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Topic: ARE YOU A FATHER??????
Posted By: BIGGMike
Subject: ARE YOU A FATHER??????
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 10:26am

How many men are disconnected from their own child? In the African American community there is a 70% chance of divorce in the first 3 years of marriage. If there is a child involved, there is even a greater chance of divorce. Why? Childsupport, Alomony, and the seizure of property (Homes, cars, boats...ect) is at an all time high in the US.

Young African American MEN are the primary people who pay childsupport. Without father figures living in your home, your chances of paying childsupport is very very very high!

Know your rights, know what your Mom fail to tell you, know what your Father did not tell you. Learn to protect yourself from GOLD DIGGERS who don't know what Genocide is.

Alliance for Non-Custodial Rights is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to protecting and promoting the civil and inalienable human rights of non-custodial parents and their families. ANCPR believes that many aspects of the current and proposed laws concerning visitation, custody and child support enforcement violate the constitutional rights of all non-custodial parents. ANCPR also believes that it is in the "best interest of the child" to have equal access to both parents, and that shared custody arrangements that specify 50/50 joint physical custody should be the presumption in Family Law.

The Alliance For Freedom From Alimony, Inc. is a non profit Florida Corporation formed exclusively to Reform the current Alimony Laws. We will educate the general public on the way that the State imposes lifetime Alimony on, mostly men, requiring them to pay involuntarily against their will under threat of jail, for the rest of their natural life. We will provide assistance mentally, emotionally, and financially to individuals that need our assistance to engage in the program to Reform Alimony Laws.
R.C. (Dick) Lindsey, Chairman, 6368 Held Court, Stuart FL 34997

The lobbying arm of The American Coalition for Fathers and Children. AFC is not a membership organization and none of it's spokespersons receive any pay. They are an all volunteer organization that consists primarily of judges, lawyers, mental health professionals, researchers, members of the business community and professional lobbyists.

DNA For Dads
Resources and legal services for fathers in Texas, including inexpensive DNA testing and support groups; also provides a nationwide crisis line for men.


Look to the skies and keep your eyes on the prize! I been through Hell but, STILL I RISE!

Replies: 42
Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 10:26am

How many men are disconnected from their own child? In the African American community there is a 70% chance of divorce in the first 3 years of marriage. If there is a child involved, there is even a greater chance of divorce. Why? Childsupport, Alomony, and the seizure of property (Homes, cars, boats...ect) is at an all time high in the US.

Young African American MEN are the primary people who pay childsupport. Without father figures living in your home, your chances of paying childsupport is very very very high!

Know your rights, know what your Mom fail to tell you, know what your Father did not tell you. Learn to protect yourself from GOLD DIGGERS who don't know what Genocide is.

Alliance for Non-Custodial Rights is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to protecting and promoting the civil and inalienable human rights of non-custodial parents and their families. ANCPR believes that many aspects of the current and proposed laws concerning visitation, custody and child support enforcement violate the constitutional rights of all non-custodial parents. ANCPR also believes that it is in the "best interest of the child" to have equal access to both parents, and that shared custody arrangements that specify 50/50 joint physical custody should be the presumption in Family Law.

The Alliance For Freedom From Alimony, Inc. is a non profit Florida Corporation formed exclusively to Reform the current Alimony Laws. We will educate the general public on the way that the State imposes lifetime Alimony on, mostly men, requiring them to pay involuntarily against their will under threat of jail, for the rest of their natural life. We will provide assistance mentally, emotionally, and financially to individuals that need our assistance to engage in the program to Reform Alimony Laws.
R.C. (Dick) Lindsey, Chairman, 6368 Held Court, Stuart FL 34997

The lobbying arm of The American Coalition for Fathers and Children. AFC is not a membership organization and none of it's spokespersons receive any pay. They are an all volunteer organization that consists primarily of judges, lawyers, mental health professionals, researchers, members of the business community and professional lobbyists.

DNA For Dads
Resources and legal services for fathers in Texas, including inexpensive DNA testing and support groups; also provides a nationwide crisis line for men.

BIGGMike38657.4431365741 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 10:30am

Embracing Your Father: Strengthening Father-Daughter Relationships
Providing daughters, fathers, practitioners, and professors with ideas and resources for strengthening father-daughter relationships. Specific, no-nonsense advice while introducing  people to the best available research and statistics on father-daughter relationships.
Dr. Linda Nielsen
, Box 7266, Winston Salem, NC 27109
Phone 336-758-5345, Fax 336-945-9277

Fathers First On-line
A non-partisan, non-sectarian, inclusive organization. Real-world parenting tips and expert advice. Recognizing the positive power of all fathers. Dedicated to fathers, mothers, families, and children.

