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Topic: Back to the Larger Lips Topic
Posted By: jeneesue
Subject: Back to the Larger Lips Topic
Date Posted: Aug 30, 2005 at 6:45pm
Has anyone else received the Lip "doo dad" in the mail to enlarge their lips? I want to order this too.

By the way, I'm Jen and this is my first post. Hi to you all.


Replies: 9
Posted By: jeneesue
Date Posted: Aug 30, 2005 at 6:45pm
Has anyone else received the Lip "doo dad" in the mail to enlarge their lips? I want to order this too.

By the way, I'm Jen and this is my first post. Hi to you all.


Posted By: niftygirl
Date Posted: Aug 30, 2005 at 6:56pm
I ordered the Lip doo-dad and am on my 6th day of the conditioning period which is 10-14 days. Then I'm suppose to go for the plumping effect. We'll see.....

Posted By: jeneesue
Date Posted: Aug 30, 2005 at 7:14pm
How does it work? And does it hurt? Are your lips chapped at all from it? And how long do you have to do it daily? Thanks for all the info, I appreciate it.

Originally Posted By: niftygirl d`$$"$` $ ` @``

Posted By: niftygirl
Date Posted: Aug 31, 2005 at 5:36pm

You do it once a day. First the conditioning period which is suppose to get your lips use to holding more fluid. That lasts 10-14 days. You hold the thingy over your mouth and pull the lever sucking your lips into the tube, hold for 2 seconds. Do that 5 times.

Next is the plumping phase, again once a day but hold for 10 seconds for 3 to 5 times.

Advanced stage is up to you as to how big you want your lips, you're just not suppose to exceed 2 minutes of continued use.

So far it doesn't hurt but I can feel it for sure.

Here's a message board for users of this product...good info. It seems like people who rush the process run into problems like brused lips or lips that don't hold the plump. Apparently the average time lips stay plumped is 5-8 hrs. If you notice your lips loosing their plump you can always go re-plump one or two times for another few hours.

I can't wait to see if it works, I'll keep ya posted.

Posted By: jeneesue
Date Posted: Aug 31, 2005 at 5:48pm
Excellent Nifty -

Keep me posted, I can't wait to hear!!

Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: Sep 2, 2005 at 11:34pm
I ordered it and it works. Keep in mind that it only lasts a few hours then you have to repump yourself, if you want. It's a great little item!

Posted By: jeneesue
Date Posted: Sep 3, 2005 at 5:22am
Great! Did you use it like nifty girl? for the full ten days? Like (I guess) the directions call for?

Originally Posted By: Syren123 d`$$"$@ $ !"

Posted By: Syren123
Date Posted: Sep 3, 2005 at 1:57pm
Yup I followed the directions! If you don't, your lips will get too sore, but even during the conditioning phase, they do get puffed up.

It's a neat thing. You'll like it. Plus the results look way more natural than most injection jobs - you don't want to look like Melanie Griffith, after all.

Posted By: niftygirl
Date Posted: Sep 7, 2005 at 10:26am

Jeneesue, this baby works! I love it! The only thing is that the big plump is lasting only maybe 2 hours. It's real gradual though. I'm going to keep at it because I read on that message board that the longer some women have used it, the results started lasting longer too.

You can definitely take it with you and use it throughout the day if necessary. If I could get a plump to last 6 good hrs. I'd never consider injections but if I have to do this every 2 hrs from now on it will get on my nerves. Everyone's body is different so you just have to try it.

One thing is for sure, If you were considering injections, this will show you what you'd look like.

Posted By: jeneesue
Date Posted: Sep 7, 2005 at 6:40pm
HAAAAAAAAAAAA, Nifty, you have me laughing over here. You should post before and after pictures so we all can see. I will have to order it after I pay my bills next week.

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