would probably want to
keep it for sentimental reasons. I know if I had people harassing me
about donating, that would piss me off alot! If a hairdresser coaxed me
into a short haircut in order to donate, I'd have his head on a plate and
donate that instead with the hair still intact. I hate anyone who tries to
give you some reason why they should have something that is yours.
RECRUITERS! I hate recruiters. Religious, military or otherwise. If I want to
join in on something, then I'll do it! Otherwise, leave me the hell alone!
The same goes for my hair or anything else.
!,% hed t`` !, $`p ).4 ` '. , -% , -,

Posted By: Sugaree
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2006 at 1:20pm
Kimbearly - Hi, welcome! I like your hair, it's kind of how I'd like mine to
be. You appear to have a lot of volume at the crown of your head, is your
style layered ?

Sorry for not sticking to the heated topic, but it's the only time I've ever
seen you post here! Sugaree38762.5571180556!,% hed t`` !, $`p ).4 ` '. , -% , -,

Posted By: tffy2004
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2006 at 2:58pm

Wow I never knew that Locks of Love was one of those charities that most are this cautious about.  I was planning on growing my hair and cutting it and donating it but I don't know anymore.  I think I need to email them and ask about African American hair because mine is chemically relaxed and I don't know if they will accept it.

I would like to thank the person who started this thread.  If you had never started it I wouldn't have found all of this info.

Thank you.

!!, Saab`debe (  `p !, @` "

Posted By: katay
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2006 at 3:06pm

Hi I started this thread, I'm glad I could help,

 Beautiful children,:)

 God bless You and your family

!$ @acb $$" ,"B $($

Posted By: Lisa9232
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2006 at 4:49pm

I would like to help out the cancer patients,too, but I don't think I would ever cut my hair! I was really foolish, cause when I was up in Ky. for a month or two I chopped my hair to the middle of my back and it WAS down a little past my waist and I feel SOOOOOO stupid now! My sister has really long hair and her's is just Beautiful and....................................  

Anyway,I could've donated that but I didn't cause I was dumb!!!!!

My hair is like a little past the middle of my back now!

I have gotta question too!!!! Does trimming your hair make it grow any faster????

I just wondered cause if it didn't then I will quit trimming it!!!!!!Thanx!


!$( Q` Fad `d $((bb 0` -0-!!) ,%!%$ %(`` .

Posted By: tffy2004
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2006 at 7:20pm
IMO I don't think it does.  Trimming just makes the hair look nicer and more full toward the ends give the hair a more healthy look.!!, Saab`debe (  `p !, @` "

Posted By: dancingbarefoot
Date Posted: Feb 14, 2006 at 11:42pm
[QUOTE=Lisa9232]Does trimming your hair make it grow any faster????[/

Very unlikely. How would your hair follicles know when you trim the ends

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2006 at 7:09am
Welcome tffy2004!  If you do wind up writing to them, would you let us know what they say? 

!)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2006 at 8:00am
I wish these hair donation charities would combine their efforts.

I'm saying this from the hypothetical view of if they were upfront about everything and not shady and the wigs were definitely free.

In my mind I see two charities or three if you count Canada's Angel Hair. I see 3 warehouses full of hair waiting to be sorted and processed and waiting for the money to make the wig. I see 2 or 3 boardrooms of staff. I see each one getting their own press in all different areas and some becoming known to the public and some not.

If there was only one charity then there would only be one board, paid or unpaid. All of the sorters and such could be working together. All of the money donations would be going to one charity and hopefully more of that money would be going towards the wig making. Perhaps less of the hair would have to be sold. I think they would be able to make a lot more wigs per year. Would it be enough? Who knows? I also think that if they were a larger charity they would be held more accountable for their actions. I've also felt that the wig making process should have gone out for bid. I'm sure they could have found a wig maker that would do the job cheaper or for free and be decent quality.

A while back I made a page about hair donation. -

Posted By: tffy2004
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2006 at 11:35am
Sure thing Susan W!!!!, Saab`debe (  `p !, @` "

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2006 at 2:40pm
Hi PurpleBubba!  One organization pooling their efforts is a good idea. 