The Georgia Fatherhood Program
Georgia is helping more low-income fathers than any other state in the country. Since the program was started in 1997, the Georgia Fatherhood Services Network has provided services to over 11,000 non-custodial parents statewide. Georgia recognized early on that many non-custodial parents wanted to pay their court ordered child support, but lacked the economic capacity to do so. DHR !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 10:35am

Did you know MEN are sexually discriminated against? Learn to protect yourself because no one else will. Mothers do the best that they can and we love them for it, but some times their best is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Some mothers refuse to accept that they are inadequate replacement for a father. They tend to help destroy their own sons by not teaching them what they need to know to avoid Gold Diggers with Fake Hair and no African American Pride. It's True. They are failures too. Look at the satistics on young Black Males. They have a chance, but the people responsible for their nuturing and up bringing are ignorant and fatherless too. A fatherless female can't teach a fatherless son how to be a father and a MAN, that's ridiculous! Only a father and a man can teach a boy how to be a father and a man. My resume says: Have experience, will teach!!!

                        For MEN Only

National Coalition of Free Men
The National Coalition of Free Men (NCFM) is a non-profit educational organization that examines the way sex discrimination affects men. It also tries to raise public consciousness about little known, but important, topics dealing with the male experience. In addition NCFM sponsors a variety of "men's rights" projects.

Friends of Choice for Men
This site has information supporting the position that men should have equal rights in abortion decisions.

Equal Justice Foundation
The Equal Justice Foundation is a nonprofit organization of citizens from all walks of life working to restore due process, reverse the loss of our civil liberties, ensure equality for all citizens before the bar, establish judicial accountability, and to make the Bill of Rights a living document in our time. Our objective always is to fix the problem, not the blame. writers and content partners provide fresh and frequently updated articles in a wide variety of categories (Women & Sex, Men's Health, Smokes & Drinks, Sports, Outdoors, Gadgets & Electronics, Entertainment, and more to come soon).
E-mail: document.write(''); //-->   Phone:  (212) 721-2628

Male Health Center: Internet Education Site
The Male Health Center
was the first center in the United States specializing in male health. The Male Health Center is located in Dallas, Texas, and attracts hundreds of patients from across the United States.

Men's Health Network & The Men's/Fathers Hotline
The Men/Fathers HOTLINE is a crisis line for men and fathers needing help with domestic and/or health problems. Callers are referred to local, state, or national assistance programs that can help them solve their problems. The HOTLINE is a service of the Men's Health Network of Washington, D.C. The MEN'S HEALTH NETWORK (MHN) was created to squarely face the growing number of health problems among men.

Men's Issues Page
An encyclopedic index of men's issues resources. The most complete index and archive of men's articles, issues, organizations, books and resources. Maintained by David Throop, document.write(''); //-->   Note: This site contains a wealth of information but be aware that it has not been updated since 1996.

Men's Media Network - MMN
Aims of The Men's Media Network include increased public awareness of men's rights and men's issues and restoration of the good name of men.

The Men's Rights Organization (UK)
During the last 30 years or so we have experienced something not previously known. This is the general denigration of men, the limiting of the role of men, the reduction in employment prospects for men, state support for lone motherhood, and the elimination of many men's rights, especially within the family.

Civil Rights Organisation
This web site describes some typical cases of false allegations of sexual harassment and the principal methods by which innocent men may counter these false allegations.
Contact:  Erik Pistol document.write(''); //-->

BIGGMike38658.6929976852 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 10:40am

Domestic Violence and false claims of domestic violence is destroying the family structure. We all know somebody who has been falsely accused of this crime.

The National Fathers' Resource Center and Fathers for Equal Rights is adamant in its belief that Domestic Violence cannot be tolerated. The NFRC and FER also demands that the society acknowledge that Domestic Violence is an equal problem for both genders.

FACT: 50% or more of domestic violence (spouse or "significant other" assaults) are perpetrated by women. This is confirmed by hundreds of valid studies, the authors of which are sometimes threatened with discontinuation of funding for being politically incorrect (this means saying what powerful people don't want to hear). Part of the poison that the women's groups spew is the blatantly false allegation that 95% of DV is perpetrated by men against women. The women's groups have promoted this lie for so long now, many people, including men, actually believe it.

