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~Help with Bleach Scrub Instructions?~

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Topic: ~Help with Bleach Scrub Instructions?~
Posted By: Blondie1972
Subject: ~Help with Bleach Scrub Instructions?~
Date Posted: Jan 4, 2006 at 12:42pm

Can anyone give me instructions for doing a bleach scrub (diluted with shampoo) for the lengths of my hair.

(I had brown haircolur and lowlights put in my hair a couple weeks ago and HATED IT!  I have gotten most of the brown out now.  The lengths are bleached/lightened, I just need to get the brown/grey tinge out now).

I have approximately one month worth of roots as well~ should I bleach them before or after the bleach scrub?

Thanks in advance for any help or instructions you can offer!


Replies: 6
Posted By: Blondie1972
Date Posted: Jan 4, 2006 at 12:42pm

Can anyone give me instructions for doing a bleach scrub (diluted with shampoo) for the lengths of my hair.

(I had brown haircolur and lowlights put in my hair a couple weeks ago and HATED IT!  I have gotten most of the brown out now.  The lengths are bleached/lightened, I just need to get the brown/grey tinge out now).

I have approximately one month worth of roots as well~ should I bleach them before or after the bleach scrub?

Thanks in advance for any help or instructions you can offer!


Posted By: aubergine
Date Posted: Jan 4, 2006 at 5:07pm
Isn't the bleach scrub to revive the colour of the already bleached hair?

Posted By: Alayney
Date Posted: Jan 4, 2006 at 5:59pm

Oh yeah? ^^ If so, maybe that's what I need ... Where's Rebekah? She must be on vacation. She usually posts and is VERY knowledgable.

Posted By: Blondie1972
Date Posted: Jan 4, 2006 at 7:36pm

Originally Posted By: aubergine#d $ $ ` $`a`h

I am sure you are right! That's sort of what I am hoping to do (I think ! )~ unless of course I have misinterpreted all this~ very possible *laughing*.  Good thing I asked! 

Yes though~ basically I am trying to revive the bleached lengths that I had prior to the lowlights and colour being applied a couple weeks ago.  I have faded out most of the dark blonde/light brown colour and am now left with yellow hair that has tinges of the dark blonde/light brown throughout.  Add in my one inch dark roots and you have some scary looking hair!

Here is what it was like two weeks ago prior to the lowlights and darker colour being applied~ (sorry for the blk and wht~ hopefully it gives you and idea of how light the lengths were though)

I also bought some toner, so maybe that is the route to go and skip the 'bleach scrub'~ just go ahead and bleach my dark roots and then tone my whole head of hair again.

Ugh!  I need help! **!  I just want my light blonde hair back *sigh*

Posted By: Rebekah
Date Posted: Jan 5, 2006 at 9:17pm

I haven't heard of a bleach scrub before, however, it seems to imply that the hair would be removed of some of the color by using a bleach with some sort of peroxide.  If you are wanting to remove color from the hair don't bleach it!  Use colorfix first!  If you bleach your hair prior to removing the color you could end up stuck at some undesirable stage (red/orange/yellow).  Strand test of course to see if the color is removed first and your hair can withstand the product. 

In this order:

 remove the undesirable color from the ends with Colorfix. 

Bleach the roots with on the scalp bleach to pale yellow. 

Choose a toner that will give you "white blonde" hair.  Wella White Lady or try the Born Blonde toners, they are very temporary and will help you decide what you like.  Remember that gold is warm and that violet or blue/violet will appear more ash.  Good luck! 


%! ied Dq @ 8 B` b .,($$ (--%%%,%4bp #.

Posted By: Blondie1972
Date Posted: Jan 6, 2006 at 12:41am


Thank you so much for taking the time to post the instructions for this.  I am so distrustful of colourists/salons (it's how I ended up with this in the first place *eye roll*) that I really wanted to just get 'my usual blonde hair' back myself.

I have since thought carefully about it and decided to go to a salon~ I just want my hair as healthy as possible since I go so light as well.  I think I am better to have a pro help me with that.  The nice thing is though~ I have learned so much about the bleaching/colouring/toning process through posts such as yours and the other helpful people on this board, that I now know what to ask for and how to discuss options regarding how we will get the result I want.  I also now know what to question if the colourist suggests doing something 'strange' etc.

At least now when I go into the salon, I can explain to the colourist what it is that I want and then get their opinion on what they think they should do to get my hair there.  If they start suggesting something with the bleach/toner that is totally crazy, I can now recognize that.  What a difference that alone makes!

Again~ thank you! 

Posted By: Rebekah
Date Posted: Jan 6, 2006 at 12:58am
You're welcome.  Remember that if you do want to get color removed to use Colorfix--it's the most gentle.  Don't use those other "professional" color removers.  Good luck!  I know you will get your blonde back. %! ied Dq @ 8 B` b .,($$ (--%%%,%4bp #.

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