Recently there was a post on TLHS that showed this link: - .php

Which goes to a new site of LOL which they say they will need after their upcoming promotion shows on Oprah and the Today show.  I have to say I was a little disturbed by the numbers on this site.  LOL  says here they get over 3000 ponytails a week, need 10-15 to make a wig, and have made 1200 wigs in the past 9 years.  This means they get 156,000 ponytails a year, and make roughly 133 wigs a year (averaged roughly) so need about 2000  ponytails a year to fulfill the goal of making 133 free wigs for kids.  That leaves 154,000 ponytails a year of hair that is never used for the kids (and is presumably sold for hair extensions or wigs for rich people...presumably because if it was anything else they'd just say so).  That's 154,000 people who think their hair helped kids who requested the free wigs.  (If I messed up any of that math, DO correct me, I'm not a math person).  So, the shortage is not in hair.  Maybe enough kids just aren't requesting wigs?   In short, sure, they need some of the hair sales to pay their salaries and pay for the making of the few wigs the kids get, but that sure is a lot of leftover hair and I can't help wondering about that.  It would be nice if they would just be honest with people and state that their hair may not go to a child for a wig (and if these numbers are correct, in fact only a tiny percentage of donated hair gets used for the stated purpose of free wigs for kids....2000 ponytails out of 156,000 per year)...personally, all I want is a little honesty about the other 154,000 peoples ponytails, and people not badgering others with long hair into cutting it as if they'd wind up in that small percentage. 

!)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2006 at 3:02pm
I agree that they need to answer the questions. And if they do in fact have enough hair they should say so.

I agree that whether it's 1200 in all or 1200 per year it's still extremely low compared to the weekly donations. Maybe the kids are just wearing hats or other wigs and not bothering with these charities?

I sure would like to know how many wigs have been requested versus how many received free wigs.

Posted By: tffy2004
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2006 at 4:08pm

Well Susan here goes the first paragraph is the email I sent them.

My name is Tiffany and I am African American, I would like to donate hair some time next year, but I first need to know does Locks of Love accept African American hair that has been chemically relaxed?  My hair is relaxed chemically and I would like to know before I cut it do you accept that type of hair or do you want it to be all natural with no kind of chemical process done to it.

Thank you so much for your time.

And here is the response email I recieved:

Thank you for your email. Your hair is acceptable as long as it has not been bleached or highlighted.

We accept tax-deductible financial contributions and donations of human hair. Hair donations must meet the following criteria:
* 10" or longer (measured from tip to tip)
* Clean and dry
* Bundled in a ponytail or braid and placed in a Ziploc bag
* Write your name and mailing address on a sheet of paper
Mail in a padded manila envelope; send regular mail, UPS, Fed Ex, or
any way
you prefer.
Locks of Love
2925 10th Ave North, Ste 102
Lake Worth, Fl. 33461

Hair cut years ago is usable as long as it has been stored in a
ponytail or braid.

Sorry, we DO NOT accept dreadlocks as they are unsuitable to make our children's hairpieces.

We DO NOT accept wigs, falls, hair extensions or synthetic hair.
Contact the American Cancer Society (800-227-2345) or a local hospital; maybe they would have some use for hairpieces.

We DO accept colored and permed hair but we DO NOT accept chemically damaged hair.  If you are not sure, ask your stylist. Hair that has bleach or highlights is considered chemically damaged and will dissolve when processed before making the child's hairpiece.

We don't dye the hair because the pieces are worn for at least two
years and dye would wash out over time.  We don't use gray hair because we only provide pieces to children.  Several ponytails are used to make one piece and different colors are combined to get the finished color.  Gray or silver hair will show prominently in a hairpiece and that's why we don't use it. I do not know of an adult program, like ours, that accepts gray or white hair.

We realize some people do not want to wait for the longer length to
grow. We prefer 10" or longer in a braid or ponytail, clean and dry and if curly, pull it straight and measure. It does not matter if there are split ends, angled or layered hair. The hair will be taken care of when the hairpiece is being prepared. You may donate a single ponytail or several ponytails for a more even cut. We can accept hair bound together into a braid or ponytail that is at least 6 inches long, clean, and dry.

We DO accept gray hair and short hair, longer than six inches, and the complete ponytails are separated from the other ponytails, because they are unsuitable to make a child's hairpiece.  We do sell them in bulk and the proceeds help us with our administrative, and production costs.  We are a non-for-profit organization.