Nevertheless, the radical feminist groups have been working overtime for many years to promote the libelous propaganda that men are violent towards women and children and can't be trusted. If a lie is repeated often enough, people start believing it. And in fact, most of the policy makers in American society have bought into the lie. One result is millions of dollars of our tax money funneled to domestic violence shelters (read: women's shelters) and other related programs. Another result of this pernicious libel is seen in domestic violence laws that presume that men are the primary aggressors. We all know that if mom calls 911, dad will be arrested. If dad calls 911, dad will be arrested. Fathers, grandfathers, husbands, boyfriends, are all portrayed by shelter spokespersons as being untrustworthy (unless of course they need to be sent to war.)

The National Fathers' Resource Center and Fathers for Equal Rights demands that society acknowledge that false claims of Domestic Violence is used to gain unfair advantage in custody and divorce cases.

Fathers' organizations now estimate that up to 80% of domestic violence allegations against men are false allegations. Since society offers women so many perks for claiming that they are victims of DV (we call these perks "warm milk and cookies"), false or staged DV allegations now appear to be even more frequent in family court cases than false sex abuse allegations. And they are much easier to fabricate. Mom can simply scratch her arm with her fingernail and claim that dad did it to her! Many men plead "no contest" to these allegations, often because they cannot afford good legal representation. What father, who has been kicked out of his house, estranged from his children, paying exorbitant child support and spousal support, and may lose his job if convicted of domestic violence, can afford good legal representation, both in family court and in criminal court? So, he rolls over and pleads "no contest," which of course is the kiss of death in his custody case. It may also keep him from owning a gun, including a rifle or shotgun for hunting purposes, and in many cases it has resulted in good police officers losing their jobs (because they can't carry a gun) or even soldiers being dismissed from the military, because they too are often prohibited from using firearms.

The domestic violence industry was hijacked by the feminists around 30 years ago, however perhaps the most damaging process took place some 15 years ago, namely the "fusing" of the domestic violence industry with the divorce industry. Simply stated, women know, and are often advised by their attorneys, that if they want to get custody of the children, they had better try to nail dad with some sort of domestic violence accusation. In many states, that alone will nail the coffin. Dad will be labeled a perpetrator, will lose custody of his children, will be placed under supervised visitation with his children, will often pay mom's attorney fees and court costs, will be ordered to pay alimony, will be forced to pay for and attend "anger management" or "batterers" classes often lasting 36 weeks, and will be required by the court to send financial contributions to the local women's shelter. (This reminds one of the Nazi practices of forcing Jews to purchase tickets for their own "train rides" to death camps.) Keep in mind, the domestic violence allegation against dad does not have to be true, it only has to sound plausible for it to stick, and we see the devastating success of the poisonous propaganda. Goebbels couldn't have orchestrated it better.

Texas Fathers for Equal Rights is adamant in its belief that child abuse in general cannot be tolerated; and child sexual abuse, in particular, is among the most heinous of deeds. Sexual abusers of children must be exposed for their criminal acts. The guilty must be punished, and children must be protected from their aggressors.

FACT: According to nationwide CPS statistics, the largest percentage of child abuse/neglect is perpetrated by the mother, acting alone. Remember Andrea Yates, Susan Smith, Darlie Routier? Fathers are far less likely to be child abuse/neglect perpetrators. In other words, children are safer from child abuse/neglect with their fathers than with their mothers.

A college study asked male and female students if they had a sexual experience before age 15 with a person 5 or more years older. The results were that 59% of the students were molested by a female. Of male college students surveyed, 43 - 60% report being sexually victimized by females.

The National Fathers' Resource Center and Fathers for Equal Rights demands that state and federal laws that severely punish those who make false claims of Domestic Violence.

The guilty must be punished-that is those who commit the act and those who falsely accuse spouses to gain advantage in divorce.

The National Fathers' Resource Center and Fathers for Equal Rights wants to share information and remove stereo types connected with Domestic Violence.

Knowledge is power. And that is the purpose this section on domestic violence. Learn how the domestic violence industry thinks and works. Learn how they deceive the lawmakers and the public, and study the techniques they use. Learn about their collaborators in the police departments, the prosecutors' offices, the federally funded legal services programs, and in the courtrooms. Follow the money trail, and discover who is enriched by the mass demonization and criminalization of men and fathers. Prevention is best, but if you are facing a false domestic violence accusation, we want you to have the knowledge and tools to fight it most effectively and to protect the right of your children to have a positive, healthy, and meaningful relationship with you, their nurturing and protective father.

BIGGMike38660.6926041667 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 11:05am

You say Wow BiggMike, why did you choose this topic?

You know why!  Look at the African American Male. Look at his incarceration rate, look at the divorce rate, look at the school drop out rate. Look at how many males grow up without a father and ask yourself, Is fatherlessness destroying the African American community? Is drugs destroying us? Is ignorance destroying us? Is a lack of motivation destroying us?

