Flattops on ladies
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Topic: Flattops on ladies
Posted By: Pixiefan Subject: Flattops on ladies Date Posted: Oct 31, 2005 at 8:45pm
I live in the conservative midwest, but have noticed (at least in Kansas City) some women wearing flattops. The pixie cut looks great, but the cute lady sporting the flattop is .....Just curious as to whether those in other places have noticed this trend. If anyone has some good pictures please post.
Replies: 14 Posted By: Pixiefan
Date Posted: Oct 31, 2005 at 8:45pm
I live in the conservative midwest, but have noticed (at least in Kansas City) some women wearing flattops. The pixie cut looks great, but the cute lady sporting the flattop is .....Just curious as to whether those in other places have noticed this trend. If anyone has some good pictures please post.
Posted By: tarheelgal05
Date Posted: Nov 1, 2005 at 4:44pm
I live in North Carolina, which is also pretty conservative, and I have only seen a couple of women wearing flattops. One is a middle-aged lady who I've seen a number of times at one of my favorite restaurants and the other is a girl I went to college with a few years ago. I think the style looks great on both (especially the college girl) and it definitely suits them well. In fact, I can't imagine another style working as well for them. I guess it is a drastic cut, though, so that's probably the reason that so few try it. I'm a 26 y/o woman and I've been fairly adventurous with my hair in the past, but I don't know that I have the courage to try it. However, I have been toying with the idea of a buzz cut, with some bangs left for somewhat of a feminine look (my hair is currently a little past chin length). If I try that and like it, maybe I can give a flattop a try!
Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: Nov 2, 2005 at 7:35pm
While I was on active duty, I used to work with a civilian who, when I first met her, sported a feminine version of a flattop. I asked her where she had it cut and she told me "at a salon in Alexandria." I then asked her what she paid for a haircut and I was appalled; she spent over $40.00. I told her when she was ready for her next haircut, I know a place that will do a much better job and for a sixth of the cost. The time for her next haircut came very soon and we went to Quantico Town to see my barber, a beautiful blonde barberette named Regina. I went first so that she could see Regina in action. Nothing new for me; just another great flattop. She stepped into the chair and received the best flattop haircut I had ever seen on a female; she was very pleased with the outcome. I paid for both of us and we went on to get some lunch. During lunch, she asked me how often would she need to get it cut. I told her I go once a week whether I need it or not but she could probably go every two weeks. She said, "sounds great; we'll go again in two weeks?" "It's a date!" I replied. She ended up taking a job in North Carolina but she was able to find a decent barber; no more $40.00 half-assed flattops for her.
HAWG2019-11-22 22:42:58
Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: Nov 2, 2005 at 7:46pm
I think that it was worth the $10.00 for the VOD (video on demand) to see Kat Surth get a flattop. Although she started out with an overgrown crewcut and the barberette was rather timid, the result is pretty cool.
Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: Nov 2, 2005 at 7:56pm
Posted By: xxxzvp
Date Posted: Nov 5, 2005 at 7:37am
Although my wife usually wears her hair quite short, about a year ago she went very short. She decided to give my barber a try, and wound up with a very short military style cut, very,very short on the sides and back, and about half an inch long on top. She liked it very much, as did I, although the comments she got on this extreme style were mixed. We also live in a very conservative community and some people think all women should have the regulation long layers cut that I absolutely hate.It seemed that people either loved the cut or hated it, not much middle ground.I think it made her look younger, thinner, and sexier, just my opinion. Now she sports a "chelsea cut", basically a buzzcut with bangs, and gets lots of compliments on it, I think this is about as short as a woman can go, without crossing the line to what people think is severe. If you are confident in yourself and dont care what kind of comments you are going to get, by all means give a flattop a try.
Posted By: ChelseaB
Date Posted: Nov 5, 2005 at 11:41pm
You have to have a very strong and pretty helps face to sport this cut. It would look horrible on me with my softer and rounder face. And their is such this as a chelsea cut? To bad I don't have a stronger face or I could get one of those.. %, Aaf*4`r ,%64"` #0 b` #.--!(%,!%!
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Posted By: djcalif
Date Posted: Nov 6, 2005 at 12:15pm
I think women with flattop haircuts are very sexy. I am fortunate enough to be with a woman who had several flattop haircuts during our relationship. She received many positive comments and I am sure many positive and negative looks. Her first flattop came at the sugestion of her hairdresser. It was fantastic! Though she has not had one for a few years, I never stop hoping!
Posted By: Kuroneko
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2005 at 1:19am
I don't care for flattops on anyone, male or female. I'm not sure why. . . too severe, maybe? Too harsh and military? *shrugs* Something about them just doesn't appeal to me.! % Aaebade d !, ` . 4``
Posted By: HAWG
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2005 at 7:20pm
Kuroneko, I'm sorry that you feel that way; this is surely the place to profess one's likes and dislikes. Take a look at the following link
I'm hoping that you'll find at least one haircut that you think looks good.
Posted By: always_alone
Date Posted: Nov 8, 2005 at 7:19pm
Kuroneko, they don't appeal to me either. Guys and chicks look um...a little trashy (on the website shown) in my tastes. | |