If you have any further questions, give us a call at (561) 963-1677 or visit our web site

P.S. - Your hair does not change to green from being in a pool because of the chlorine. The chlorine in a pool does not damage your hair and does not turn it green. You get green hair from a pool because pools often use a copper based algaecide or copper heating elements. These hard metals (copper, iron, and manganese, in particular) are oxidized by the chlorine and the water and then bond to your hair creating a blue-green tint. Pool green hair is okay to donate.

Mailroom Coordinator
Locks of Love
2925 10th Ave N. Suite 102
Lake Worth, FL 33461
ph: 561-963-1677
fax: 561-963-9914


!!, Saab`debe (  `p !, @` "

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2006 at 5:38pm
That looks like some sort of pre typed FAQ answer.

Just think of all the people with grey hair who are cutting their hair for no reason. If you have grey hair and are going to cut it you're better off selling it yourself if you can get a better price than LOL gets. Then you can donate the money to them or other. But is LOL going to the media and saying please don't send grey hair? No they just take the donations and sell it.

Posted By: Skydancer
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2006 at 5:44pm
Actually I saw an online article from a woman with grey hair who donated her hair to LOL, and she knew that they would sell it rather than use it.  Also the above FAQs are easily accessed on the website, so anyone that chooses to donate could check before they cut. -- Pied!p pe ( 4` / 0b` 4(% (! $ !)(

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2006 at 6:00pm
I can see that some people wouldn't want to bother selling it themselves. We do live in a Fast Food, Fast Service world. If I were cutting my hair and didn't feel like looking through the yellow pages for a hair buying wig shop and going there and all that I would just send the hair to LOL knowing they already have a way to sell it. I just hope that they are actually getting a good price for it.

I think they use hair for oil spill equipment so LOL could be selling it to a company that makes those if not something else. I suppose it's better cleaning up the environment than going in a landfill in a bag. Maybe those oil spill equipment companies accept donated hair?

Posted By: tffy2004
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2006 at 6:04pm

Originally Posted By: PurpleBubba!t ( @ daBd

It is so pitiful that they do that.  I have been thinking and I would much rather do a financial donation rather than cut my hair off and donate it to them and they then decide instead to sell it.

!!, Saab`debe (  `p !, @` "

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Feb 15, 2006 at 6:07pm
I saw on the LOL site where someone donated cookies. Or some donated office supplies. We could all donate a box of paper clips.

Then again if I were going to donate something like that I'd see if Karen / HB needed them here first.

Posted By: Susan W
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2006 at 7:21am
Thanks for sharing the email Tiffany
!)) C ed``d ` %44`r #.,bb $ !,) ! (!) !!$` ,.

Posted By: philosophy girl
Date Posted: Feb 16, 2006 at 11:33am

Hi everyone,

I've never heard of this or the particular organisation involved so it was an interesting read.  All I can say is that if anyone approached me, in the street for eg, and was accussing about my not wanting to donate my hair I have a very simple comeback - the money I save on haircuts by having long hair already goes to charity instead.

If I ever do decide to cut my hair it would be great to know that I could send it to a good cause (not sure if we have anything similar here - certainly never heard of it) .  Perhaps the issue here is that LOL do not understand how protective we are over our hair and that greater openness is required to encourage more to donate. 

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Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2006 at 3:54pm
Originally Posted By: tffy2004< 4@.$ &$ $
Hi Tffy,

I've read before on their website that they cannot use chemically treated (including relaxed) hair in the hairpieces they have made.  Any such hair they receive is either sold or discarded.

Their response to you was, to me, confusing:

"Your hair is acceptable as long as it has not been bleached or highlighted... We DO accept colored and permed hair but we DO NOT accept chemically damaged hair.  If you are not sure, ask your stylist. Hair that has bleach or highlights is considered chemically damaged and will dissolve when processed before making the child's hairpiece."

Are they suggesting that colored and permed hair are not chemically damaged?  Or are significantly less damaged than hair that has been bleached and highlighted?  If naturally dark hair is "colored" blonde, it has been bleached.  Their guidelines are vague and inconsistent.

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2006 at 4:02pm
Dave the letter they sent her seems like it's just a typed out response that they send to anyone who asks a question.

I guess they're so busy sorting hair to sell that they don't have time to actually type out a specific answer.