Incarceration Rate. US Gov. Statistics

Minorities account for 41.45 percent of all incarcerations, with African-Americans comprising 31.98 percent of these. The incarceration rate of African Americans is 3,452 incarcerations per 100,000 of that race compared to 18 per 100,000 for Asians, 571 for Whites, 614 for American Indians, 438 for Hispanics, and 170 for Others. African American males total 30.83 percent of all males inmates and 30.03 percent of all males sentences. African American females account for 40.08 percent of all female inmates and 37.19 percent of all female sentences. Sentences were given for 29 defined crime areas. Three of these crimes account for 40 percent of all incarcerations.


!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 4:29pm




BIGGMike38657.6924652778 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: KingJames23
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 5:00pm
if i was a father i will never doubt my child i would always be there for my son or daughter KingJames2338658.7026388889 ,@AL@@D E  @ @@     ,

Posted By: Proline
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 6:29pm
same here...i will be gettina  good job before i even think of children because there ain nuttin free but christ$ $)

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 2, 2005 at 10:37am

True, children need their fathers, gainfully employed fathers. My children are the world to me. I'm always thinking about them. It's so hard to spend time with when you have to work and go to school.

Sometime I get so upset over the destruction of the American family, specificly the Black Family, that I want to just to yell. There are so many Black children growing up without fathers for many different reasons. One main reason is many Black people no longer value marriage or family. I know I'm talking to mainly young men and teenagers on this site, but once you become an adult and get involved with women and children you will see that Black MEN are not valued either. Jobs, Fads, and Fake hair is more important than a Black Man is. I want all the young men on this site to understand that you are under valued by your own people.

We are viewed only as a Childsupport check and a sperm donor. They only value us for MONEY. A black man is more valued outside of his own home than he is valued in his home with his wife and children. What does that mean? You are more likely to be divorced and put on childsupport than you are valued as a husband and a father. Fathers and husbands are viewed as having a bunus compared to a carreers, degrees, and hair weave. I mean I've seen women value fake hair and bleached out skin more than a Black MAN. It's really sad about the INDIVIDUALISTIC, MATERIALISTIC MENTALITY OF A FEMALE.  

Materialistic: charteristic of being entirely devoted to the gain of wealth, material goods, and advancement over the value of ethics and morals.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about the value of a Black man by his own people. We are not valued. We are considered to be a joke or something. This is because of fatherlessness. In the African American Culture mothers unknowingly teach their daughters to disrespect and undervalue men. They also unknowingly teach their sons low self esteem. How BiggMike? Simple, by not marrying and submitting themselve to a Black Man like the Bible says. And degrading Black MEN every chance they get. Ask yourself this, If I where a Black female growing up in a Male dominated household with no female role models and all you hear and see is your father degrading and disrespecting Black women, would you as female have low self esteem or high self esteem? You would more than likely have LOW self esteem. This what youong Black males are subjected to in a female dominated household with no father. How can balck males be expected to be good fathers when their are no  fathers in the household and no respect for a MAN is the household? I will not marry a female that did not have a father growing up. Because she is more likely to think she is the head of the house. She is more likely to divorce because she under values MEN.

Self hatetred is the key word. We, Black MEN hate ourselves and hate each other too (hating on each other). It's a learned behavior we learn from our own mothers who under value MEN.

Where is your father, is it really ALL his fault that he is not still married to your mother. When you become a grown MAN you will understand better. But for now all you are hearing is Moma's female point of view on everthing. You will find out as a Grown MAN that mother has many faults herself and is partially responsible for your father leaving her. But let her tell it, she's perfect and dad is sorry. Not, that's the degrading talk I was talking about. You'll understand later, trust me you will. Resentment for lies is a mother.  Sociology at it's best. Think about! Comments


BIGGMike38659.4517708333 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 2, 2005 at 11:03am

My job is hard but a real MAN will tell the other side of the coin that so many young Black MEN don't hear. This is because of a female dominated family that devalues Black MEN. But wants you to put all the value on females that don't even respect them. Sad but true!

Somebody got to tell them cause Moma is not telling the whole true!

In America the truth is not what some people want to hear or talk about. They would rather tell one sided lies about the MEN to their own children.

BIGGMike38658.6940277778 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 2, 2005 at 11:08am
It's getting hot in Hurrrr! !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 2, 2005 at 4:45pm

My resume says: Have experience, will teach!!!

Don't be confuse about who you are. Get some help it's not too late ^^^^^^.

Moma taught you that behavior, but did your father show you?

!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 3, 2005 at 3:51pm

The truth is not what some people want to hear.


