Help--22, hair thinning, hairline.....
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Topic: Help--22, hair thinning, hairline.....
Posted By: willplay4food Subject: Help--22, hair thinning, hairline..... Date Posted: Oct 14, 2005 at 12:20am
I'm a 22 year old male. Baldness is not prominent in my family on either
However...I've noticed my hair thinning on the front part of my scalp and
my right side's hairline is noticeably higher than my left. My scalp lately
has been tingling and itching.
I have had my hair dyed several times in the past 9 months.
Also....earlier this year, I had round bald patches in the hair on my left
What exactly should I do?
Replies: 2 Posted By: willplay4food
Date Posted: Oct 14, 2005 at 12:20am
I'm a 22 year old male. Baldness is not prominent in my family on either
However...I've noticed my hair thinning on the front part of my scalp and
my right side's hairline is noticeably higher than my left. My scalp lately
has been tingling and itching.
I have had my hair dyed several times in the past 9 months.
Also....earlier this year, I had round bald patches in the hair on my left
What exactly should I do?
Posted By: aseya
Date Posted: Nov 7, 2005 at 6:14am
See a doctor.
I have noticed thinning at the front of my hair line too, accompanied
by some sort of hyperkeratosis on my scalp. But I don't have any other
bald patches on my body. That could signal that something is wrong.
Hope I helped. Good luck.
Posted By: Kindofcurly
Date Posted: Jun 29, 2006 at 10:52pm
I've read that ppl genetically predetermined to have hair loss can experience it just in their head or in the whole body so maybe that's what's starting to happen to you. Also dyeing you hair that many times is NOT good for your hair.. See your doctor and if it's really allopecia prevent it, because it's much harder to regrow hair than to keep it.. or so I've heard. Good luck.