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Topic: ARE YOU A FATHER??????
Posted By: BIGGMike Subject: ARE YOU A FATHER?????? Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 10:26am
How many men are disconnected from their own child? In the African American community there is a 70% chance of divorce in the first 3 years of marriage. If there is a child involved, there is even a greater chance of divorce. Why? Childsupport, Alomony, and the seizure of property (Homes, cars, boats...ect) is at an all time high in the US.
Young African American MEN are the primary people who pay childsupport. Without father figures living in your home, your chances of paying childsupport is very very very high!
Know your rights, know what your Mom fail to tell you, know what your Father did not tell you. Learn to protect yourself from GOLD DIGGERS who don't know what Genocide is.
Alliance for Non-Custodial Rights is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to protecting and promoting the civil and inalienable human rights of non-custodial parents and their families. ANCPR believes that many aspects of the current and proposed laws concerning visitation, custody and child support enforcement violate the constitutional rights of all non-custodial parents. ANCPR also believes that it is in the "best interest of the child" to have equal access to both parents, and that shared custody arrangements that specify 50/50 joint physical custody should be the presumption in Family Law.
The Alliance For Freedom From Alimony, Inc. is a non profit Florida Corporation formed exclusively to Reform the current Alimony Laws. We will educate the general public on the way that the State imposes lifetime Alimony on, mostly men, requiring them to pay involuntarily against their will under threat of jail, for the rest of their natural life. We will provide assistance mentally, emotionally, and financially to individuals that need our assistance to engage in the program to Reform Alimony Laws. R.C. (Dick) Lindsey, Chairman, 6368 Held Court, Stuart FL 34997 561-287-9235
The lobbying arm of The American Coalition for Fathers and Children. AFC is not a membership organization and none of it's spokespersons receive any pay. They are an all volunteer organization that consists primarily of judges, lawyers, mental health professionals, researchers, members of the business community and professional lobbyists.
DNA For Dads Resources and legal services for fathers in Texas, including inexpensive DNA testing and support groups; also provides a nationwide crisis line for men.
------------- Look to the skies and keep your eyes on the prize! I been through Hell but, STILL I RISE!
Replies: 42 Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 10:26am
How many men are disconnected from their own child? In the African American community there is a 70% chance of divorce in the first 3 years of marriage. If there is a child involved, there is even a greater chance of divorce. Why? Childsupport, Alomony, and the seizure of property (Homes, cars, boats...ect) is at an all time high in the US.
Young African American MEN are the primary people who pay childsupport. Without father figures living in your home, your chances of paying childsupport is very very very high!
Know your rights, know what your Mom fail to tell you, know what your Father did not tell you. Learn to protect yourself from GOLD DIGGERS who don't know what Genocide is.
Alliance for Non-Custodial Rights is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to protecting and promoting the civil and inalienable human rights of non-custodial parents and their families. ANCPR believes that many aspects of the current and proposed laws concerning visitation, custody and child support enforcement violate the constitutional rights of all non-custodial parents. ANCPR also believes that it is in the "best interest of the child" to have equal access to both parents, and that shared custody arrangements that specify 50/50 joint physical custody should be the presumption in Family Law.
The Alliance For Freedom From Alimony, Inc. is a non profit Florida Corporation formed exclusively to Reform the current Alimony Laws. We will educate the general public on the way that the State imposes lifetime Alimony on, mostly men, requiring them to pay involuntarily against their will under threat of jail, for the rest of their natural life. We will provide assistance mentally, emotionally, and financially to individuals that need our assistance to engage in the program to Reform Alimony Laws. R.C. (Dick) Lindsey, Chairman, 6368 Held Court, Stuart FL 34997 561-287-9235
The lobbying arm of The American Coalition for Fathers and Children. AFC is not a membership organization and none of it's spokespersons receive any pay. They are an all volunteer organization that consists primarily of judges, lawyers, mental health professionals, researchers, members of the business community and professional lobbyists.
DNA For Dads Resources and legal services for fathers in Texas, including inexpensive DNA testing and support groups; also provides a nationwide crisis line for men.
BIGGMike38657.4431365741!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$
Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 10:30am
Embracing Your Father: Strengthening Father-Daughter Relationships Providing daughters, fathers, practitioners, and professors with ideas and resources for strengthening father-daughter relationships. Specific, no-nonsense advice while introducing people to the best available research and statistics on father-daughter relationships. Dr. Linda Nielsen, Box 7266, Winston Salem, NC 27109 Phone 336-758-5345, Fax 336-945-9277
Fathers First On-line A non-partisan, non-sectarian, inclusive organization. Real-world parenting tips and expert advice. Recognizing the positive power of all fathers. Dedicated to fathers, mothers, families, and children.