BIGGMike38663.6208564815 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: sjay
Date Posted: Nov 3, 2005 at 5:36pm
its really sad about all the fathers that are locked up, and the ones that are too young to even realize that they are fathers and that they should present themselves as rolemodels for their kids. this is some good info BIGGMike. you always come with that knowlege that challenges us to think about our roles and positions in society as upcoming black men.

Posted By: ~SMS~
Date Posted: Nov 3, 2005 at 10:15pm
that was beautiful big, that makes me think about all the things that are going around me.~SMS~38659.9285069444

Posted By: realvicious
Date Posted: Nov 4, 2005 at 1:15am
I feel you.  Like I tell many others that are around me.  In this world there is way more women than men.  You will always see a very beautiful women everywhere you go.  You just going to have to refrain from trying to be a playa and having sex.  Basically that is where all the problems are starting.  I personally found that Bible principles and your morals will give you a happier life.  I do not have any kids right now but my girl wants them trying to implant in my brain but I am too focused on me to go to the left rather than right.  Everyone has there own situations and problems; but if we all can get the accurate info we need and act on it then we might see a difference.  Excellent topic BiggMike.  The media is (always) advertising us on television for some wrong doing.  It disgusts me.  Thats just me though.  We are the creative ones, and we are the biggest spenders.  Then you have others groups copy the idea and make serious dollars. Its not about the money but us acting faster on the opportunities we create.  Peace! ) adfapq a -%4 bp ).$br," -, ),% -$ @ 

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 4, 2005 at 12:26pm
Luther Vandross - Dance with My Father !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2005 at 10:55am
May 25, 2005

Divorce and marriage play much bigger economic roles for black children than white children in the United States, according to a new study by two UC Davis economists. Marianne Page and Ann Huff Stevens find that in the first two years following a divorce, family income among white children falls about 30 percent, while it falls by 53 percent among black children.  "This difference increases dramatically in the long run," Page and Stevens write. "Three or more years after the divorce, about a third of the loss in whites' household income is recouped, but the income of black families barely improves."

In fact, three or more years after the divorce, the black families' incomeremains 47 percent lower than if the parents had remained together.
Marriage appears to have even greater benefits for black children whose single mothers marry than for their white counterparts, according to the study.

Page and Stevens estimate that while the family income of white children rises by 45 percent when their single parent marries, the family income of black children rises by 81 percent with marriage. One reason for the difference in improvement is that married black mothers are more likely to work than married white mothers. On the other hand, when divorce occurs, the probability of black mothers working does not change, while recently divorced white women have an 18 percent greater probability
of working.

The study, published in the February 2005 issue of Demography, followed a
nationally representative, longitudinal survey of Americans conducted by the
University of Michigan's Institute for Social Research.
!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2005 at 11:02am

Having No Dad Affects Black Boys' Self-Esteem

Part of the Divorce Reform Page, sponsored by Americans for Divorce Reform

Having No Dad Affects Black Boys' Self-Esteem
Life with father translates to stronger kids

By Julia McNamee Neenan
HealthSCOUT Reporter

MONDAY, Sept. 18 [2000] (HealthSCOUT) -- Living in a fatherless
family damages a black boy's self-esteem, says a study released today.

"In the black community, there's a slogan, 'Black mothers raise their
daughters and love their sons,' " says one of the study's authors,
Carolyn B. Murray, an associate professor at the University of California, Riverside.
"It's the father who holds that boy accountable.
He has that boy toe the line; he holds the rules and responsibilities

But when fathers aren't present in black families, regardless of such
things as family income and education, young boys' self-esteem drops,
the study says. That doesn't appear to happen with young girls in
these families, it says.

What this means for the boys, experts say, can range from their
having problems in school to participating in gangs as part of their search for male role models.
!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2005 at 11:12am
"Black children are only half as likely as white children to be living in a two-parent household, and are eight times more likely than white children to live with an unwed mother. For black children under six, 'the most common arrangement -- applying to 42 percent of them -- was to live with a never-married mother.'"
citing Andrew J. Cherlin, !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2005 at 11:14am
"'Exposure to single motherhood at some point during adolescence increases the risk of a daughter's later becoming a single mother by nearly [150 percent] for whites about 100 percent for blacks.'"
Sara S. McLanahan, "Family Structure and Dependency: Reality Transitions to Female Household Headship,"
!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: realvicious
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2005 at 11:50am
BiggMike do you think that maybe because of the big difference in percentage points is because there are more whites than african americans?  That has been on my mine certain percentages and statistics in america. ) adfapq a -%4 bp ).$br," -, ),% -$ @ 

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2005 at 1:00pm

Originally Posted By: realvicious!d` (#$ $ pa` d


All "Blacks" are not are not Black, some Blacks are actually Africans who follow a tradition of pride when it comes to family. Therefore they don't divorce as much as American "Blacks", they stay together and rear their children together.

