An interesting read BIGGMike, but despite the problems we have today, I should remind you that it is not 1866 or even 1966 - it is 2006. The grim details of slavery in this nation should be taught to all(and not segragated to one month of history). Carl Sagan once called slavery a cancer - and it is upon any society.
It is hard to imagine that such things occured a mere 100+ years ago. But even though our society is not perfect today, we all have made so much progress. And many contemporary problems we do have relate to economics and social class rather than just race.
I think one of your respondees in the other forum (Sistaslick) said it very nicely:
[quote]Why can't everybody just take responsibility for their own actions these days Its always someone else's fault? At the end of the day, we all decide what we are going to do with our lives right? Adam blamed Eve in the garden of Eden when ALL he had to do is say, No. This looks like the same thing to me. I don't think women are holding men back- if we have that kind of power over people then maybe we should be calling the shots. Nah, let me quit. Men have to stand up. We all have to stand up. Stop pointing fingers and educate ourselves so that we can be a viable force to reckon with. All of us-- the men and the women. We can't be strong as a people without education- we shouldn't supress one another. We have to work together and walk together. We gotta let this crabs in a bucket syndrome die. When the men climb we pull them down, when we climb they pull us down... thats gotta stop. [/quote]
The venom is your message is reserved not so much against whites but women - black women in particular, and I find this surprising.
In so many parts of the world, women have little to no power or say in their lives. In Asia women are made sexual slaves. In Eastern Europe and South America, poor women are preyed upon for sexual slavery. In Africa, say the Sudan for example (I don't like to lump Africa as one unit since it is a huge continent with many differeing cultures and peoples) a woman who is raped can be sentended to death under the Islamic Sharia law.
And don't even get me started about the Muslims. The radical Islamists of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, etc. practice a rarified form of murderous mysogyny to the point of utter senselessness. Read about life for women under the Taliban rule in Afghanistan sometimes. Read about an Iranian judge who personally put the noose over a thirteen-year-old Iranian girl's neck for mouthing off. She died of slow strangulation from being hung by a crane. In Pakistan, an 18-year-old girl got gang-raped by a jury because her little brother was caught holding hands with a girl from another tribe. Just recently a Pakistani father murdered his three little girls just in case they might violate his honor when they become of age. Madness.
The US has its problems, but it is a beacon of light compared to many parts of the rest of the world.
(Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia continued practing African slavery up until the 20th Century. The Atlantic Triangle Trade is often covered in great detail - but why is it that the sister slave trade of Africans to the Middle East that went on for centuries is usually ignored?)
The fact that you write this about your own wife, I find surprising:
[quote]She knows how to submit like a lady, that's why I married her. If she ever........She'll be replaced very easy.[/quote]
It does not sound like you truly care for her. Equal rights and personal liberty should be about elevating upward, not dragging downward. A marriage is all the stronger when the partners work together for their mutual benefit - and not in trying to tear one another down.
Educated women do not hate men - they simply dislike the abusive ones.
Also, if you will pardon the pun - not everything is black and white. Relating this complicated topic back to the trivialities of a mere hair and beauty forum, women do not go get hairstyles to ape another race - they do these things for the simple purpose of wanting to look good. The implication that blacks do this purely for race conformance might hold salt, if we were talking about decades in the past - but not today. Beyonce looks damn good as a dark golden blonde - better than many whites.
And how do you address the inverse trend of this occurance - in the 1970s whites in droves getting afros, in the 80s and onward whites imitating the rapper style, whites now getting lip and butt cheek enhancements, etc.? |