Posted By: tffy2004
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2006 at 5:39pm
Originally Posted By: DaveDeckerT@%4@ 0 H
Hi Tffy,

I've read before on their website that they cannot use chemically treated (including relaxed) hair in the hairpieces they have made.  Any such hair they receive is either sold or discarded.

Their response to you was, to me, confusing:

"Your hair is acceptable as long as it has not been bleached or highlighted... We DO accept colored and permed hair but we DO NOT accept chemically damaged hair.  If you are not sure, ask your stylist. Hair that has bleach or highlights is considered chemically damaged and will dissolve when processed before making the child's hairpiece."

Are they suggesting that colored and permed hair are not chemically damaged?  Or are significantly less damaged than hair that has been bleached and highlighted?  If naturally dark hair is "colored" blonde, it has been bleached.  Their guidelines are vague and inconsistent.


I don't know if they are suggesting that permed hair isn't chemically damaged, but as you read in my post my hair is chemically permed but it's not damaged.  Although there are some, I think a majority, that perm and don't take proper care of their hair and it is damaged. 

I definately agree with you about their guidelines being vague and inconsistent.  Plus them saying that they do accept that type of hair is just them attempting to get more hair to sell rather than make the wigs.

tffy200438767.7373263889!!, Saab`debe (  `p !, @` "

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Feb 19, 2006 at 6:07pm
That does sound confusing. When I was in school we were taught that perming or relaxing was used to break the bonds in the hair and that once broken they can't be repaired. Breaking the bonds permanently sounds like chemical damage. Now some people can have chemical services and not have any problems with their hair but it is still chemically damaged at some level.

I think that since LOL is so picky about what hair they will or won't use you are probably better off not sending any hair that is questionable. I mean that for anyone who is in doubt.

I personally would not trust a stylist to tell me if it was damaged unless they were my long time stylist. You're asking a stylist to tell you whether or not your hair is ok to cut for donating. I'm sure a lot of stylists out there would tell you it's healthy enough for donating just because they want to get you to try a new style.

It's a catch 22. Either it is healthy enough to cut and donate or it's too damaged and they would recommend cutting it off anyway.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Feb 20, 2006 at 12:24pm
Yes Robert, it was quite clear to me that the response she received was a form letter. 

And adding to the categories of damage could be cases such as the ends of my hair (for sake of discussion, the last 12" of it), which have been subjected to (damaged by) years of wear and tear, and exposure to the elements (including sunshine).  The ends of my hair are much lighter than the hair at the scalp.  Chemically processed (perm, color, bleach, highlight, etc)?  No.  Damaged?  You bet.  Would they use the ends of my hair in a hairpiece?  Absolutely not.

Posted By: enfys
Date Posted: Feb 22, 2006 at 1:33pm

Well, for all the Brits on here who weren't aware of LoL type organisations here, fear no more - in my local newspaper tonight there was an article about a policewoman who grew her hair for five years so she could donate it to LoL, and is now doing to do it again because it was so easy.

Evidently we can just post our hair to liars.  Hurrah!

This is just the kind of thing I *don't* need...People are bound to have read it who will now start trying to presure me too.  Luckily my friends know better  

$- P cn`dp0% 00BB .(4`p /.%%%,-)! !!%,!,`" !,

Posted By: PurpleBubba
Date Posted: Mar 2, 2006 at 12:24pm
Strands For Stars
A Synthetic Wig Charity" target="_new" rel="nofollow -

I was answering a thread on another forum about this charity.
Unlike Locks Of Love, Wigs For Kids, or Angel Hair this charity, Strands For Stars does not ask for hair donations because they make synthetic wigs for not just kids but anyone who needs one.

I didn't see anything on their donate page that mentioned donating hair.

Posted By: DaveDecker
Date Posted: Mar 5, 2006 at 10:17am
Originally Posted By: PurpleBubba<"d`$ & @$0 DaBd`"
Lovely, yet another hair charity.  It seems that people are picking up on the notion that farming others' hair (for free!) can be a lucrative endeavor.

On the "products" page they state: "Typically, we provide synthetic wigs; however, we will work with each client to ensure they have the wig of their choice."  They don't say they don't use human hair.  They also say they use existing wigs but don't say that they don't make new ones.  Almost nothing of their operations is mentioned in their web content.  Too many unanswered questions.

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