And also, your are right, there are more whites than African Americans. Whites represent more of the population than African Americans. The African American race is slowly being destroyed. Our numbers are going down hill. Most Black males are going to jail or dying. Black women are out living us because they can find a job and have role models, Black men are dying because we don't have role models and our Mothers refuse to marry and stay married......So it will continue.

You think it's hard to find a "good man" now let all the males continue to grow up without fathers and there will be no men.

More and more Black women will be without a mate because all the Black MEN will be dead soon.

How many Black women really care about there own sons?


!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: realvicious
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2005 at 3:10pm
true! I feel you on that.  It depends on what choices we all make.  For better or for worse.  Great topic ) adfapq a -%4 bp ).$br," -, ),% -$ @ 

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2005 at 4:45pm

It's also true for Black males too. Many Black Men will not marry either. Why marry? What sense does it make to marry if you can't find a job? Black males are taught to be the head of the house by their mothers but when it's time to step up, few companies will hire a Black man. A homosexual has a better chance of getting hired than a heterosexaul Black male. Homo's will not marry either, if they do, they will cheat and give their Black woman AIDS/HIV.

Brothers can't afford a wife and children. A brother will run from marriage if his wife is gonna make more money, have more freedom, have more opportunities to make money, and white people accept the Black women more than a Black man. What man wants to submit to a female when his own mother has taught him to "be a real man." We all know that being a real man includes taking care of your family and stepping up to be the head of the house. Not in a Black family. It's rare.

Brother without a job is a brother without a wife. He will do better being a player and staying single. This way he can have as many women as he wants and have no financial responsiblity. The racism and sexism going on in corporate America is destroying the Black race. It's too bad some people are too blind to see it. I remember when a brother had a 50/50 chance of getting a corporate job, not any more. A brother can barely get a job scraping gum off the side walk. How much do you think that will pay. Not enogh to be a "Real Man." Your chance is slim to none if your skin is dark and you are a male.

Your girldfriend or wife has a better chance of making more money and have better business opportunities. It's true all over America. why Because a Black female is a Double Minority. A female and black. Human Resorce directors can just hire a Sister and say they have two minorities. Where does that leave Black males? No wife and no job!

BIGGMike38663.6997337963 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: realvicious
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2005 at 6:05pm
Hey BiggMike what do you propose to the ones who do not have a job, have a kid or kids,  trying to get a job but can not get one really trying to man up take resposibility and get married and all. ) adfapq a -%4 bp ).$br," -, ),% -$ @ 

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 8, 2005 at 9:22am

It's really rough on a Brother. I feel what you saying too. There are so many Black men who are being descriminated against right now. A brother that already has a child/children and is married already too has the hardest time. I suggest that brother starts looking at getting a degree or certified in some trade. GO BACK TO SCHOOL so that a brother can compete. I know I did, and have one more class to take before I graduate. 

Also I would look at starting my own business. Work for yourself. I owned my own business for a few years. My two cousins and uncle worked for me and I still had plenty profit to make a big knots in both of my pockets.  I owned a meat vending business just a few years ago. Did well for myself too. There is nothing like working for yourself and coming home with a pocket full of money that Bush can't touch, CASH, not a pay check! Some white people try to block and hate, but we have to be smart. We have to use all that extra time afforded by unemployment to think of a master plan. I know it's not easy but married Black men will have to be very smart. The division of th black family is related to a black womans employment and their mates unemployment.

Whatever an unemployed brother do, he should never wait on any one to solve his issue. Low self esteem is the hardest thing to overcome. The best way to do it is to pray and pray some more, then get up, turn off the TV, shave, take a bath, and do something other than sit at home feeling sorry for yourself. Go, do, move around, get outside, get some sun or day light, and find something productive to do. I was unemployed for a year. I have a college degree, have administrative skills, have manual labor skills, very attractive, strong, young, and smart too, but no one would hire me. I sat around for the first month still angry about being layed off. Then I went into a deep depression.

God knows I wanted to hurt somebody for not giving me a job. All five of my college educated Male cousins were also unemployed at the same time I was. I look and looked, and looked and looked and never even got a phone call. That really pissed me off. I got so pissed off that I started my own business. I got real aggressive, nobody and nothing would stop me from making some money! This is the mind set you have to have to "Go Out and Get It and Come Home With It". That's what my dad would say.  Being a Black Man is Being Hungry. "They" want to starve you out!