The Georgia Fatherhood Program Georgia is helping more low-income fathers than any other state in the country. Since the program was started in 1997, the Georgia Fatherhood Services Network has provided services to over 11,000 non-custodial parents statewide. Georgia recognized early on that many non-custodial parents wanted to pay their court ordered child support, but lacked the economic capacity to do so. DHR!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$
Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 10:35am
Did you know MEN are sexually discriminated against? Learn to protect yourself because no one else will. Mothers do the best that they can and we love them for it, but some times their best is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Some mothers refuse to accept that they are inadequate replacement for a father. They tend to help destroy their own sons by not teaching them what they need to know to avoid Gold Diggers with Fake Hair and no African American Pride. It's True. They are failures too. Look at the satistics on young Black Males. They have a chance, but the people responsible for their nuturing and up bringing are ignorant and fatherless too. A fatherless female can't teach a fatherless son how to be a father and a MAN, that's ridiculous! Only a father and a man can teach a boy how to be a father and a man. My resume says: Have experience, will teach!!!
For MEN Only
National Coalition of Free Men The National Coalition of Free Men (NCFM) is a non-profit educational organization that examines the way sex discrimination affects men. It also tries to raise public consciousness about little known, but important, topics dealing with the male experience. In addition NCFM sponsors a variety of "men's rights" projects.
Friends of Choice for Men This site has information supporting the position that men should have equal rights in abortion decisions.
Equal Justice Foundation The Equal Justice Foundation is a nonprofit organization of citizens from all walks of life working to restore due process, reverse the loss of our civil liberties, ensure equality for all citizens before the bar, establish judicial accountability, and to make the Bill of Rights a living document in our time. Our objective always is to fix the problem, not the blame. writers and content partners provide fresh and frequently updated articles in a wide variety of categories (Women & Sex, Men's Health, Smokes & Drinks, Sports, Outdoors, Gadgets & Electronics, Entertainment, and more to come soon). E-mail: document.write(''); //--> Phone: (212) 721-2628
Male Health Center: Internet Education Site The Male Health Center was the first center in the United States specializing in male health. The Male Health Center is located in Dallas, Texas, and attracts hundreds of patients from across the United States.
Men's Health Network & The Men's/Fathers Hotline The Men/Fathers HOTLINE is a crisis line for men and fathers needing help with domestic and/or health problems. Callers are referred to local, state, or national assistance programs that can help them solve their problems. The HOTLINE is a service of the Men's Health Network of Washington, D.C. The MEN'S HEALTH NETWORK (MHN) was created to squarely face the growing number of health problems among men.
Men's Issues Page An encyclopedic index of men's issues resources. The most complete index and archive of men's articles, issues, organizations, books and resources. Maintained by David Throop, document.write(''); //--> Note: This site contains a wealth of information but be aware that it has not been updated since 1996.
Men's Media Network - MMN Aims of The Men's Media Network include increased public awareness of men's rights and men's issues and restoration of the good name of men.
The Men's Rights Organization (UK) During the last 30 years or so we have experienced something not previously known. This is the general denigration of men, the limiting of the role of men, the reduction in employment prospects for men, state support for lone motherhood, and the elimination of many men's rights, especially within the family.
Civil Rights Organisation This web site describes some typical cases of false allegations of sexual harassment and the principal methods by which innocent men may counter these false allegations. Contact: Erik Pistol document.write(''); //--> | BIGGMike38658.6929976852!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$
Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 10:40am
Domestic Violence and false claims of domestic violence is destroying the family structure. We all know somebody who has been falsely accused of this crime.
The National Fathers' Resource Center and Fathers for Equal Rights is adamant in its belief that Domestic Violence cannot be tolerated. The NFRC and FER also demands that the society acknowledge that Domestic Violence is an equal problem for both genders.
FACT: 50% or more of domestic violence (spouse or "significant other" assaults) are perpetrated by women. This is confirmed by hundreds of valid studies, the authors of which are sometimes threatened with discontinuation of funding for being politically incorrect (this means saying what powerful people don't want to hear). Part of the poison that the women's groups spew is the blatantly false allegation that 95% of DV is perpetrated by men against women. The women's groups have promoted this lie for so long now, many people, including men, actually believe it.
Nevertheless, the radical feminist groups have been working overtime for many years to promote the libelous propaganda that men are violent towards women and children and can't be trusted. If a lie is repeated often enough, people start believing it. And in fact, most of the policy makers in American society have bought into the lie. One result is millions of dollars of our tax money funneled to domestic violence shelters (read: women's shelters) and other related programs. Another result of this pernicious libel is seen in domestic violence laws that presume that men are the primary aggressors. We all know that if mom calls 911, dad will be arrested. If dad calls 911, dad will be arrested. Fathers, grandfathers, husbands, boyfriends, are all portrayed by shelter spokespersons as being untrustworthy (unless of course they need to be sent to war.)
The National Fathers' Resource Center and Fathers for Equal Rights demands that society acknowledge that false claims of Domestic Violence is used to gain unfair advantage in custody and divorce cases.