BIGGMike38664.4593402778 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 8, 2005 at 9:33am

The more I think about married Black men with a family to support being forced into unemployment, the more I get angry. This is really nothing new. It has been this way since African slaves were freed. To deny employment to Black men is like trying to emasculate them. Some white people have always tried to emasculate the brothers.  They give our women more money, more opportunities, more fake hair, skin bleach and make up, and then give them more freedom. We as Black men have to deal with these sisters. I had to catch myself one day from really charging up this fake hair bleached out skin sister who thought I was a floor mat. We where in a large room full of white people. I wanted to really talk bad to her just to show her that no female controls me. I wanted to make here feel like a fool, but I caught myself. I felt sorry for her because she needed to put somebody down to make her fake self feel better.



BIGGMike38666.4549652778 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 8, 2005 at 9:35am
Read this >>>>>

Are Black Women !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 8, 2005 at 3:39pm

Speak Sistah Speak

By Dr. Safisha Nzingha Hill Adeleke

Those seeking to oppress us got us good. Many of us are truly the ones Dr. Carter G. Woodson spoke of when he suggested someone controlling the mind also controls the actions, because we still automatically go to the back door and create them when there is not one. While other folk have sense enough to take care of, support, build, and preserve their own first, we are still trying to be !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 8, 2005 at 3:45pm

What can we tell our kids? 
Everyday is !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 8, 2005 at 4:06pm

Black Role Models Needed!
African American DADS in Danger

BILL COSBY has gotten rich and famous playing the role of an ideal Black father, but is he clueless or on point?

BIGGMike38665.4690046296 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: NDATRAP
Date Posted: Nov 9, 2005 at 1:55am
Bigg homie, dude i love u 4 talkin that real $***. Man, i'm going through that right now as we speak. I wanna say thanks 4 givin these young brothas this info. Real Talk. Im a father and I love my kids 2 death. The way Child Support is set up down here in Cashville is like slavery dude. It even affects your credit,drivers license, etc. They have female judges down here, that have personal vendettas against men, they having personal problems at home and take it out on the men. Its serious! Keep postin dat real. Knowledge is da key. HAFA D D  BR B   @ 

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 9, 2005 at 10:16am

Thanks man, some of these youngsters think I'm tripping. They young and silly. These youngsters gonna learn the hard way if they don't take this info and use it to avoid the fake. The women will destroy they young lives before they get old enough to protect themselve.

Child support will follow you for the rest of your life. Your child's mother will be lieing to your son saying your dad is a dead beat and he don't want to see you, when she will not let him see you. She ran dad away by being stupid and having a real bad attitude. No she's the dead beat pulling down the whole race with all that welfare, childsupport, hand out mentality. These young boys living with their mother believe all the lies their mother is telling them. A child is easy to manipulate if they depend on you to feed and shelter them. Young boys will believe anything if they can play video games and look at BET TV videos and eat everything in sight. They are "happy" and will follow a welfare Queen to the end. It's hard to get through to some of these youngster. But I'm gonna keep putting it down on these pretty boys who think they got it all figured out! They don't know JACK. Where is your father??????

NDATRAP it is so many brothers being almost totally destroyed by these wicked women. Single mothers are raising boys without fathers, then they don't teach them what they need to know to avoid pit falls like child support. Child support is modern day slavery for real. In Texas these women have lost their minds. They are turning GAY and attacking the few Brothers that left. The few brother that got it going on or trying to having going on, it's the Sisters, not white people, who are destroying these few elite brothers.  The Texas judges are the worse, they Gay and hate men. I went to court with my cousin, and he was told that his truck would get wheel locks put on it if he didn't come up with 4 thousand dollars within a month and half. Guess what, he's college educated and served in the Millitary for 6 years but can't get a job. The Feminist in Dallas won't even hire the man. He be scraping metal, junking, and doing odd jobs just to have a little pocket change. The judge threaten to put him in jail for 6 months. Oh yea, his mom is a CEO of a big company in Dallas. She raised him without a father, now he struggle cause she didn't teach him what he needed to know about these females and their feminist court system. He about to jack fools, but I calm him down and try to give him some job leads. He still looking for work. Sad man, real sad. Let his mom tell it, she did a good job, NOT!

You are right about the childsupport affecting your credit,drivers license, and everything else. You see this is the part that a whole lot of moms are not teaching their sons.


BIGGMike38666.4706828704 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 9, 2005 at 10:48am

Not all Black women are bad. My wife is a very good person. She will give you her last dime. She will take you out to eat. She will pay your car note, She will not put you on childsupport and collect welfare. She will not call the POLICE on me. My wife and I go to church and follow Gods words. She submits to me 100% like a Real woman is suppose to do with a Real man. Real women submit, but they will check you when you get out of line. I need that! She keeps me in check too. I like it that way. I don't need a woman that I can walk all over and don't need her to walk all over me either. There is a balance between man and woman.

But now days these Fake sisters have lost their minds and think they can walk all over a man if he is unemployed. What's sad, is that they KNOW Black men are discriminated against and some like it that way. Fatherless women!!! They don't know how to respect a man and don't know what Genocide is. I'll make'em respect me or they will pay the price for real. I'm not having it! I'm not. I'll crush'em before I let any female walk all over me like that. Get a pair of NUTS and stand up and be a MAN. They'll respect you.

Women are attracked to a man that is sure about himself. I know who I am. Do you? I'm the Grandson of a 32 degree Manson and the son of a 8th degree Manson, both of them have college degrees and or over 6 feet tall. We don't play and we don't lay down for no female or no man either. This is the mentality you have to have. But how many brothers have a good relationship with their grandfather and father.   I did, I guess that's why I'm about to have two college degrees and the women, well they can't stand me cause I'm not their door mat. Oh well, Lay it down!!! These youngster is gonna learn the truth about these fake women with this fake hair and bleached out skin. We call them House Negroes cause they in the house with Oppressors of Black MEN.

My resume says: Have experience! Will teach!!

!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 10, 2005 at 11:29am

There is a saying in the African American Community,........ Black women raise their daughters and nuture their sons.

What this means is, they teach their daughters how to live and survive in this white mans country, But only feeds and shelter their sons.

Matter fact they just buy them jeans and t-shirts and send them out on the block to play, and hope thier sons don't get kill. Let's be REAL. You know it's true. A mother and her daughter is tighter than a virgin with her ankles chained together. Aint nothing getting between.

This why Black boys end up in jail and the Black mother crying talking about I did the best I could. Well, YOUR BEST IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH. YOU NEED A HUSBAND CAREER WOMAN, WITH ALL YOUR DEGREES AND HAIR WEAVE. They caught up with trying to give the impression that they don't need a man, but all their sons are going to jail or getting killed. That's ehy the sister can't find a man because they keep doing the same thing generation after generation. Talking about they don't need a man. Fool, your child need a man and a father. Ignorance passed down from genration to generation. Weave and Make up, but no African American Pride! Why!

BIGGMike38666.4825 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: realvicious
Date Posted: Nov 10, 2005 at 2:40pm
BiggMike,  what's going on?  It sounds as if your very upset  Did a girl get you upset or you just letting us know how it is out there so we can be well prepared. ) adfapq a -%4 bp ).$br," -, ),% -$ @ 

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 10, 2005 at 4:38pm

I'm married. Been married for 7 years. Still married.

This is for my brothers, the ones who think is all good. BET Videos do not teach young men how the court system treat us when it comes to fake sister who grow up without fathers. That fake hair don't help.  Just trying to give them a heads up, you know, like mother do with their daughter but don't do with their own sons.

!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 10, 2005 at 4:39pm

Black Role Models Needed!
African American DADS in Danger

!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 10, 2005 at 4:43pm

When sister get mad what do they do? Get on TV, Radio, Newspapers, Mags, the Internet, and every other avenue they can and Tell everybody. So why can't a brother do it? Oh, we are males, we don't have the right to do it. We are not victimized by women are we? I'm not angry, just trying  to educate the young brothers since many Black women are doing a SORRY JOB at being a father and the court system doesn't care about us.


BIGGMike38666.6995833333 !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: realvicious
Date Posted: Nov 10, 2005 at 6:31pm
your very right. They go on major advertisements or the like then discredit us.  We automatically lose when we go to court.  Man your right we have to fight racism, the government, women, religion, and the list goes on.  Congratulations on you marriage.  There is far too many single family households here in the USA.  We have to move up and get our act together or we toast.  We men all know what right from wrong because our concience tells us.  Most of our women are wannabees but then you have the chosen few who are fantastic.  I personally wouldn't waste time chasing women like the majority of boys and men do.  I see everything that you recently posted and I refuse to be trapped like that.    I appreciate all the information you are giving to us.  I just hope that everyone applies they they learn.  Or yes we will be destroyed ) adfapq a -%4 bp ).$br," -, ),% -$ @ 

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 11, 2005 at 11:36am
Destroyed like the Native American Indians !-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

Posted By: BIGGMike
Date Posted: Nov 11, 2005 at 5:07pm

Originally Posted By: realvicious !d (,%0 $`` `e

Is there any one out there listening and using this info to help themselve?



!-) Pi d`d ra %! b` +$$` /4 %)%! -, $(% `r *$

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