Fathers' organizations now estimate that up to 80% of domestic violence allegations against men are false allegations. Since society offers women so many perks for claiming that they are victims of DV (we call these perks "warm milk and cookies"), false or staged DV allegations now appear to be even more frequent in family court cases than false sex abuse allegations. And they are much easier to fabricate. Mom can simply scratch her arm with her fingernail and claim that dad did it to her! Many men plead "no contest" to these allegations, often because they cannot afford good legal representation. What father, who has been kicked out of his house, estranged from his children, paying exorbitant child support and spousal support, and may lose his job if convicted of domestic violence, can afford good legal representation, both in family court and in criminal court? So, he rolls over and pleads "no contest," which of course is the kiss of death in his custody case. It may also keep him from owning a gun, including a rifle or shotgun for hunting purposes, and in many cases it has resulted in good police officers losing their jobs (because they can't carry a gun) or even soldiers being dismissed from the military, because they too are often prohibited from using firearms.
The domestic violence industry was hijacked by the feminists around 30 years ago, however perhaps the most damaging process took place some 15 years ago, namely the "fusing" of the domestic violence industry with the divorce industry. Simply stated, women know, and are often advised by their attorneys, that if they want to get custody of the children, they had better try to nail dad with some sort of domestic violence accusation. In many states, that alone will nail the coffin. Dad will be labeled a perpetrator, will lose custody of his children, will be placed under supervised visitation with his children, will often pay mom's attorney fees and court costs, will be ordered to pay alimony, will be forced to pay for and attend "anger management" or "batterers" classes often lasting 36 weeks, and will be required by the court to send financial contributions to the local women's shelter. (This reminds one of the Nazi practices of forcing Jews to purchase tickets for their own "train rides" to death camps.) Keep in mind, the domestic violence allegation against dad does not have to be true, it only has to sound plausible for it to stick, and we see the devastating success of the poisonous propaganda. Goebbels couldn't have orchestrated it better.
Texas Fathers for Equal Rights is adamant in its belief that child abuse in general cannot be tolerated; and child sexual abuse, in particular, is among the most heinous of deeds. Sexual abusers of children must be exposed for their criminal acts. The guilty must be punished, and children must be protected from their aggressors.
FACT: According to nationwide CPS statistics, the largest percentage of child abuse/neglect is perpetrated by the mother, acting alone. Remember Andrea Yates, Susan Smith, Darlie Routier? Fathers are far less likely to be child abuse/neglect perpetrators. In other words, children are safer from child abuse/neglect with their fathers than with their mothers.
A college study asked male and female students if they had a sexual experience before age 15 with a person 5 or more years older. The results were that 59% of the students were molested by a female. Of male college students surveyed, 43 - 60% report being sexually victimized by females.
The National Fathers' Resource Center and Fathers for Equal Rights demands that state and federal laws that severely punish those who make false claims of Domestic Violence.
The guilty must be punished-that is those who commit the act and those who falsely accuse spouses to gain advantage in divorce.
The National Fathers' Resource Center and Fathers for Equal Rights wants to share information and remove stereo types connected with Domestic Violence.
Knowledge is power. And that is the purpose this section on domestic violence. Learn how the domestic violence industry thinks and works. Learn how they deceive the lawmakers and the public, and study the techniques they use. Learn about their collaborators in the police departments, the prosecutors' offices, the federally funded legal services programs, and in the courtrooms. Follow the money trail, and discover who is enriched by the mass demonization and criminalization of men and fathers. Prevention is best, but if you are facing a false domestic violence accusation, we want you to have the knowledge and tools to fight it most effectively and to protect the right of your children to have a positive, healthy, and meaningful relationship with you, their nurturing and protective father. BIGGMike38660.6926041667!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$
Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 11:05am
You say Wow BiggMike, why did you choose this topic?
You know why! Look at the African American Male. Look at his incarceration rate, look at the divorce rate, look at the school drop out rate. Look at how many males grow up without a father and ask yourself, Is fatherlessness destroying the African American community? Is drugs destroying us? Is ignorance destroying us? Is a lack of motivation destroying us?
Incarceration Rate. US Gov. Statistics
Minorities account for 41.45 percent of all incarcerations, with African-Americans comprising 31.98 percent of these. The incarceration rate of African Americans is 3,452 incarcerations per 100,000 of that race compared to 18 per 100,000 for Asians, 571 for Whites, 614 for American Indians, 438 for Hispanics, and 170 for Others. African American males total 30.83 percent of all males inmates and 30.03 percent of all males sentences. African American females account for 40.08 percent of all female inmates and 37.19 percent of all female sentences. Sentences were given for 29 defined crime areas. Three of these crimes account for 40 percent of all incarcerations.
!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$
Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 4:29pm
IS IT TOO HOT? OR IS IT TOO COLD? BIGGMike38657.6924652778!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$
Posted By: KingJames23
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 5:00pm
if i was a father i will never doubt my child i would always be there for my son or daughter KingJames2338658.7026388889 | |